HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-22, Page 1• $2 5Q yearly •I.n Advance -41.09 Extra To t].S A.; LT CKNOW, ONTARIO, THUIi,SDAY, MAY22nd, 1952. sAV•E TRU C F R•b./.1 DESTRU;CTION Lijcknow •Fir'e Company • ans veered •a .moon hour call on Min- . day;to the Sixth of Kinloss to save a big dump truck, owned by Fred Tout, from complete de- struction by fire. • First knowledge the driver had, pf, the outbreak: was When the lames broke ,through" the floor board *of his Fab.. It -vas at -first figured, that the truck,w;as doom- ed but it was then decided to put; in a call, in hopes • that at • least the . dozen, big .tires on this - hopper type durnp . struck might be saved. Mr. Tout phoned; the ;'alarm ,from thehome of.•Allister• Hughes. nearby. 'where the fleet of trucks: • is; operating, :drawing gravel to the Eighth Concession. The Fire . Brigade • made. a •fas't ' run, and had the .blaze extinguished 'before it reached the gas' tank, andbe= fore any of the ,tires stook fire; or were damaged • ' The •'truck cab was badly burn= ed out, and it .was uncertain what. damage :might be done '•to the motor Mr. Tout *praised -the Fire Bri=, gide . for their quick response,•. which he didn't think was :poss- ible They made the run, put out the -blaze, cooled off the over-: heated tires and were back ' to town within about this y,'five *minutes... BLAKE :'LADIES STAGED ' FAREWELL SHOWER. The ladies of the Blake. Com.- inanity gathered •at the home • of. Mrs. Hugh Meriary last week, to stage a farewell shower,. for Mrs. McNall: and son. Michael, be-" fore setting out on `their • journey to England.•. , A'' .most. enjoyable , afternoon was spent,:: andaccompanying the remembrances • were the best wishes er all for a: speedy' and safe ,journey, Mr-s:McN`a11 extend, - ed her thanks 'for, the ' nice gifts, and her appreciation of the kind-- ly 'thoughtfulness which prompt ed the holding of the' gathering. Refreshments' were.served-before the gathering broke :up with a finalgreeting for a "bon Voyage". STORES OPEN SATURDAY The Victoria Day holiday: will. be observed in Lucknow on Mon-: day, May 26th. witl, lLbtisiness- •p a s remaining open on Satur day,' May. 24th; APPOINT RE • .ENTRE .OFFICERS A re -organization Meeting of. .the administrative 'cormiftee' of tihe Recreational Centre was held last.week, when C. L. Smith: .was 'named resident and Jack Ban- riiste, secretary -treasurer: Exe- cutive , rnenmibers include • R. W. Andrew, S. E. Roberton and p nes MacSween. as .re resentatives "from.the Municipal Council,, with represdntative from both the Boy Scoots: arid Girl Guides, cor_r pleting the seven -member •boai;d. This • committee will meet monthly hereafter • on the Last 'Monthly hereafter on the -•la`st Friday of each ,month at 7.15 p.m. A schedule ,of' rates has been establishes as follows: dances,: •.$15.90; banquets; 10 cents a plate thi ._ a minimum charge of $10.00: card • parties, 25 (cents. a table With a $5.00 minimum or a 7.50' minimumf kitchen 'facilities are required; North vying bingos,. $10.00; fee forprivate parties de- , pends on nature and size ..of art. �t�ith:a, $5:00: maninnum. Y The 'Recreationali' • Centre � is free to local organizations for 'non- • Profit meetings. • 4 ,_-,lie Centre must, be clewed not later than ,1.30 a.m, after any Iactivit � y, unless previously ar- ranged. Thicaretaker, if res- hart,h , P, as full authority to collect t .1 'and Supervise the Use of a• . SAGE SCOTCH CONCERT' —GRADUATED,.. TUESDAY .w A foUrsorne from this cornrrian; ity staged a Scotch program on 'Friday night •at Cranbrook to a crowd that, packed their new cominunity centre, Piper D. A. Maelpennari of, Lochalsh,played bagpipe selections and accompan:. ied „Isabel MacPherson of St:: Helens: for . her Scotch, dances. Ed Baker contributed•. s n ;m e .Scotch .songs and violin . selec tions with •; accompaniment by Mrs. ''Donald MacDonald, An old-time dance e followed the concert • CHANGE . BINGO. NIGHT, INCREASE PRIZE 'MONEY The Iueknow Legion's' .weekly bingo, has been changed to Tues- day night. of :each. week...This. ,week's . ibin o has been cancelled and the news "series with a change of :, ;night and increased, prize money will get underway Tues- day, May 27th . at 9.00. o'clock. sharp. Total prize money has. been creased to $175, all of which must 'go. Prikes 'willbe•`as .follows. ten regular. games at $10each,'three special, Baines at $25, each and the $200. jackpot. SPOKE ON FLORIDA TRIP AT:.W : I. MEETING•. The're ula monthly g ,meeting of the Lucknow Women's Insti lute ' was : held. in -the"Council Chamber On Friday;'May 9th With large .attendance, The president, Mrs:.J • :R, Johnstone, was/in the chair.. Reports' on- the Bowling Club banquet: and the rummage Sale •were : given. Four delegates were appointed: to go to the Dis- trict 'Annual in Tiverton on ,,June 10th: ' The .highlight: of the meet ing 'Was :a' :travelouge : iby • Mrs . W A. Porteous on her recent trip to' Florida: This talk was :very: interesting • •and very . much • en-. joyed by all,. "present. A social half• hour was spent :• with th'e. executive : in• charge., OFFER ' TO •BUY PHONE LI NE;S At a ` recent, meeting of Huron Township Council it was `tov `lam' ' ai in and :.Emrnerton:,• that: "We offer: the .Lucknow and Kin loss Telephone' Company $100 'fin' .their lines north of the, Eighth Concession in' Kinloss Township plus, $10.00. for :each serviceable; `'phone on the lines." to' be ,pur chased 'This;• offer is made under Section 33•• of the -Telephone Act,, 'and, is,to constitute a formal 'of- fer as such",, • This applies `to that section of the Lucknow anti Kinloss line north. bf Holyrood. A .similar 'of: fer Was ,previously rha.de• I y the Huron and kinlos•s ' Telephone Cornpany with central at Ripley. There ,are sorrie 'who wish: the Ripley., system in thtit district; but we understand would be lis= sessed for building the line, - The . Huron System'' i•ate• i• ap•- proxm.ate?ly $10 EL • year higher than , ther' Kinloss rate. • The Lucknow-Kt'niloss Stern ;Was one of the fust. rural' •sy-- teals built' in this district .when residents r of the olyrood4 in lough diSt'ri°ct .felt the need •for t( Communication. sys.4tem • among, themselves and with 'Lucknow; It seems that the, majority on the line• still ' W;ish • Lucknow as. their. exchange, and 'in case of: any'..c ange would insist ;on pin space on. :the line to give them direct contact With Lucknow: The Lucknow-Kinloss system. has undergone , some ' improve-• rrients ;of: talc, while the Ripley. •s�steiri lines beirig dairied into y bei rig area are overloaded'. At present there seems'; little` prospect of any . change being made in the existing :set-up. ' veil • ° Margaret Ardonna Johnston daughter , of Mr. and. Mrs. 'Noble. Johnston, was one of , the mem- bers' of the Victoria Hospital graduating .class, 'who :received her diplorna at •graduation exer- cises on' . Tuesday ' evening ' at Thames .Hall, Londori.,'Ardonna' will complete her training in mid-August andnext Fall, pla•ns to take a post graduate course in public, health nursing at the '.Uni- versity of Western Ontario. MAILING. LIST' CORRECTED. • • HOW'S 'YOUR LABEL READ? .' •• ;After some delay the. Sen- tinel mailing list was "brought up to date on Saturday, and, • subscription-a'p ' ayments made • during the past several weeks.- ': should be credited according lye The date on your address • label will• tell tie; =stor-y� If- , you are in ':arrears your early . attention to this matter will be ' appreciated. AIN:. ST; .BRIDGE: BREAKING :UP The cernent /top on the -Main St. bridge or the 'Nine ' Milia River, is •breaking ti and ha un • ergo temporary,. emergency repairslast week The surface •of the. north half of -the --bridge- has-=eraekeci--badly- and on Friday'of last, week a hole developed as small pieces of con- crete loosened; and fell through to the river , below.• Gib Gillespie and 'members of his. Highway 86 maintena , . ce crew made temporary xe airs- to e bridge. They smashed•'oat a see - tion ' of the 'cement . about three bar ' five feet and inlaid the ex- cavatiiin with plank'. to • Carry ordinary traffic. A warning flag and red' lantern mark: the spot, which . is.. being skirted by heavy traffic, and which when traffic is --heavy' 'causes sornewh-at of -a bottleneck on the Main. Street. 1,S,E:E BY THE SENTINEL 1'1AT sweaters ,and crests have • 'been obtained for' •Lucknow, Bantarri's,.O.1Vl;H:A: "D" champ,. •ions, and will he presented at • a banquet. to, be held early in June. 'l`.IAT Old Light, Lodge, A.F. St • A.M.,,•held their annual church parade~ on Sunday xnoirning to the . Whitechurch Presbyterian Church, which .' is the hone church of Worshipful Master Fred Newinar5., There' were about eighty Masons in at- . icer from Lucknow• Wing .tend, +4,. . s Wing - ham and Tee•swater. Rev. A. D. A. Carrie delivered a splendid • serrrion,. •• '. r • BUYS BAKER :HOME. HOME - Gordon Brooks has ,bright E. V. Baker's home, adjoining the Public School grounds, and .ob- tained imrnediate possession The property . was ;the • former Wm. Maclifenzie home known as "Hill- •crest", Mr, and. Mrs. Baker' re- cently vacated • this iresidence, When . they•movied , to their 'newly renovated, apartment at. the. Baker Convalescent, Horne:, KI. LOSS .OPPOSES • CONTRACT. AWARD Kinloss Tow. nshb: Oauncil ha gone •on record.. as rbeing opposed.s to the action oi, the • Lucknow District High School Board in. awardin ' the':contract fel. 'the onstru tion • of 'the " new l • • This opposition arose frarn• • the fact that •. the••Board diel': not ac-. rept the 'lo'vest ,tender, The ten.=. der of the school was theb- teine ASH FIELD ..'SCHOOLMATES ' • PASSED AWAY' IN WEST Relatives .in this community halve , received word of• the death of William. 'E; Kilpatrit k who passedaway on Wednesday, May. 14th at, his • home at Macklin,'. Sask. Ire• vias• in his. 71st year. 'a Mr Kilpatrick was, a native of Ashfield. He was 'a son •of Joseph„ Kilpatrick arid. • Eliza Treleaven. and ,Was born on the homestead •rioW owned by Richard • 'Kailpat- rick. The ;deceased' 'married Mable Finnigan,' ' .and they .:went.' West over forty'years age. . He wasen- gaged, in_the! real- estate and in surance 'business .Mr, 'Kilpatrick `is '.survived • by his. widow; . five sons and one. daughter. Also sur- viving' is.one .sister ,. Mrs. Eugene. Hanson. (Anna)... of East• Tawas,, Michigan. She is the `last`survivv- ing :rnemnber of the Kilpatrick fain ly:. of. eight. Thomas' R: s ►M; Almost`. simultaneouslyeedPasse•' comes word of .the death': of Thos: Reed who passed', away 'in''Vancouver in his ° 70th year. The two men, were schoolmates; in Ashfield.' Mr 'Reed . was a .. son • of : Paul Reed. .and: Rebecca McGee:. Of a family of seven 'he is survived. by sister, Mrs. Thomas Ander--• . son of „,Lucknow • and as brother, Will; of Galt..' K. w " ' • • Mrs. Reed was formerly Letitia Culbert of Ashfield.: She: and one son -Benson survive. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Reed '.farmed in Saskatchewan ` for.several years before going to Vancouver where he entered business: He had been living 'retired for a tune prior to his death which occurred sud- denly 'following; a brief •'illness. CLANSMEN 1TO WIPE OFA 'DEBT A• debt° of ewer .$300 which members of The Clansmen Club SHOWERS FOR personally assumed. some ' time MAY- -, BRIDES lraek,'''to complete tYie :Construct . ion of the • Recreational Centre, TEN PAGES,: • w ,est bid and was for $183,000•, some. $13,000' :higher. than the lowest tender, • The Kinloss.' Township repress entatve ' of the High School Board,Mr, Allister. Hughes, did' not agree with .the, Board's .de-. cision to': accept the higher ten - ,der.:• • The Board accepted this tender, on the ..recommendation, • of the architect, and in -view of the fact that the successful- bidder is a Jong ` established construction firm; and has. built, other schools, to which the. lower .bidder could. not. ;1ay....,cla m: , - - ..- __ . Kinloss .Council •held:, special meeting • to deal with the matter and forwarded letters of ; ,protest. to the' District Board, to the. De- . partrnent of ,.Education and to, the 'Department/al:'Municipal Affairs.' / The Kinloss ''Board feels that. any contractor must build • to the ' prescribed, . plants .and • sipecifica•-, tions,' and that his •work, will be under inspection, so,they can. see •no lust fication" for accepting other than the'lowest` bid. �. • • • MRS. JAMIESON FETED 01?' .80TH 'BIRTHDAY In honor of Mrs; -John': Jamie- son's 80th birthday which ,fell on Tuesday, May '24th, - her family;�, and ' a,, .few friends -gave her • At I great surprise' by gather:ngg at her home on :,Saturday -=evening- They brought all it takes to make a 'happy ,birthday including a .• • handsome cakewith candles - and trimmings and gifts. and .flowers. '• When the table was set •tihey : sang the chorus "Happy ' Birthday To.. You" so ' happily. the little great , 'grandchildren' joining in with glee. Mrs: Jamieson''s daughter,. Mrs. Wilson from •Saskatoon, will Visit her mother later in the holt- ' • ease: -.i- -is- expect . . is to Abe wiped off.. by merribers. meeting their shareof the ebli- gation. •. e: guaranteeing ' payment', .of this amount, `which ,now' ;amounts to approximately $300.•The Club has ,active of late . in'; the Dick Kilpatrick sand Advice to rmone been:raisingfield and at a p y' the .Bride" by Mrs. dsr! Rt Andrew: Meeting last week its was ,decided , • .•. •". � • � A .mck •wedding created. added to personally liquidate the' debt, merriment ,vth Mrs.: Russell Ir- All members are not on the guar - altars list which. now, numbers 18 resident members,• but other -rn°enbers : of the ClUb - "feel' :thee debt ' should , be ' assumed as an ,• • gifts and after a nice lunch the, h singing of,Foi She's A Jolly dual indebtedness will be reduced ant evening. . ' ' " ,� ' Bernadeart . Hono>red • . Some' 21 members signed a not The home of Mrs: Keith. Blake; of. Ashfield was the scene of a shower on Thursday evening in honor' •of , Miss': Lottie' •Saunders,' a. bride -elect of this month., Mrs. Irvine Henry was • chairrady for, a ;program that included readings • by Mrs.' C. B. Woolley and Mrs. • .vin as the groom., Mrs. Jacek Irwin as the•:'bride and 'Mrs" Sam°Alton the - parson, ,Lottie • received - many lovely or�g�anizatien and by all 30 pres ent• members 's wring, .the . indivi- �, • . , Good Fellow , concluded a pleas - to about •$1.2.00 each Oppose County Set-Ifp • On Monday evening :a rnitcel- K,.' C, 'Murdie ,ancLgarvey Web- laneous shower was held 'at the ster wereappointed to aecorn- borne of Mrs. Blake ,Alton of Bel- pany C. L. Smith and leek Ban- nister 'to Southampton on June 4th to attend a County meeting of Christmas 'Seal 'committees, ' A move is on foot° to have Bruce organized on 'a° county basis, but which is not favored by, , The 'Clansmen Club,' sponsors; ofthe, campaign in this community,' '.. A. very efficient .local exec'ut- i.ve has annually 3 riade the cam °paign",most successful here, and fast for ; Miss B.ernadean Alton, also a • May ,bride -elect. A pleas•. ant, social, evening was enjoyed by a large gathering, with Bern- adean entering the room to the strains of "Here Comes The Bride" , played by. ,Miss ' Elmira Alton, ,. The program . included' readings 'by Mrs,Bert Alton, Mrs., jinn. Nelson. and Mrs. C. B. Wool- ley and; `Advice to the 'Bride" b. Mrs, Win,' 'Wareing Miss Al- y g ''the ":Local 'services. 'provided , are tori expressed her thanks tor the exceptionally good. A County Or- ganization* would, it is felt, im- pair the e,fficierit• conduct of this project locally.. • r nriany' lovely gifts 'received, and the gathering replied with. "For • She's A Jolly Good Fellow"; "A bountiful . lunch' was served`.