HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-29, Page 4�.i oi r, Y• • • PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO TOURSDAY,- MAY. lath, 19 2, FOR .SALE- -standing hay. S, B. Stothers, Lucknow, phone 224. CAR FOR'SALE• .1950. FORD coach, first class condition. Apply to IL M, Greer,. Lucknow:' '_ HAVE ' TWO • COLT tE, PUPS -- which will exchange for • a dog: • Wei. 'G. Armstrong,, Lucknow,, .HOUSE FOR SALE for renova.. ' •. 'ton.. Centrally 'located, Apply to Robert 1V1offat, Wingham, phone •632-J-2. FOR SALE _ 'Hardwood, ,,cedar kindling, cedar posts .and anchors, clothes line ' posts. Apply to J. : Weiler, R. 6, Lucknow. • FOR SALE -1949' seven '' cu..: ft. Westinghouse electric' ' refrigera- • tor in first class. 'condition. John !, MacRae;, Lucknow. , HOUSE FOIL 'SALE; -brick _house in Ripley, centrally located, mod- ern conveniences.. Apply to Box :5, Ripley, ':Ont; • FOR. SALE -cement septic, tanks, approved -by -the -Health--Unit: We - deliver . them. Forst'er's -Welding Shop, phone 206-r-.11, Lucknow. •' GRASS. AVAILABLE for 15''cat'- tle. Spring creek; shade, excellent grass:• Apply to K. L. MacKenzie, .R: 3, Lucknow;; phone.D.u'ngannon 32-r-13 FOR "SALE•=•pu:reb'red Yorkshire • boar and gilt, market, price; also. registered dual . purpose' 'Short= %An bull:. .Arnold' Alton, R. R: 7,,. • :Luck low,' phone Dungannon 67-r -•15., • • FOR SALE= -secondhand lumber .in Al' condition, . including . pine. siding; hemlock. sub -siding; hard wood and ' softwood 'flooring. Ap- ply 'at Shell Garage, ' Ripley,. phone 51-r-4 BULL LFOR SALE Maitland' ,Valley ,Farms,.offer • . for 'sale a •choice of . dark; red Shorthor ' bulls: of...servicea►ble' age, sired .by �Scotsdale• .Ac�ailles The' G:.. N. Underwood Estate, 4 'miles north of Wingham. •'• DEAD & LIVE ANIMALS Prompt pick., = up of `cattle,. horses, pigs & sheep. Luis:.horses fit for' aniinal• food picked 'up 'at. your farrn: averaging $35.0.. Brubacher, Wirigham;phone 608- AUCTION SALE Of . farm, implements, etc:, at the farm of W m. McNall, Con. 9, Ashfield on Thursday, Juice 5th at 2.00 p.m. Wagon and hayrack, disc harrow; riding • plow, two walking plows, horse rake, mow- er,. quantity' of "hay and oats, set. doulble harness, wheelbarrow, shovels and forks,. 3' chunks of pigs. The tarn", S W .Pt. 10, 641/2 .acres, • will be sold ',Subject' to reserved • bid. ' Terms cash. Wm. -Mc-' a11-. Prop:;: Wena'. Henderson,. A uc. .NUTICE•TO CREDITORS In The . Estate Of 'William ' J. McKenzie.: , All . •persons having' claims. 'against :the estate of William 3, •McKenzie, late of the • Township of : Kinloss,. in, : the . County • of Bruce, Retired Farrnei .deceased,' who_.•died ,on '.gr about the -16th day of April,; 1952," are hereby notified to send. in to. the under signed, 'Executors, on..or before the ' 14th . day ' of June, ' 19.54, full particulars .fo'.their claims.; •-Iinmed7-atelyvafter. the :.11th day_ MING EVENTS RECEPTION TONIGHT A reception will be held 'to- night, Thursday, May 29th, in the Recreational Centre, Lucknow, honor of • Mr. and Mrs. William Hunter (nee Mae. Irwin), Jimmy Pierce's. orchestra, Everyone wet- .come. BAZAAR AND TEA St.". Peter's Guild will- hold their June' bazaar. in ' the Auxil- iary Room, Lucknow, ori Wed nesday,' June 4th at 3.00 p.m. Sale of, homemade baking, farxcy work and sewing. Afternoon teaserved with a Ttieky •tea table. •gift ;SQNGMEN' COMING TO. WINGHAM ` ' After -the iS'ongmner's 'Eaton. Auditorium recital in ;March,. the Evening: Telegram .said, "Every face . of the Ifourteen • •Songm:en. mirrowed .the sentiment • of th`e'ir. song :"And, of course this was the secret of, their remarkable work. Harmonies are •smooth :and :.clear as...organ tones". He,ar, them at; Wingham.Unitted Church on .Junp 4th,' Tickets ' available at The Sentinel Office or . Unabach's. • Drug Store. One 9'f, The Songmen is .:a former Luck'noW 'boy', Wm.. F. 1;hormpson,' better known.:to his friends', here ' as' "Bill". ' A of ..June,. '1952; the assets of the ASHFIEL estate will be distributed amongst .the:.parties. .'entitled.thereto, 'haiv •in•g regard only to .the claims of. which' .the Executors shall then • have. notice • Dated at .Lucknow,.' Ontario, this. .19th; 'day of May, 1952, William R. 'McKenzie, 37 Sy. d- enham St.,' Dundas, Ont 'Donald' J. McKenzie, 767: King ;St West, Hamilton,.' Ont.,' Execu tors.• R. W. Andrew, their Solicitor herein..' w-1. NOTICE .. Notice . Of Intention To Stop Jp A -Portion Of WilloughbyiStreet. And A Portion Of Elgin Street In Village Of Lucknow The- Villa And• To Sell And' Convey The Same'To The :Lucknow; District High Sehool�Board: TAKE NOTICE that the •Muni, cipal Council of the . Corporation of the Village , of Lucknorwi will take; into considerationthe' Pass- ing, , and if approved;.will passat its meeting to beheld on ••Mon_' day, the thirtieth day of June, A.D. 1952; at ' the hour'•. of' --Eight o'clock in : '•the evening; in the Counc.iL.Chan hers_ nAlie 'Village Office in ...the said' .'Vil1age of Lucknow,. a By=Taw; for the .stop., LAWN MOWERS' -liopaired and:: sharpened. prompt and ; efficient "service see • or call; • . E: W. RICE, ` R. 2,, Lucknow• • Phone: 211-r-31, PERSONAL $1.OQ, TRIAL OFFER: Twenty five Deluxe. Personal Requirements: Latest . i catalogue included. The .1Vledico Agency, . Box 124, Term- inial• A,. Toronto Ontario:'• • CARD -,OF 'THANKS Mr., •and Mrs. Robert' Irvin arid • Betty,' .wish,. to thank • all those. t� ho •eniern:bered them at, the time . of their bereavement. Catherine•Ketchabaw: wishes: to • . most sincerely thank friends and neighbors for their. many kind nd; thoig'i. u.. 1 , 'whlie'in the hospital, and at hone • • ' . Walz. Robinson and Wayne. and. Ronald, wish to extend sincere ,thanks •to' friends, and.,neighbors far itheir •kindness, and sympath:• dur:rig the illness and at the time' of tae death'.of' Mrs.: Rob irison, ' 1 • ' May • I'' take this. opportunity of expressing ;my: thanks td friends. who. . so kindly r.enien:ibered me • with cards 'flowers an'd • treats, during my illness, My .sincere• Mega'egai �,.�...-_y� . pedally . ;.,.n to •m nee ' bo`rs.,es Jim • ,' Thanks a .so+ Docto'l's J• on and Corrin and the 'nurses rid staff of Wirighain General Hos . ital. THOMAS .G. BROWN , 4 ping upn"losing' tv pt ave1 and selling'. end 'Conveying tthe Lucknow . District' High fichool"Bdand .(a) That . part' of the.allowance for road 'known as Willoughby Street in the said: Village of"L.,uck- e' now, which may b • more , par titularly `described as follows:. be- ing,. all.that' portion of said Street lying between the Eastern limit Of -Bob Street and the East- ern limit of the: .Corporation of the Village of Lucknow.,, (113)„ That: part of the allowance for road known as Elgin Street 'in the' `Said Village of Lucknow, .which m,aybe more particularly described as follows: being 'all that' portion` of said street .lying between . the' prolongation • of the Eastern boundary of Village Lott 'Number (411) four hundred and eleven in ',a southerly 'direction ecross Elgi'ri Street'arid the East,. ,ern limit. "6 • e orpor the -Village of Lucknow. 'AND ,'FURTHER TAKE . NOT- ICE t'h'at the said Municipal Council..of' the Village of Luck now w 11, at the • above mentibned tune and plate, hear any. person, his solicitor or,agent, w'ho,. claims that his lands: will • be • preludi- tally affected by the said; pro- posed By-law and who applies at such' Council meeting to be heard. This notice is given and pub: fished purisuan,tlto the provisions ,of Sections 469 and •472 of the Municipal `Art. • DATED t-I,Cickrrot•-wthist day' of May, A.D. 1952 • E. 'HOWARD AGNEW, ' 'Clerk 'of the Village of Luck- nov�r, . • . Sunday ' .School , 'met in • the Presbyteri'an ,!Church on Sunday. morning' •.but' the :church • service: -was .withdrawn on account ':of''an- ' niversary i ' services" in Ripley Presbyterian church: Rev. R.. G. MacMillan of •Goderich was Y the guest speaker. • The Kintail: Branch of • the Wo-. men's Institute ' was 'well , repres- ented at the district annual, Clinton .on Thursday of, last wek. Showered Bride -Elect, The ladies of this. ,community'. spent a ' very enjoyable afternoon 'On Thursday • of ' last week at the home of .Mr: ' F..' .Barkwell ' when•,; his daughter Edna was guest' 'of honor. Mrs, D. A. MacLean oc- (. cupied the chair for a short pro - gram the last numiber, ,being an I address read by. James Nei son, wishing the bride-to-be lont. life'. and happiness in. her . new; 'home. Edna received a "shower •of' beautiful and useful gifts.. After the ; gifts had . been opened and the messages read she thanked the ladies most sincerely. 'Lunch: was-s_ered •and` a social hour fol-' lowed:' r -"The you .wwere, speaking t -o jack, seemed rather cold 'to you" 6, ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on.. Patrick St., just off the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye Exainination Optical Services 'Evenings: by appouttment. Phone: Office 770; Res.: 5. JOH N:STO'NE'S' ;FI NERAL.. HOME • ,.•''Phone' . 76 . • • Day, or N. tght ,Ainbulance Service • • USE OF FUNERAL HOME.. . At No' .Extra Cost • Moderate. Prices' • •MacLENNAN' and ,MacKENZ1E FUNERAL. SERVICE'' Services conducted : accord- ink to your -wishes at your. Hone,; : your. Church, or at our:• Memorial Chapel at no additional :charger AMBULANCE SERVICE 'Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or . Night .news Howard Agnew' Jos.' Agnew 1 _EMBER ' OF •Qntario. 'Insurance Agents' Association• GENERAL INSURANCE' Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones:... • Business 304( Residence. 138. APPLICATIONS ,WANTED ;Apel eatians :for the position of; - assessor.'• for the. Village ,of Luck - now will: be received by 'the ..un-, dersigned.. until Saturday, May., 31st, 1952: ;Applicants please state, qualifications.' Further particulars M y be:. had ' at The Municipal Office. E. H. Agnew; Clerk. 1 TENDERS TENDERS ;will :be received .by the undersigned until Jiine 10th, 1952, for painting the' ,pixtside of the Presbyterian Manse, Luck - now. ;Gordon- Fisher, Chairman,Board of Managers. • Service and Satisfaction luriIng • and• • Heating New,,Automatic . Oil Furnaces Installed --Now In Stock FURNACE REPIVI S Bathro:oni Fixtures &'•Repahs• SEE THE OIL RANGES " EAV'ETROUGHING AIR CO IDITIO'NING. • Artrt._ Gilmore , i. R. R. 3,: LUCKNOW 'Phone 61-r=13, Dungannon INSURANCE Co -Operative .Li-fe Insurance Co -'Operative ' Automobile. Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Economical and Reliable. ._ __ _::See • T. A. ,CAMERON •LUCKNO�W. Phone .70-r-10, Dungannon Kenneth J. MacKenzie R.O. .. Optometrist • LISTOWJL, ' .ONT.. W.111-'be'at W'rtina's'Jewellery 'store,.Ripley, 10-:a.rn :to'.9<p.'m., WEDNESDAY, JUNE •4th." .and every Second Wednesday:. Eyes examined Glasses:fitted For appointment 'phone Roy' MacKenzie, ' 96-r-24 Ripiley: • �O-OP N.SURANCE ,. . Can No Accept``' TOWN' It,ESIDENTS:• COMi ERCIA'L T•RtVC.I S.` as wellas the •farni .•business.. • DR1'. B. C,LELAND VETERINARIAN Iavelock St„ south of Supertest Garage • • LUCKNOW Telephone 175 BUSINESS and • TAX ..;SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS • •'For The Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer, • .S J. Plf MM P.O..Box, 74 - Lucknow, Ont. Office in Kilpatrick.. Block 'Phone 23-w • ARMSTRONG. OPTOMETRIST ' N GODERICH • FQR 'APPOINTMENT ,'Phone 1100 For •;`Appointment or Information See Win. A. Schmid, 'Phone 167-w ,' .Lucknow `.'' IN. RANCE SU FIRE, CASJALTy, AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Prote et Your' Jack, Insure With: 'Jack Today: J. A. McDONAGH L• R. 3, . Lueknow;'. 'Ont. .'Phone. 01=5,. Dungannon'.. • R.: W ANDREW Barrister. and Solicitor LUCKNOW,, .ONTARIO' Officein the ::Joynt,, Block Telephone: Office 135, Residence 3I-4 For 'information consult, T: A. CAMERON, LUCISNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-x10 ' 3c HN McMURCHIE; ItIi'LEY, 'Phone!. 204;-2,3 • • .i1C 4'10, r,alma= •• i Stuart , MacKenzie -- ---Barrister- and -Solicitor_ WALKERTON, ONTARIO' • iN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN. HENDERSON -BLOCK • Hetherington, K.G. Barrister, Etc. . W ingham 'and Lucknow • LUCKNOW . Each.'Y • 1Vonda - .. • and. Wednesday Located on'the ground floor: in -the;. front .vf John Kilpatrick's• Building 'Phone W•ngham ,. Office 48 `• Residence 91 Insure With The m u CulrossMf � u FIRE INSURANCE Ct)� for Reasonable gates, soured prn- teti'on '& prompt,' satisctoriY ' ` settlement •of clans. PARISH MOFFA:rte• Your ' Local Agent R. 3, T.eswater; 'Phone 1'eeswater 57-r-41