HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-15, Page 3L.
•ritmllttSDA,T, MAX`,15th, 1952 ' •
Spray or Brush.'
.- • is..., • VVe use
Henderstin Limiber
• • • •
. • ,
". •Interior and •Exterior.
Ernberlin & tAacInnes
Lucknow 194-m
Wingha.tn 654-J2
Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A.;
• ,‘ Minister.'
----SUNDAY; MAY 18th --
10 a.m.: Sunday School..
11 am.; Writing Service.
• ,
7 p.m.: Evening Service'.
Wednesday, 8.00.
Prayer Meeting.
e • I , .'• '
. • • • ••• • it*
• ..m.i...oen...11.1t:1111114111.1.641m4F141',.."‘,1*,1"444'•.4"41,
i• * .. ' i
1 Minister: Rev. W. J. Mumford,1
,, M.A., S.D., S.T.D." 1••
1-1-UNDAY-MNY 18th, 1952
. 10 a.tio..! Sunday School. i
j• 11‘
a,m.: How To Overcoine 1
Bad' Habits.. '
.7 P.m.:, Life's Golden Hours.
' : The one thing w„Otse. than i
quitter • is the man :Who. is I
I afraid. to, begin. If yoti never I,
.1 attend dhureh;' w-hy not make!.
.1 a 40T4 'ts .SUnday. We ,wii11..
I welcome • you. , ' '.
P.SMIHNIIMMINIONNIMIWIIMMI;ei •/011111/411111.0.4111111.111101M.0.11111P.116r
Anglican Church1
Itey..A. S. Mitchell, L.Thp
-• Rector.
• • , . • .
..F1ttli' Sunday' after • EaSter,, !!.•
, ' May 18th,e.1952 •
4.- Peter's thttreb,'LuelcnoW
ll' 'Lin.; Morning .PrAyer 4nd.
. •
,The. 'Ladies' Guild:Meets, at, the'
.11:oine of Mit:. J. Johhstone, .
.Ingl Street,. on
Wedhesday, May 21st.
, St. PaUrs Church, Dungannon
.2,30 P.m: Evening Prayer' aricl
. •
St; Pahl's. Church Ripley •
• The 41Y COrru-nuti.
• Ion.
• .
cal-• eneral,
to ',Celebrate
the 24th May ire on sale at
Vrribach's. Dr41Stere. •
Bruce Johnst n has :completed
his first :ye,ar t.Weate,rn,Uh1••.
versIty: •
4V/Iis. Minnie Horne" of Toronto
was a week -end, visitor with 'Mrs,.
Walter Horne. .
• Mary Chin, stlident nurse' at
• Western Tonto, is
holidaying at her home.-
• Mr.',and Mrs. Alfrgd. S. Arin-
strong were week -end „visitors•
the community4., . , 1
Mr. and -Mrs. W. J. C. Mitchell
and daughter Bobbie of Hainilton
-were -.visitors- at the SettOrY-5if
;Saturday last, • '. •
• , •
Mrs. Essie • -Hewat, who has
41-)een. .a:patient h). Wingharn Hirt,
is- repor;fiod as ,making .a
steady recovery. :
• Mra. 'Roy ;Cringle,and MrS. Al
Martini. arid' '•Ne'cldy of Detroit
spent the-• week -end with' rela-
tives. .' •
• Robeit •Taylor, Who recently
enlisted in the Canadian ArinY,.
spent :the week -end here, before
being posted. to Nova Scotia.
Rely'. C. •and *Mrs.. Woolley
Went the weekend of May. 4.th
With their. sOri, C. Eric Woolley
and family at Chesley. •
• Dr, Ws. Clarence -Mac-
and•Billie �f Toronto were
• Week-endguests of pr. and lytr.s.
Vi'•Jorhiaton.: '
Miss Christena :Carrick has:1'07
'turned. to'. Lticknow" to take up
teaidenee, .her home here;on
CartIpbell'• St, East. * • . .
•. ,Mannirig -Of '71,...,Ohdon`.' and
Gordon Steward .Of Lond�n
Visited; last. week -end With' his
parent,S, Mr, • and .,Mrs. Charles
Steward;' .• - - . ,,•. •
,Mr..•Pred 5Ntc:Quillin.. left on.
MondaY10 attend the Huron
:Cesafl Synod in 'London, He was.
44ccompatied Mrs.; McQ'uillin
7a -rid on 13-atty. "••• •
,Mrs, Neil Carnpbell -of Clinton
. .
spent :the week' -end with •Luck-
now ftierikla,andattended the an-.
niVeraary. of the'.Lucknow Pres7,.
tbytetiari ,Church. •
. The Ladies' Guild of St: Peters
Church ssoriet last Week at the
home. 'of 'Mrs: T. J,, Salkeld. The
next -meeting' will be held at. the
hOrne:*of 'Mrs. James johnstone;,
Irigies St. •
Mrs N, E. Bushell Vis?tecl the
latter part of the .w.eek. in, Tor-
onto And 'returned
home, on 1Vlonday•Avith
,who spent tile • week -end ,in
Mts. J; A. 4:10bo.tsoli Mount
Forest (forrnetly. Dean Gcdthis,
6nd. Mrs. .1Vlavy lyfaclifenxie M'
Winghltin •wer e gu est S of Mr. ani'
Mrs.. W: AJPOttoOus .on Sunday,
and • attended, tyhe Presbtyptian
Church anniveiliar;i„.; ' .
„ Wi,!fred. Blackhas .compfeted
his•titst yofir in dentistry rit"
onto tinivetsity. He spent the'
week -end ,with his 'parents, Mv'
and Ry .1311fek, .befc'n rc
turning to the city:where hb has
oniployinent' fbt. the Stim.met.
• ,Misses goxy. kd.'lloth Ander-
sok:have completed their year, at
*Western University where they
are taking ,•seeretariar .science
-the home, of then; pa•rontsy. Mr.
and.,Ntra,,W., B. Anderscin,- before
7returning to 4tondon', Where they
• will be employed, fq the ,surri.•
I •
clitinkt NIWS
The reading of the call to wor-
ship opened the meeting
on May 12th: Hymn 1 was sung
and Mr. .Winn led in prayer. The
•F,:e„ri-Pture lwia read and hymn .553;
was sting, The speaker was Mrs.
Morgan Henderson who Ably took
.the topic. A., Dutch hymn was
sung by Margiterite- Vanderiey,
and Marian. MacDonald favered
With a: PiaP0' sola. The ".closing
-hytrin 461 WaS Sung 'followed by...
the,benedictiori. On 'May 19th' our.,
Quild is'. jaVited social at
Langside las pail 'of Vie...inter-:
society ',v4itaticin prograln, •
:The May meting at the W.M.S,
was ,held at the horne . of Mrs.: J.
W.' Joynt 'with 82 -members. 'pres-
ent, Mrs, Mumford .conducted,the
opening devotional exercises. The
scripture reading was, read by
Mr's. 'R. C. Robertson: Mrs. Al-
bert Alton read a paper on tetri....
perance. ' Mrs'.. S. Stothers gaVe.
A short talk on literature and' the
library'eonnected with the W. M.
S. Mrs. T. A. Cameron 'took the
chair. for the program. Readings
were given by MrS. E. Hodgins
and Mrs. .W. ;Drennan; the Pres-
byterial report. was ..given by
Mrs. Mumford; a duet, was sung
•by Mks. Hall and ' Mrs,' Hoag;
Mrs:W. B, Anderson read.a poem
_iLI,loving:_imernory Of 1VIrs,
Rathwell, • a faithful 'and valued
•member. of .the Society. Mrs.1 N.
J. MacKenzie :was :electecf:presi
dent for the , remainder of the.
year iii the absence of.Mrs'. 1VIUrn-
ford.. After the singing of a hynin
and prayer, the hostess' and:coin-
mittee in charge, Mrs.: Hall; 'MrS.
a,, A: Cameron, Mrs: Thos. Ander-
son, served lunch. •. ,
;Zion W. M. • •
Mrs, :Peter ' Cook was .'hostess
to Zion W.M.S.fbr 'its Kayaneet-.•
ing Thursday .afteinoon, May8th.
There was a god attendance;:' 20
adillts and 6 children. 'The presi-
• dent, Mrs: Gordon: Ritchie, -open-
ed., .the Meeting with 'hymn 281
• and .the Lard's •• prayer,: after
which. the secretary, MrS,•Nel§bn
Raynard, read the minutes and
'called the Toll.. Mrs: Fred. Ander-
' son..ba_cl eh arge of_ the -.devotional!:
period, and was assisted by, Mrs:.
McDOnagh.„•With Mrs. Swan read-.
ing. the scripture, and all reading
hymn 366 in unisaiii Mrs.Will
Hunter gave a reading:. and ' Mrs.
Woolley th4 study baOk
. John' Gardner and Mrs. Jim,
'Hunter gave splendid reports of
HUron .Presbyter'iar.v&hieh Was
-held. in Wesley 7•Willis United
Church, Clinton,: on May 1st. A'
vote"of thanks was tendered these.
ladies for this service. • At 'the
business session Mrs:. F. Ritchie
reportedksending the spread: ar-
'Thanks for axing illness
were received from Mrs, ".'W.
Gardner and . Mrs. McDanagh."
Contributions Of. $2.00 each for
:the garden party were: sanction.;
ed, with Mrs. Akin Gardner, Mrs.
Bob Helm in charge 'of. e:ollectians.
'Mrs: Jim Hunter was appointed
to prepare; the pragra.m for ,the
next meeting, and menibers .wete
asked to ;bring in ,Used clothing
for relief., Rev: C. ' B. .Woolley:
-pronounced the - closing •prayer:,.
Mrs.' GeOrge Hunter, president of
the W.,. A.;,.bpened her seryice
with the'singing :.of "Son of •nriy-
Soul". Mrs. 'W. • 0, Hunter read
the Scripture, : and Mrs. Jake
hunter the Minutes. A diseusSion.
Of the' re -decoration .o'f the
wallpaper displaYed • and,' 'Diana
Made.' Rev. Wo011ei- offered
pra'yer and a dainty lUrich was
served by the hostess assisted by.
Mrs. McDonagh, aid Mr Gordon
Ritchie. • ,
, • ,
South Kinloss W.M.S. ,
• The May meeting of. the, Snuth
Khi1oss W.1VI,S, was 'held at the
hoMe of ,Mrs, Harold- Campbell
with meMbersand fotti.,visitors
present. After the opening hrinn.
'and the Lord' s praye7r, Gib-
son , gave , very. fine scripture,
and,-- meditation fbllowed
pitoyer b Mis, T1an MALeod.
• The, thinuteS •of Ithe %April Trl.edt-
which was held in the' church
on- April 13.th with Miss Helen -
Malcolm: of Toronto , as, • gtiest
• ' 1
•1 P. •
T04ErifoNF:i5 -
and • Co...tton Wee*
Ask Fijr, Our Folder ShOwn. And Jriced
, . FOR. THE'.HOIVIE : , •
"" ". • And GIFTS ;FOR,...A1L1,. *
ITableclUths.: • • :.•Sheets' and PilIOW Cises7
LUncheon, Sets • Towellingby the Yard
• Bridge Sets " ,Towels, guest and fingertip
Handkerchiefs Tea Towels •
Traditional White ..and Decorator Colours
Cotton and Flannelette
, Sheets
• Woollen Blankets
Pillow •Cases..
• Tubular Pillow Cotton, 42"
wide for home making and
.bazaars -to stamp.
• . 98c .
ESTABLISHED tEraquciti sEirtrtticE,,.
* ••
• .
,., .
., .
.• .A,. COMBINE?. . ' . '
,., •
. FIL favors agriCuttural'irnplements
and often- helps; farmers to pay,
for them. Why 1)ot•ee.ycit0'
nearest B of M,manager about .
a Farm Improvement Loan tis
. foryourSelf?, .•• 7
. •
• ,•
• • • . • , . •
• I .
. 1
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• . • ;
•• '4
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. . , . . • .. . eiiietitia:r7e4,4it 64.4. • . • . .. . ' . ,,: ,...- - • . 4.- . T . • -.-'
. .
_ • „, .,
, .
' • .
Mrs... W.:' F,•,1VCapaonald
motion seconded by Mrs. • AleX-
Sutherland that. $10 .be sent to
Miss Ijel0,114-alealth for her work
in appreLation of her splendid
addresS- at, the Easter Thankof.-
'fering:. •The treasurer, Mrs.. A.
MacIntyre, rePorled• -that. $84 :.has
already been sent' to:the W.M.S,
treasurer : After. a short business
• diseussi,o_n the roll call:L.,was_ans.
Wered by "'Mothers of the Bible"
Mts. •D: L. MacKinnon gave a
splendid report ,of the Synodical
in Hamilton in April. Miss Dean
.. • ,
made a MacLeod read exeeripts from' a
letter from ainiSsiOnary-2, friend.
whois' i:)on, to go. to Siam. 1VIrs..
B.4u1;Ch and Mrs. 1VIacWer led in`: ,
Praker, then hymn 448 was sung.
• ,
• .
:1VIrs.---WT-T..--MacDoilald read a:7 • .. •
well.. prepared sumrnary-:- of .
teresting• items frain. the :Glad
Tidings. Hymn .616 was Sung . and '
Mrs. Alex Sutherla.nd clased the • ••• ' :
„rneeting_With--pra-yer. A.-7taStk
lunch was served by thehostess •
Mrs. Harord Campbell. and clir-
ectors, Mrs:. W. &
Mrs. Archie 1VIacIntyre.'" •
.We have. alt your. Requirements ' '• ' 1-.... -,:. , '.
, . - . . ".... for
. 1 .., .-..,- . 4:. .•, ,i:: ,
.• i. 11 • , 4 •
i I. •
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1 ° ° : :: , . 'WIRE LATH
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"CORN -ER BEAD • ,i' _ ,
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•I GYPROc BOARD in '6', ,7', 8', 9',:I0' 1, ths
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