HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-15, Page 2PAGE TWO". T" • Z1HE°' LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCYKNOW, ONTARIO *!'�FIJRSDA MAX Opt 1.952. ' ST. HELEN Miss Margaret MacPherson, Reg.N. of London was, home for the week end... Children Baptized • :Christian Family 'Day, was ob- • sereved at the United Church on Sunday morning,;: Mr. Lorne. • • Woods, superintendent of the Sunday School led in the Wor- ship service. Marion MacDonald read ,the story' of "Little John ny' , ' Mr. and. Mrs. •>r: W. .Rice • sang "Mother's Prayer" .and Rev. 'S. E: Heywaard gave an, address. • in keeping with the..t erne." An interesting and .:impressive .' part of the service was the ,baptism +ibfthree infants; Richard Lloyd, 'son o f ' `Mr •'.and .Mrs. I loyd.: HU'nn' prey; Allan . Colin,' son of '1111r. and• Mrs.. Charles McDonald: and Brerida Marlene,. -daughter of Mr. land Mrs; George Webster, Next :Sunday; there 'will be ' an exchange of ' Misters' through- out through- out the Presbytery, Rev. Harrow- er of ' perimller will preach here ',and R'ev. : S. E. Hayward will be at •Holinesv lle? ' • • Mrs. Gordon MacPherson was hostess for the May meeting of ' the Women's. Institute ' .iwhen .21 ladies ,were -present. Mrs:• Elwood• Barbour:: was :iii' the ' chair. and the- 'roll call was responded to by the naniirig of ;a rnodern'Can adiaJn, product. Miss Mary 'Mur- --ray-'read an-- interesting .'paper --.on '"A . 1Country' Woineri's Day", It Was announced that .'',the June meeting' willbe held in the•church in". the :evening, when Mr.' Cecil Merkley will give an illustrated. talk on his "recent trip. Mrs An. drew. Gaunt favored with .a solo 'Miss W. D. Rutherford and Mrs. Z. J • Thorn` ::were :a'ppoin'ted as delegates to the .Diptrict ,Annual :meeting. which will be held in „Wesley -Willis church, `Clinton, .on, 'f!hursday,., May' 22nd, 'not June' 13th as Previously arnoirinced. At the conclusion lunch was served Mrs Ross Errington and Miss Jean Aitchison as hostesses • Mrs. E. Barbour; Mrs. C , Mac' Pherson 'and Mrs. E. W. Rice:at tended an executive meeting of F+� wx YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE OBITUARY JOHN R., 'MacRAE ; The'. -mortal remains:' ,of Doctor John g R. RMacRae were brou ht . to R Lucknow .:from Santa ;Monied, California; where he had been living; retired since 1945, Funera1. services were held 'at . the Mc, Lerman and MacKenzie funeral hotne on Saturday . afternoon, conducted by Rev. Wm. Matheson of •Cliesley and Old Light Lodge, A.F..& A M. 'of • Lucknow. Inter- ment took place 'in, Lochalsh" cern- etery. The pallbeairers.were Duh can, Gordon; and -Roy. Finlayshhi ,. Roy MacKay, Kenneth' and John MacLeod : ; ;Dr. MacRae was born in Huron• Township, . 'the ;son of ..,Duncan Mardriae • and • Margaret . MacDon- ald, ' ,natives. of Rossshire, Sots' land; He' 'attended.Lochalsh pub- lic school 'and Goderich Colleg. -late and taught in Hemlock City school for a few years. In 1892. ,he, entered Trinity Medical. Col-' lege, 2oronto,, from, 'he' graduated with honors.. . • ''He (began practising g 'in Dun- gannon, , mciving a few years later to Sault Ste. 'Marie where he, re`-. anained for nary. years. During theFirst World W, ar he Was med- ical ;'officer with the ,227th Rat - talion, . going overseas in April 1917: He served' in • various mili- tary, hospitals in England and France, remaining in Germany. with the Army of ;Occupation for several months .after , the "end of - the w.ar. ,On : returning to Canada in the .spring of 1919, he°'resu'rned his ,practise,• in. the Soo. He Was Well known: .Algom,a.as', a -fine surgeon. , Surviving are his widow; • the farmer . Velma 'Morgan .. of Santa 'Monica,: and, one brother, Duncan of `Huron Township, Took Part In Music Festival; There were severs contestants from Dungannon 'in the , m,usic• festival'. held 'at'•. Goderich: ,_last Week: In' the . ptano solo 'class, 8 and • under,, Eleanor Reed • was second with • .86, marks.. Marie Black 'had: 85, Linda .'Blake 83 and Eleanor' Alton 81.. In the piano _solo' ' class, 10 and under, Jimmy , Blake "scored • 84 ,marks, in the 11, and :tinder class, :Wayne Brown had_83 marks, and in the 13 and , under ' class, : • Marilyn Anderson • received . 82. marks._ :. the• West Huron Women's. Inti- tute at Blyth on Friday. r : Mrs.; D.` Todd was n week -end Visitor in- Stratford when she at tended • the christening of her granddaughter, Mary ' Elizabeth, daughter of, Mr. and''Mrs. Neely Todd; .i i i�i1 � >_n�i Ym►t o °41""mr n r .ir►ssn�i�i.!�4� 44b i• Lucknow. Legion's .. Weekly i • <7f t1. tics .q • 4 • ,Ab $325 IN PRIZES MUST. GO • ...q In The Recreational Centre,.. "LUCKNOW. ',Commencing at 9.00 p.m. Sharp, D.S.T. 15. 'REGULAR GAMES FOR $5.1)0 EACH 3 SPECIAL GAMES FOR $15.00 EACH i. FREE . � . E SAME FOR. $5.00 Jackpot Special $200.• (Musty Be Won) Itegtilar 'Giariaes ,,$1LO0 •c' Extras and ;Special Crds NOTE CHANGE OPS' PLACE • AND • NIGHT .• I1 >Ali ,pavan' iwrpmooao:'mo►is4+r(1-oouekYw:Y`+.wr«'ou4oi.s.:444o4, t4rn:44r+S 1 ifwo.:.rr. "FORGOTTEN, DOLLARS" The Toronto Telegram is cur- rently ,publishing a . list, of names 0f ' 'people • Who have • "forgotten dollars" in Canadian banks in Ontario. The original depositors may haveforgotten. about 'the money, and may bedead with their heirshaving--„Pa--clues to the account. existing, , • • • {' In one Bank of Montreal list published last week appeared three names, bearing local ad-. dreases; Thomas Bradley, R. R. 1, Holyrood, $17.33; Patrick Vincent Courtney, R. R.' 7, Lucknow, $16.89; Finlay Malcolm' and. Mrs. Catherine 'c Malcolm, ' Lucknow,;: DICK' WANAMA1EER .:D; The death .of ;,Richard, Wana- maker of London, one of the ori gariizers of the• .Tawland 'Con struction Co,, died Budd hIy at Durkaan on Saturday -from : heart attack. He was 66 and was. general manager of the .Grey-: Wellington Pay�. tg�Comppany with' headquarters at Durham. • "Dick" Wana raker" .inn associa- tion with -Jarnes S. Mitchell,' a native of Lucknow, organized the Towland Construction . co. inlAgsr years ago. Jim .is still ,general Manager of this :Company Which. has its headquarters in. London. ' It' was the Towland Construe- tion Co: that laid Lucknow's first' paved- road•s'. back-' iii 1926', .• DUNGANNON: • �. Mother's Day.. was • observed at, the United church Sunday morn. ing with: a combined ''service of the congregation and ' Sunday School pupils and teachers. ;The service; .was led . by Mr. K. 'K;. • Dawson, assisted by Mr. : Ken F'etrie::arid Frank Eedy; with read- ings: ' Mrs. ' Cecil Blake. told a story of JohnnyGeddre The choir. sang `:Friend of the Home". Raw. G. 'Watt, the minister, conducted' a''baptismal service for' Lexie Anne, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh McWhinney and ' Robert. Donald,: •.son'• of Mr. • and` .Mrs. -Rabt; 1Mon tgomery Rev, Watt - gave . an • interesting address' fdr the 'occasion: •• • MrY and. Mrs. Herb Pocock of Holmesville,..•. pee ._ Joyce :. Glenn; Duungahrion; . were ''honored,. 'on :Wednesday night at a dance in the -Agricultural Hall with Car- ruthers orchestra supplying,. the; music::' 'The young couple were read, am. address,of best wishes by Miss rlVarjorie Errington .'and. Mr. Harold Maize' presented them with a: purse. _ Mr., and .Mrs..Laverne Pentland'• anal family of Detroit arid. Mrs: A. B. Pentland,. ,Tororito,' were week end Visitors visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred P(sntland. and ..Mr.• and Mrs - Franklin' Pentland:. The Colwanash Junior Farm ers and Institute held;. a success cess - it'll dance in the Parish Hall on Friday .night -J:fmmy. Pierce's or-, chestrat' sutrplied.,;music. Mr.. and Mrs.. <.`J. J. Ryan ae companied by ••Mrs •and Mrs. Har Ivey: Treleaven, `Lucknow, *ere recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.' Arthur Roach and Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Smith, Listowel. Mr., Jack Eedy, Toronto Versity student; has'.completed this year's studies and is with hr l arenas,' Mr. and Mrs.- H. J.- L. .L. Eedy. - Mr: and Mrs; .Gordon Kidd and family of. Islington were week- end ' visitors, with Mr. and Mrs; • Aged 'Lad.y 'Fractured 'Hip • We are ;sorry to hear of the accident a , ,Mrs. ° Wm. Stothers, 'who' has been at Baker's, Con' valescent 'Horne,• •Lucknow. She fell recently and broke her hip. Mrs. Stothers Wi11 soon be it her nineties. She Was taken to Wing ham Hospital for care. - Johnny, ' Bdr;roughs; 7 -year-old' son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley `Bur4 roughs; is recuperating' at his home after a -few days in Goder- ich Hospital •where 'heas:treated � for scald received when he up set; a kettle of'I'r-t- t ho water. Robert i'n-in-'hauLra-.has...4gai»= age cut ibak 20 feet for the in stallatiOn •.af' gas pumps, vvh eh E dr had to be removed from the :high way, St, Paul's.Oaild The May meeting of St. Paul's Guild, ' Dungannon, was" held at the Rectory in Lucknow, iVirs., A. S. 1 litchell conducted the opening :exercises and gave the scripture reading., A short business period •followed during which 'a . bale of used clothing was!- :packed for Korea,; Articles for the bale to • • be b.,e sent. t6.he, Dorcas; Soc.; iety were handed to the secret- ary. Mrs. Rivett and Mrs. Thos. , Park were lunch cgnveners.''The • June meeting, • is... to be held at Mrs, Caesar's _on ' June 5th, The ladies were' shown through the Rectory which has been corn7 . pletely decorates since •the Erre and. all expressed appreciations ef' the chang,...4 Which had .been > ' 'made. r • 71 IA Z rfl cb • Pg rn m z 4—