HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-22, Page 2• �4�1u r � DU TClt FAMILY i Reside of ;Ripley and x." ' 1E LUCKNOW SENTIiy'FL, Luc KNOW, ONTARIO START 'FEND FOR i DUTCi� FAMILY Residets-Ripley Huron ifizens of the Townships of Ashfield, -East ,And West Waw.anosh, Morris, 'Turnlierry, Culross and win !!, : also of Q' :1' this'n' that i onwnship .are rallyingto an a - p- , peal for funds, clothing, food and • •household effects for,a. t etch �. family 'who 'lost .all. their belong- ings by fire -last week . The family, Mr. and Mrs. l .iene Vander Hoek and two children and her mother, Mrs. T.. A. i *gn; lost ,all their, . belongings when fire: ✓ razed the' tfarm . home in. which they, were living• and own- ed by Stewart . Brooks. They had ar ved, from Hioll'and some two wee earlier Their belongings, which ' they jh+ ()tight with them, ' had -be n ...ins red lin, til deliirery:but. M Vander Hoek had not taken out neW policy cogef'ing thein, •• Mrs. Hahnn;' wlo was justyisit- -ng in . Canada, • lost'' her •return ticket . ' to • Holland, ' her. passport and other • important papers,'. She Wag ' burned about the hands and arms when ' she' ` attempted tore`: enter the house - to ,nave. them'. The Vander Hoek's., two 'child- ren Were atschool at the time. FTSH AND . GAME' CLUB1 Concerning :Conservation, :Reforestation,. Erection of earns and' Pro o gation ofFish arid 'Game, Birds •; Y • To ,Held'In To • Attend,A/ Meeting Be• , dt �]<n WINGHAM TOWN HALL, irsday, may am' at 8.00 '.O'clock • The Slogan ."THINK OF: THE NEXT GENERATION".... PRESBYTERY CONFERS ON - • -NEWCHRISTIAN CENTRE A small`: group . of members of ,,..Bruce' Presbytery, met in the 'Un iited 'Church, ,Mildmay,, to confer • with ,Rev. Beverly Osten, •B.D:, Brantford,' the new director of •FiveOaks Christian . Workers'' Centre, shortly to, be erected. near `Pans, Ontario. It :willserve gas .a training 'centre . for lay vyorkers - of: the five • central con- ferences. • • Members. ' of. the' ::executive transacted a niuinber ::of items .- c emergent business including, calls from 'Dobington . to Rem: B. Woolley, Ashfield; .from. • Bervie to Rev. F. G. Purchase Ilderton; and 'from•Luckndw,, to.:Rev. Grant 1Vleiklej ohn;' Betide. . The' applica- tion of Dr. ' •W J. Munford, retirement' Lu ck_ now,for afe forty: t years' 'service in the 'ministry, was also approved. . • 0 a MRS. ;. LEITH PASSES IN HER. 92ND NEAR -- Mrs. :Augusta Leith, age '91 years, of age, • died • in Clinton' Hospital on Sunday, where she ,had. spent. th& 'past six years. A native , of Germany she carne to .Canada with ;he+r parentsin,1862 when a child;. of 'two years. She •spent rriost Of her life in Blyth. Her husband Georige Leith predeceased her 20 ;.years ago: Surviving. are 'two'. sons, :John .of Hamiltonand tai. rmerly of ' Luck=. now and William of Stratford. • . . The funeral service was held on Tuesday • in. Blyth, 'United Church with interment' in. Blyth - Cemetery. . . , . ply, Cemetery.. •by ROSEMARY THYME; l the And now. Ixn told re- _, that t _. ripe column are -such; •a help' Out come the cook books ar;.e i. i. We've• been having a run on raw fruit desserts, or .cooked rhu- barb. Today . we had +chocolate Milk, pudding and -the family seemed 'to. think it• Was a nice chanke There a lot of ways you,, can vary, the.. packaged puddings, you can, top with bananas;, cocoa- nut 'inarshra:allows,. chopped, nuts or .. y. ou May fold . them in your pudding. A vanilla:'l udding .or a:. custard tapioca is delicious with •chopped dates • folded in. Also :good in a baked pie shell. With a tiny bit More fl;avoring,. and perhaps , a dab of whipped'' cream folded in,, they',rnake, good fill ings for. cream puffs. 'Or. eclairs. • Flavor vanilla • puddings • with 12 tsp. almond and '/2 tsp. lemon. Chill well ,and ' add ?/z cup heavy tream Whipped: Top with Berries; Metre pudding' with milk as usual, ',using 1/4 , cusp . •fess. , When cold ' add the ',grated ring of one orange -and' 1/a.icup ,juice. four -orange, or pineapple juice •dv+er dry cake and pour pudding over -cake. Serve cold. With. chocolate pudding g .ti' Y substituting, strong coffee for"half_ • the milk- used.; Serve '. chocolate. Pudding • 'in' layers. With peppermint-: flavored whipped cream, tinted. delicate green.' • • Chocolate chips.: add "to .either d 'vanilla vanilla or e,chocolate. puddings. Butterscotch and 'caramel pud- dings can .be . used: a$, sauces by using; a' little more• milk. Dd..I: ever: tell you about Hoot Ginger Scones? .2 .crops flour, :4. tsp. bak. ''pdr.; '2 tsp. ground gin- ger' (maybe yott tiad'. better `take. it easy • ,on the •ginger .the , :first time -',and use., a' bit: legs)., pinch: salt;.'' 2' .fbsp. shortening; 3/4 Milk, Sift ginger flour; bak. 'pdr. .and- salt. '!Cut in shortening, then. stir 'in • lightly . the.: pnilh which has been mixed with the corn', syrup. Roll. out 1/2' inch thick.:: Cut in rounds: Bake. in quick oven. 15 minutes. I., suppose, yoi,i ..are • still. going strong on ° rhubarb °.:It has such. a refreshing tartness this time of.: year. You Might 'like 'to try son'ie thing new with .the old. favorite... Baked Rhubarb • Sponge:.'three cups rhubarb .scut • in 1/2. inch pieces, 1 cup sugar;'2:'tsp.quick• Eooking ' tapioca; 1 egg, 3.42 . cup. • edflo pdr-pia salt,,. 2 'tbsp... orange.. juice...Corn- bine rhubarb, two-thirds cup of. sugar, and, ;tapio_ca., Put_..in.,Lcas= serole. Beat egg' till' thick; grad- ually: beat' in' remaining, 'sugar. Sift dry ingredients17together and: add to egg mixture alternately . With orange juice, :Pour over. rhubarb. Bake in .moderate • oven• 45. Minutes. • Baked .Rhubarb and Bananas: 2 cups diced rhiubai b 1 cup ,water, 1 cup sugar,. 1 tsp.• grated orange rind, 1/4 cup orange :juice, 4' ban anas. Combine rhubarb,: water, `sugar, orange .rind :and juice, Cut. 'bananas, lengthgvise and place in shallow' bake dish. Cover With, rhubarb mixture. Bake in moder- 'ate. 'oven' 30 minutes. If you have a 'bit of maraschino 'cherry juice • in -a jar . irr your. cupboard; . pour it into your next rhubarb pie. Gives .it 'c+olor;-,un- usual. ,tiusual• flavor. Rhubarb Tapioca: 3 tbsp.; quick 'cooking. tapioca, 1 ,cup sugar, '1/4 tsp. salt; 1 cup water,' 3, cups 'rhubarb cut in 1/2a inch pieces,' 1/4 .cup heavy cream, hip ed, tsp. orange rind, Co , ine' tap- ioca, sugar, Bait, vttater . and rhu barb in sauce pal and ,bring to iboil, stirring .. constantly. • Cook ower low heat .2 minutes.. C1il, Serve with whi:ppea cream flay- oreci with orange 1 -Ind:. Or use a' soft custard, could .. could be, flavored with orange rind too, cine '`T Holiday week ends bring unusual traffic hazards '• to Onfierio—Morredivers -a'nd a es runsuse e s ree s and highways More miles are travelled. More time is spent out of cloori,, and thousands. of "childien ars re- , leased .from schooL All .these factors .swell the .nOrmal traffic..yolyMe .and inciease, the , danger. of accidents. earneitly urge all citizens, 'and 01 leaders 'in' cam- awarenets. of the need far 'safer .driviiis and safer The traffic accident record can be kept down—if each of us does his part. attack on accidents. Let us all work tOgether *to. keep , 'the approaching holiday period free of acCidents. • 8111t shaker Will •not corrode if ,j.t is coated with fingernail polish: When, the. lish is d the holes • THURSDA"z, MAX 22nd,. 1952 SHORTHORN SALE NEXT' [THURSDAY The Cui+bert-Gaunt-lKeyes nual sale of purebred Scot,eh Shorthorns will' be held. in tilt. .Clinton" Arena on Thursd'a;y 01: next week, May .29th.. , The sale' is Staged by W*. A. Culbert and So,ns-of Dungannon. Andrew C. Gaunt oft St,. Hele>1. and Clifford H. Keys, of Varna, who are ,consigning a select ot- fering of. choice tani'mals from their . respective herd's, for this annual event. Thii ty=eight• 'head ace up fGr this auction, with 16 females ai)d three bulls !from •'tile Culbert herd' five females nd: four, �iuiiti f.rom.i the ' Ke s • herd and ' it .• • Y .. Li Zc. ,females and...one. bull from the. Gaunt ,herd. ,Sale: catalogues listings the...149. head, as , well. as the herd sires, are vai1able fro r W: A 'Culbert, Maple Em. blern. Farm . R. R: 1; Dungannon. GIRLS EXHIBIT" PROJECT OUTFITS AT KAIRSHEA W. l', . ` Mrs. D. H. ' Carruthers was hos. tens for the May meeting 'of the • Kairshea W. I: There was a splen- did attendance of members and'. visitors. • Mrs. Houston presided and. Mrs. Farish Moffat, read the 'minutes .of the 'previous meeting,' • Mrs F, Gilchrist reported: on.. .. the . Distriet 'Directors meeting' and arr, ngerrients nwer� made for -the'District Annual to. �be held in Kincardine, June. - 10th: Mrs:` l`Iughes•..;and 'Mrs;. Collyer were named delegates with ' Mrs. liar.,, old. Campbell as . alternate.. -It,. was unerniously agreed to contribute $10 to . the Saivation Army Red Shield appeal. 'Thanks were received or the quilt which was contributed tol the Red Cross. Society. in. Lucknow.. An' invitation' was -extended to. the members to attend a . Violet Tea. in the Sunday School rooni of Lueknow' United: •C'hurch to }ie .held on May 28th at 2:15 . p.m: It was. 'arranged to sponsor a summer' project for 'Club girls. "Meat in the •Menu"was 'chosen with ' Mrs. Ted. Collyer and • Mrs. Wrh.: Scott to' be : leaders. •Any '. girls from 12•: to 26: yearn. of age may enroll. , Community., .:singing— 'Was en- joyed..Mrs Irwin Carruthers and".. Miss Amelia Carruthers each fav- ored. av-ored• with :'a ., pifario. solo 'Mrs. '. Collyer had •a reading on :"Fam- ily Life". :Mrs. Ira Dickie and: Mts. . Lawrence:MacLeod gave . ,a ,. Splendid report of the sessions of. the: Officers' Conference which' they 'had attended at the O.A:C. , a+t `Guelph -,Over 1:000 -.women gathered ' at the- O.A.C. for the wo- • ay con erence.' • Linder the direction: of. Mrs. -- Ross • M'acM han; the eight girls +w o h attended theeiihieve- anent Day. in' Walkerton •display- : ed their, project, "Working with Wool". Each .jgirl wore the. out- fit which she'.`had made 'in the 'winter -under' the.: leadership of MacMillan artd Mrs: Orville Elliott: ' . • ' ...- Mks: VT. F. MacDonald gave .the -closing remarks: After' the Nat- ional Anthem a dainty lunch was served by the, 'iliostess and 'the , directors in• charge. Misses Jessie and Annie• 1Vlac Kay invited the .mernbers for 'the net •neetirig tcz..be tela lri°1y-' • rood Hia11 in . June: can. be 'opened' with needle.. - That versatile : tail,' ptiliasi! I told you• before,about mala ing floattng•candles' out of:�17ct.t- 'ed. down stubs. I'ssuggested plac- ing' lac-ing'candle Wick in the cit ntre.,. • when partly cooled, 'A better idea4 "islbirthnclie,� ste'ato d of theinsert a wick Y.ouday Ccaai1 11 en novelty candles , for a Children"s ,party with marshmallows and. birthday candles, 'and th.oi;r 1i0P' War candies with • a hole •iii the' centre . ':" aavhidll I 1 7t0 'ir•c�t, name: They come in a`rcill.i(;.+��'' Press the candy into the t.•cr:.r'' of a . rnaht fallow tib form tht handle;arsnd press th°e cariClla' the nof+ itiri ►1'irri W lotow; 'farceentreough sothe thiat i+ E� iti stand wp. burned out; eat the i'Yt,arsh4riallnw• ,