HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-22, Page 10fps; R 1' f, f rf if 14, • INET,r, LUCK/VoW,. TM. LUCKNQW aT�N'� .. of IES' SHORTIE COATS and. SUITS and ,. ALL WEATHER COATS • Shortie Coats, to clear at ___, X10.9$, $115:95, .519.95 x ^ ::GABA.RDINE rAN1 k Special $5.95 LADIES' ANDMEN'S- WEAR NOTICE RE ER & FIRE INSURAN(E I • wish to inform. the policy holders Of the; Howick Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance .• and of the W' to I armors' Weather' 'Insurance Mutual. c.tampany i'. That : Have Taken Over The Insurance .Business Of THE LATE JOHN D. FARRISH. And Will Appreciate,. Having The Opportunity To Continue To Be' Of Service To :You:' OL1CIES WHICH'ARE:UP FOR RENEWAL Will Continue In Force Until:It Is Possible To Contact You. Personally. asoitags I SEE; BY Tug SENTINEL (Continued:from page 1) THAT Will:.Buckingham has 1:13r - chased' a purebred Berkshire sow of advanced registry from R. •H.. MacGregor and Son of. Amherstburg. He received, de - tfvery on Tuesday to this ad- ' dation 'to . his greiup. .of 'broad. sows. THAT Roy Havens is still hob Ibiing around on crutches - and ,will have thecast. on his 'leg; which was broken last winter' playing hockey, ' for ,� about a` monfth, yeti TWAT a- ravel Pit `on::I OW. rd Robinson's (property,, at ' t;he'. .north-west; outskirts of the NAB. - 'age has ill-age'has been opened to provide` ;highway'fill.:• • THAT the Legion's jackpot bingo. prize' • of $200 • was split 'J.ast. • Thursday.- night- between .Mrs.. Garton of Ripley and Gordon' Fisher- of Lucknow. - ' • THAT itis • reported in the Sig., .nal=.Soar. that George' Wraith' of Goderich has bought : a farm'. ori No.`8 highway, east of God- erich and will move :there shortly. THAT : 'Mrs.: , Essie ' Purves of • Sitrathroy has been visiting; in -the commynity . With herfain- ily prior to leaving by'.lbus for McTaggart, . ' Sask., • 'Where she : Twill spend: 'about three months 'With her (brother; Wnn. ''Cook. THAT Ygaitteners may, obtain a valuable circular dealing With vegetable garden requirements, •and• garden •'• insects, tby apply-. ink to the agricultural' repres- entative's. office,: or ,directly to the Departnient of H'ortic'ulture, O.AC,'"Guelph. . .• —o— THAT Ascension Day' is being obi- served in St.'. Peter's Church ' today '(Thursday)' by a service: of Holy: Communion at .10 :a.m. THAT; Harry` V. Holmes' of Gor R. R 3, Lucknow • fifer You All'hone, 611-5, Dungannon , rie has, been a. member .of -Now Prepared To '.O' Types; Of Insurance. Wingham " 1V1asonie Lodge for. half ��• 1 ,. .. . ' a :century and was 'recent y presented' with a fifty-year -i u.■■.fit ir COFFEE;: -1& f:: Red Band' . FRE:SHIE all :flavors:.-_,.. ■ • . tr Stona's • i-.- • Drinking STRAWS, 100's __ 2• for 25c , .:,_ • ancy resoc eye c di■filp■■dt■fi•■•■■•uu■•■■■pE■■■uiaaitku uhm laiht■■dahlia■■fit SPECL r',00' • • CaiiiPhell's Tomato Soup ' 2 for 25c Sc ::.Miracle Whip • ., SANDWICH SPREAD , 16 oz 52c MIXED COOKIES .39c ■ • ��.. .Y I '1 Y . Clubhouse 'Mason Jar PEANUT'BUTTER 42c. 1 'Lb. Cello Package Food Saver WAX' PAPER, '100 ft. -roll Y • TTARIO • THI,.. I?A:Y, MAY 22nd 1952 Bef ore- Moving Our Stock To. The. New Store We- Offer" A•,.. verythm IN THE STORE .. including, Many Extra:. -specials . • - Get `Your ,,Share: Of ``These .Big Bargains In First ' Quality ' Goods. , 'Phone . 89-w, Lucknow 1 jewel, which was. pinned en by .Alex :Crawford, oldest'.' living ineMber of •ithe .lodge: ' • . THAT : 'Garfield MacDonald has rented the east -half .of the building 'formerly. tenanted by the, late Robert Moore and will.. . open 'a , second-hand furniture store The building • is owned by. H. D Thompson. , 'MAT if there's a Donald Tlhompp- son . in- the community. who ,w -rote .an essay , in. the Wing- -harm Hospital' eontest;he'll 'find a : $5.00 prize awaiting •him • at The Sentinel Office. • -moo THAT Richard Elliott of Holy- rood suffered, a heart •attack on 'Sunday h-,orning • of .last week and 'was 'confined ' to bed for several` days: Dick collapsed.`'in the yard - outside his home He is•iinakiritg a' good recovery' and is no again. BORN . 'On .May 16th, • 1951,.at-;Alexan., dra and Marine' Hospital, Goder; ich, to Mr: and Mrs:Robert 'Irvin,: Dungannon, arson, 'Wil'iam Rob- , ertY DIED • • •On .May 1.8t1, 1952, the. infant. son et' Mr and Mrs. Robert Ir- vin, Dungannon.' -f: 3'■ c. ■. THAT , the Lucknow Boy 'Scouts - ; . wi11–;h,o1d a gaper-'--collee iok -in- - • LucknoW next Thursday, May 29, conixnenein,g.at '6.00 o'clock: The boys will'. appreciate if paper ,is .tied securely .or boxx- ed; and placed at the curb •,for - convenient pick-up. : FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES 'LARGE FLORIDA ORANGES;.176's. 39c • FLORIDA . ctRAPEFRUITy 96's °:,; 6' for 33c• AN ■ • OUTSIDE . GROWN •: ■' Leat ` Lettuce_' Radish.. Green Onions Asparagus ■ ■.. ■ . OPEALLD.ATURDAY, .CLOSED ONMONDAY. - I:,5Th ■' • WE: DELIVEt - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ PHONE 20 • ■ ' % %a■■•At•••••■t••■••■■■■•■■■•■■•I■ui■wai■Uig■ium■n■■■■■ ■■•man,l■ ■ti.uuauij 6tie YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE KINT� N ALL FLAVOURS IN AAL`L' 'FLAVO`URS. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE., Donald' Duck Brand • 48 oz. tin __ 25c CATSUP*.• and'. Black -well :or Smita,'s - .13 oz. bottle 250 Stokely's • —40 'oz.. tins 45c • TOMATO' JUICE Stokely's ' 48 oz. tin 3'5c :Chocolate- Marshrnallow BISCUITS' • Barker's •. ' I� .lb. - _ . JI __. 39c Friday & Saturday, May 23, 24' Fnla�v�san Phone 91,' Lucknow .' 1 ��..� , i/iii - iii= iii%i moi%%ice%i%ii✓iii • • ',fir ,_ r .' Four : on lye satinthrows-=wool with a atole a rayon dded.• Reg. $10.50. x NOW 8.9 EACH • CONGOLEUM MATS • • , X 18"i36"—good assortment ONLY 19c EACH STRIPED CANVAS Striped lawn chair :canvas ...good quality.' Special Price 69c Yard 1lEN'S SLACKS : - Good quality Gabardine, zipper front, double pleats and French seams.' Sizes 30 to 44 waist ONLY $7.50 PAIR. • %i%%alalia.%ii%%� - /ilii%%%%iiia=ii % ii/ii •� , . i .�aiii%ilii%i iiiy%iii/i i '.. """•-•••"!"••••••-•••-4./.."•••"•,"4 Y• if�k3?Tlb�` ,r. • -T • . • •