HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-29, Page 21,4
A. pretty • spring. wedding • took
1)lace at t he 'home of the.., ;bride's
parents 'on: aturday, •May 24th,
when lernadean •Eleanor, young-
er daughter- of Mr. and• Mrs. Al-
bert. Altdn was united in marriage
to Leonard'Ritchie,, son .•of 1Vlr..
and Mrs. Gordon' Ritchie„. Ash-
field. Rev. Dr. W. J. Mumford
performed the double -ring cere-
• nony assisted by ' Rey. C. B,
Woolley, before a bank of spring
flowers. .
'The lbride,,, given in marriage
by her,father, looked lovely in•'a
floor length gown of white' satin:
toriith full net. overskirt.. The Igiown
bald; a fitted bodice and' peplum
Of :lace with .<long' .fitted sleeves
ending in points ' over the hands.
Bet, fingertip gertip French 'illusion yeii
was h l b' ' ' a halo of orange
wa d ge
blossom and she carried a bou-
yuet of red roses land • shadow
• lace. Her only ornament was 'a
named necklace, the gift of -the
Miss Elmira; Alton, cousin .:of
the bride, was maid of honour;
She .wore a\ pink taffeta. dress
• with natehing tulle. heat and car-
ried, a bouquet of pink roses and•
pink white sweet ' peas: The juin-
. ,iior ..bridesmaids •were- =Betty and
Marjorie Alton, nieces of the
bride; And were sisnilarily' .gown-
ed in mauve and y,.ellow'dresses
.;and.=wor-ebraided ;coronets- to -
match and. carried nosegays of
• ' yellow roses a arid' mauve .sweet.
'Harold ' Ritchie was his broth
er's :best man. The .wedding music.
was played by Mrs. Blake Alton,
sister-in-law . of the bride,' and
during:the signing cif the register
'Mrs:;Wesley Joyrit sang "Through
At the reception the house was.
tastefully "decorated .with pink
and white streamers centred with
is white, wedding :bell and 'spring
flowers: ,The bride' another re
ceived' wearing .a , riavy blue dress.
with pink and White
accessories „and 'was • assisted by'
the'', grooms 'mother. in teal ,blue •
and ,white accessories. Each wore'.
corsage :- of swleelt ;peas. ,The
'` waitresses were•Miss Alma Alton,,
Idndon; Bernice Blake` .of Wing
• limit and Mrs..' Gordon. Morrison,
fir;" ,1,n' .,.....''
Walter Breckles hooked a mud ?.
puppy while fishing at Clam Lake
last week. The animal is sort .of
lizard like in appearance with a
prominent head and four small
legs. .They can live in on out 'of
the water and. it ' was hooked
when it wentafter. ordinary .fish°
bait. •
• Word has been received of 4the
death of Mrs. John ,Manner of
Moosomin, Sask.. She. Was ' 82 . and.
was born ID . Huron 'township,
Surviving 'are her husband,.six
daughters, . Mr's.' William Fraser,
and.' Miss'. Beth -Palmer,. Winni;=
peg; Mrs: Beatrice' Pearce; Los,
Angeles; Mrs. Willie/1i Leslie;
Burlington; Mrs. Wm. Tait, Ham-.
Ilton, an& Miss Alice Palmer,
•Moosornin; two sisters, Mrs.. Bert
Gray, London; Mrs. Charles .War-
dell, Huron; and two brothers,
,George •Henry, Ripley, and John,
, Lucknow. •
Mr. and Mrs, J. Blake and Ber-
nice of Winghain Visited Sunday.
twith.;Dave,Bert, and Edna Vic-'
Miss' Belle' Graham ofSo:th
Kinloss •. spent the week -end with
her sister, Mrs. Warren' Zinn. •
• Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Hunter, Bob
aid 11IIuriay:-visited Sunday -With
Mr.. and Mrs. J Curran. 8; :fam-
/ •
Misses Ruth and Sylvia• Cur:-
ur-ran and•Norma Sherwood attend-
ed a Y.P.S. weiner. , roast. in 'Kin-
'sardine: on Saturday.
Crewe United Church are hold,
ing their, anniversary services on
Sunday, ' June 15th • .with , their
new minister, Rev. George 'Wait
as' guest speaker and with spec-
ial •music.
Mr. , and .Mrs Clifford Crozier.
and family,' and Roy Maize visited,
Tuesday in .London
cousins, of ,the bride.
For a "motor . trip to .`Niagara
Falls,I Uniteda es _and points.
south, 4 •the bride wore a beige
galbardine suit, white nylon'
blouse 'and brown 'accessories.
She carried:. a beige gabardine:
top coat .and wore a. corsage: ; of •
pink ruses. •'
Following a •lengthy periods of
,failing; health' the death of Mrs.:
Wm. Robinson' occurred krl Vic-
toria. Hospital, London on Fri-.
day,. May 16th, She was formerly
Florence Isabelle Machines, dau-
ghter of the late. Neil IVIacInnes
and'Annie Beaton. Flossie, as she,
was familiarly known,, was . born
in LuclknoW 41 years, ago, 'and, had.
spent all her comparatively short
life yin, the .village. In .1939 • she
was married at Walkerten to her
bereft husband, Bill 'Robinson. of
', The -funeral .' service was held
at 1Johnstone's Funeral.. Home on,
-Monday,, May,19th, conducted' by
Rev. C,. A. Winn, of `Lucknow
'Presbyterian Church. Interment.
was in South' Kinloss Cemetery.
where` her aged mother was laid
to: rest -only .•a 'short time ago.
'The• pallbearers' : were .' ,Morgan
Henderson;. Russell. Whitby, Gar-
field 1VIacDonald, Lorne Wall,
Leonard MacInnes and Jinn Web-
ster. •
Mrs.. Robinson is ' survived by
her husband and son Wayne at
home, Ronald MacInnes of Wind-
sor; ;a sister, •Marigaret .of Corn
wall and four brothers, George:
and Jack of .Teeswater, : Dean. of
Toronto, Neil ' of '•Durham: and
Finlay of ;Aklavik, N.W.T.
•` Marty -lovely floral pieces paid.
tsilentTtriibute ,of respect ;and:
Te • Pararinount Women's: In
st'tute met at the home .of Mrs,
Fred, 'Martin' with la' good attend-
ance. •Mrs..Edna Ketchabaw, the
new president, took the .chair,
with • Mrs, E. Hackett as secret-
'ary. It was' decided. to , holdthe
meetings on the third Tuesday
of each; Trionth, The June meet-.•
ing is'to be held''at Mrs. D. Nich;
Mr, and Mrs. B. Gibson .of De
troit. 'visited. with: George . and
Susie Gibson;
Bob. Macintosh attended. the
Masonic (Shriner's) Convention
held at. Windsor„ ;
• Olifver Barkwell visited • With
Mrs; E. •Barkwell' Lucknow on
Sunday . ' . ' • .t v
11!I`r. " sand .Mrs; ' D. •'1VIacKenzie,•
Mr: and Mrs. Walter Dexter. and
Oliver .Barkwellvisited in Brant-
jj last Tuesday. .-
Mrs: Harold 13Uttoq of D. undas.
arid Mrs. Hurry Smith of Toronto
Visited with Mrs. D..M.lacCharles
and' Mr, and Mrs. R.obt'.: Hamilton.
Mrs. Robt, Scott •(nee. ,Amanda'
MacDonald), who has been a pat -
lent.' in Goderich Hospital for 11
(Intended for: Last Week)
The May meeting of the Mission
Band was . held et the home of
Mrs. Charlie Tiffin.• Mrs,' Bert,'
Moffat,' and: Mrs. • Parish ' Moffat'l
Were: in . charge' :of the program..'
,The new study, book "The: Child-
ren Downstairs"' was introduced.
After ;the meeting • the C'hildren•
worked on: the map , of ,South
At the Mother's Day service
last, Sunday, Janet Elizabeth.,°
daughter of -Mr., and Mrs. Gordon.
Wallsand', Donald Leslie, son. of
Mr. and Mrs. David Moffat were
Miss Doleana "Orr of London.
and Betty Ann -Lapp of Wingliam-
spent• the. week -end ,atWm.. Orr's.
a �n tel
over a .pro `t m , � can, to P
Talk e;tl do all he
m manager 1-1 • that. tough row.
you s�ooth
I. ' •
70 A 1111100 CAIACVANS
Lucknow Branch:
G. L.• SMITI-1 Manager...
CV1 O N .I'Rt.A
og}KING W�'fH�' CttiN�►ai• ►'NS .ill' : VER
1FE,` Siker 1'.81
it .c
,tYt.Ly.�• ...i�:.
weeks, 'returned to her hone af-
ter.convalescing . gat .the ,home. of
her. sister, ;Mrs:.' Robt. ..Hamilton.•
The mumps ,are -still going
around Mr. Allan' McCharles is
in bed with them.
• Miss '; Catherine Ketchabaw
THURSDAY,, MAY 29,0i, . 1952
In .every community there are
many individuals confined to
hones and hospitalsbecause o f
ill health .or'Physical disabili
who will welcolhe a visitor • on
Shut-In's Day, June lst. If you;
would know ,ta new adventure in
neighborliness 'searoh Put these
people, not , only on Shut -Ill's'
Day but on many days , through'
the year. You will find that icy
corner .not, to him w'ho seeks it
for hitnself;.but tohim who seeks
it for other , people, ,Let us re -
Member the shut-ins, . anct render
what service we ,can to them,'
• whenever • . the . opportunity. af -
fords. ' '.
out:" again after an appendix ap;
oration in :Kincardine.' Hospital.
We are .glad, to know 1VIrs. Geo; -
Wraith and infant daughter ` (nee
Eileen Henderson) who has: been.
in Goderich. Ho§pit!at;'has return.-
ed to her, home.. •
Gain 5 to10' lbs. New Pep
Thousands• who never;could gala gala weight before, now
pare shapely, attractive. egurea. No more bony
limbs; ugly„ hollows. They. thank Ostres. it pitta,
ales,}. on .bodles skinny because blood lacks Iron,
Pepe you up, too.improves appetite; .digeslibn eo.
food nourishesyou better. Don't fear getting too tat.
Stop when youf gain figure you wfkh Introductory
or "get-acQualnted"•site only GOO. `try.Ostrex 'l`unie• •
-Tablets for• new pounds. • lovely Curves, new pep,
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(Peal serva.ce Montreal s Toronto only)
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Any'C.N.R.' Agent w+11 be,pleas'ed tQ
assist you in planning your;trip.
t H;E