HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-29, Page 1!Molar i
$2.50 Yearly In Advance -^•$1,,00 Extra, To U s.A:
1Vlernlbersof the Kintail Br. anch
of the Women's Institute were , a
.proud group • of wo'me. n at the
district annual of: the..Weet Huron
W.I.°in. Clinton Thursday. They,
displayed a, prbduct of work done
by 25 of.their members=a beau-
tiful quiltwhich they entered .in'
sa contest conducted by the Salada
• Tea'CompanY The' quilt pattern;,
'A Tea •Party„, des.igned.:by How-
• ard'Cowan of Lucknow depicted .a
group of ' four characteristic W.I.
members dirnking tea •in ,'front
of • an old-fashioned heater on
which sat a . tea -kettle.,
This same group of, women won
$100: for a quilt theyentered at
the Canadian •National. Exhibition.
four 'years ego.
• • The "tea -,Party quilt" will com-
pete in
ompetein ' the London Area Con
vention competition. and from
therein the Tweedsanuir Cup
Ladies who Worked on the. quilt
were; Mrs. H. Cowan, `Mrs. John
Cowan, Mrs. Bob' ,Scott;• Mrs: Dan
Wylds, Mrs. N. G. MacKenzie,,
Mrs, 'Lorne • Fairish, Mrs _David_
McMurchy;.:�Mrs. Henry. MeeKen
zie, Mrs. Bert Alton (secretary),
Mrs. E. Wilkins, Mrs. AdamJohn
ston,' Mrs. Ray Dalton (presi.,.
'dent), Mrs. • J. Dalton, Mrs M.
O'Neill, Mrs.' R. MacKenzie,Mts.
Dalvid MacKenzie Mrs. W. 1.
Johnston, Mrs. James D. Little,
,Mrs. • Fred .:D MacGregor, Mrs. •
Russell:.'Bissett, Mrs. Wm. Ware-'
ing; .Mrs. Wilfred ` Parrish, Mrs.
t.. Ewart Jamieson,'; Mrs. Catherine
Reynolds and Mrs.; Richard ..'Mc
Ant iversary porkkers41411 be.
:herd on Sunda Oat :South Kinloss.
Presbyterian `' Church, with the
'guest speaker being • a former
minister, Rey. G. M. Young, now
of Forest. 'Guest soloiat at both
' services will be Mr. W. 'F 'Thomp-
son of Toronto Services will . be
at 11 a.m.. and : 7.30 p.m.
MacDonald suffered a
broken leg near ,ithe- ankle in a
_mishap on -Tuesday. _at- ,the -Luck-
now Sawmill. Jim ' was loading
some heavy ties on a'truck when
one slipped back striking himon
the, leg.
following .a heavy stroke which
he suffered last week death'came
to `Mr. • Jim. Graham Of Lucknow
in Wingham•.Hospital on Sunday.
He was 78 years of age: The fun-
eral' ser)ee'' , was held: at the
• Graham .home on Wednesday
• Conducted by Rev.' C. A. Winn'
.of ' the Presbyterian. Church. In-
terment was • in South. • Kinloss
Mrs. Charles Henry MacDonald'
2nnounces the engagement ' of
Marion :Logan MacDonald to
'Thomas Alvin MVfundell, Glenan=.•
nan, the marriage, to take' place
in June; ,
Mrs. Ford ..Brotcl ie Kincardine
wishes td '.announce 'the engage-
, inent'of herr only daughter, FloraMargareti ..
to James Wilmer Robb,
.son. of Mr, end,Mrs. Thomas`
`.Robb,• Amberle..'. • The 'Wedding.
place will take ....g
e rt-. June.
Mr. and •Mrs, Tom Hackett an
nonce the :engagement of their
daughter, Freda . Juan,: to `Mr.
Jones W ilmer Errington, son of
1VIr. ,and 1VIrs.
11 Victor ,E�rrin,gto�i,
ungannon, The wedding -to take
Place on. 8atur a.
day; June 14th at
' 2.30 o'ciacit in iliackett's United.
'Church, r
Lucknow ' District. High'School
cadet .corps will undergo official
inspection this afternoon (Tlaturs.
day) at the' sc.hool grounds. The
Corps, the girls' brigade and the
school ,band have: been drilling
and 'grooming for this' inspection,.
to which the' 'general public is,
cordially invited:
The Band. will present a ,pro,'.
gram:, of selections following; the,.
inspection. •.
will.,graduate. on May 31.st. 'at the
spring, .;convocatio.n 'of . the Uni
versity Of, Western .Ontario., They
are Miss Margaret ° Treleaven,.
daughter of Mr.* and Mrs. Har-
old. Treleaven of Lucknow, who
has ; successfully completed' her
secretarial : science course, : and
Wm. ;F, McKinnon, son of •Dan.
T. McKinnon of :Kinloss; who . is•
a busines s administration gradu-'
•ate . in. economic and political
'A' bus load of some, forty-five',
Lucknow ..Girl Guides, 'Brownies;
their leaders :and chaperones,:
motored' to : Toronto on Sunday
in Allan Reid's new' bus for 'a
'gigantic anti spectacular rally •at.
VarsityStadium attended by the
World Chief Guide 'Lady ABaden
Varsity`' arena -was ' filled for a
two . o'clock church ...service '• at-
tended bysome ,' . i 30 0 00 Toronto
Guides and �300'Provincial Guides.
The service .was followed by the
'very impressive March Past of
approximately '4000 Guides in
the V'arsi'ty : Stadiuni 'With- Lady
Baden-Powell taking .the salute.
. A visit .to the. museum and :a.
short stop . at the Parliament
Buildings were: other features•of
the outing. Both'' going and. re-
turning. the •party stopped. for a
basket •.lunch at ' Braitipton, ar-
home before ten :o'clock
that 'evening, to conclude. a most
eventful day, especially: in ' the
lives_of the. younger ` children.
The Guide party, included Lieu=
tenant Mrs. • Ken' Cheater,' .Mar
jorie Armstrong, . Betty . Arm-
strong, Louise Andrew Beverley THAT the Thomas'. Construction
Jane • Bannisters ..Company which: has ,the con-'
Eunice Button, 'Valerie 'Carnegie; tract for the new Lucknow.a
'Marilyn' Cocksworth,' Ann Craw ;District: 'High ,School, has �m'
ford, Rozella • *Wald; Marlene ' ed i'ts: toolhouse to thea grounds
• -uri er, .anew Jo nston . Doppia- and has done. a---liattl'e' prelim
Jahnston, t Marilyn • Kilpatrick,, iIlary ,work: • •
Garda Logtenberg, Edith Mar- -.•
' � . 'Re
. ie
: t that
'r`en regret
Ann 1'ede s �> we 'lear�i• with e� e
shah, ,,. HAT g
vie, Charlene 'Smith; Ruth , _'Tre- , Rev. •A: S. Mitchell. ,will con-'
elude his ' duties: as rector .'of
St. Peter's and ''adjoining ;par
ishes :at the end, of •June when'
, he retires from' the ministry.
• —0---
Jimnly Mathers. of town bel&
the'lucky ticket on. the television
set raffled off on Friday night
by the'Lucknow Hockey 'Club in
aid of Roy Havens who'suffered
,a. broken leg' during,, the hockey
acason.• •
The draw a was made at the Lad-
ies' Auxiliary dance, ..With the'
ticket being drawn by a member
of L .:Harold . -Button's orchestra.
Jim's good ,luck . was a •populai
win, and whether it's Mickey or
ball, Lu know .hasn't' a more 'ard- 1
ent • supporter, than the •..winner
daughter :of Mr: and Mrs. Wil-
. A. Porteous graduated . Yes-
terday, at the McGill University
convocation .in Montreal. , Mary
received .':the degree of Bachelor
of. Science . 'in 'Household 'Econ-
omics (B.Sc.H.Ec.).. •M a Gi 11'.s•
School of Household Science is a
part of Macdonald'College, Ste,
Anne '.de' Bellevue, ,P.Q., a few
miles west' of Montreal; Miss':
Porteous • attended •Alma Corliege,
St Thomas for two years, and:
then took the; four-year, course
'at -Macdonald College' in . three
years. Her .parents . attended .:the
graduation'. ceremonies on Wed-
nesday.' •
Mary will. spend. the summer
gat• the Bolton Fresh ` Air. Camp,
and in September will enter'Tor-
onto Western Hospital to pursue
her work in dietetics.
.. •
:THAT •the $200 • jackpot prize ,at
Tuesday night's bingo' went, ` to.
a Hanover resident The -Leg-
-on's weekly- ib-ingos--are= now -on
Tuesday night
Students of Kinloss. and ;'L:uck-
now Public Schools"held sports;
contests here last Friday, which;
the winner in' each class- qualify i
ing to compete .:in the Bruce.Co..
finals at'.. Walkertonn.. Fri d
o day.
Winners of first,' Second and
third place .�are:,listed.in the local'!
contests, !but only, 'the first place
winner 'is eligible to go, to Walk-
Rural school,'studentsshave the;
School, section number'• after:, their;
name:. ' ' •
Boy's running. broad jump,:.Jrs.,.
Douglas Stanley,' No.' '2; Eugene
Gardner; Steve Carnegie.
' :Boy's running {broad jump, Srs.,
Boob Gardner, :• Gordon': Mitchell,
No. 10,' Gordon Fisher No.':10.'.,
• Girl's standing broad
�JuniorS,., Donna Johnston, Jean
Richards,: Marilyn .Cocksworth
Girl's standing .broad :jump,
Seniors; Rozella Howal'd,• Joyce
Mowibray, Marilyn •Morrison.
Girl's running' .broad , jump,
Jrs., 'Marilyn Coeksworthr: Joyce
Cuyler No. 1, Betty Habkirk. •
`• _, Girls running _bread jump,
„Srs., ' '.Betty' Armtstrong,...Joyce.
Mowlbray, Rozella •Howald : •
Boy's high jump, Jrs., Douglas
'Stanley No. '2,.:. Steve Carnegie
(tied), Arthur Howald.
B'oy's high :jump, Srs Jack:
Chin, ' Bob Morton, Charlie ' Mur-
ray No. 3...
Girl's high jump, :. open; R.oz-
ella 'Howald; ` Kathleen Fisher No.
•:1'0, Ruth ; Emberlri.
Girl's softball throw, Jrs. ,Don-
T Johnston, Anne - Crawford;
'Joyce : Cuyler Nor 1.'
Girl's softball throw, Srs., Ruth
re eaven, Ruth •: mberlin, Es
ther McDonald . No. 1. .
oy s so ball, throw; r� s i
ov Fisher; •Doug Schmid, Steve Car
r egie
• ' : Boy's -softball throw--.Srs. J�ek=
leaven; Elizabeth, Webster,
The Brownies included Brown
Owl Mrs: Morgan 'Henderson,.
Jeari' ,:1Vlullin, :'•Margaret Mullin,
Betty Habkirk,, ',Joan •:Crawford,,
Nancy Webster, Joanne Hunter;.
Elizbeth':. Finlayson, Elizabeth
Bannisters Karen Carnegie, Laura
Breckles, Nancy 'Forster, Mary:
A11in, Elizabeth Henderson,Pat-
ricia Thomspon..
Ladies and ex -Guides who; ac
comanied the party. were• IVli s: J,
S. Kilpatrick, Ntr:•s. C, L. Smith,
Mrs.•J: Bannister, Mrs. A, E. Mc-
Kim Jean Rutherford Mu lene
MacLennan, Carolyn Gibson: — .<
':At , the tins on . County Mu
Festival recently held at Goder-
ich, Barbara Wilson and Caryl
Gardner, pupils ,of A.' p . Cook,
won first pplace in the piano, duet
class;,18 and under. Th'e test nurn•; •
~ober orris'( "Rondo . Alla Turca"
(Mozart). The ,young ladies • were,
highly eomplirnentcd by the ad-
judicator,' Boris Berlin'.. of• the
Royal Conserv'atory of Music of
Toronto. Barbara 'is the daUg'hter
of Mr. ,
ra nd.....,Mrs.,.. Jima Wilson ' of
West of IMP. and rs.• Jack
and Ca '';yl is the
Gardner of Zion. °
THAT. Bob. Reid, Boi:ndary' West,;
has -purchased the house :on
the siteof the new High School
' and 'will Move" -,it` to a nearby
lot between ; the residences' of
George, Levis aridr-
Wilson ' I
will, • which • were the former
George Orvis properties; .
. �Qy
THAT if Motorists would park
within the,parking stalls there
titrlu be-'-room-fox a: J oL ore_
''cars on Main 'Street;1Disregrard
;••••ef the stalls fi:equently • 'sees'
three ' spaces occupied by two
cars. .
,.. .. n:
THAT Wilfred Black, so of,Mr. ,.
"and Mrs. Roy Black, has suc-,
cessfully passed his first year
dentistry ' at 'Toronto •• Univer-
sity: Wilfred' was home; for the
weekend and prdsided at the
organ in the United Chttrch on
Sunday morning. .. .
THAT members of the Ripley
Women's • Institute left ori: la'
bus `trip .t:o ' Ottawa on Tuesy
ar}d are, returning Thursday
Chin, Paul Groskorth 'No. 10, Bob
Girl''s. 50 yards, 6 years, Dianne
Jamieson, Linda'. Button, Nicki
Dejorj. Boy's 50 yards, 6 years,
Wayne Farrier No. 10, Tommy
Andiiew, Larry .Stanley.. : •
: Girl's 50•' yards • 7 'years, Judy-
WebSter; Elizabeth •Henderson,'
Mary Kieswater 'No' 1; bey.'s' 50
yards, 7 years, ' Gordon McNay,.
Tom Wasney, Donald 'Gaunt, ''9.;
Girls 50' yards,• 8 years' :Pat
Tricia' Thorripsgn; .Mary; Allin, , E1-
eandr, Clarke No. 7; Boy's° 50
,dards, 8 years, Aslan NLc-Dougall
.Donald Barr No. 2, Billy :Cuyler
No, 1..` ; . ,
Girl's 50 yards, :9, years, Mar-
garet • Fisher No,'' 113',: Catherine'
Hewitt N'd, 1, • Sheila 'Haldenby.
No. 2;.' boy's 50 .yards, .9 years;
Roelof:. Postman, Sandy .McKen'-
zie 'No. 7 :and: George .Bushell,
No. 2 (tied'), •Lorne Dusk No. 1
° Girl's •50 yards, 10 years, Jean
Richards,:. Barbara Murray 'No. , 3,
Donna: Nicholson' No: 2.
Boy's 75• yards,, 10 years, Jack
Button, 'Floyd Stanley No. 2,
Hughie Houston 'No; 5. , •
• Girl's 75 yards, 11 years, Kath
leen Fisher No. ,10, Nancy Cocks-
rove No. ''9,•Georgina' Griffin 5:
Boy's 75. yards, 11 years, Jim
Petersen, Jack Coultes, No, I.l0,.
Arthur Howald.; '
»Gir1':. 7 ., .ards 2 y.. -ars' Dorn..
na Johnston,.,Janet Gaunt No. 9,
Ruth Steer.r • '
It will come as a surprise to.
most readers to: learn that Kin-
lough was once a, thril;ging centre
of' two hundred 'people, and In
anticipation'that the ,C.P �R. would
pass through there, a "boost Kir
lolzgh" ' pu,bhcity. campaign.: was
One method used to publicize
the • place Was to print a descrip-
tive ' message on envelopes • to ,be
used by ;Kinlough resident -in
corresponding with Others;' The;
Sentinel recently;, came into pot-
session of one of these'.. envelopes
and here's the plug it carried for
• "The Vii'llage of Kinlough,
situated, in the . Township of .Kin -
lois in the County:of Bruce, • in . .
the centre of ' a splendid farming
country --:8' miles north •of Luck -
now, '15 miles east from Kirear-.
dine,, and .12 • miles: west from.
Teeswater (the latter' place at ,
,present. being the terminus of the
T. G. &; B., now 'controlled by
the C. P. Railway). Population
200. Kinlough is on: the proposed.'
extension . of the C;P.R; to- • Kin-
cardine--which. is expected -to be
built at no distant date. .
"The village contains'. two good
:general stores ,post office, ;hotel,
three. shoe '. shops, a blacksmith
shop, tailor shop, harness shop,
dressmaking and • millinery shop,
pump' factory, a.first ; class saw
and.' shingle mill, • carding• and -
.woolen mills
"There is also '•a good' brick
schoolhouse • hall ” and t h,r'e e . .
!churchesEngl:",, Presbyterian
and Methodist ; ,La t ply' the village
is adding very : much to its ap-
pearance in the. planting ;'.out of •
shade trees 'and , extending its
sidewalks. • There is a splendid.op. •
ening. for . a good waigonrtnaker,:
tinsmith' and grist Mill.' N`o op-
:position: within 8 miles".
.There ' was no date' on the.
,envelope, but.it :can be assumed
that --this description -applied -:to a.
period' of sixty; ,years or more
Trousseau • teas were .held ;on
Wednesday and' Friday of last
-week at the -home of Mr.. and Mrs..
dgeorge Saunders ' of Ashfield
prior to the : marriage of . their
daughter, Miss Lottie Saunders.:
The• Wednesday trousseau Was
i and -'"ramp
district friends and at Friday's
• tea, the ' Ashfield . .community
neighbors Were he -guests. •
Girl's 75• yards, 13 year's, Bes-
sie •Reavie, Joan Cochrane No. 9
Betty•. Armstrong.' •
• Girl's. 75 yards, 14: years .and
over, Rozella Howald, Ruth. Mc
Gillivray No ,'5,' RuthTreleaven:
Boy's 100.yards,•I2 years, Doug
las Stanley'No..2
Steve Car-
negie, Bill ' Marshall:
Boy's 100: yards, 13• years, : Bob
Gardner,, Gordon Mitchell No. 1i0,s •
Ian 'Marshall.
• Boy's 100.' yards, 14 years •ancd'
over, .-Jack-Chins mob Nloiton-
Boh Bonnett No', 3. and Gordon
Fisher No." .10 (tied).
Boy's 220 yards, .'open, .sob' Mor-
ton, Steve' Carnegie, , Rodney
3 -legged, race, Juinio
,Jean Richards ''and .Shirley. Mc-
Clure. Lois
c-Clure.'Loi$ Robb & Barbara Mur
r•ay'No, 3, LElizabet'h Webster &
Betty Habkirk. ``
" Girls' Seniors, Gi 3�legged • race,- :3eniors
.Donna . Johnston & Rozella Hew
Old, Anne ; Petersen & ,,Bessie
Reavie, Ruth McGillivray 'No,
and .Geor•gina. Griffin.. •-
oys' 3 -legged race, Juniors,
Eldon, Wraith & 'Harold Elphick, •
Sandy MacKenzie' and Henry •
Clarke No, • 7, Jinx Petersen and..
Arthur Howald.
Boys' 3 -legged race, Seniors,
.Bab -Gardner end •Jack. Chin, ,Al-,.'
vin Baker and. ;Bob Gilchrist, Bob
Gardner and Stege Carnegie.
., 1