HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-05, Page 1of
$2$0•• Yearly. In 'Advance—$1,00 Extra To
A banquet was staged onMen-
day night by- the Shoot Club in
honor ',of Lucknow • Bantams,,
win•ners of the all -Ontario Ban
tam "D" 'ch+arnpionship, and. t'he
Pee Wees' who were runners-up
in their series •in/the. Young .'Can
' ada Day tournament.
Mr, J. W. Joynt actedas Chair-
. 'elan arid • Mrs. Jessie Allin pre.
sided at the piano: for the singing
of Grace, and . the National:.An
them. A toast to the hockey, teams
was' proposed .by Cam Thompson
and was repliect to• ;by Morley
Chin, Hugh Hawkins, president of
the. W:0 A;A. was unable to be
present at the last minute 'and
.,Stuart Collyer. was .called. upon'
to present the W.O,A.A, 'trophy.
to the Bantam • team: ' This ' was
received by Jack Chin, with the
eply being Made by their eoach,
IAlbert Chin, who said that there
were , some.: !good' prospects on' the
"farm club'" and theyhoped to
be• back: with a, contender next
• winter.,. .
' M. L.' "Tory". Gregg presented.
031:H:A:.' -trophy-lto Kenneth
ra • McNay, , and, Stressed .just what
th 'it .. meant to be, Ontario .:Charnp.
he • ' He • defined the word as Citizen...'
ay ship, Hustle, Ambition, Manners;.
nd Perseverance, ,.S.portsmanship and
Ys . added' that: trhe.. Lucknow ::team
,r, •
answered that descriptionto the
ng letter.,
'as He complimented Jack chin for
ad '. his ability and went on. to say
that Bill'Young of Michigan, • and
;ra formerly"; of ,ingham;. had re
feregd a good
Many college. a,mes
e this' year and .reported that Geo:
'ch ' ` Clan' was one of. 'the; top • players
he' in the college loop,
m- "Tory" ,brought along withhim
his: • the W O A.A. Midget, ",D";''tro-
of � phy, won this.year by the Legion -
ay sponsored Midget teamand•which
he was On display along: with the
twoBanit>amn• trophies._._
Bob • MacKenzie, manager . of
the Bantams, reviewed thy'seas:-
on's , activites: He gave .credit • to
Bud Thompson, for the previous
work he had • done in training
these lads, and alsopaid tribute
to the work of A J,•; W, ]son es
.--assistant-manager and to Albert;
Chin'as: coach:.• ,
end :
• in•
All '
in- .
Pee Wee
crests Were e resented
Eby W. S Eadie `on.. behalf' of : the
Shoot Club to Otto Pedersen, who
turn the `ee
Wees. Lorne Johilston gave : the
financial report of the Shoot Club
wt. all showed.•-- over; -$80 has -"been-
donated to sponsor these teams,
apart from lunches they.' had been
Served. „ .s. •
Mr. Joyri called • on Mrs. A J.
Wilson,•: and:,then on Mr. Wilson'
who -presented 'sweaterswith the
W.b;AA crest ;on, the front, arid
the O:M.H.A,:,crest , on the back
to the following boys: Jack. Chin,
Ken:. McNay, Jim Wilson, ' Alvin
Baker, Jinn Pedersen,'' Boob 'Mor-
ton, George . Richards,;, Bob. Mow-
bray, Ian Marshall, Hughie Mac-
Millan, Bill Fisher, `Ernie Gibson,
Chars , Murray, . Steve 'Carnegie,
Barry Hackett, Roy: ;Einberlin and
Eugene • Gardner.., Kenneth : Mc-
Nay replieet neatly thanking all
those who :had 'made it possible
for them to enjoy such a never
J.y .
0. -he -forgotten- •season.
. ,`" ,
crests Were'• sewn on the
sweaters free of charge by . Mrs.
4Eert Ward;
fr • At the hockey boys' table ;a:
fry• miniature rink was set. up with
,fro realistic .. ice,,'player's,.. •
f,and goals,.
From ' eath player 'in the forma-
tion was 'strung ;a streamer 'con -
netting with his place card in
the form of a a • • p.air .of skates.: The,
novel idea, requiring a good deal.
of work, was carried out by Mrs.
• Jack Acke'r>t, 'assisted. by Mrs, Or-
rule Elliott.
-. Following• the 1�anquet "cards.
/nli d
a . were . f •
,.� anciri�, enl.oyed tb,.
4 conelude . a - very pleasant ieven-
Ing and .a red-letter night for the
:et Pe Wees and Bantling.
A • small, money-losing: crowd
cn Tuesday night decided the
Lucknow Legion to discontinue
.their''weekiy bingo series for the
-time being at least, These bingos
haven't °been, drawing profitable.
-crpwds and .the last two weeks
in' particular set • the sponsors
back considerably, ;.
The ' $200 jackpot . winner . on
Tuesday night waS.Mr.s. McKey-
chie of' Jamestown
George Alton of the Belfast
district is in W inghani Hospital
witha broken back , as the result
of a mishap which, occurred ,on.
his farm two miles' south of Luck -
now .on • Tuesday evening of last.
w:eek!shortly •after six o'clock:
George had chained a• roll of
wire and an, anchor post'on. his
tractor -,powered gravel and Man -
'vire shovel,' and was .moving it
to• 'Where. he was .doing ,some
fencing. The 'chain •slipped .and.
the wire rolled 'down . on George
striking him a hard::'blow `'on the
'b'ack and pinning, him against the
steering wheel • ofthe tractor,;
Mrs. Alton was . nearby . and
succeeded in 'freeing:, him. Help
was •.summoned and George was
carried to the ':house and from
there was rushed to Winghani
hospital, "where it was:determin-
ed that . his:' 'injuries: were quite
serious, 'with. a bad break`':about
the 'centre of his . back. He• has..
Suffered ,a..good deal from it,- At
the first of the -week, a cast had
still to be applied. After this is
done George , may soon. be. able
n •retur home and Move' :about
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Treleaven
and Ruth were in. London ' on
Saturday attending Western Uni-
versity . graduation; exercises at
.which their daughter, :Miss. Mar-
garet Treleaven received • her de-
gree in • secretarial science, •
• Margaret, in company with
three other University young lad-
les," sails from. Quebec ..'tonight
(Thursday) on :a `triYp to, Europe
and the Brieish Isles. It is ex-
pected their cruise and tour will.
take about, three 'month's. • '
Misg Marion MacDonald, June.
bride -elect.,: has been honored at
various functions'during the past
week.. •
On Tuesday of last week teach-
ers of the. Presbyterian Church
•Sunday, School met at the .:home
'Of Mr. and . Mrs. Innes ' MacS:ween;'
to present .her 'with:a silver cake•.
• 'On. Monday evening: the `.`Mon-
day 'Night; ,Club" held :a 'theatre'
art at • Hanover.' r
p • Y The . gaup.
Were joined by. Mrs, Win :A:•,Hen-
derson . 'of Walkerton arid ' Mrs.
Cecil, McAipir a •of Mildmay, both
former members of the Climb
When', in Lucknow. •' Plinth: fol.
lowed •at the 'home of Mrs:. Hen-
derson, sister of ,the; rbrdie-to :b'e•,
;when Marion was presented with.
e pair of . pictures.
Tuesday, night of this week the'
home of .Mrs: 'Morgan Henderson.
was the scene of another . pleas-
ant event, when .members of the
Evening Auxiliary of the Presby-
terian • ,Church staged a:. miscell-
aneous shower for Miss MacDon-
old. .
again, but he will be unable to:
work for• Soiree. Months' to come:
George has had more than his
share of misfortunet
health It was just about a ' year
ego, that hewas laid up for a
-tithe .With a .knee: injury:
.Mrs. Robert. Douglas suffered.
e fall at the Presbtyerian Church
on Sunday morning„ in which she.
•suffered a fractured wrist, cuts
and ' bruises her. • glasses .were
and: ,bruises. Her : glasses wee
broken in the fall. Mrs., Douglas
s ' o
w.as-taken to--:Wingham li p
for . treatment.,
• -
The Young Peoples Society of •
the ' United -Church ,held their
closing meeting for the summer
cm Monday evening at which they
presented, Dr.' W. J. Mumford
with a 'book, "Thine Is The King
dont".' Donald Thoiinpson, presi-
dent of the .Society, expressed
Rev. George M. Young, a for -
liner minister at South Kinloss.
Presbyterian Church, returned
lastSunday to conduct anniver-
sary services which marked the
9fith • anriversary' of the, establish- •
ing of,' this,' the oldest cgrega-.
appr` eciation of • Dr. Mumford's tion in the immediate ' commun-,
services ' and. faithfulness, to the' ity, ' . •. •
Society, ' and • Giady's . Kilpatrick ° Rev. Young commented that it.
made the .presentation. • • ' was a greet '• day for he and Mrs.
charge after an absence of, thir- ` '
teen years,. and added, that it
'bung to return to their former.
TO JET PILOT' delighted his heart to see • things
• Fiiends , and neighbors gathered
in . Lothian school on• Tuesday
night to honor PO, Jim Barger,
:son of *le and Mrs. Howard Bar-
ger, who was home on leave f rom.
Western Canada, before reporting
at Ottawa.
Jim will' soon be piloting
R.C,A F. jet 'planes; ;and • w:e ..up-
derstand•will be 'promoted' to the
rank of, Flying Officer
/ At last'.. Week's gathering , Jim
,was presented with a •lovely:wrist
watch on -behalf .of -the-toinm`un-
ity. The presentation was .made
by Arthur •Gilmore after; Lloyd
Cline -had read the fallowing ad-
dress: t•
Dear Jinn,
We your.; friends and neighbors,
laa;ve gathered here: ,tonight : to
honor one. f Ashfield's worthy
sons.. We are 'very happy to gee
you home ' again, and although.
`your leave; is: short, it •has meant
a great deal to: ,us, to have, you.
back: We, are very proud of the
many "promotions you have earn--
arn-ed; and the high ;rank younow
enjoy in the R.�C,A.F. We assure
-You . that t we Will .be folloWing
v•our career with pleasure and
•pride,. As •'a' mark of the high
Esteem we hold for you, we ask
you. to .accept -this gift : with our
very beat wishes.
The , evening wasspent in dan-
cing to ; violin :music: by Donald
McCharles . with piano ° aceompan=
iment'by Eldon .Henderson. .
" The annual •, Lucknow • District
High,Schooli Cadet Corps inspec
THAT Albert . Johnson -recently -tion was • held. last:,Thursday nasf
going .on so well'in the congrega-
tion, and: the. members speaking
so highly and enthusiastically of
the work, of 'Rev. B'a
:inch and ; his
+family, '
Special music was provided: by
the 'choir at both services, and ;.
.solos • by 1VIr. Wm.. F.' Thompson.
iboth . morning and • ,evening added
greatly, to the services. Miss Joyce
Bausch presided • at the• organ:
The history, of "Old .SouthKin-
loss" is familiar to some but al-
sways' bears repeating, ;The he Order.
-of- Service •used at the -anniver-
sary services caiified . the follow: -
in • historical sketch '.
The first, church. '.was:bus 1• t' .
1856. It was located at the ' north
end of the original one hundred
acre lot about one-half mile be-
'yohid the :Second' Concession and
east of the. Gravel Road.' , •
• It was a ..log building roofed
with c V rbeards. three feet :.long
split fro.in cedar .blocks. I,t's was • '
lighted by t 3 windowson each
Side. The igood ea' th` was the floor
end the first, seats . Were the butts •
pf logs. This :.priniitive:.,building,
sometimes referred to as . ."Mur-
doch re
doc ac e
M K nzie s Chiu h
the first Presbyteritan church in
•the community.
. Not long after this church was
Cbuilt the first• .Communion. Ser-
vice was'held.'in the woods' close -
by. In those early days --the Coni-
'niunien Season : lasted five days
beginning on Thursday and end-
ing on Monday. •,. '
It' was :in 1863 that the ' build-
ing ,known as. the Big Church'•
.was erected oft almost • the same
site es that _occupied by the pres-
ent church. The contraet was 'for'
$950, the Congregationto put up
the frame. This church • was for-
mally opened for worship by . the -
Rev —J ;mer—o-5f-TIiamesford. ,
The Rev: Adam MacKay, of Tees-'
water .came 'and' held "service
every' second Sunday until.. dthe
:Rev, John, MaeNabb . was ordain-
e"d and inducted in .1867:'Mr, Mac -
Nail* thus became the first :in
ducted' minister of this congrega=
In' 1881 the :Presbytery of Mait-
land declared. the .congregation of
South Kinloss divided.. The new'
congregation thtis fbrnied was
called Knox 'Church, Luckn.ovV.•
Many of the; folk of. South Kis
loss desired tokeep their own' , :.
church standing as it ,did On. hal-
lowed ground where' many loved
ones had been • laid to rest..
Services in English" and Gaelic
were conducted, in ; the original •
Big Church 'bet the sound of an.
organ was never heard, for the •
•precentor lea.. the . prise. It . was
psalms and paraphrases then that.
they' sang unto the Lord:. ' •
'The present church was., coal- �.
pleted in 1912 during the ministry
of the late Rev, F. 'A,• MacLen-
nan who was. minister of South
Kinloss for twenty-five .years.
'Anether remarkable record of
service. is that 'of the late Jahr.
Sandy MacDonald who served as
precentor' .for fifty years. For •
these. and all others who faith- •
frilly served in Old•.South Kinloss•
We. give thanks to the Lord, '
sold his general store business
4 .
Members- ' of three fish and
.game clubs- Lucknow, Teeswater
and Wi•nghain,'' met ,in . Winghern•
last Thursday evening toorgan-.
ize a' new fish and, game 'conser-
vation dub...which will be known'
.as.' "Lue-Tee-Win". , President of
the' new: ;organization, and one of
its chief prounotors, is Mr, A.. W.
Hamilton of~'Lucknow;;
The new 'club covers, an' •area
with apopu;l,ation. of some 18,000
people,' 'including the .Townships
bf .Ashfield; East and west Wa
wanosh,' Kinloss; Tui n
berry. and Morris, as the
three' urban centres that gave the
club its .name.
The meeting' Wag ^presided ovei:
JeSepli, JosephClark, and Mr, Ham-
ilton 'gave an outline of plans and,
activities contemplated,:' which
es an,extensive includ
ive stream re-
stocking program,' and game bird
propagation, with a crack -down
on- ,poaching, .
elected are: de-:
Other officers
p,, _ .
uty pres., JosepWing-•
h' Clark,
ham; .sec.-treas.., Geoi g`e ,Or vis,
Wingliarn zone vice -Presidents;
Teeswater:, W. J. Freeman, Albert
Worrall, Murray Lindsay; •. Wing='
ham,` Donald Cook, Russell Far-'
ilei, Fr
�ank Caskanette, Lucknow,
Harold Gaunt, •W. J.:; MclDonald,:
,k rt: • 1.
Ftiayriard • Ackert.. ,. .,
Zone secretary
- treasurers..
7'eeswater,' Hect'or 'Kink; Luck-
now, Wally freckles; Wibgtam,
George Orvis. '
• aft
t .a e& lie--to�A�Fr—acid-�=M•i
James Donaldson ` who., come
from the Listowel districts Mr.
-,_ land..,.Mrs.__.Jobnson._are, noi.v li_v--
ing near Newmarket. .
THAT the. W.A. Of. St. Peter's
' Church met at the Rectory. on
' Monday when two large bales
were packed; to be sent to the
Rupert House Mission.
THAT .Bill Chin has passed, hi.,
first -. year examinations . at,
Pharmacy, Illness forced 'Bill
to give up his 'studies two years.
• ago, but .upon regaining his
ago; but :upon • regaining his
health he went back to college'
last year; and his many ;friends
• lilere are happy' to know he has
rluded his
' successfully'co ,i � , . year.
THAT there was, a record=break-
ing crowd at the reception held,
last Thursda night in the Re
creational Centre, in honor of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Hunter, 'nee
1VIae Irwin) who were married
that day,, They 'were presented:
• with a, very generous purse of
' money: The young" couple left,
the next day oiii a wedding trip
to Bill's "formes` home irr Wes-
tern Canada.
r ..0- r
THAT A.13, Tom A. MacDonald,
'R,.0 N., is spending a 30 -day
furlough at ithe bole Of his
,mother, Mrs. T. A. MacDonald.
Toin was drafted on May' 31st
frown: H.M.C... Magnificent 'to..
Cornwallis, rit,S., to take an, 8
Months' radio core n?unications
• +course.
ternoon at the 'school• gro •
wen o f with efficiency and
despatch that won the praise. of
the chief inspection officer, Major;
Roy ; Bonn- er ---of the -- 21st Anti-
Tank. Regiment. Other , members
of 'the inspection party were
Lieut.. W. H. McKechnie of Son -
don' and William Rolan of the'.
21st Anti -Tank Regiment.
The afternoon's• program ' con-
sisted of the.,,general .inspection
.of the, .corps, march ,past; arae •
and. platoon• . drill, signalling, -a
'girls' gymnastics • .display to ac-,
compailirnent las the High School
'Band • headed by , Majorette • Car-
olyn ; Gibson; The 'Band played
several, Selections at, the conclus-
ion of the inspection.:
Cadet'Corp s -officers -were Corn=
minding_ _Officer Capt Donald
Handlenby; ''C.S.NM.George An'd-
derson; Lts. Wayne Johnston,
Murray McDonagh, Edna 'Reid,
Mary MacMillan, Audrey . Ross;,,
Sgts: Ralph Haynes, Brian. Hiltz,
Joan Johnston Joan Ha'milton
Mary Jo Anderson.
A feature of the 'inspection was
the presentation to the school by
the Grade•:13 graduating :class -df
handsome framed picttfres of.
Queen Elizabeth, .and Prince
Philip. The pictures were present-
ed by Noreen Kilpatrick and
Mary Jo Anderson, 'and were re-
ceived by Messrs. A. E. ,McKim
and T,. Salkeld, members of
the Lucknw District High School
Board, -
TKATI Steve Stothers ,attended
the i Agricultural ' Re resenta-
,tives' eony'ention held at,Ridge-
Mown last weep. • • -
THAT Bruce County Co' nc71 will
convene at • Tobe'rtnory' nein'
week, The ttontroversy over the
Walkerton .: Hanover - Chesley
high school district boundaries
will likely'.. again be aired:
, L