HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-22, Page 3"'THURSAAV, MAY 22nd, 195.2 ` nint SIL • 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCINOW, 'ONTARIO fr /9o7g alee Ili YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE KIST L� . jiN..Ai..L: F AVOUR S. I -: painti#i ' . Papering, •erin: Spray or Brush' STEELOF ' PAINTING ''We use • PITTSBURGH PAINTS --Sold--b-y --John .W Hendersoi<i- '•. Lumber Ltd: ,Interior and Exterior. Ember. dint Mac_I'nnes Phone Lucknow 1947M . Winghanl :65442 • Lucknow .._ rch Chu Presbyterian. • Rev.:C. A. Winn, B.A., minister.. SUNDAY,MAY 25th, 1952 10 a,m . Sunday . School._ i1: a.m.:, Morning Service. 7 p.m.:, Evening Service.. Wednesday; : ,8.00 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. 1 LUCKNOW I.. UNITED CHURCH, 'Minister:.Rev J. Murrtford,' Looi enerai. MVtiss Flora Andrew' of, Lyndon ' pent; the week -end, at .her home Mrs.. Elizabeth .Passmore and son. Ronald of .Guelph spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs.. S. B. • Stothers. • The W. A. Group of: St ' Peter's Church are meeting; .this after- noon; Th•ur,sday, At the,' home of Mrs. Harry McQu!illin:makin:g quilts' for, the Rupert's House Mission... Miss. Jean Osborne of• the High School' teaching' staff was.. !taken suddenly ill last week, :and was off . duty- for a 'few ' days while recuperating at 'her - home ' m Huron . Township. • : Recent visitors with ' Mr: .and :.Mrs. ;•Charles.. Lorenz .were .Mr. 'ndMrs::Tom Meai•vey ot, ca'rdine, 1VIrs, ,Albert• ,Carnpbell :and Mr.. and Mrs. Walter'' Brown of Arnberley.: • Misses' Flora .and Mary, Olive : Webster yi'sited with : their aunt,, Mrs: George Aridre.W -on. Satur, .• day: They • 'ere-.accom;panied by. 1Vlisses ,Be:aand:'Matgot Parker' and•Miss'' Taggart: all :Of. Toronto. • Mr. Charles Lo.renz,. Who is'in :v:�al•'id:ed fiorn; the effects 'of a 'stroke, is : convalescing' 'from an attacic'.of' pneurnonia.' He is'.;now a patient`: at the . Baker' C.onval escent Howie:; • Mrs. R.H:.;T.homipsonfr'etur:ned home the end';of the week, from T,oi onto„ where ''. she. had been wi !ting'' her•sister, 'Lorna :Carne-, bell,. who. underwent' a major op- eration i.n Wellesley Hospital:. Lorna ;is, recuperating' gUite...sat- isfactorily and has, been' able to le'avc' the horital, :Mrs. Walter'' Horne was r'eniov- ed Wingham,: Hospital a few; days' ago,.'' after. .(being.' ..confined. to: bed'at' her home. fora eo:uple of • weeks. Her claugliaer, Miss 1Vlil i FI ir-rre; , wher ..had beet visiting her returned' to Detroit thefirst of the•_*eek.: ThoSle from, this 'community; at- efldizig tlfi_ •n clay of Miss, Ardonna•' Johnston!, a 'member f , the 1952. •Victoria. 'Hospital graduating class, were•. her •parents,.;Mr. and :Mrs. Noble' ,lohnstoh•; her brother, Bill 'John.: iston; . and • Miss• Hazel Culbei t; lvir s Roy '.Havens, G ahr,t , Farrish, Mrs. 'Stewart MacLennan,' Mrs. Geo Mon.crief,' Miss Liella l r ysorr ;and: MTS. Finlav MadDon ald. SUNDAY, M1 Y' .25th; '1952• 110 a.m.: Sunday ,School ' • 1 11 „.iii' HOW To .Decide. Bel tween Right and 'Wrong., t: 7 p.nt.j • A Right' Way And 'Al • Wrong Way. . a . It is a sad religion that 14' never strong except when , its owner: is sick. We cordially invite You to worship with. tits. •• .41440tl�RHt♦..�0 �0�1.l.1.�N,.�1/�0k. AngIican . (hurd NOTICES Rev.. A, S: Mitchell; L.Th:, • Rector. Sunday. After .Ascension NARY 25th,'. 1952 '$t. Paul's Church, Ripley... 0,157 a:lti. Morning g Prayer.... Y St.' Peter's Church I,ucknow 11 thilvi Morning• Prayer , and.. • Address.. St Paul's. Church; D'ungantiio i 2.30 p.m:.: Evening Prager',.. r • �1tUUCE. DEANERY 1RALL .' The'' Annual. Spring ' Rally of then Dea r o t eY f Bruce be held yin'. Walkerton, on" Al**, May 26th, . and will, be ‘of especial interest. by •the 'presence o£'_:the Bishop,' Green- wood 'of the 'Yukon, 'WOLF . C.0 BS Wti'll, Cit lis; .it hardly seems possible t'hat'anoth.cr meeting .has Como and go'nc.rt'he'wg?i':ks re�tll�•. do `fiy 'by clont, t11.c�}. Nvh1olt duly, t u(S t(1 rc' hind. ,tts . that. only 'a !MOW"'' n1Cir tT•--,m.erti ig'• . re Hain , 1n, 'this., tci'rti. Thtit :Means., that you S ikers ti"ill have t(7 ha your :Si !4'z ti`i:f on Ili ' 1' 'ties;(f for '•the remaining ?ler tiit,gs:,' `l"h.it :goes fttir l 'xrl/:�' tt"(r1. t'.pvc i:ti1Ty,'':rari'd. Cl91bS',il,lf;. i'111r'i i('t)Uts. urt;eel 1(t hove „their tests: cott•r °p]: ted for '. • '1'h(` ,"'1r(ti;n; tT11'". eer(''fnonv to S couts bE'ing lii'.C(l The first :wept<. in June; and' it. fully dress I inspection r4 gc'lteduli''d` 7for our next rt'lcetii g a Mrty' 27th..: rh.tt nTr~(iris' km.cl1f"ef:r 'c• `Ft:rl1('Cl, S ' it- .ers.lnr d soaks nt' ntl.e'(l, shorts (or. breeches • if ,colt.), shoes shined: and rcirll pti.1s grid'badges on COI: - •y i! octly. ,r, Last.'week's me t•rng ,yaw ar- o'flteri item' 'pt, ;t. turnout' ..of ebbs.' Folltwi+ng.rf't: the regular •'bp - t 1it ening ceremonies- 'the Pack for' oti;t.of. dottt.s . and, spent : PAGE TIE . COUNCIL MINUTES KINLOSS TOWNSHIP ' Kinloss Council met on .May 12th; ' 1952, a*, . per adj ouri meat. 'All members. present: The minutes 'gf'the last regular meeting .of. April 7th. aid, special' meetings of 'Apr•il 15th arid. May 5th' as read were approved and. signed. •• A petition from Thos. L.: Mac- •Kenzie for. a clean out of the open•portio of the. Mia.eLedd: Municipal Drain: was accepted;. The tax collector returned. his 1951. ;roll which was. aceepted,y ' t s whit' the . unpaid taxes tuned over . to the treasurer,, . to Who they must 11•91W:w° be \paid m, '' E • ngineer's' report ori;'' the repair" of the Moffat -Thompson Drain •was read, ' and after some :discussion was provisionally ad- opted and the Clerk, instructed to' prepare the necessary 'bg-l�aws. • Mr..' Wesley Guest was appoint-' ed inspector to look after the Work 'to die done on the Guest section of the. ' B. -C Extension Drain. The Reeve and • Councillors Percy and Murray: to be a ••corn mi.ttee to arrange for' some one to do'work on the'above drain. Mr.. , •Malcolm Lane Was.' given :permission; .t'o put 'a -drain:,across the. roadway fronting; •his place: A iBy-Law Was passed regard ing the operation of nracl ines, causing dust; -nuisance -harmful -to _. health and property .in the annuni� cipality An' agireemen.t to 'purchase 'a. l.alf-:ton• truck :for. Township our poses. was ;arral geed, providing (ap-, pr ov'al: is given by the Highways De1artrnent ,Cheque was issued to :the Twp, 'of Culross for ;clerk's :fees' and by4aws on' the Ackert Drain ] tension and Nine.;1VIile River Iin- provem.ent drains and -calling for their assessments on .these 'drains: Council ,adjourned to .meet -on Monddy, June 2nd; 19,62 Cheques issued.; Frank' 1Vlilier, an acct. 'o inspector WFS, $271.25; 'Ed Thompson, tractor, WFS,' '367.74;1• John:Downey, spray man WFS,...244 00°; 'George Iiil.tz, gas and oil W1IS, 23:35; J. R 'Lane, unemploylrnent stamnps;; 7.32; Post- age '5.00, 12.32; Elmer ,James, -4, fox pups, 4.00; ] F H'. erruthers,'. part salary, 25:00; Harold Percy,. 'part salary, 25.00; P. A. Murray,' party salary,, 25.00; .Farish ;Mlof- fat,y''•part salary,,: ; 25:00;.. Dan T,. McKinnon,. part ,salary, 25.00.; F.' F..,Thorrrps.on, part' salary, :75.00; R :.Lane;' part l �ary;,_100.00';. David• Ross, .1 ` fox pup, 1.00; J. J. Houston, 1 fox, 2.00; ,Ted Howey.; I;-fox,,;.x2.00j<.Harvey Irwin; 1.'fo; 2.00; Gordon Wall, .balance, col - .18; MJaines' Smith,. 'caretaking, 5.42; Alex Siegfried, Kinloss .Asset. ' SVCA, 40.00; Wm.. Colwell, . 1 fox, 2.00; Malcolrzr Dane, .bridge allowance McD-Bushell dram, 110.06;• treas.' Culross. Twp.; clerk's fees./ by'-' • laws, drains, 100..00. . • Highway •Cheques' Pay roll No, 5, ' $778.45; Dominion 'Road Mach., Co., repairs 48'50; Wm..1VXacIn- tyre;• phone account, 12.25; Dept. of .Highways,' gas tax, :17.05; 'F. Brown,' gravel,. 99.50; Ira' Dickie„: :bridge. timber; 25.00; C. A. Me- Tavish, gas • a'rsd oil, 11:,9,11; Geo. ;l4iltz, '.tire and'labor; 415.80; Geo. Percy, stamps,' J. R. - LANE, Clerk. Opposes Board's Action Ata special meeting of Kin: loss Council held. tin'' the evening of. May ,5th, 1952, 'the the following resolution was :passed .after Con- siderable dist ass on: re' the Jet- ting of ctantr,act on the new.L.uck- now and District High' School 1)U1din'g; : Moved by. MVltirrag •and Melia= non. that the Clerk send the fol,- li'Wing' resolution to tAhe Luck - now and ; Distrj t High School BOaid, The Departraent 'oE..Ed'u .cation and the ' 'Department of IVIunicipal Affairs.' That 'this Municipal •Board are ver 1ch opposed to the action the .Cuckoos and District High' School. Board in granting the con- :tract for the, construction of, the High •School• building 'to ioth'er `than the lO\vest 'tender,. A*1we' .;,,find. °behind thel actionof our representative tin the' Board in. opposing the same, Carried. baiarice of• thp rneytingplaying bait, Spnderson's LADIES' AND M. .. EN'S WEAR, . , TELEPHONE 85 .- . 1 ..... TOGS' FOR°OUTiOOR LIVING .Q.. 1 T SHIRTS" SNACKS '. in .stri lez plain and fancy. Gabardine, .w,orsted', wool 1 ' Small, -medium and .large. .in.plaids 'and plain, Alpine. Choose :fron-' a big assort- ' Sizes 12 to. 20. $4,95 to $9.95'. Ment. - ' , ' - Made to order' on, request •'SPORT SII][RTS. ,< : for „larger sizes, any mat enol.1 ray,on. aril catton, `well F • ,, , 1 ' styled for'' all° occasions, in : . T SHIRTS . N;.. ./ variety,°of+�eolor:,and..price . Fine:.combed cotton, ore,ir: ". TROUSERS' ..or.. •V-neck Y and : cardigan � Flannels, gabs, and ., tropi-. • styles, navy, powder, linie,,•1 Gals, ' all sizes, ,, good '.color, ,' lilac,' white,red and, all cal- / r. .assortxnent;1 ors in,stripes: $1:35•10 $3,98. JACKETS,,' • • JEANS : " Choice selection. on Navyand Plaid. Pat ch' ooc= 1 •COAT. • SWEATERS kets, button: and' zip open- 1 '. " • with 'zippers. • '• Ings "Sizes 12 to 20 and 38 • to 44.. •2,50 to $3.98 HOSIERY .. . 1 • SWEATERS 79c to ' $2.50, Wool•'' and nylon. Choose '1 HATS , •; 'from our ,new 'styles and 1 ` Sltetaon and .8ritmore, colors in 'cardigans.'' and BOYS 'pullovers in' short arid Tong ,l New arrivals_ in sport shirts sleeves,; all sizes &e: prices. sizes, all.Iori; & .'' in large'co p SKIRTS ' ' white, pre. shrunk. , .$2 $8F,.• Full circle. skirts : in floral JEANS. & PANTS arid plain with `catton.:cris._-- 7 in all weights, blue denim. kay blouses. to; , 'mix or •: ,Wear them i. everywhere, • match. All :sizes & prices. 7 'Priced_ right for , , better • Other ; skirts in 'worsted,.' .flannel • al ` ine: :1 :wear. 83:15 to-' 3.90 ''. abardine 8i :`PaSpecial .99c .'NYLON.HOSIERY Special l 99c S'tibstandards,' 1A -to 1.11/2 ' new summer .shades, 51 gauge: ' . 'Reg, 81:9,5. 99c ODDMENTS odds and'ends . of .:stock clearances- always' a bargain—look .them over: ESTABLISHED . THROUGH' SERVICE /ill I tl l //tel 1, N1•11Poounotormkf„/,..m1 ,aw1/11'/l Wir-08.:41.44i0P4Cs LUCKNOW BOY: SCOUTS will 'hold a er C011ection In L-UCKNOW 'Comnrenciing;'at 6.00, o'clock rye 9 .. Save Your -Paper For The -Scouts Tie. It 'Securely :And Place :It At The Curb 'Please: Anyone. -in _the. Mural. _Conunimity having a- sizeable :quantity. :of paper available; is asked to contact; K:.0-: Murdie; s ;, • ..,.(,......,00/INOt1 114110,i.i11111,<I�t.111M•t14..111I I•=11.If41111.1.eY.41.f' IMI.1111•11.1/l1/11MINNMU1116101141,1051 . 0 .1/♦1/..oft, (1 .f1.'D ioi1...0...1).0l1;.'11.....1)rt1 e,..... .::” 1. Lucknow Legion's, Weekly •• 1 1 i ..$375 :IN'PRIZES MUST GO. In The Recreational Centre, . LUCI N'OW: ...Commencing ''at 9.00 0.111.d; Sharep,. D.S'.T , ' 1 1 RE U AR GAMES FO R $ , SPECIAL GAMES FOR $25.00. EACH Jack.pt t p+ecial $200 ;1 r ,' • 'Mutt. $e -••••• r., n) Wo• • • • ) xtta and Special. cards 23c NOTE• CHAN'e OF• 1tIGk T w�wnrhrlrrirrarl,.�rua..�oi,�.++t.ri� r . �f•Y • 1 1 r n •