HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-18, Page 11.
50 year yTn 00- l*tra-7T-c U. . LUCKNQW, •ONTA1tIO; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18th, 1952
Ad••�'�•1� ,
rebuilding:P1,44 Hinge On . Ability
o Again Get Insurance Protection
The Anderson Flax, Products
inodern1•Y equipped flax mill was
completely • destroyed by fire
which raced through the plant at.
an early hour last. Friday morn-,
.�g, June.,13th. The plant was
• doomed" when• the conflagration
was discovered shortly , before 3
•a.m., and by dawn .thedestruction'
was .complete.
A calm night, and the cement-
iled;. steel r 'roofed building
which helped confine the flames
• and heat, almost :eliminated 'the
daiviger to the. firm's nearby stor-
age barns and the old 'frame mill
across the river; and to' the group
.= -of 'residences lying to the north
of the mill. A' stiff breeze from
the south or east. would have
threatened the entire section. AS
it was, showers of sparks at times
red'straight • upward, but were
'retty well, spenit by ; the time
y did. drift lazily away.
n "spite . of; ;the fact that the
anncame .in -the middle of. the
,ht, the fire truck incharge
• of H. D. Thompson was on ` its
way within .three minutes. Some
;200 'feet of hose, every foot the
Brigade has, was ordered laid by
Fire Chief K. C. Murdie. Lines
• were laid from hydrants to . the
north : _and weat 'oaf the .building,
and auxiliary hose were :run
in the pun per which draught -
Neter from the ° ri'v'er.
Explosion Heard
t was about ;.three a.rn , when
`and' Mrs.. Stewart Lavis,:.who.
'live'.;ieartb ` were • awakened b
y, y
an explosion and discovered the
upper.: -;part -of • the mill aflame
practically:' fram end' to end. Mrs.
Lavis ran to the home of Neil.
McCallum to phone in the fire
alarm • and Stewart dashed to the
mi11, where he was aided by Bob
ak who was 'returning 'from
London at the time; in pushing
a pick-up truck to safety from
where it . was , •parked at the west
end of the building. All, other
mile : equipment and truck.
• were either at thestorage barn.
- or in the fields."
Mr, and Mrs. Wm.. R. }lentil-.
ton, Con. 2,' I3 n Township,
hamoi . s .n es
the. "Griffin Farm' tram Robert
McNeil, and will take .up resi-
dence there. It ' is, nearby. the -
home farm, which has been taken
over by. .their son. Alvin, who has
'been in the truckingbusiness at
Hamilton ,for some ;time.
At the morning, service in the
Lucknow Presbyterian church on
Sunday, •June • 8th, Rev.. C. A..
Winn 'baptized five 'little .boys
and, one •girl. They were: Janes
Douglas Henderson; son of Mr,
and Mrs. James R. Henderson;'
John ,Irwin Carruthers, • son of
Mr..and 'Mrs Irwin Carruthers;
William Francis Hoak, 'son of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert -J. Boak; Barry
Edward Taylor, f son .of . MT. and
Mrs. George Taylor; .Peter • Mur-
ray Johnstone, . son of Mr. and'
Mrs. J. C. •Johnstone, and Sytske
Christena • Wiersrtna, daughter of
Mr.• and . Mrs. •Reuse Wiersma.
The explosion ,aged to renrt
a• hole in the steel roofand
flames were shooting thigh from•
about' the centre of the building:
• There: another loud report as
the Fire Brigade were hooking no
at the first hydrant:. It ' was a
• speotaca:lar fire that was visible
as far as, Amberley and attracted;
half the town -to• the scene, where
y stood •iglumly by to Witness
complete ' destruction of the
plant in: one of the worst indust-
• tial Eire'- calamities to strike this
pillage. •
Continued On page 10)
The death . iof . Adam .McQueen
occurred . on : Saturday in Wing
hair' hospital. where he had been
.a .patient for' over two ' years. ' The
funeral service was . held at
Johnstone's funeral home on
Monday••with interment in South
Kinloss Cemetery.
Miss Marion MacDonald, whose
marriage took -place on Saturday;.
was guest of honor ata pantry'
Shelf shower held • .at ;.'the, home
of Mrs. Ken Chester. on Wednes
day , oil last week. -
About twenty • young' ladies'
,were present for the' occasion
'when the bride -elect received
numerous lovely antd use
The . engage/tent is announced•
at , Mary Alice, Murdoch, daughter
of, John A. Murdoch -and the `late
Mrs. Murdoch, to Richard Cern eq •
McQuillin, youngest 'son of Mr.
and: Mrs. Herb McQuillin. the
wedding to take place the 'latter
part of June.
THAT the. annual. Navy League
tag day will :be held in 'Luck -
'now on: Saturday.` It is•.,under`
, the direction of J, . W. Joynt. •
iSteve Stothers, Jr., son of 'Mr..
and 1VI s,• S. B. Stothers of Luck
now, 'graduates this week • from
Michigan State College with; his
Master of Science degree... Con-
vocation • exercises are: not held
until later in the year. •
terve will "spend the, summer
here and plans to, return to Mich-
igen State to commence •a two-,
-ye-ar�course tor ,his 'Doctor of
Science degree:
Miss. Jenmte and- Noble Pierce.
have moved to Lucknow to. reside
and since coming to town . friends
off ,the Sixth Concession dropped
,in to present them with a',floor
lamp, bed lamp and electric
look-- r 'be alf. r- zTen; .rs- on -
the• Sixth and a few old friends
of the " Holyrood district.
The Pierce__larrr, _has„lbeen,_sold-
tto• Peter Carter, , Jr.. This .'farm
had been in • the Pierce tepidly
since it was' 'taken, up as virgin
land by their father, the late
Henry 'Pierce, Whoheld the
crown deed and was the' first
man, to ever cut a' tree, :on the
THAT workgot underway .at the
new •high school 'this week
when the,' top soil was removed
from the site of the building
in preparation : for starting the
THAT . Albert McQuaid, age ,84,.
underwent a hernia operation
in Wingham Hospital last
Thursday. :
THAT Miss Elizabeth land Pearl
.11 Henderson, also 'Miss, Mather
and Rev. A.* Macconnell have
returned ta.:the:' ,Haveleckt:St:
home alter' an ,absence of oyer
'two years; while e the ,home Was
being reinddelled and repaint
ed afterr:being' ,badly .dasnaged
by fire. •
•THAT Gordon Staters of ' Galt
has been. in' Freeport San at
• .' Kitchener for a 'few weeks' and
will likely/be there. Until the
end of June :A note from his.
father,- , Mr. Denzil • Staffers,:
states that ithas been pretty
definiely establishedthat_Gor-
don is not suffering from ,tub-.:
rto.j • the'-
a suspicion • of it when he en-
tered:..the hospital:,,
4 —o--+
THAT a "fire alarm was turned
in about 10.30 Sunday evening.
because ' .of : 'a, fire that •iwas
-burning briskly in the ,refuse
at the village durnp.
THAT due to. a sharp drop in
the volume of water in : the
standpipe use . of lawn taps, is
prohibited locally. until 'fur-
ther notice except from '6 to •8
. "p,rlrt. daily. ,
• Members of the Hackett ,con-'
gregation: in; Ashfield gathered at
the church last Thursday evening
for a social evening at which, a
presentation was. ''made to Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Alton ;and: 'Clayton
prior to moving to .Lucknow to
'Mr. Alton has-been an elder
in the; church and served as Sun-
un clay School superintendent. •
Mr. and Mrs. Alton - received a
lovely • electric lamp • . and . end
table : and Clayton was presented
with. 'a pocket alarm clock:
Eleanor ' and Margaret Anne
Murray, daughters of Mr. and
A. Murray of ; Kinloss,
have -successfully- - completed` , :a
one - year special, ,cornmercial.
course and !graduated. with ;hon- •
ors from the Loretto College in
Toronto. Eleanor 'has' accepted a
position at the• National. 'Carbon.
Co. Ltd 'and Margaret • Anne with
the:: Manufacturers Life Ins. Co.,,
both in Toronto.
received his degree ;of Bachelor'
of Laws•, LL.B., at the Univer-
sity. of Toronto graduation ,exer-
cises, held at Convocation Hall.
on Thursday, Jurre 5th. His par-
ents, Mr and • Mrs Neil McLen-
nan, and his sister, Miss. Jean
McLennan : of Toronto, attended
the graduation, markipg the suc- '
'cessful ' conclusion of his -four-
year :course of ' U. of : T. • Donald.
will ; attend Osgoocle Hall but his.
plans in this regard are not def-
initely decided. as.. yet.. '
St. Peter's Ladies' ;Guild met
rs. ": o ns one
on Wednesday for,, their semi-an-
'nual •'business meeting.. The vari-
ari-ous. committees ' presented` favor _
able reports which all showed in-
creases . over. 'previous •years. It
was 'decided to purchase an el
ectric water heater for the rec-
tory. During , the lunch period,
Mrs: Charles :L. Smith, read an
address • arid• Mrs. Stewart Levis
presented, on behalf of the Guild,,
a beautiful. silver •tray to Mrs A.
S. ,M'itchell, who will• be leaving:
• shortly for her new home in;
Hamilton. •
. Alex G. Mae•l:r> t --re., son': of Mr •
end Mrs,Archie M:acIntyre, • who
is taking 'a scholarship course. in
medicine at Brasenose College,
England, plans to spend the sum- •
per -in France. and : Germany,
The 'summer . vacation • begins
the end of June when Alex
go,to Paris
'for:a couple of months s
to.surdY' medicine and improve
his . French. He/will spend 'a'b'out
a; month. in Germany inorder to
represent a Canadian friend at
",Th "e , International Students'.'
Conference" :Alex had hoped tq
get to the ' Olympics- 'in Finland,,
but the games and the conference ::
dates overlap. . •
Alex' refers to ':some very real
liroblems-in--Europe, :and - after,
living with students' of. rnan, nat-'
iona sties one (begins to 'appreciate
the real causes of the First and
Second World Wars and of 'the
present dilemma.' There may_iiot
be.. ,a war for ::years and years,
but, headds, there is enough
dynamite lying beneath the Ger-
difficulties to twitch off the
fuse •'by . fall. •• . •
Alex • spent the , long. Easter:
vacation . by studying in London.
for two weeks, going .on. a• ten-
day motor tour of the Scdtish^
Hight 'rids and then studying foi-
ora wee with a medical friend in.
Leeds. , is , +
.4 .. dR.
Gamence:Work This
eek OnNew, Lucknow District High School
b . :I 'of ... ....:. w District High School. as designed by Architect Philip C. JohnstonPictured above is' a sketch �'the new Luelrno
of London. The building win be located at the Easterly ent>ancee to the Village overlooking Highway Na. 86.
r ,r ,