HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-29, Page 8rAGE latvlitr e` • • • • . • • rew Shipment In Of; . AlExs, PANT, ',.. . : ., sP4iitt-JAcKETs? • ' stoRTOid .DAES..'SIIIRTS and .T.IE, ' • , . NYLON :SOCKS' (new pair free if y9u can .wear a hole in • . them Nqthin 90 ---days) , . ., . Full Line. of 'Work Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Work Shirts andSocks, , Our Overalls Are As LOW AS ..... ,, . , . ..... ,........,...,;,.,.„4-$3.9$ - I. . .. • . " Ladies'resses . -. . New Styles in La4i,es' Dresses in nylons, inerrilons (nylon and acetate), pufe Silks, sheers, linens, criskays,: cloques. , , • , In the $3.98 to $4.98 Line; .., TEENA-PAIG/E DRESSES for the young lady who is looking ,for", smart styling at the' right. prices . . . . also a wide, <, selection a Froo,Crepes, Shan Kays; Ting Lings • •and Nortnandie trepes rkr4.Mo titte/C..$47, ONTARIO IT, SEE B THE SE.NTINAf4 (COutintied front Oak@ 1) • THAT Lawrence •Cumings has. taken over the Supertest Seg, - vice Station, succeeding Allan Uunter, who had. run it for the Past five years. lVfx. Cumings,' tWho. comes from the Walton district, hadobeen in the gara#e usliiess near... Sarnia before coming here. Th&CuMings fam- ily- is, residing in. the double house 'owned by W. L. Mac, Kenzie .on Havelock •St, and • recently vacated by John Mur, '• ,LADIES' AND. MEN'S WEAR. , 1. p reciation.e. , • h I wish. to .sincerely thank customers and -.friends for their past patronage and pleasant :— business relations while operating the .Super.: test Garage., In extending bust wishes to Ow litccestoY', Lawrence Ciiiningsj.beipeak ,for . hiin't con- , • . , tinuance:a. your. patronage and of •-„ . . . . . Sincerely, ALLAN HUNTER. • • ' • • THAT this was' a farmer's reply • oliday on Saturday, while to a friend who had commented other' ,business places in the on the length of his lane. "Yes, Village' . held Vthe holiday on but if I make it any shorter, . Monday. • There was general it won't rea41 to the house". confusion throughout the dis- sume' the duties of his, new. trict due to the lack of .uni. pastorate July lst, Rev. Watt THATtlie-.' Bank and- Post Office - formity -in-tobserving Victoria -is A brother of- Rev: Geo. Watt• observed the statutory 24th of Day'. of Ihmgannon. emommommommommommomommummullimm°1000Mmullinsiipmemesopmeilimammailiminialel 11 Easy To Prepare Foodi for: Istele-Moalsi • THAT Spence Irwin has com pleted the foundation of 'a new home which Mr. and-Mrs,..Wan. • Ritchie 'are building at Zion, and is ,starting • work on the foundation :for the house will& Bob Reid is inoving from :the .•High School site.' THAT S., B. Stothers addressed , The Colwanash Junior Farmers at Dungannon last week on the 'subject "Looking Ahead".. Mr.. Stothers • 'was introduced 'hy Clayton Alton. 4 THAT Ivan McQuillin, Grade :9 stuck* at ..Winglia.m. District • .High School. Was 'top. boy in his foima and will receive a day :at _the Ex in reCognitiOn of his • SucceSS: Ivan, , son of Mr.. 4nci, . is riAw home 'tin hf year's! work' On farm leave. • • • • • THAT the old adage. !thigh priced seed M the,.sPring—low priced potatoes in the fall"; may.. not 'materialize 4. this year irithe opinien Of the Ontario 'Soils and Crop ImprVernent Associ- ation. They • 'forsee reduced acreages being sown due to the high !prices this 'spring that have decided growers to -Sell t some seed potatoes for, table cOnStimption. • , ' • • „. THAT Rev. J. R. Watt Jai. Gthrie United Church has 'accepted a • call to Mitchell and • it •4 17,!). . • MLitren's. FREEZ.EASY 2. for..17c • FT DINNER 2 for. 29c : • Young man ,was loaned a Pai to —TWO -PACKAGES FREE . .t MAX 1p,th; 1052, A Few Of At .01,4r ale Boys' SUITS SPECIAL $4e 4, and 5 year 'W4th.-2; Ols.:114Y $10.95 AClroup of Boys &. Youths Suits. in sizes 6 to 16. 20% OFF OVERALLS Clearing at 69c, $1.49, $1,98 ..LADIEW.DENI111 SLACKS . •5zes 16, 18, • 20.4only . . Regular .$4.98.442,25.4 Sale PriCe . „; . . WOOL SPECIAL balts„ 25e . Cardigans& Pullovers --Ladies & MisseS7-a11 wool: . To Clear At '$2A9.• 'PhOne 89-w, 'Lucknow THAT 'Catherine Ketchabaw, year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jim Ketchabaw Para.; 'mount is convalescing from.an appendectomy .which she re- cently underWent'• in Kincar- dine Hospital: .. rrHAT'AVIrs. Willine B. Radford' -• of Edmonton- --says they. are having Very' early spring with flowers bloommg and gardens tip,. at g time ;when they. are OrdiriarilY just putting them in. ''• t! • . TliAit:,jack Colwell, sOn., Of Mr.' .arid Mrs. .george Colwell of • KinloSs, was a' hapPY lad: last Friday. He dropped into The, Sentinel. -Office '• to enquire about a:ince new billfold he „had ..loit with. a couple of dO1- .. lars in it; and Which he didn't • •expect to,' find, as it was a couple Of izionths ago that he loSt it. It was here:',jack had left it , in . Treleaven's Restaur- anti' and they turned it in to • our Lost and‘ Found'' Collec- tion. •• : • • • THAT the search !Or; a "stolen Car" last Wednesday night fol.- loWing the softball ganie, ap- ; pears to hafve been'. of saine Make and year. A district a mixup t o cars o . the " • ma.ke . a 'trip to Wingham but got the Wrong ,car. When the owner frnd it missing -after- the game, andwhena search failed to locate it about town, provincial •police were inform, ed• and the car was .. spotted , • n York,' 20 -oz.. • • ' •n WEINERS and BE#NS , • 394 I . , . If you like Ice Cream youll love FROSTEE Desert Mix, 2 for 29c or • 15 wiitin4-1 Si3AGSPAGHETTI-_ 2 'fait.:. 31c: . • ' ... PORK and BEANS so illierets--Alf-Yout--gave—T : !axles ,-20 41:Er..-_ Buy two pkgsof FROSTEE today2 or . al sin . send the pkgs. fronts _to . , Maple Lear _ .1 FREE FROSTEE, PM. Box 151$, TENDER FLAKE, LARD 2 for 29c ----- .Toronto, -Ont. . •ar They will send. you .5c in cash. a • (Offer „Expires June "11,th, 1952). Campbell's • VEGETABLE SOUP 2 for 27c A zt.1"eter'i Church, Luck- ' /SWanscloWn'Al.,Whitee and Chocolate. nowwill be the scene 0n -S •Winigham,, with the driver ap- •parently blissfully. unaware that' he had "stolen" a car, to see his lady ;friend. urday, June 21st at 2 pal, of the wfidding' of • Miss Jessie Edna , Marshall. arid Kenneth • Clayton Pfaff,. of London. 'Miss Marshall, a' '51 graduate of.Vie. toria Hospital School of Nurs, ing, is the daughter of .Mrs. W, •J'. Marshall, Lucknow, and her finance is' the son of *Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pfaff; London. • HAT, Harold Button's Orchestra from. Dundas made .a.hit with a large crowd that attended the Auxiliary • dance on Friday riight. Harold, son': of Mr. and 'Mrs.. R. J. Button,' who 'Plays •-• :the saxaphone, 'started' his, or,. chestra .Work 'here before going. to Hamilton, and said it Was thirteen , years since he „had played for a.dance int the Luck - now ToWn Hall. The orchestra had their own, Public address system and a master of .cere.•,.: • monies who introduced each • , 'number. 'Harold :presented' the' members of his band to the • crowdand dedicated one min,- ber, "Hold That Tiger" to, his Dad; who still has 'plenty of ' ,life ..whether it?s- in the hay . field or .stePping it off on the dance &Dor.. , 7 ) • . , THAT.' :Mrs: Wm. AlfeNall and ion Michael: sailed from Que. - bee, last sWednesday for, Fier -former hoine in England: ,They expect to arrive there:the end . orthisTotieek:±14r; Ahern' to Montreal, • Where they took the boat train. • .• he.hanquet in horiOr of the Bantain hockey team wi be held next Monday night in the Recreational Centre.' All • • a a ' . . n •n DOMESTIC SHOftTENING .2 c CAKE MIX; BO•THfor .. ... 64c " ..• . FRESH: FRUITand. VEGETABLES • PINEAPPLES ORANGES BANNANAS GRAPEFRUIT • lir • Size 12r Sunkist, .252.s ,Golden'YellOw . 'Florida, 9.6'S: fok• 95c 1.' Doz, 39c Lb.19c: . 6 33c • . , . FRESH ONTARIO: GROWN *4 • eaf Lettuce, achsh, Green Onions, Asparagus. .11 I, . 1 ' 0" • •, • ' • • .• • • , . ' • , • . • • . • ' 0 • • .0 , . I • cer Z. v4-4 • WELDELIVER - 'PHONE 20 • • * V V vli ‘e` - •44 .4" o' • • • :those who helped the Shoor Club (which is sponsoring the , • banquet) in any 'Way are'in- Vited 'to the dinner at.6 30 UNITED' BROTHERHOOD Of CARPENTERS and JOINERS • of America, Local 2222,. Goderich • / will hold its regular meeting in the LEGION HALL, CLINTON: • • • .1 ON MONDAY; JUNE 2ND AT 8,00 PAI. All members requested to attend. Urgent Busines. r A Any one interested is cordially invited. '4 "'• • • „ • e LADIES' SLIPS . Ladies' Twin -Seam. Slips, straight ,cut, four 'gore, wTin-beam Slips. One year. Ostrant.e.e_stith....e...tery slip. • $2.10 ea. 'of •t•••":. HOUSE/COATS Ladiesizotton house coats, Sizes 147,44., Ctitly $3 1, • .14,4VWV' .../••••Wv11,64/V.4•11",‘.W./v^V14AV4i41",‘ 11" ."1.• t., CHILDREN'S JEANS Children's Blue Jeans, ' .3-6xo Only $1i..49 pro • • • r • 'Ne;v4•41'Ne• • 44•44 v. 1 DRESS PANTS • 4 SPECIAL—men's, cotton • - • ade dress pants,blue and • brown strireg '$3.98; While They Last $2.98 pro ee$ '• et/. 4,4,4 , •kei•,•• :,.....,44444444,4,44,44,444444,144.4.4e. .44.41, 4;44.4;4 ;;;,,tot,,,,...rrLyt, 4•444,44.44144.44.,...1., ...,,eree.444144444ealeerasee..'4.44044444Ve!4•4•444 • 44.441.444444444444441,y...4,4 , d b