HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-11, Page 3WEDNESDAY,, JUNE 11th.., 19.52; . THE, LUCKNQWSENTf. •, L LUCKNOW; ANxARZCf; Local anenefral •Miss'•Mary McQural.g,-of Toronto is holidaying, with her parents,, ,Mr. and Mrs,' W. E, ',M'cQ iaig, Mr. and 1Vir's. T'. 'W', Smni!th 're - Awned the end of the. week ,from a 'visi•t • rn ' . e roi _. Mrs. Donald MoKinnon, Doug- • las and, Donnie are visiting •this. week. at Oshawa, vir.. and 1Virs, Albert. Alton' and Ernest Blake are visiting J�unnville. and Napanee. Mr. and MrS. Graham Pinkney :and son Glen •of Ajax were'week- nn visitors with. Mr. and Mrs.• 'red Collyer, • . Mrs. Etta, Roberts _ underwent a . _major' operation in' Victoria .Eoapital ori•1Vlonday of. last' week and is progressing .favorably.,. ltev.:C. B. and. `Mrs.' V oolley. ,pent' Monday . ,and.• Tuesday :of 1:ast week the •guest of their. son, •C -Eric- Woolley at • Chesley put- ting in the• garden' at their new, Lucknow Presbyterian: Chic' Rev. C. A Winn', B.A.; Minister, .. SUNDAY, JUNE 15th 10 a.m;: Sunday School. 11 a.m.: Morning .Service. 7 'p m. 'Evening Service. Wednesday, .8.00 Prayer -Meeting.' s�i�ai�or,o,, nu.U�►u n��uLr 4 • :!UCKN•O:W. ' ! UN1T'EDHU•RC'H :!�: !'Minister: Rev. W ; J. Mumford, i. 11I.t11. B.D., S.T.D. ( , SUNDAY, `JUNE. 1Sth, • 1952 Miss: Reheeca 'McQuaig left the Chicago 'her Mrs. Fred Mrs. iebel Were e,bel's Mrs. tigh- the Mrs. eraf Carruthers kwvell Mrs. W. ilSton Hamilton, 'R;'ae Buchanan Larder k,.' .on Bob con. Lake Kitchener Par- ents, nurse nr�ted Burl- ington th. a The regular meeting .of the ;LUcknow 'Womeri.'s Institute Will be hel:d'• in the •;•Towri iTa'll c n Friday, ..June' 13th• at 2 3a.1. •Host= esses are •'M•rs.. Gordon . F.isher, Mi's.•. Clark -and; Mrs. Salkeld:' Re- ports. Will be; received , :of the Guelph: Convention andWDistrict :annual:.•. Visitors with Mrs. Charles Lor•- enz. ° were Mrs :Albert. Campbell, Arri'berley; Mr. and. •1\ r s. Tom end of •the.• week for .Ch where she will holiday 'with sister Sunda ' irisi, 'Carruthers were Mr. 'and Joe Wall, of Teeswater, Mrs. 'Johnston of Listowel and 'Arthur Colwell, .of Peterborough. .Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey .D and family of Southampton week -end ..guests: of •Mrs, Di parents, Rev. C. B. • and . 'Woolley. Mrs. ;Eldon Lowry and daugh- ters Janet and ,Corrine • spent week -end' with her .mother, John Carruthers', W. J .`Fish Miitchell• visited Mrs,' . on :Saturday. d Mr,' Viand Mrs.' Robert •Bar and ' Carole, also.' Mr. and 'Mr T. Roulston arid UV. R. Ilam Spent the week -ends. in.:Harn and . attended the. MacKinnon wedding. . Mr. and'' Mrs. ;Robert and,,daughter •Snir1ey of L . -Lake' visited here last were. their Way to London where was a•�•dei.egate 'to .the Lions vention 'from thee Larder,' 'clu:b 1Virs, 'Tarr Haller of has.. been visiting with her. en•ts, M7: and:•Mis` Austin mon, while Tom•is taking a .c in business finance in ; the U States.They will move to ington later in ;the surritner; w •Tom: will.. be .associated_i,vi firm .of accountants. 10 a.m.: Sunday School.. 11• , a m : The Work./'of The Ontario • Temperance Fed- . etation. • 1 . 4 '7 p.m.: The White Tower. Study the language of igen tleness .refuse to use Words.' that•bite, and tones that,crush. • Anglican Church NOTICES Rev.• A. S. Mitchell, Rector. ' First Sunday` after Trinity, JUNE' 15th, 1952 • St. Pauls Church, Ripley 9.15 a•m. Holy. Communion;. • St. Peter's ,Cliureh; Luckiow 11. •a,rn.•: 'Morning Pra'ye.r and Sermon, • • 3l• Pauls:, Church, I iligannon 2.30 p. m: Evening Prayer and Address., , •; • -:,,_ .. .. ' A, REMINDER I'he Sev ty-Eighth Arnrii- ,versa'ry oaf t. Peter's' Church will be celebrated ori Sunday, Ane 22nd, with special guest preachers, T h e ` V►enerab1e Archdeacon 'VVI •A.: Townshend and, the Rev 'Chester C. • W, Mixer, Ret terbof Kitchener.: • Mary :1Vtoore of : Kincardine; ,Mr.. ;and 'Mrs ,Judas Cupskey of Pont- iac, Mich'.and Mr and Mrs Clan ence. Bell of Cleveland. Mr s.' Bell • is remaining, for. ,a • month .'with he'' mother:: . • Recent guessts• of Mrs. and Mrs. Wrn.. Bushell were Mr. arid Mrs.• James •Pollock, . Mi s H Mitchell and :Mr.:.- Matt MacDonald of Rip- ley, Miss Merle McPherson of Ottawa, 'Mr, Donald MgPherson. and Mr. and Mrs: Len Bothwell 'of London, Mr. and. Mrs Herman Fisher} and Allan of Benin.iller, Mrs. Walter Forster,' Janet and Donald 'of Ripley.and JVIrs."J. W. Colwell Of Kinlough. • ZION . • Miss Jean Ritchie of Huntsville Visited with friendA on the, line, Mis;aliuth' Rayna.rd of Wine Moran spent,• a couple o.c• days at her home, . • • :Mrs,'John Helm is with Mr., and: Mrs'. Jack Gardner., • Mie. and Mrs. George Hunter visited" Sunday ,at .the hone of Mr. Mind Mrs; latff' •Itac kcrtti Mr. 'and j Mrs, N tlsc'n .R yttiard arid boys .visited 5tincl y 'with' Mr.' and Mrs: Walter" Alto , • Mr. and tiVS.. G(orgc Pinkney. and • daughter of Walkbi toir visit- ed Sunday. with Mr. and: Mrs., Gordon 'Kirkland. , Church . will. be• 'gat 7'.:30 in the evening .ifor the rest of Juns:l , 1V[r. .arid Mrs. i,Boden , .rtel1te are, spending few '.days with John Ritchie and other friends. • BRUCE; DEANERY. HOLDS RETREAT AT ST. PETER'S The Anglican; clergy of Bruce Deanery gathered at St. Peter's: church on Tuesday for, their an n-ua ;--Retreat, conducted b-y-tthe Rev. Kenneth C. Bolton, the .Rural • Dean. Instructions. and redita- tions camrnenced at.2.0Q pini. and the Rev.' Dr. 1Vlurnford joined the group .for the day,. •Supper. was Served ir. the Rectory, followed by Evensong, Meditations .and Compline. On ' Wednesday, St. Barnaibas' . • Day,' after ' Mattins, Holy Communion was celebrated by the Rector, Rev., A ' S...Mitch- ell with Rev, K.' C. Wilton serv- ing as Deacon. At 10 aim: • rnedi- tations were•resumed, concluding. with noon -:day prayers=and lunch, The clergy were entertained at the homes of local parishioners ve. .y the Ladies> Guild. *FOURTH .CONCESSION Mrs. Hawkes Robinson of 'New market.• spent ••a few days' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anus , Graham. ' •' ',Mr., and: Mrs. Lloyd MacDoug-' all, Allan'•and. Grace and Mr. and Mrs: Ira, Dickie, Denver arid Dourglas enjoyed. �a •trip, 'to CQY•- unna 'on' :Sunday. , . • Mr.. and Mr's. Wes Huston and Grace: of Kitchener and: Mrs. 'E Lockhart ofL ucknow visited .on` Sunday at the home•: .of Mr !and, Mrs. • George Lockhart. • Miss Margaret MacDDonald of Sarnia and'Mr Graf am.:MacDon;- ald.; of Petrolia w•ere. home .for, the holiday. We are sorry. to • report • that{ 'Mrs: 'George. Gilchrist is• seriously. ill: With •pneumonra, ... ' Mr. and 'Mrs. Fraser'.MacKin- :non and Jiinmy'visited.;her sister, Mrs.` Wilson• in Hamilitan over. the -week-end: • Mr... sand Mrs.' . L.' Macf ver are spending a few days;oni: the 4th: PACE; TII M LADIES' A D. -..MEN'S SEAR• N . , TELEPHON:E 135, • .. TICS .' That Dad will like! Large colorful assortment in- i ' eluding -'new 'shrprnent of bows, so popular'for young -. and old. ,. , . ,.,. $1.00 to $2.qo �. NYLON SOCKS I 90 -day. guarantee, 10 rto;12,•Choice of color and q'ual- ity. a $1.00, . $1.50, $2,00'. $2.50 • u .. q • rrow,• = a our,' ors , e. Certified values, • sanforized,' assorted materials. Wide choice in _'size,, • - SHIRTS SHORTHORN; MEETING Bruce County 'Shorthorn ` Club is holding a livestockMeeting:;at roger,, Hood's farm, Paisley,. Wed- nesday; June 18th at 7.30 p.m.. The. guest speaker •is Prof.' R. G. Knox, head of the Dept, of Animal Husbandry; O.A:C., : Guelph. His topic will be__ "Testing of, Beef Bulls". T•hefirst, grdups of bulls have ;beentested :and it is found that •:the•:: progeny of • sorne: bulls make gain's . on one-third less feed.rthan• others:_ This should be: of interest to the commercial cat tie feeders in the district, •and :a1] a1e cordially invited to --attend. - CREWE • ,. • M 1 •price and color. PYJANIAS .... • broadcloth, and plain and' stripes;' An ideal gift that • wears. ..' Y • j!r ACCESSORIES belts, wallets, j ewellzy, braces, uliderwear, T shirts, garters, arm bands, handkerchiefs.. ESTABLISHED : 'THRO.UGH SERVICE' PURPLE.GROVE. .. Miss Edith `,Stanley is visiting at the• home of her father, LMr.. Milton Stanley. • • . We are sorry , to 'report : Mr. • Charles CQ11ins; _is . not :as_.w_ell as his many friends : would, like to see him. The monthly, meeting. of the ' Womnen's Institute • ,was held at the . home 'o f Mrs. "S.tewart .Need- ham.' last Wednesday with a 'large attendance. ' Mr and Mrs, Donald c _ .sh. D d1V1:Ca, Mary and Dickie, ; Mrs. Colwell' and, Janet' Forster were. visitors ':, :at '.Mr.••:and •'Mrs.' Dick -Richards on Sunday. . Donna -and Doreen McLeod of Ripley, Mary and Dickie • McCosh, Francis Scott: spent Saturday with. Roseiin Swan. Mr. Lawrence. Stanley of Tor orate -As -visiting at• his home; here:: Mr.. and Mrs. Victor . Gawley,..' Marlene, Thelma -and -Glad-ys 'vise ited at Mr, Alvin Ti awse's Sun- day. • • Painting • 1 Papering Sun .worthy: Wail—Papers 'Interior and. Exterior`. Spray. •or Brush STEEL ; ROOF; PAINTING We use • PITTSBURGH. PAINTS Sold by John_ W.: Henderson, Lumber Ltd. :Emberiin '& :Mac"nnes Lucknow. 194-m ' ., Wingham: 654-12• '' DURING ENJO Y A HARD DAY - • • • N ti • • r« Tie Cxc_we _United,Church. an-. niversary services will be 'held Sunday, June 15th at 2.30 'and 7.30.. Their minister, Rev. Geo. Watt Will :preach,, assisted by his father from Whitechurch Mrs. Amelia Treleaven' spe-,n.t the week: end ,with '1Nlr.'. and Mrs.;. J. Cur:ran. • . , • Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood. visited Sunday .. evening with :Mr. •and" 'Mrs., Les Ritchie. `: ' • tr Mr. and Mis, Jack Curran a.nd., Mrs, R. Finnigan visited In .De- trOit• i over.'the week -end and at=: tended the .candlelight Andersor= 'Dotibyn wedding Saturday even- ing.'t.t 7.0.0 .p.,rn. Mr. and Mrs.' Lorne Hasty and Will were in Stratford on 'Sun-• day' and Met Mr. and Mrs, •Aldon Hasty• an farnil;y •from Grimsby asci spo'nt.:the day with them there. , • SUCCESSFUL' BAZAAR The' Ladies' Guild, of S ,'.Pet- er",' Church field their annual spring Sale'of work an•cd,tea,' last Wedtle'.sdy. Owing •• to several 'other hapenings on.the same 'day, attendance was. leas -than • had been hoped for, but the results were surprisingly, :satisfactor,y:. the'} final': i:eports showed that complete returns, will be almost up to 'those of the peak year. The ladies wish tp thank all who help- d towardsthan' happy achieve ent. • • ,I . b. that you should' not pick the Trilliiurn, our provincial floral ;emblem. Since its three leaves are near the top of the stem, they usuallyget picked with the blossom. And as the .feaves feed the root, the whole p^ldnt dies. of starvation.:' Protect the Trillium it is part of `your outdoor' enjb'yment: CA'RL)N'o BREWERIES LtMii1'E[, WATERLOO TORONTO WINDSOR .M. N.13 ar .