HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-05, Page 2• sbacE T'WQ T IE tUCI TOW ;P,ENTINEI , LUTCKNOW,, ONTARIO KINGSBRIDGE, at". Donald Frayne arid. Miss, `:Rosemary Dwyer visited Mx. and Mrs. Gilbert. IFrayne oVer' the weekend.. • 'Miss. ' :1VXargaret >Kraeiner, a €raduate'of Brescia Hall, London • visiiiting her sister, Mrs; ' Gene .Frayile: Fr: Tom O'Keefe sent • the 'week -end with his mother, Mrs. V. O'Keefe and Mr. and Mrs. Joe. O'Keefe. Mr.. Desmond " O'Donnell is - pendingJ'soi ie time with his wife • ;at the O'Neil home.'.. Mrs. Kate Dean of Cloverdale, Ate., is enjoying . a 'two. weeks' Visit with Mr. - Will. Clare. Mr and Mrs. Ed. 'Redfern and f?avid-..:w'ere-Sunday visitors with, :• her slater, Mrs. Frayne. Congratulations to Mr: 84 Mrs. 1Lark Dalton on 'the arrival of another baby girl . in Goderich. hospital. • • Mrs. Walter Clare isvisiting' at. Chesley, Mrs Albert. Sutter was a •week- end yes or with Mrs. Mary Aus,.. tin. and ' Cyril; TRAPLIN 'FAMILY •REUNION • Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Traplinl formerly of Lucknow, had their family with thern recently for a reunion at the home of ;their sin, Major arid. Mrs. • A. M. Traplin of Meaford. It was the first "time the family of five sores ,and. 'two' daughters. 'had been: together in 13" years. Eleven grandchildren were at the reunion. Members of the Trapliin; 'ficin ily who attended included Major and Mrs; A. M. .Traplin and 'family, Meaford; Mr.' and Mrs. B. N. Jor- dar, Owen. :S'ouind; Mr. and: Mrs: J. A. Traplin,, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Traplin and family, D rham; Mr. and Mrs. G. F. 1? li - and.famil�' Owen ,Sound; Miss M;_ Triapliri,, `Owen Sound, and Mr. T. H,. Traplin, Port El- ler parents, Mr.: and Mrs. Ryan gin. • Guaranteed 4.:._jrastF_. Certificates A .: profitable' investment for your ' regular savings, Guaranteed Trust Certificates are , unconditi all guaranteed g� y � as to principal and interest' pay: 3r%., interest, payable half -yearly --- .'are short term -5 years • are authorized' investment for trust funds —= have no'fluctuation in principal In .5 years.$420.36. accumulates to $500.00. `� 1 T Invest.-wiseely and vc�ell THE.' • ' C "0 :IR' • P 0 ,R A. T READ OFFICE.: . 72 Buy 'fit., . toronfo _.. _.-BRANCH" OFFICE, 14 Dunlop St.,' Barrie • 8-2. • ZION. 0 HOLYROOD MAN CAUGHT SIG SPECKLED TROUT Our anniversary services were Ed�rrard Spitzig, vrib, is em - d on Sunday', conducted by • Baynard• Ackert - R v. Bryden of Ripley. Mrs. An pl•oyed.- Eby f drew Gaunt was` .soloistin the .Holyrood, hooked a big. speckled `' and the Dun annon. + ti out at r the week end in, the Morning-. g Teeswater district, Measuring, six- choir • assisted. in the ev.ening, 'rt�een inches "in length, the trout Mr, and Mrs- Chester Ritchie k -.end Ytald -an unusual girth and- ;tipped of . Detroit spent the. wee, ounces' • With Mr. and Mrs,' WiEll. Ritchie. the; scales at 2 lbs., 11 o Mrs.' Gordon Ritchie This speckled beauty will be Mr. • and Mr entered in the Wir ham Fish and d f d Wind_ • visite fora ew , ays,a ifl - _ sor; Game Club s biggest fish contest, as the Winghani Club has •thrown Mr. and Mrs.'Cecil. Falconer' of Wingh°am visited ' Sunday with ;Mr.' and. files.. George .Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and girls • of North' Bay spent , the week -end With Mr. and .Mrs.:Geo. Minter. . . . Mrs. Daisy McCharles . visited Sunday with Mr. and .''Mrs.Gor- 'don Kirkland:, ` Mr.. and ,Mrs. Walter Alton, Arnold.. and Frank, Mr. and.•Mrs. Russell. Irvin., and Jerry and Miss Dorothy Raynard visited Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. Nelson Ray- nard., . Mrs. Gordon McQuillin and .Mr. and. Mrs. Ebner Walk visited Sun.7 day, With, Mr. and Mrs. jake Hu- ter. . Mr. arid'' Mrs. Charles McDon- ald, and family and Mrr..an* Mrs.• Sam . Reid visited with Mr. and Mrs. ' Peter Cdok on Sunday: Rev. Mr. Bryden and son of Ripley speii t :'Sunday with M. --and •Mrs Frank Ritchie. There will be no church •next Sunday as it is' Hackett's aiFuiir versary. • - Mr. and Mrs.' Jim Smith` Viand these contests 'open to' members. of the newly formed Luc-Tee=Win club. . THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1,952 CHURCH, NEWS HaekeWs, W. M. S.' The Grandmotller's . meeting of •Hackett's W.M,S. was held Tues- day, May 27th at the home of Mrs. Dynes Cam,,pbell, with az attendance of 20, $i* of them be';. ing 'grandm'others..Thg president, I IYs,.__George� Alton, bPened _the._ eeting with hymn .249,, after which Rev, C.. B; Woolley ledin • prayer and Mrs. Cyril Camp- Abell read the scripture lesson,. Mrs, Bert. Alton lead in prayer, The secretary, Mrs. Andrew Rit- chie read the minutes and called the roll. The study book chapter* from "I Kept •My :"Powder Dry", was read by Mrs.. Isaac Nixon and K IN LO :U G; H. .Mrs. Bert . Alton., Rea'iin�gs 'wer e gfven iby . the grandmothers, Mrs; Mr, and MTs. ,lames M.. Hod'' Parrish, Mrs.' E. Wilkins, rs: gins spent ;al few days in .St, Cath- Cyril q Campbe11 and Mrs. C; B; .renes and ;.also attended the ;Woolley.,. *ie senior grandmother`• wedding of their niece, Miss' Shir-' . present was . Mrs.: Wilson Irwin :ley La Flan' at Buffalo; • ' At a short business session plans Mr. 'and Mrs. Harold Haldenby were • made . and ;corwnittees ap- and 'Barry spent ;a fe�nr, days, in• 'pointed for . the; garden' party. Toronto: with Mr, and Mrs.' Art Cards sof 1thank5 were read, and Haldeniby. Mrs.: Wilferd Iia,ckett displayed, Mrs. "(Rev.). C; N: Mace enzie ;and gave out material to be, made and Miss E. .Lawrence of` Cree- upfor the next bazaar.*"In' Christ more 'visited during, the• week with Misses: Nellie • and 'Margaret Mal1colm. The Women's Institute ' will Lunch was `served by the hostess meet today:"',(Thursday) at:.the assisted iby Mrs. Walter Alton Sr. home of -'.,Mrs.' Richard Elliott. Mrs: Wilfred' Hackett; .Conveners,: Mrs. 'Howard Harris United Church Evening Aux. :and.' Mrs. • Tom Hodgins, topic, The May Meeting of''the Even • triaveltalk; •;m o t t o ; Beautiful 'ing Auxiliary was held 'Mlay 20th thoughts, either *poetry or prose,. in the Sunday•.Schooi room -with 'roll call, A, dnywedsdmemibers • ..of ,the Presbyterian .. lunch,, Mrs..eice Torrefor, Hoewldgins, an. Auxiliary as gueats. In the 'ab - Mrs. Howard'Harris' (s),• Mrs': 0.: sence Of the president, Mrs, Ken girls of Molesworth visited Sun- .Elliott and Mrs Jack Ackert. (c)•: ' Murdi'e was in the . chair: Hymn. day: with; Mr. and .Mrs.Will Rit-•' Mr: and Mrs.'` Wesley Guest;, 504 opened the ' meeting followed.,; chic: Fred . and Jean visited during the . by •prayer by Mr's. Mum�ford:.Mrs; Mr. and' Mrs. R:,of Bere`of. week with 'Mr. -and Mrs. Milton Alex McNay gave' the report for ' • Dungannon ,visited Sunday with Quest . in •St. •'Thomas. • the sewing committee. Mrs, Mur• M'r.` and Mrs. Will: Hunter:: Mrs.' Clayton Nicholson. of .I-Hur- die spoke Ea wordof Welcome to there is.. no east .land..west" was sung after which Rev/Woolley closed the meeting with prayer. • AUXILIARY RALLY TO BE' HERE , NEXT•.YEAR • Fourteen Members of the local branch of the. Ladies Auxiliary :to` the. Canadi'an',Legion :.attended the Zone; .Pauly held in Chesley last Thursday .night:; :The Local group :made the trip Eby bus and included, Mrs • Les 'Purves,. Mrs. R. J.;.,. Can -wren, Mrs. Win; :Stim:- son, Mrs; -Sarah-= Collyer;-- -Mrs: Jack England,' Mrs: :Bob.. Reed, Misses Cora, and Rebecca Mac_ Quaig, Mrs. Noble Johnston,.: Mrs.' Gordon MacGregor; Mrs.: Roy Black; Mrs. Philip. McMillan,.' Mrs. .Lorne ' Johnston, Mrs; -. Margaret MacFarlane: ' ' The invitationof the Lucknow Auxiliary to ,hold the Zone •Rally here next "year was.. accepted., • • ,00 attn oral! a es A n f' At'every.age YOU need dairy • foods to grow on,to go on! They're brimming with energy and food value. Such goodness in a glass of milk; such flavour •'in a hearty .piece of cheese! ' Suchienjoyment'in ice•cream,, whipppd•cream', dr buttered • cinnamon rolls! With plenty of inexy ensi:ve dairyfoods.' inryour diet, you'`ll live better $and feel better too.' IV• M a1" t "Dowd . Dairy ,Lane.: Lister* .to this program. ori Thursdays 1:45- . 2:001p.m.. L.S.T. over the Trdris, .Canadtt ATepOork of C.B.C. • • .I • { '4. ENJOY NATURE S EINE FOODS .n.y.Y • J • a MYiM. iN i ��,� ■IIREAY . DAIRY IF000s . -AI vICI 409 Herron Succi+ Toronto • 'on spent' Friday with. Mr. and the `visilting_,._ladies :The June Mrs. Bert Nicholson meeting was discussed and it. was. Mrs." A., . Hodgins. 'of Detroit decided: to .have the regular: June. spent the week -end with her meetingM : , Mrs._ organ, }fender - mother, Mrs: 'John` Cox and• with son, ,president of. the Presbyterian Mr". and Mrs ' Mauricer 'Hodgins Auxiliary; took' the chair for the and;: otherrelatives here. :rest,of;the Meeting. The scripture • Mrs.. William ;Wall 'spent Sam- was' read by Mrs. 'Ronald, Forster, day, with. Mr.. and' Mrs. Jack The.• study;' book' ori bowchrist-• •. ' S.chumiacher.• ianity • begarrin South America •Mr. and Mrs Rudy Sieloff and was ' very ably ::taken by•:Miss, Calvin ofetroit visited over.the Gladys MacDonald. ,We.' were fav-' week-end'Dwith'. Mr. and: ' Mrs• tired with 'a 'chorus of girls and . Mlauri�e Hodgins._*., boys from Miss Webb's room. 'The -- On . Sunday • last the home of 'Bible stiffly on; "Delilah" wa:; • Mr':. and M'rs.' Ii. A: Graham was, taken'. by Mrs ,V.' A. Mowbray, A, the: scene of a . happy, gathering reading, ' was given by. Mrs:, ;Jack' -. Pollock. ,The ',current -events, were taken by Mrs Chas.: Mason. A ' duet - .by Mrs. L Wasney and Mrs. Jamieson was enjoyed; Hyrnn 38.0 ' ' was: stin and Mrs. Joseph Cassidy and Graeme, i son gave ..the •closing prayer - Mrs,.. .: Thelma MacDonald roved. a vote of, thanks to the.visiting `ladies ' when all members ,of their fam- ily were present.: They,were"Mr. and'Mrs..M. Johi storne, Listowel;. Mr. and Mrs. Levi• •Eckenswiller and Douglas,., London; Mr 'and_ g Mrs: -.eerie 1-lender- Clifford; HendenClifford; Mr:• and .Mrs. Jack Gra harn,' Ann. Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. George Graham, Mr.. and Mrs. •R;dy Graham and ,famriily..MVlr. and Mrs. Grahapa . are observing 'their 51st wedding -a iveraiy on Tune 12th. . • Mr. and Mrs. Maurice :Hodgins entertained anembers of • .their. f arnily on. Saturday, evening. We ame sorry to report, -that Mr. 'Charlie ,Collins has not'been enjoying the best of health: guest,`' "speaker at the Sund:ay• Mr. and, Mrs. Chris'' Shelton of School. anniversary' and . flower Sunday observed' .in; ,the United Church' on Sunday nidrning..13,6 '. Watt recalled with pleasure his boyhood visits to Lucknowto the fine !and -.ins ruc= tive program. A dainty. lunch s served by the committee in ch r.ge _.Mrs. jack Fisher moved . a . vote . of thanks to the United Auxiliary.. '•, ` . . - OBSERVED :SUNDAY* SCHOOL .•ANNIVERSARY' ' Rev. John ;Watt of Gorrie •wa • 'Lucknow called on friends here on Sunday. " . • On and Mrs.. Bert ' Nicholson .and " family : visited. Sunday with Mr 'Wand Mrs. Howard Thompson,: home of his grandfather, •.the 14� tr Purple Grove. • Archie Barbour. ' _ Miss Nancy Needhenter- Special anthems wererendered tained the 'P.? P.A, at her .home by -the 'combined Junior and'Sen- on Sunday. pan,'. The meeting open- ter choirs,'• and a mixed. chorus *of ed with' hymn 763. Prayers were students 'from Miss Webb's room . read by Morley Scott, Russell sang • a selection, They •included Barr" . and. Elizabeth S.cott Er.lma Jean Richards, Nancy Webster, Percy read' 'tithe ,scripture. ' Rev. Baulch . told 'a, flannel1raph' story and hymn • 768 was sung: Films.. are ,tb be shown. at 'the church' on June 2nd. The 10th. Con, will be in charge of the program. Con, ,tests were 'given by Erirna Percy, - Mary Lou , MacDonald favored with -a: piaho solo,' The meeting Jean . Mullin; Betty Armstrong. Nancy.• ''Irwin, Billy Ro'binsorl, Fraser Ashton, Gerard. •Mowbray and Alan' Chin. ' ' • The ,Sunday School attended - ,the service in a .body and ,heai`d• a most interesting sermon -story. Tho offer•i g -was • received Geor.`ge Richards, Ernie . Gibson. • closed with hymn 794 and the: Roddy Wraith. and .Billy Ritchie` • mizpah.•benediction. • A number : from , `here .attended Ffrst Wife' Can you actuall"' anniversary: services in Sgtuth tell by your husband's • Ta.ce, whether he's lying or not? • Second Wife:" Always -!If his •lips .. are Moving,., he is. the ani' Al E Mr. and MrS Kinloss on Sun . 'Alex .Percy and family visitedf..Sunday., with • Mr. and, Mrs.. Albert g`rafford, •Dur- ham.. ourh home. Mr. Wm. Stauffer after g two week. ' r, ,visitrn arid ,Mrs. with relatives and frienzls in Gertie Price: of %inloss returned Paris, trantford and' Galt. ye• arpl.., ri . v,,• -i , dr, •