HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-15, Page 4`TT !!1,1W111C1Wel.n.vir-...,A • PAGE FOUR THE LucKNosPITIN4, TATOKNOW, 0NZARIo BOY 'VVANTED to mow lawn. Ap- ply at .Sentinel Office. ; HAVE GRASS for.,k few cattle: ,Anderson, -Jr., Lucknow, .‘ LOS'I'-a „rig.:,,,,of: 14'3r• .Fjncir, , please :leave • at . The Sentinel Of.- '.fiee , LOST -a bliie satin boy s:•j'aek.! et. 'Finder .please, notify Bob•. , lyiowbrey.• • . pl,ols'Foit,SAtE-ready' to 'Wean. Wilfred McQuillan,, R. 2, :Luck-... now, Phone 2077,0.. • SPECIAL, SALE • OF HATS on Friday and Saturday at Bell„Rob- ertsOn's. • FOR: SALE -42 purebred York- , shire pits, .week old. J. Schuurmans, R. 7, Lucknow. 'WANTED -small house in Luck- nOw with modern 'conveniences. . ..'Apply at Sentinel Office. • FOR ',SALE-onantity of ''Dekota. . seed flax.. Apply to Donald Gil - R. 2 Ripley phone 6-r-10. School n • • '1..0ST-en eleatric 'Soldering ii�i ,with red* ,handle. Finder pleas • 'notify Ted Collyer, phone .46;4.45 Lucknow. • ,'• ' • • FOR SALE --ice ,box • in :real good • condition; hot water tank,. good condition. Apply. to Wagner, . . Lucknow. • FOR SALE L- .1950 ,Chev.•:.sedan ,delivery, • low Reavie , Motor Sales, phone 241, Wing - ham. . •- - FOR SALE -2, purebred 'Short- horn bulls, serviceable ate. Canty- . bell. 'Bros:, R. 4. 4, 'Kincardine, ..phone 76-7 Ripley • • FOR' ,roorn table arid six .Chairs, in Al condition. ApPly to: -Mrs.': Annie JgAitt, Lticknow, • • FOR SALE -cement septic tanks, .approved fby the.Health Unit We 'deliver them. 'Forster's. ',Welding 206-r-14Shohone Lucknow 6 FARM FOR RENT. ----. abont acres, -20 Acres plowed, rest in ' hay and,',•pasture. Apply Mrs. • Charlotte:. Weatherhead, J. 2, • . BRAY COCKERELS, day -old,. _Istarted, in limited quantities; Ma- . mediate .shipment; plenty ptale 3-4 Weeks. (Payola chicksto ordery..• :iiieeft- these. Full • information' from- agent- , ,p.: F. • FINLAYSON; •LuCknOw. CONTRA.CT BARLEY, ; , 1,fbr' „road known. as 'WilIcitighbY ber„ A.D. 1952,. are notified 'to• • 'send to the widersigned on or before the, twenty-fourth day of 'May; 1952 full. Particulars of their. CiaimS • in writing. lin- 11 F4RI1Eitt$'4 •• For all your steel roof coating and new .asphalt roofs and' sicl- •ing, get in tough With Wilfred Wittman, fKitiloss... • ;DEAD ,,,Sc'LIV.E, ANIMALS: • Prornpt • pick.... uv •Of Cattle,. 1-16rses; 'pigs & shee.1)'..LWe, horses, feocl .*picked up .at •your „farm'. Wieraging $35.00. .0.• BrubaCher,, Wingharn, phone. 6o8 - NOTICE RE SOIL' The West Wawanosh Unit. of the' Federation of,'Agriculture' is sponsoring a soil testing program.' Boxes.may be. Obtained from the director on each line, ' arid • must ,be returned to •tihe ;directors by May 26th. , • Gordon MabTavish, Pres. ; Caeiar, Sea. ' • MUSIC TEACHER ',WANTED Applications will be teceiv,ed for .a Music teacher for the fOur. rooms Of the Lucknow _Du COMANG..- EVENTS 1. PLAY AT ZION "Ma's .New Husband", a 3 -act, farce, Will be presented by 'the .•.3A Gro.i1P of Auburn. United' C'llureh in Zion Orange Hall, on Tuesday, May ,20th, commencing at 9.00,' Proeeeds for Zion Su,n- day ,School, AdmiWon 50c, child-. ren 25c. An evening's: real enter- tainment. ••'': • . ..„.,,ATIXWARY DANCE Dance,to. be held in••ToWn 14chnow, On Friilay,-.May 23rd, 19524 „:under 'auspice s of Ladies' „ Auxiliary - to 1.4.0glOn: No. 309'.:Ita.roid" Button's orchestra from .Dundas. A. tele- vision set • is to be drawn for with , proceeds ,to go to . Roy •Havens. Adniission 75e, Dancing from. 9.30. to 1.00 o'clock.1Every- body. welcome! HOrnemade pip! •• • VIOLET TEA The WA. of the Lucknow. 'Un- ited! Church is sponsoring Mrs. Copeland of Copeland's .Violet HOUse, Cookavillei Ont.', • to .lect- ure on the care and,culture of all species Of African Violefs,:t9 130. held. on Wednesday', 1Vfay 28th• 2.1. p,4m in the Sunday: School Room: A questionnaire Will -be conducted at,the close o$ the -1e0-, ure and tea will; be _serve& tome 4nd 'bring your friends UWAY„$.1VX# loth; lin- 6 ALAN WILLIAMS es. __t o o nee .P1 • September: -L uc know Public Sohool Board, Dofiald.Henderion, :Sec'y., • Optometrist . Office on Patrick St., just. * off the Main St4n WING1HAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services .Evenings by appointment. -Phone: Office 770; Res. 5, • • • CLE .AN south of • Supertest garage 1,[•4 FUNERAL HOME .orhone.16 • • • 0 . Day or Niglit. • Ambulance Service ,USE OF FUNERAL Homp . At No. Extra Cost , Moderate Prices TAX SERVICE M�NTHLY AUDITS, For The " Small Merchant,. Professional • man and the Farmer. S.' J. PYMM Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont, . pffiee in Kilpatrick Block, 'Phone 23-w MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE WING.:T RATE .is up•' this. Year to a 17 -mill . TEACHER WANTED, : rate. . Prostestant teacher •wanted, •at llolyrood;. S.S. No. 4, • Kinioss.• School' With • hydro % 'situated pn main highway with. bus service Duties /to cominenee •Septerriber• 3rd,1952. •Apply., Stating quali- fications and salary expected, to Donald lifaciPherion, sec;-treas.; R.R. 3, kolyroOd, phone -Ripley 24-16. • •• • NOTICE NOtice Of Intention :To Stop Up;. A Portion Of Willoug,hby Street And A Portion: Of. •Elgin: Street • In :-The Village Of .Lucknow . And TO .Sell And Convey The Same To The.iucknow'DiStrict • High School7Board. . . ‹E'NOTICE that the Muni-' • cipal, Council of the Corporation of the .of Lucknow• will takeinto consideration the pass - Ing, and if approired, will pas at. its meeting to be 'held. on Mon- day, the, thirtieth 'day of thine, A.D. 1952, at.the: hou'r of .Eight, _o'clock in: the evening in the NOTICE NOTICE RJ ACCOUNTS All accounts owing to:Temple- 'ton. .8.E, •Co. are to .be paid at the residence. of Emma McChiskeY, andmug be 1.3,aia. on or •before.: 'Tuesday; NO,,,T•Il6th, • • • After, that date ail outstanding account& will be placed: in !Slier hands for collection., • ; trugo$ co. HEALTH 'UNIT • . ' Immunization .Clinic . _ • The third:in a serieS of pre- school •,iminunizationclinics for DUngannon, and:district. will be. held in the 1>ungannon., Unite& Church Hall,: Friday May. 1.6th, 1952 from 2.00-3.00 p.m..• • Children 4 months of age. •to, school age may be; 'brought to these clinics to receive' -initial immunization: Or • reinforcing in- oculations for Diphtheria,,Whoop- ing Cough,. 'Tetanus .and maJi- DO Council Charribers ; in.' the Village ice• in. the said Village of . NOTICE TA) CREDITORS Luck.no*4-a_43:y._,,la,•w_for- -All'7-persons- ping up and closing .to public against the estate Of Richard Mc - travel and selling and Conveying Quillin; late of the Township Of • to the Luc -know District High -Kinloss •the County. of . Brtiee, (a) That •part,of the allowance about . the tenth day -of Novern- ,FuNEAAL, spivicg; SerNifees •conducte4,-,accdrd7. ing to Your wishes at, your Home., Your Church, or at our' Memorial . chapelat no • additional charge. AMBULANCE SER;vICg ' .'PhOne 1.81,•ILUcknoW, Day - • ; . or ,Night F. T. ARMSTRONG • .OPTCPITJETRIST I • 00DERICI-1 FOR A1POINTME14t • 'Phone 1100 • APpointment• or Inforrnation • •$ee Wm: A. Schmid, 'Phone 167-w ,Lucknow !news Agency, Howard Agnew. -- Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents'AssOciation- .NSURAI1C.E.. FIRE; „CASUALTY; . AUTOMOBIL•E, • AND LIFE: • ,To..PrOtect•YOur...Jack, •'Insure 'With,:.rack Today. J. A.., :McDONAGR • . R. R. 3,.;Lucknent, Ont. 'Phone 61.2,5, Dungannon."' . . • School Board: . .•. ' • Retired Fanner, who died -on Or We hive a Jiznited amount of Streetithe said Village -of Luck - seed barley .available on contractl...i,ov,-, . which ma •y be more par - Seed is treated, ready • to sowt.:.• eularly described as 'follows: be - Place your order now to get in Mg all that • portion of .said 47. 074. GENERAL INSURANCE • Established Over '30 Years Ago , Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 ANDREW„ Tilinrrister and SOlicitor • LUCKNOW ONTARIO , , Office in the Joynt Block INSURANCE Co -Operative Life Insurance_ Co -Operative Au obile • Insurance • • Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance • onomical, and Reliable. Seo . . CAMBRON LUCKNOVV Phone 70,,r40 DunginnOn. .Telephone: . Office -135 • 'r Residence 31,1 on thii•profitable cash eroP.". Geo . Street lying betl•veri• the Eastern 'mediately , after the 'said twenty. Elliott's :Seed Cleaning Plant,.,.Ltiat of Bob Street and the East- fourth day '• Of May the 'assets of • . - 154-Ji•Lucknow. '• • , tho, Corporation of the said testator will be diStrib- . • • Lu trnow ' • •• . tited amongst the parties entitled Ai1ICTION SALE of hewiehold'• ." • • . • 4-6. 'That. re the allowance thereto, having regards only to furniture.will be held in'the , 17th .# 2:0() .at the home of at; of • Luckriow, shall then .haVe notice. age of Pro: kr.-...-474--r. Elgin Street 'claims of 4,:vvhich the eXecutor the late .Mrs. Olivei...Smith.:713-i‘t '.3; :•.:-..a.N ,e*,.? more particularly Dated this sixth day of Ma,• s 'a general line of con-,03k,...te '47''''''''Y'L''''77 ''''-' '''1:7A.-1" being all ' A'D' 1.9§2".. .- ' - .- . — , .f. I. ; fj.1 Cravtiord & Hetherington household effects. • Mrs. • 3',...,.r..r. '''''''''''.- - "*."-; ''t--::•1:- .-v.n. , 1....* -,*..•e.::-.....:. .../..1; ......-;,. -....! 7 ,::.age• LOt SO.licitors for the execut6r.: Biu, elle. MacLean, •acIrntnistratrix:: B. the,1 . • Wingharri, 'Ontario. : , • 44. . r . LAWN. MOWERS . Repaired'. and sharpened. F.r,r -,?rompt: and effiaient* SerV:A'A or call, E, W. RICE Lucknow Phone , LI 00 TWIentyJ-five • .behoce. Personal %Requirements. Latest 'catalogue Inchicledt The .Medico Agency, BO 124, Term- , InalA, Toronto, Ontario.. • • APPLICATIONS WANTED Applitations ,for the position, of bssessor fOr the yi116,ge,ortfuek4i now will, be receiiVett, by the un- ders,igned intfl SeturAgy., 4,4y. 3.1.st•, 1,952„,•AppliCants please state • qualifions', Further particulars may be had at. The Municipal • Office,' IL Agnew, Cleric., • Fi•••:.;:•et ,:t -* ;4 1.:* Jf 4",t• ! ?:7 •A4.1 Y.4". .1'. ;•1:i.; i5-41 • ;I" rrw r..... n at: hs so;".c....tor that i• -„,pi 0; '4 .4 UY ' a ff ec'ted t'f.e :er • pr- psed - B y a '.Y./ ar: wy,• P P res such Council.i7e*.!0:tt!ii)g ti1 1'10: heard. •'111-1•i5 notice' „is giver,.and iAtb: ished pursuantk.to the provisions of , Sections 469 and 472 o.f the Municipal Act, . ATD ck n w... this. Lh day of ..May, A.D. 1952. • • A. E. HOWARD AGNEW, , ': Clerk of the Village of Lucit noW, •••••••••• • •:Service and Satisfaction \ Plumbing and 4i A Heatitig Pi(' Stuart MacKenzie . Barrister and Solicitor . WALKERTON;:.ONTARIO • . • . IN LUCKNOW- • Eaeh .Wednesday Ken.nethJoMacKeliiii ItiO. optomarist . •LisTowib, ONT. Will 1; Wronass tlevVellerY • store; Ripley; 110 a.m. to 9 • WEDNESDAY, '0Alt.21St and every Second Weanesday: Eyes eXaltiffle4 dlasses, fitted For appbintinent 'phOrie Roy MacKenzie, 96-r•24 • Ripley, .• 'OFFICE •IN' HENDERSON. BLOCK • New Automatic Oil ['Inmates instaired--*ow In Steck - • FURNACE REPAIRS. Bathroom Fiiintes1& Repairs • SEE ?4IE OIL RANGES 411,{ CoSmiroNINGI 1 r'1 Gilmore R. R. 3, LUCKNOytt Phone 61-r-13, bungannon. - 1C0-01'.AuJO INSURAI%ict • Can' Now .40ee6t TOWN RESIDENTS & 1,00MMERCIAL •TRuCi$s' , as Well. tas the fainicfinsinis.'. inforro.O.ion • consAt . T. CAlitg401;,LuCicNOVv,, rhole'l)tingonoti:70441,410 • „Ton* MerittiRCHIO., RIPLEY, •4!1hirile 20-r-21 S..Hitherington, Barrister, Etc. .Wingtham and Lucknow. IN LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday Located on the 'ground flQai ' tbe •front ,of John Kiipatriclp, Auilding . -„,. 'Phone Winghani • Office, 48' Residence 97. :'Insure With The Culross Mutua • VIRE INSVRANCE CO. ' - , Reasanable rates, ,sound pro- Dteetion &prompt, Satisfabtory ,gettiernexit of cleft/Is-4 PARISH 'MOFFAT Your Local Agent • R„ •Teeswater, Thuile TeeSWater 04-41 1