HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-11, Page 1•
$2.50. Yearly In Advance `$1.09L Extra, ToU.SA
�.-LIJC NCIW .C?hiTABkS , VY T? ES7aA ', JLI IE.11th„ 192•-•-•,--
- --EIGHT PA4S'- .cam
Mrs. Russell Irvin was hostess
.for the grandmothers' meeting of
Blake's .W.M.S:,. Thursday,, June
4th, with an . attendance of six
grandmothers, rine non -grand-`
mothers and three :children; The
president, Mrs. C. Cook, opened
the, meeting.. Mrs. Saunders con
trilbuted a reading, also Mrs,
Cranston, Mrs. Curran 'and 'Mrs.
Woolley; while a, temperance
playlet,:"Social,' Drinking", _' was.
rel+ sto
Saunders, Mrs. Cranston and. Mrs.
W ,Irvin, The minutes and . roll
call were 'read by the secretary,,
Mrs. Curran.. • At the business per-
iod, the, allocationfor the- new
training school of the . United
Church was accepted being $275
for the charge, making, each ap-
pointment responsible for almost
$94,' with two •years . to raise it
Mrs.. Curran was appointed press
secretary. It was, decided that.the.
W.M.S.' would conduct .the church.
services on one . Sunday:: of : -the'
pastor's holiday, and that the
July ,ni"eeting should •be the an-
nual children''s "meeting in • the
hall; with refreshments .'donated
by miens members, and Miss;
Hazel Webster "invited .as guest
speaker. ,Mrs. Dick Kilpatrick was'
appointed to` prepare, - the • pro -
grain: At 'this•point' a presentation
was made to Mrs. Woolley, whp.
is leaving. for Dobbinton the first
of . July, Mrs. Cook: reading.the
following address: ,
Mrs.'..Wof e • ,
bear ly
, __. .. •. � � .
We, your. friends.of Slakes
community, cannot permit . you
to depart from our midst with-
out' an, expression of our esteem
and'regard. We hope, as you pre
pare a social cup (4 tea for your'
friends 1n,. your,,neW,.iarge,, .:you,
will sometimes think, of your old
friends in•Blakes community. We
ask, you ' to accepit these small
gifts .as a token" of "our apprecia
:tion--of,-al1. you ,•have' doner, for- us
during your stay in the .Ash f ield
parsonage::Signed :.oaa • +behalf' of
Blaakes, appointment, Mrs. wan.
Irvin and Mrs. Geo. Saunder...
1t the .proper moment; Mrs.
Curran, for the ' W.M:S., present-
ed a beautiful cup and saucer,
and -Mrs. Cranston, =for :the .coin- l
munity ladies, a• G.E. electric tea
i:ettle and silver .butter dish ' and
knife, Mrs. Woolley. waS ,taken
completely by surprise,: and al
+ overcome, but e
ladies, and invited them to • visit
•her at Dobbinton, and •apartake of
e.cup of tea made from the new
kettle and served in . the pretty
cup. ` '. .
."Blest be the Tie that Binds"'
was, sung; after . which Rev. C. w P.
Woolley: pronounced the .benedic
tion..: and a .,bountiful lunch was
.served by the "hostess; assisted by
Mrs. • R. Kilpatrick; : Mrs.Ir-
Win and Mrs. .C. Cook.
Presentation to Rev. Woolley
'At the closing :Meeting .;•for the
Season' of Ashfield 'United Y:P.U.,
after 'an enjoyable social evening •
it being�,
their last meeting under.
the.direction of 'Mr. Woolley, Al-
Vin Alton read an address re -4
greeting that, their associatioii was
drawing to a close and • stress
?ng their appreciation of.•his sym-
pathetic. direction, guiding ' and •
advising rather than: bossing their
.meeting; At the,proper. 'moment
Chester Hackeltt ;:presented Mr'.
,Woolley with' a beautiful table
reflector . and container' . of • air.
erh and flowers. Mr: Woo11`ey
was completely; surprised, but
thanked the YoungPeople, ex'
r p ,
. Pressing his pleasure in their Soc-
iety and regret that the' time had.
come ,for ''the' ".
parting • of tjieir
Ways, but hoped theytiiould Cori-
tine to .ca the ,.
carry on good work.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Curran,..Mrs1
herb '
Curran,. Mrs Raymond FinL
'VII and .'Mrs: Mrs. Lloyd . Hunter
spent the " ' . `t
week -end • 'in Detroit 'attereel the Anderson -Dob-
Sgt. George . T. Robinson has
been selected as erewgnarr on one
of the new jet planes : which leave
the end of the week fox Western
Canada to put,on a series of air
displays, We understand there
will be" 12 jets in,' the formation,
whioh travel at speeds up to 500
miles -an hour. There are two to
a crew. George is looking . for-
to the excitin
g and interest
ing; tour,:, They take off from Mon
treah on Saturday Sgt Robins
�. yndall Rollinson
of town. '
NttAt the;University of Detroit
convocation • exercises . held Wed-
riesday,.:June llth,: John Lavergne
MacM rllan; son of Mrs. John Mac: -
Milian of 'Lucknow, received' his
B.SC.' .degree, , having successfully
completed :a •four year course this
spring in honor science in .biology
and chemistry.. Lavergne . has.
since then. been employed in Tor-
The June meeting• of the.. Pres
byterianChurch Women's ,Mis-
sionary Society was.` held at the
church with Miss Mary.' MacLeod
presiding ,and • conducting the
opening exercises. Mrs. Clair Ag-
new took the Bible study:'
From -the .legacy left the.W.M.S.
by the. late 'Mrs.: W. J: `Spindler;
$500 was voted for relief in the
famine stricken areas in India:
Mrs ,George Kennedy gave:the.
Glad Tidings current: events and
•Mrs. MacFarlan led in, prayer.
'The topic, prepared by Mfrs. Clark I.
Finlayson, was readby Mrs. Rob
Wert . Reid.. Ruth Johnston . and
.Ghadys•Chin favored with a duet:
with accompaniment, by Mrs. A.
The• next • meeting • will;: be• in
August when the Horne :Helpers
and Shut -Ins• will . be entertained.
M.D. - �N � A.
• The : mid-June issue • of. ` Mac
lean's Magazine is of particular
local interest'; in that' it features
es., of picture 4epi
day's. routine, •of..Dr. W.'.V... John-
ohnston, as typical of that of. the gen-
eral ..practitioner serving "a rural
coir Lunn . •
The piotures_ run : i time se
uence froin .the Doctor.'s' $:30
' "ready=to-go':, "flower iii=
button hole" pose, until he' re
laxes over a game ,of bridge late
that evening:.' .In the card genie',
picture are K. L..1VIcKenyie, Doc-
tor Johnston, Gordon 'Montgom-
ery; Mike Sanderson and F. ' H.
Agnew. •, •
• Other pictures include the day's
"run of the mill'.' cases in the
office,, on. house calls and , in
the W ingharn Hospital and show
several patients as well as his
assistant, Dr..:.Mcl'.: Corrin' and
•Nurse Agnes McQuaig and dau-
ghter Nancy.
The pictures were by Maclean's
hoto 'r'apher 'Paul ,Rocke't sand'
tied in. with an • article oil: . "The
High 'Cost of Being. Sick" by' Sid-
ney Katz, a trained social worker..
andstaff writer for the, magazine.
He ,travelled 0,000 miles and
spent . four months•. in a detailed
examination . of the 'Problems .of.
the medical profession,' the hos
j.. and thehealth' plans acrdss
Canada as the... ' affect 'the indi'=
vicl.t.al, and in every y
met people sorely ,pressed by . the
high 'Cost of sickness. •
Because of rising health costs,
two inti pportant issues are shaping
u says Katz` .Ha•s..the time come
to introduce•national health., in -ti
surance? If so, what "• l Ind. The
last question, says the' writer, is
packed with dynamite. • .•
,• I„
1.1 SEE •B1'H E:
SE`NTI •N E1• ..•
on, w o suf-
fered a broken back two weeks
agio, has been placed in a cast
and is alble to be hoine; He is
reported to be making very en-
couraging progress.: .
THAT an Unofficial count of traf-
fic .on.. Highway 86 was made'
last . Sunday ;at a. point west of
. Lucknow. In' ,spite, of the fact`.
that traffic , was particulal:ly.
bea_vy :that- day a. -total= -of 648:
cars passed this point between
10.30 a.m. and 10.30 p.m. The
• chap who did the counting Pre-
fers ,to remain anonymous,. '
THAT a family gathering was
'held at the home; of Mr: and
,' Mrs,. Cameron , MacDonald • on
Tuesday evening to mark ..:the
;80th birthday . of their .'nether,:
Mrs. ,Duncan MacDonald..'
o-- •
THAT students of the 'Lucknow
District School 'will con
elude the term by taking ,.a bus
trip.to Windsor and to the Ford
Greenfield Villager in :' etroit
on Turesday,, .June 24th.: Two
busses are being chartered and
will' leave here at 5 a.m. that
horning. Students planning to
Make,. the trip should •••inform•
members of the Teaching'Staff
at once. " '
--Messrs. C. L."Smith, :Jack Ban
nister,. K. C.; Murdie and Harvey
Webster . were ° in Southampton
last Wednesday :attending a 'din-
ner meeting in. connection with
the.'Ontario Tuberculosis ;Associa-
tion Christmas Seal organization:
For the most part this .,annual
carri..paign is . tarried ' out on a
county 'organization .basis, al
though the half. . dozen groups
that .are. `operating. in -Bruce have
been carr in_ 'on. •iridividuall
The Lucknow. Organization had:
felt that 'the present'set-up was
the more • satisfactory locally;
.but after--hearing-they •riri�atter` ex
plained, '' with emphasis •:on the
fact:that the entire province was
to .operate on a .county. organiza
tion `system,. the Lucknow ,dele-
gates : are ' recommending that
Lucknow and.•Vicinity. join the
Bruce ' County organization. •
Two officials,will have to be
named to represent Lucknow on.
the County organization.
A' fire alarm was turned
about. 11.30 Monday morning
when fire .was 'discovered' in the
pumphouse at , the :borne of Mrs,
Cecil Gardner, a lialf:mi.le• south
.The puirtl? i$ operated by .a gas--
uline engine, but just what caused
the ,outbreak is uncertain . Flames
were. gaining a foothold when the
Outbreak vias'' discovered, .but
prompt action by the household
and neighbors who 'gathered had
the outbreak pr'.etty :well under,
control' with buckets when :the
Lucknow' Fire Department arriv-
ed after a quick run. The trudk's
small. hose 'was used to finish
the job and Make sure the blaze,
which• had reached the roof in
side the building, was'ceriplete�ly',
The purriphouse is located quite
c vse to the house and with
. outbreak
stiff breeze blowing, the
created a, real hazard
. Mr. and Mrs.. Len, Armstrong
of', Grand . Junction, Colorado,
spent a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. R:.Ulstpn in. friends Township and visited old friends.
in •Lucknow which was Mr,. Arm-
strong's . birthplace. He was a son
of the late Mr. and • Mrs: John..
Arnnstrong of Lucknow and left
here for ,the• Western States.. •`49
: Authorization has been recei'v.-
ed from Robert H. Saunders;
ehai'rrnan of the hydro -Electric
.Power Coanrnission of ":Ontario,.
for street lighting ,and system
improvements for the village.' of
Work will be commenced, this
summer assoon as materials .are
years ago. •
• obtained, .arid, it is: ;expected • to.
Mr and Mrs .Armstrong made . ibe Fall !before .the . yob is 'Com.:
par ,o :, ...err. , ' ip as
On their return trip they, -pan
.to misit in Wisconsin with his
• ' . Reeve J. C. Mclvab, ' chairrnen:
of ,the local: commission; points
sister, Mrs. George Potter (Min- out that the•i1:E.P'.C. has. approv-
nie),' 1V1r.'. Potter :was h .fcirrner ed. the expenditure of .$5,700 dor
harness` maker in Alex,: Ross' the program. .Mayoritem is the
shop.' Two sisters have Passed en, removal of hydro poles • from
Mrs. Roulaton (Sadie) and Mrs: Main' Street . to be replaced with
Joseph Scott •Wary). modernized and rearranged street
Mr. Armstrong is employed with lighting, and the addition of 13
the Rio Grande railroad ,;and is rew Street lighting standards
a .great ,booster for Grand Junc-• carrying 300 or 500 watt multiple
tionwhichis 'situated in the Cols enclosed; -type lunninaries
orado• Valley and. Is. known• as :...A t For B 'd e
"The:. G.aarderi ; of the :Rockies" PP -8
• At the June meeting of .;;the
Village Council, application- was
:made for the purchasing. oft;
steel'' ,truss bridge located
;Highway 4, just soutli of Wing-
ham. Information 'Was received'
from .the Departtrienit' of Hig>h-
A series, of prenuptial• 'events'
were .held during thepast week vinays . that it • was anticipated this
g bridge. would be removed.. this.
in honor :of: Miss Marion *Etc"susntixier, and requesting'
Donald, bride -elect of .this week. � q esting� that.: if
the Village'and
interested; they
Members of the teaching staff make application quoting"price
of LucknowPulali c. School pre- ..that; arrangements for.. the sale of
stinted, 'Miss MacDonald,. who; is the bridge might be comple
:A letter from . ;the Attorney
General's Department 'acknow...,
ledged receipt of a petition from
the Lucknow' Business, Men's As-
terion church .presented an' sociation; requesting 'stationing of
electric iron to -Marion, who : is: a: • rovincial constable in'',Luck-
terminating : the choir'leadershi P. `
' noir: The hatter vias referred to
after .0 long period. of. faithful theA' in:'
service in this capacity.rat. g �C+omrnissioner. bf the
Ontario Provincial Police. "
retiring as music supervisor,; with.
a tray and glasses.'
At a •weiner roast at Amberley
Beach, the choir . of the Presby
Trousseau Tea ' Three:appliications. for the posi-
Dn Friday a trousseau, tea was tion of Village' assessor were re-
held at the. home of,the:. bride- ceived, and it was . decided; to
elect, when many `friends called •have the-Coutity% assessor, Ever-
during,` the afternoon and even- ett Flannigan,. - with whom the.
ing; The ;guests were received ;'by ',local assessor will have to work
Mrs.., a 'H."Mac•Donald'and' Miss closely, interyliew• each applicant..
Marion MacDonald: The.. trous , and make his recommendation to
eau and gifts were displayed dur-. Council. ; x-:•
'ink the afternoon by. Mrs. W. A.
Porteous and, Mrs:. Caar,eron Mac-,
Donald, and , iii' the evening by
.Mrs,. Innes 1VIacSween and Miss
Gladys MacDonald.
* Mrs W rA. Russ d tea
n the afternoon assisted by Mrs
Russell poured
. L ttr Mrs. B. Taylor,,
Mrs:' A. C.• Agnew' and Mrs. J. C.
Campbell. In the evening. tea was
poured Eby -Mrs: •-R-.-V: MacKenzie;
assisted; by Miss' Maudie. Fisher,'
Mrs. Roy Havens, Mrs Williani
Douglas and Miss Christena Car.=
Winnie Stewart' has success=
fully completed a one yer ipe -
i e N. B �
-"al commercial course and grad
uated with .; honors on. May 23rd
from the H: B. Beal" Technical
Land- --Com-mei:dial- High -School in
London: She. has accepted a posi- •
tion in;', London ina the office: of
the Prudential 'insurance Com-
pany and commenced her work
The' staff of the Lucknow Pub-
lic School has been rehired' for
next term .at salary increases of
$300• to P Yincipa1 Stuart Collyer
and :$150 increases to 'the three
other teachers, MissRu:by Webb,
Mrs. Lloyd Hall. and Mrs. Roy,
Applications have . been receiv-
ed for the positinn of ,music sup-
ervisor, to succeed Miss Marion
MacDonald. who resigned, but an
official appointment had 'net been
made'' at -the,first of the week..
A .greatl. ' increased public
'school attendance .ii;' looked for
when room becomes available by
'the building of the new District
High School. It is indicated that
an increasing ntpnber of. public
school. pupils will then be trans-
rted to Lucknow and 'already
an :application has been reeeived
'from' the ,Second Concession,,
.school to have these students at-'
on June.2nd.
Winnie spent the week -end'
here at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart.,' -
Mr. and Mrs. •S: E. Chislett of.
Toronto have 'moved to the
dence north of the .C,N,R, which
they purchased sometime ago
from R. B. Quance .Mi ,Chislett
is retiring after 35 years' '"service• '
-With the Bell Telephone.
Mr'. ' Quance has bought and
•moved"into what is, knon' as the
:"sectioninan's"house'', from, Bruce
The' United '•Chu"rch• Sunday
School has presented a table lamp
to ,Dr. W. J', Mumford,, who. con-
chides' his .ministry here the end
of- this ,Month. on'th The presentation
was made last week at a meeting A
of the Sunday Sehooi executive
at the home df ;Mr. unci .Mrs. T A.
tend Lucknow It will be at least Cameron, and came as a Complete
another term before this could ,go surprise to D Muila,ford:': It was
into effect and Mr., Burden, who made by Mrs. Orville Jones and
teaches at the ;Second, has been Mrs. Veriton. Hunter ''when they
rehired for the. ensuing term, ", were' called on for "a duet":,"
^f -