HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-05, Page 1of th :ss c- s- • er ad $2$0•• Yearly. In 'Advance—$1,00 Extra To LUCKNOW; ONTARIO THURSDAY., JUNE • 5th, 1952 • EIGHT PAGES:.. .,BANQUET., ,HONORS A banquet was staged onMen- day night by- the Shoot Club in honor ',of Lucknow • Bantams,, win•ners of the all -Ontario Ban • tam "D" 'ch+arnpionship, and. t'he Pee Wees' who were runners-up in their series •in/the. Young .'Can ' ada Day tournament. Mr, J. W. Joynt actedas Chair- . 'elan arid • Mrs. Jessie Allin pre. sided at the piano: for the singing of Grace, and . the National:.An them. A toast to the hockey, teams was' proposed .by Cam Thompson and was repliect to• ;by Morley Chin, Hugh Hawkins, president of the. W:0 A;A. was unable to be present at the last minute 'and .,Stuart Collyer. was .called. upon' to present the W.O,A.A, 'trophy. to the Bantam • team: ' This ' was received by Jack Chin, with the eply being Made by their eoach, IAlbert Chin, who said that there were , some.: !good' prospects on' the "farm club'" and theyhoped to be• back: with a, contender next • winter.,. . • ' M. L.' "Tory". Gregg presented. 031:H:A:.' -trophy-lto Kenneth ra • McNay, , and, Stressed .just what th 'it .. meant to be, Ontario .:Charnp. he • ' He • defined the word as Citizen...' ay ship, Hustle, Ambition, Manners;. nd Perseverance, ,.S.portsmanship and Ys . added' that: trhe.. Lucknow ::team ,r, • answered that descriptionto the ng letter., 'as He complimented Jack chin for ad '. his ability and went on. to say that Bill'Young of Michigan, • and ;ra formerly"; of ,ingham;. had re .SS feregd a good Many college. a,mes e this' year and .reported that Geo: 'ch ' ` Clan' was one of. 'the; top • players he' in the college loop, m- "Tory" ,brought along withhim his: • the W O A.A. Midget, ",D";''tro- io of � phy, won this.year by the Legion - ay sponsored Midget teamand•which he was On display along: with the twoBanit>amn• trophies._._ Bob • MacKenzie, manager . of the Bantams, reviewed thy'seas:- on's , activites: He gave .credit • to Bud Thompson, for the previous work he had • done in training these lads, and alsopaid tribute to the work of A J,•; W, ]son es .--assistant-manager and to Albert; Chin'as: coach:.• , end:. ler. iey end : gal; of yi • in• All ' the' in- . Pee Wee crests Were e resented Eby W. S Eadie `on.. behalf' of : the Shoot Club to Otto Pedersen, who turn the `ee Wees. Lorne Johilston gave : the financial report of the Shoot Club wt. all showed.•-- over; -$80 has -"been- donated to sponsor these teams, apart from lunches they.' had been Served. „ .s. • Mr. Joyri called • on Mrs. A J. Wilson,•: and:,then on Mr. Wilson' who -presented 'sweaterswith the W.b;AA crest ;on, the front, arid the O:M.H.A,:,crest , on the back to the following boys: Jack. Chin, Ken:. McNay, Jim Wilson, ' Alvin Baker, Jinn Pedersen,'' Boob 'Mor- ton, George . Richards,;, Bob. Mow- bray, Ian Marshall, Hughie Mac- Millan, Bill Fisher, `Ernie Gibson, Chars , Murray, . Steve 'Carnegie, Barry Hackett, Roy: ;Einberlin and Eugene • Gardner.., Kenneth : Mc- Nay replieet neatly thanking all those who :had 'made it possible ;• for them to enjoy such a never J.y . 0. -he -forgotten- •season. . ,`" , The crests Were'• sewn on the sweaters free of charge by . Mrs. 4Eert Ward; • fr • At the hockey boys' table ;a: fry• miniature rink was set. up with ,fro realistic .. ice,,'player's,.. • f,and goals,. From ' eath player 'in the forma- tion was 'strung ;a streamer 'con - netting with his place card in the form of a a • • p.air .of skates.: The, novel idea, requiring a good deal. of work, was carried out by Mrs. • Jack Acke'r>t, 'assisted. by Mrs, Or- rule Elliott. -. Following• the 1�anquet "cards. /nli d a . were . f • ,.� anciri�, enl.oyed tb,. 4 conelude . a - very pleasant ieven- Ing and .a red-letter night for the :et Pe Wees and Bantling. DISCONTINUE. 'SERIES OF 'I3ING0 GiA:MES. . A • small, money-losing: crowd cn Tuesday night decided the Lucknow Legion to discontinue .their''weekiy bingo series for the -time being at least, These bingos haven't °been, drawing profitable. -crpwds and .the last two weeks in' particular set • the sponsors back considerably, ;. The ' $200 jackpot . winner . on Tuesday night waS.Mr.s. McKey- chie of' Jamestown BACK • BROKEN IN.. FARM MISHAP. , George Alton of the Belfast district is in W inghani Hospital witha broken back , as the result of a mishap which, occurred ,on. his farm two miles' south of Luck - now .on • Tuesday evening of last. w:eek!shortly •after six o'clock: George had chained a• roll of wire and an, anchor post'on. his tractor -,powered gravel and Man - 'vire shovel,' and was .moving it to• 'Where. he was .doing ,some fencing. The 'chain •slipped .and. the wire rolled 'down . on George striking him a hard::'blow `'on the 'b'ack and pinning, him against the steering wheel • ofthe tractor,; Mrs. Alton was . nearby . and succeeded in 'freeing:, him. Help was •.summoned and George was carried to the ':house and from there was rushed to Winghani hospital, "where it was:determin- ed that . his:' 'injuries: were quite serious, 'with. a bad break`':about the 'centre of his . back. He• has.. Suffered ,a..good deal from it,- At the first of the -week, a cast had still to be applied. After this is done George , may soon. be. able n •retur home and Move' :about to d 'GRADUATED : SATURDAY; LEAVING ON --CR ISE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Treleaven and Ruth were in. London ' on Saturday attending Western Uni- versity . graduation; exercises at .which their daughter, :Miss. Mar- garet Treleaven received • her de- gree in • secretarial science, • • Margaret, in company with three other University young lad- les," sails from. Quebec ..'tonight (Thursday) on :a `triYp to, Europe and the Brieish Isles. It is ex- pected their cruise and tour will. take about, three 'month's. • ' HONOR BRIDE -ELECT • • MISS MARION MacDONALD Misg Marion MacDonald, June. bride -elect.,: has been honored at various functions'during the past week.. • On Tuesday of last week teach- ers of the. Presbyterian Church •Sunday, School met at the .:home 'Of Mr. and . Mrs. Innes ' MacS:ween;' to present .her 'with:a silver cake•. ,plate.. • 'On. Monday evening: the `.`Mon- day 'Night; ,Club" held :a 'theatre' art at • Hanover.' r p • Y The . gaup. Were joined by. Mrs, Win :A:•,Hen- derson . 'of Walkerton arid ' Mrs. Cecil, McAipir a •of Mildmay, both former members of the Climb When', in Lucknow. •' Plinth: fol. lowed •at the 'home of Mrs:. Hen- derson, sister of ,the; rbrdie-to :b'e•, ;when Marion was presented with. e pair of . pictures. Tuesday, night of this week the' home of .Mrs: 'Morgan Henderson. was the scene of another . pleas- ant event, when .members of the Evening Auxiliary of the Presby- terian • ,Church staged a:. miscell- aneous shower for Miss MacDon- J old. . again, but he will be unable to: work for• Soiree. Months' to come: George has had more than his share of misfortunet unearedi 1l health It was just about a ' year ego, that hewas laid up for a -tithe .With a .knee: injury: SUFFERED BROKEN WRIST .Mrs. Robert. Douglas suffered. e fall at the Presbtyerian Church on Sunday morning„ in which she. •suffered a fractured wrist, cuts and ' bruises her. • glasses .were and: ,bruises. Her : glasses wee broken in the fall. Mrs., Douglas s ' o ital w.as-taken to--:Wingham li p for . treatment., • • • I: SEE. : BY THE• SENTINEL • - P IWSENTED DOaK TO DR. MUMFORD x, FORMER: PASTOR •IAT ANNIVERSARY The Young Peoples Society of • the ' United -Church ,held their closing meeting for the summer cm Monday evening at which they presented, Dr.' W. J. Mumford with a 'book, "Thine Is The King dont".' Donald Thoiinpson, presi- dent of the .Society, expressed Rev. George M. Young, a for - liner minister at South Kinloss. Presbyterian Church, returned lastSunday to conduct anniver- sary services which marked the 9fith • anriversary' of the, establish- • ing of,' this,' the oldest cgrega-. appr` eciation of • Dr. Mumford's tion in the immediate ' commun-, services ' and. faithfulness, to the' ity, ' . •. • Society, ' and • Giady's . Kilpatrick ° Rev. Young commented that it. made the .presentation. • • ' was a greet '• day for he and Mrs. charge after an absence of, thir- ` ' teen years,. and added, that it 'bung to return to their former. .PRESENT WATCH TO JET PILOT' delighted his heart to see • things • Fiiends , and neighbors gathered in . Lothian school on• Tuesday night to honor PO, Jim Barger, :son of *le and Mrs. Howard Bar- ger, who was home on leave f rom. Western Canada, before reporting at Ottawa. Jim will' soon be piloting R.C,A F. jet 'planes; ;and • w:e ..up- derstand•will be 'promoted' to the rank of, Flying Officer / At last'.. Week's gathering , Jim ,was presented with a •lovely:wrist watch on -behalf .of -the-toinm`un- ity. The presentation was .made by Arthur •Gilmore after; Lloyd Cline -had read the fallowing ad- dress: t• Dear Jinn, We your.; friends and neighbors, laa;ve gathered here: ,tonight : to honor one. f Ashfield's worthy sons.. We are 'very happy to gee you home ' again, and although. `your leave; is: short, it •has meant a great deal to: ,us, to have, you. back: We, are very proud of the many "promotions you have earn-- ed; arn-ed; and the high ;rank younow enjoy in the R.�C,A.F. We assure -You . that t we Will .be folloWing v•our career with pleasure and •pride,. As •'a' mark of the high Esteem we hold for you, we ask you. to .accept -this gift : with our very beat wishes. i The , evening wasspent in dan- cing to ; violin :music: by Donald McCharles . with piano ° aceompan= iment'by Eldon .Henderson. . • CADETS : MADE FINE' SHOWING: " The annual •, Lucknow • District High,Schooli Cadet Corps inspec THAT Albert . Johnson -recently -tion was • held. last:,Thursday nasf u going .on so well'in the congrega- tion, and: the. members speaking so highly and enthusiastically of the work, of 'Rev. B'a :inch and ; his +family, ' Special music was provided: by the 'choir at both services, and ;. .solos • by 1VIr. Wm.. F.' Thompson. iboth . morning and • ,evening added greatly, to the services. Miss Joyce Bausch presided • at the• organ: The history, of "Old .SouthKin- loss" is familiar to some but al- sways' bears repeating, ;The he Order. -of- Service •used at the -anniver- sary services caiified . the follow: - g in • historical sketch '. The first, church. '.was:bus 1• t' . in', 1856. It was located at the ' north end of the original one hundred acre lot about one-half mile be- 'yohid the :Second' Concession and east of the. Gravel Road.' , • • It was a ..log building roofed with c V rbeards. three feet :.long split fro.in cedar .blocks. I,t's was • ' lighted by t 3 windowson each Side. The igood ea' th` was the floor end the first, seats . Were the butts • pf logs. This :.priniitive:.,building, sometimes referred to as . ."Mur- doch re doc ac e M K nzie s Chiu h was the first Presbyteritan church in •the community. . Not long after this church was Cbuilt the first• .Communion. Ser- vice was'held.'in the woods' close - by. In those early days --the Coni- 'niunien Season : lasted five days beginning on Thursday and end- ing on Monday. •,. ' It' was :in 1863 that the ' build- ing ,known as. the Big Church'• .was erected oft almost • the same site es that _occupied by the pres- ent church. The contraet was 'for' $950, the Congregationto put up the frame. This church • was for- mally opened for worship by . the - Rev —J ;mer—o-5f-TIiamesford. , The Rev: Adam MacKay, of Tees-' water .came 'and' held "service every' second Sunday until.. dthe :Rev, John, MaeNabb . was ordain- e"d and inducted in .1867:'Mr, Mac - Nail* thus became the first :in ducted' minister of this congrega= tion. In' 1881 the :Presbytery of Mait- land declared. the .congregation of South Kinloss divided.. The new' • congregation thtis fbrnied was called Knox 'Church, Luckn.ovV.• Many of the; folk of. South Kis loss desired tokeep their own' , :. church standing as it ,did On. hal- lowed ground where' many loved ones had been • laid to rest.. Services in English" and Gaelic were conducted, in ; the original • Big Church 'bet the sound of an. organ was never heard, for the • •precentor lea.. the . prise. It . was psalms and paraphrases then that. they' sang unto the Lord:. ' • 'The present church was., coal- �. pleted in 1912 during the ministry of the late Rev, F. 'A,• MacLen- nan who was. minister of South Kinloss for twenty-five .years. 'Anether remarkable record of service. is that 'of the late Jahr. Sandy MacDonald who served as precentor' .for fifty years. For • these. and all others who faith- • frilly served in Old•.South Kinloss• We. give thanks to the Lord, ' sold his general store business iy 4 . 4' r , 41 LOCAL M'AN' 'HEADS. NE<W GAME -CLUB :. Members- ' of three fish and .game clubs- Lucknow, Teeswater and Wi•nghain,'' met ,in . Winghern• last Thursday evening toorgan-. ize a' new fish and, game 'conser- vation dub...which will be known' .as.' "Lue-Tee-Win". , President of the' new: ;organization, and one of its chief prounotors, is Mr, A.. W. Hamilton of~'Lucknow;; The new 'club covers, an' •area with apopu;l,ation. of some 18,000 people,' 'including the .Townships bf .Ashfield; East and west Wa wanosh,' Kinloss; Tui n berry. and Morris, as the three' urban centres that gave the club its .name. The meeting' Wag ^presided ovei: h JeSepli, JosephClark, and Mr, Ham- ilton 'gave an outline of plans and, activities contemplated,:' which es an,extensive includ ive stream re- stocking program,' and game bird propagation, with a crack -down on- ,poaching, . elected are: de-: Other officers p,, _ . uty pres., JosepWing-• h' Clark, ham; .sec.-treas.., Geoi g`e ,Or vis, Wingliarn zone vice -Presidents; Teeswater:, W. J. Freeman, Albert Worrall, Murray Lindsay; •. Wing=' ham,` Donald Cook, Russell Far-' ilei, Fr �ank Caskanette, Lucknow, Harold Gaunt, •W. J.:; MclDonald,: ,k rt: • 1. Ftiayriard • Ackert.. ,. ., Zone secretary - treasurers.. 7'eeswater,' Hect'or 'Kink; Luck- . now, Wally freckles; Wibgtam, George Orvis. ' • aft r, t .a e& lie--to�A�Fr—acid-�=M•i James Donaldson ` who., come from the Listowel districts Mr. -,_ land..,.Mrs.__.Jobnson._are, noi.v li_v-- ing near Newmarket. . THAT the. W.A. Of. St. Peter's ' Church met at the Rectory. on ' Monday when two large bales were packed; to be sent to the Rupert House Mission. THAT .Bill Chin has passed, hi., first -. year examinations . at, Pharmacy, Illness forced 'Bill to give up his 'studies two years. • ago, but .upon regaining his ago; but :upon • regaining his health he went back to college' last year; and his many ;friends • lilere are happy' to know he has rluded his ' successfully'co ,i � , . year. THAT there was, a record=break- ing crowd at the reception held, last Thursda night in the Re y creational Centre, in honor of Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Hunter, 'nee 1VIae Irwin) who were married that day,, They 'were presented: • with a, very generous purse of ' money: The young" couple left, the next day oiii a wedding trip to Bill's "formes` home irr Wes- tern Canada. r ..0- r THAT A.13, Tom A. MacDonald, 'R,.0 N., is spending a 30 -day furlough at ithe bole Of his ,mother, Mrs. T. A. MacDonald. Toin was drafted on May' 31st frown: H.M.C... Magnificent 'to.. Cornwallis, rit,S., to take an, 8 Months' radio core n?unications • +course. ternoon at the 'school• gro • wen o f with efficiency and despatch that won the praise. of the chief inspection officer, Major; Roy ; Bonn- er ---of the -- 21st Anti- Tank. Regiment. Other , members of 'the inspection party were Lieut.. W. H. McKechnie of Son - don' and William Rolan of the'. 21st Anti -Tank Regiment. The afternoon's• program ' con- sisted of the.,,general .inspection .of the, .corps, march ,past; arae • and. platoon• . drill, signalling, -a 'girls' gymnastics • .display to ac-, compailirnent las the High School 'Band • headed by , Majorette • Car- olyn ; Gibson; The 'Band played several, Selections at, the conclus- ion of the inspection.: Cadet'Corp s -officers -were Corn= minding_ _Officer Capt Donald Handlenby; ''C.S.NM.George An'd- derson; Lts. Wayne Johnston, Murray McDonagh, Edna 'Reid, Mary MacMillan, Audrey . Ross;,, Sgts: Ralph Haynes, Brian. Hiltz, Joan Johnston Joan Ha'milton Mary Jo Anderson. A feature of the 'inspection was the presentation to the school by the Grade•:13 graduating :class -df handsome framed picttfres of. Queen Elizabeth, .and Prince Philip. The pictures were present- ed by Noreen Kilpatrick and Mary Jo Anderson, 'and were re- ceived by Messrs. A. E. ,McKim and T,. Salkeld, members of the Lucknw District High School Board, - TKATI Steve Stothers ,attended the i Agricultural ' Re resenta- ,tives' eony'ention held at,Ridge- Mown last weep. • • - r THAT Bruce County Co' nc71 will convene at • Tobe'rtnory' nein' week, The ttontroversy over the Walkerton .: Hanover - Chesley high school district boundaries will likely'.. again be aired: ssl .44 c 4.4 • • :.i , L