HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-22, Page 64 • -4'''1*.k.1Mr4.4M1115111.1"70114W*1011mgimmlii,,,mmv • • It" 4.1 • •„. • • IN BECTRICAL SYSTEM,— ' INSTALLED OR MODERNIZED.? MN.KI116 MACHINE? REFRIGER,AT1011? Put FIL on the job, as thousands • of other Canadian farmers are doing. Discitss alarm Improvement Loan, •• with yournearesi B of M manager •i• • ' ea your next trip to.town. ; . , . ; „ . BANK OF :ONTREAL 4016014.49ala,d4 A a 1 MI (AMIN ‘• • . , r..pactroiv SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' 11,91Miltie CANADIANS IN.1EVERY ‘9L.K OF LIFE SINCE ..* .1117 YOUR FUTURE MAY BE FINE... BUT HOW ABOUT YOUR FAMILY ?, ou want tobe sure your heirs bene t, ° es- you intended. To ensure this you should: • // • • ''•• • )7-tfaire WI • . • • . .L 2j-Hcive a Witt:that clearl4, • • expresses your wishes . • , 'One of our experienced Trust officers will be glad to advise and assist you 'to plan your Estate Program. When _these matters are. settled, consult a lawyer about your Will. " It takes surprisingly littletime and expense to ensure that today's intentions become •• tomorrow's realities. • • • TER L11' t R HEAD' OFFICE ••' 3.7R Say SIOToionlo HE • . BRANCH OFFICE • , • 1-3 DUnlop St., *trrie 00 e meal soinetliing s ecia 9. A4 • ' 4 • . 4.• • 4 t, N". • . tw. y'rt 11' • • t IO „ • ; O . ' • 4. 4. , w , 4r • .•• • 49 , • , ” : • , 1,0 . • WHITECHPRal , A sh wer was held at the home .of Mr. 1ed Newman in honor of his ,e1de1 t daughter Barbara, a bride of the near future. About fifty ladies were present and' many beautiful and, useful gifts were presented to, 'the bride -to, - be. Lunch was served and an en- joyable time spent:. • .Mrs. Welwood and son: Norman made 'a trip. to London' on Sun• - day to"visit Mr. Welwoocl who is in. the 4iospital. 'Weare glad to t. report. a slight improvement in his condition • ' Mr,. Beth Gaunt Spent. Sunday With. his tater, • ..,. ' 0O ' • :The,'• Presbyterian. Ohtirth wa.s well . filled On; Sunday .'When .: a large attendance of' Mesons 'froth Lticknow and other places was present..A quartette consisting, of John 1VieGee, Alex. Robertson, D. ,Beecroft. and Gordon Leggett rendered two fine aelections;Rev. Pollock led in prayer and Rev. Currie gave a fine inspiring ad - Next Sunday .will be anniVer-• eery. service in the same tchurch at 11 a,iii; and 7.3:0 in the even - Mg When the Rev Mr. Bogg will •Ille the special speaker. • 'There will ' be no .SerVice in •the United ;Church oon account: of anniversary. •in the 'Presbyterian •church next Sunday. ' ., Mrs Chapman of :, Aurora is visiting her son, -Mr: tarid.:MrS,' Russell iChapinan. . , ...4 : 00 c..!1-gvir. E .: ..., Mr. Roy Culbert 'of •Hamilt6n 1 hvisisxtildatrteionnvdteser,.d.mt,fhore..r. an:w4edse.tkmr7-ivense.de,k,r. ;withii. : Culbert arid Tom.' • - , • ''. Mr: • and. Mrs. Graham, Belle and Gladys Visited Sunday with Mr': and Mrs. Warren Warren Zinn' and Woods Mr. 'Hugh W.and' Gerald' of Warren end M. 'Harvey Ross of Sudbury spent the, week -end With Mr. ,and Mrs. Jim Sherwood O and Norma. Mrs. Harvey Ross & Janette Who Spent the, week' here __returned home . with : them. • Mr. and .Mrs.-,' Jim' Boait and. Fred.Jaie.yd un: dS I. inf adrinaiyly: Watithwitts__.. field. 0.: . . • . On . Mother's Day, six ehildren were :baptized: Gregory, Larry & Wilda Mae, children Of Mr. and Mrs.'Harold Maize'. Janette,: dad,. ghter of •Mr. .and : Mrs. Harvey Ross; Dianne Ruth,,. daughter 'of •:Mr. and We: Warren -„"Zinn; end 'Glen Allen, son of Mr. and • Mrs. O I Tom •Phillips. • . 'I.•Mr: and Mrs: 'Earl- Blake ' and th' visited with Dave, Bert and Edna "McWhinney oft -Sun- • Mr. and Mrs: Allan -Ritchie and babevisitecl_Mr._and .MrS.....T.....,_H..., O Culbert and. Tom. ‚.00 . • • ' . The school 0 children from here were into, the musical festiVapri Goderich on Wednesday. Scripture lesson. and Mrs. W.A. Miller the connnenta it: was re-, ported thata new electric pump had been Metalled in the Manse and, it was agreed to have the piano in the church tuned: At the conclusion lunch was served with. Mrs. Frank McQuillin and Mrs. Curran as hostesses. Mrs, W. F.POdd of London has been visiting friehds as the guest of Mrs. D. Todd: - M. and Mrs.' Jack •Berndt. of Detrit' were weekend ,guests of Simply order whatever food pleases you the most and then add. "... ice-cold Coca -Cole! Enjoy it right in the bottle., • • • • •••• • • i • • Idcluding Federal Side* and Incise Tains Auttioriged bitis.tlet ot Ct).:at..oict titadtsat 41-it.si4t Witt; (:.itsctv.Coilak Ltd. dockpatcw-Bortu-Nd-WORKS Godericli, Ont. 'Phone! 489 '44Coke.sris a registered trademark, .199X . - • •:tbO0 4 4 -wt.. 't • 10 rt • ST. HELENS . . Mrs. Gordon MacPherson was 'hnstesi for the May Meetings of the W.M.S: .and the W.A. of the , • United Church en Thursday af- ternoon. Mrs. •W. 1. lVflhler•pre- :sided for the W:M.S.. and' Mrs. John ,Cameron. led in ,the Wor- Shi rvice. The treasurer report- ed . that $35.00 had ibeen sent to the Presbyterial. treastirer for the.. first quarter and. •'the, Easter Tharikoffering 'had beeh , $23.50. It Was decided to quilt two quilts for the bale fri churdi the .followinv Tiiesday. • Mrs, W. A. O Miller. read a short 'article from the •study book on "The OO. 0 OO44, in Canada" and Mrs: T. 3. Todd and Mrs: MacPherson 'represent- ing twoOapaneSe women, told of the help 'the church. is. giving hem'. them. Mrs.. W. L. Miller gave an interesting I report .of the Huron' Presbyterial held in Clinton. O • Mrs. Jame Curran, th.e presi: dent, was in the chair for the O meeting, of the W,A. Which open- ed by, the singing of, the theme hymn, the repetition ,of the theme prayer -arid' the, ereed:, The theme, of the Worthip,N service "What God expects of ohristiaris in the use of ;time •and possessions".. Mrto Lorne burnin read the • ' 94, • ' 4. THURSDAY MAY 22nd, 1953 her Siter, Mrs. MacFiarlane Mr. and Mrs. Gordon lecher. son. • Mrs, Jack crardner of -Zion wa 'a . Week -end visitor with- her Mother; Mrs. Hein). and Mr,. and Woods.1v4s.Laonrlie Mr.dMrs. Lorne 'Woo' ds d • Donna and .Mrs. AleX Murdie .tended "The Big, StOry", a musi- ' • • , cal progr.arri presented by choirs • tfhrome. staaltresovi!ir KOintetahrei4x.a.nodli.fs.roant,i., tnilay night. •• • • , t, ,, e 418 , • " •••• • • ""•-: • ›..'4 01: -Ern 73:q us • • iti_rr • c =Plc : .P.74 rn 020 • , gr2114°' •1/4.' 'JP • • •. . -n > :r7114:47-).*<c-.7"-,!..-°....(rn< • •Z 0 ini8Tiqn z 0 z •• • rn 45"0","4:', '10 Ala ... • !‘".;.!n•tit,9 2T• •C7 • c/1 rn •.*< 6.N. 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