HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-15, Page 1250.
Yearly In Advance ---$1.00 Extra, To USA.,,.,
FO,_ Lloyd Henderson and' his
two daughters, Adrise age 8, and• •
LilIas. age• • 5, were 'tied from
sc m,
.gowning on' Sunday when, an
outboard motor boat capsized
the St. Lawrence River : near
Cornwall. ,
nether little girt l:ost•her '
in the mishap. She Was nine_'
yea r-ol�' Heuson, "
: .,.,,...d Anita only;
-child of Plight -Lieut.• A Robert,
Heuson and • Mrs. Heusson.
Both 'Heuson and Henderson
'are stationed at the ' R.C.A F;
:Station at • St. Hubert, ' Quebec.
Lloyd and the three young
girls ,were passengers in. the_:boat•
• operated. by Robert Tucker, ,age
' 14, of Verdun, Quebec.
Trapped„ under the overturned'
boat, Mr. Henderson's two daugh-
..ters were rescued ;by .two men.
who • were fishing nearby and
jumped, into the. river • ' ,fully •
clothed and dived under ,the boat;
to get the two ,girls. Their res
cuers:were Bob Binley of the
Pembroke Lumber- Kings hockey,
team and Bill' Dwyer .ofCorn-
wall:- ;::� ._..
•' L,1oydand young •Tucker were
rescued by Albert LivigneCorn-
wall Township. councillor,
Lloyd Henderson is the son of
Mrand Mrs. Jack .Henderson;
Boundary West.
• The Village, Council is serving.
notice of its intention ' to .close,
portions of two village streets' to
become, part ,of the :property in-
cluded in - the .site, -of the ' new
Lucknow -'District High `School.
One is -,a deed -end. street and.
the other, has: -never ,hewn opened;
as a roadway. -The streets involy
,'ed are the east end of Willough-
by • from , Bob. St. to .the easterly
boundary of the Village; and El-
gin St. to the° south of Willough--
by -'which,', will ',be `closed frorn •,a
point. two Pots east of ` Bob • to the
easterly boundary of the village.
Elgin is. in the, vieinity of the
residences of. 'Wm. Gollan 'and
111 Lyons. It runs east and west
and. has never been ” used las a
public road. •
Bob Street- runs from Highway
lit erlyboundary . of •
86 to th'e`so• • h` ' '
Mrs. Wilfred ''McQuillan of
'West. Wawanosh has the sym-
pathy • of friends: in the death of
her mother, Mrs. John McKinnon,
who. passed away at the.' home Of
her son, John. McKinnon, ,Con.,4,
Culross Township. . She .'=,,vas 86
years of''•age. ,
--Requiem high, mass was. , sung
• n Monday'
.o o .day morniti�g, ,by:• Father
H. Brick in Sacred Heart church
Teeswater. Interm • 't°'
an. was •• in•
TeessWater Roman- Catholic Cent-
etery, "
HERE I N ':J•UNE: '. .
,Saugeen ••District Boy.' •Scouts
will converge here' on ,Sun'�day
afternoon;, June 29th, for their
•annual' a ureh parade, It.is ex-
pected that some three•hundred
Scouts will be .'in .attendance
from variou$ 'Points in Bruce •to.
'make a very striping; and color-
ful parade: . .
Paradeplans were'
decided... <at.
a District . meeting last Wednes-
The West Wawanosh .Unit of
the Federation of Agriculture is
,currently conducing a soil test-
ing program, and :urges every:
farmer in the Township to take
advantage of it..
Boxes are obtainable from: any,
'of the: directors and.Must be re->
•turned to them �by May 26th.'.Itr
is pointed out..thst . many faun;:=
ers axe, using the wrong types of•
fertilizers: on some land, and it' is
:to eliminate this:costly Wastage
that' soil :testing is undertaken.
The test . deteknines, what ` fer-
tilizers are . best suited ,'for dif-
ferent farms and different fields
to obtain. best• : results; from 'fer-
tilizing. '•
The Federation was: responsiible
SAILING ' TO E1 GL 1ND_,.w... •
Mrs. Wrin.. C. END
.. McNall . of Ash- S E RAIL..SERVICE
e n +
fi ld and her eight -months ,old
son. Michael, Will sail ,next. Weed-
nesday,. May 21st for, her former'
home in England for a six
months' visit. They will sail from
Quebec on :borard the Samaria.
Mrs; McNall 'came to Canada
about 3.1/a years•, +ago, and was•
married hexe. She is a friend, of
Mrs. Jitn :',Phillips, a .,:natilve _ of of Board `of Tra r . -
England, • aai;d •it � w � that friend" . the• .. ur>$po t Coni.
g , id • asend- rnissioners, council. acknowledged ' '
shi=p which brought Mrs.. McNalll receipt. of the C.N.R.'s applioation;
to Ashfield: • but' informed the Board they
would oppose the application .and
Lucknow -Village : Council " has'
parssed :a resolution opposing .the
application of the -Canadian Nat-
ional Railways to ,discontinue all
passenger rail service.on the
„Palrnerston to: Kincardine branch
line; t •
In a :letter to Er R. Hopkins,
that a . brief: covering the abjee-
presented to .the;;
FROM.. : Board .prior to the date -.of the
• hearing of 'the 'application.
• Mr, and Mrs. 'Hugh MacMillan : 'Reeve, .J. C.'.1VIoNabi attended a
are. enroute home • to Canada. on meeting iri Wingham last Thurs.-
furlough from their mission :work day .night, when • the general 'feel
:for launching the warble fly cam- in Formosa. Date of, their arrival.: 'g
paign in ',West Wawanosh, and :trig, of the ,Meeting was.definitely:
the hop& equal u in ' Canada is uncertain as they opposed to' a complete. disco,..
y p q Success, :>n had several . stops to make after
this new'�praject whey. are •underi- •.• � ,nuance. of' passe er. � and:.ex= •
• departing from. Formosa.: It's ex -A. press service' b
taking: 3' ,
4; peeked • they will• arrive. between
The .president is Gurdon' Mac- A. cQynmittee of James, Auld of
the end of May and .mid June:
Tavish '..and',Wm: Caesar is sec Palmierston, Janne$ Gurney ole
Hugh 'has written periodic lef
retary. ' Win ham and Wm. W 1sh f
day. night in 'Walkerton; Which. .
took Athe_f�orm_ ..of a - send-off for
.Cre'la MacSween, .former; com-
missioner, • who bad to resign his
pest • capon accepting „an appoint-
ment with, the .R.C.A:F. In ree ti
ognitiori of':his services to • Scout=
ing be was• 'presented ., with an
attractive 'Scout ring.
In. `'attendance from Lucknow
were K. C. `Mundie,'Floyd Wilson,
Bob MacKenzie and Stuart Coll-
Leadership" Course .
: A foursome "of local:Scouts ac-
companied Scoutmaster Stuart •
'Collyer to Paisley, at 'the `week-..
end'`to ;attend .a . Bronze: Arrow
head course of; instruction for
patrol leaders and seconds. The
conference: was under the super=
vision of •.District. Commissioner.
LArehie Gowanlock of -Walkerton,
assisted' by Rev.. Donald :'Archi-
bald ..of Paisley. and . Stuart Coll
-y er"o#..Lucknow:
• Local Scouts'` in. attendance
'were , George Webster,' Roddy,
Wraith,' Bill ' Ritchie, Russell.
Swan' and `Bobby Gardner:
The •Lueknow party went . to.
P=aisely Friday after school for,
the two day.; conference. They
were billeted .overnight` .in , Pais-
ley. A banquet'on Saturday was
the conclet„ event of a _ver_
int• est'in' ! a n d informative
THAT, `Victoria. Day;holiday will
be observed m Lucknow. ori
• Monday, May . 26th, • with all
.business places remaining open.
'Saturday, May : 24th.
THAT the Lucknow' P ub1•i •c
,School Board' is advertising for
- a music .teacher tossucceed Miss
Marion : • MacDonald, who has
tendered' iter resignation;•
-THAT last week's $200 jackpot
prize at the Legion's weekly
Thursday. ,night (bingo was split
two ways between Mrs.. Alvin
Rutledge of Ripley and Mrs.'
, Clarence Greer of ;Lucknow:
THAT' the TV set to . be. raffled
off 'at: ` the' Ladies'. Auxiliary
week -end:. dance on .May • 23rd, is- ou-. di -
play- in the window of ..Greer.
BILLY K E'N 1 EDY : Mr. 4nd Mrs. Fred D. Ne,wma-n
i .
gagement of their daughter, Bary
: of-Wh techlire
Bily Kenneldy, 12 year-ald Son
Of Mr. and Mrs. George' Kenned
of West ,Wawanosh•is $50 richer
for having won' first' prize in the
essay contest in 'connection 'with
National :Hospital., ital, Da . �'
This contest; oypen' to public
• school students was Ps onsored
•by the Winghan Lions . Club,
with_, eighty _four-eontestants.
from the .district served by ''the
hospital compe-ting. The title of.
the essay was, ``What Our Hos='
pital Means' To Our Community'.
The prizes Were ,presented . on.
Monday,arfternoon at= a gathering
that packed, the. Wingham Town
Hall. The , p seantations_ were.
made' 'bY the Hon.: McKinnon
Phillips, ' Provincial • r f'
ilealth• . •• Minste o
'Sec' ,... t .
12 and prize. . of $25 • wen=t to,
year-old Joyce Moffat of
Wingham, ' .daughter of Mr:, , and
Mrs, Robert Moffat,
Other „ successful :candidates
received • .cash ` •.."rite`s of $.00•
. ftrrton i? �
g these were Doug , Kilpat
rick o#; Ashfield Reta f'
Ashfield,, Bruce, o
of Culross,
.Lillian Smythe•
ulross, and Joanne Casemore
of. Kinloss,
On the occasion. of Mr Phillips'
tp, Winsham a . p
on Monday, an-
iiotutcemei t was Made of plans
for:.a 0050,000 addition, .-...
�a>n,ito Wing
,4a11) `Phis Will be a 50-
.ted chronic patients wing, ,
•c tithe -epi-
h arrrrau-r
tiara Ann, ,to Mr. George C. Ter -
vit.,' son
ervit.,'son of .Mr. ,ancif Mrs. George
H..Tervi.t; of Wingha'ni.. the wed-:
di'ng'to take place.. the. latter part
of May:
Mr.. and Mrs.' Gordon Irwin an-
,.ounce- the 'engagement of his
youngest daughter,, Flore r.,ce'.„Mae,
to,Mr. Williairi Raymond Hunter,
son of �M;r.'. Jack. Hunter of Mel-
ita, Man.; and the, late Mrs.. Hun-
ter.. The wedding ,to take place
the latter ,part of May:;
Jack IVIcDonagh of Ashfield has•
taken. over the insurance . busi-
ness of -the late. John• D. Farrish,:
'and,, which added' to his nwn,•
business, gives him a,wide range
of insurance:
The ..,busiriess'Iof the' Yate Mr..
Farrish :included. an =extensive
weather .`insurance •(overage• in
this district; With the .Western
Farmers' Weather Insurance' Mut-
ual Co, of Woodstock,. Ile also had
'fire ' insurance. with the Howick
Partners:', (Mutual' Fire Insurance
Co. and general insurance: 'w
' Mr., McDonagh', has taken over.
these lines and policies auifhrCh
are&ui for renewal will continue,
rn; fere• until the new agent
Radio & Electric,
THAT Keiith Collyer and • Simon:
Plewes eaohlanded brawn.
• ,trout last week, thattipped the
scales at:2i/2 pounds each.. The:
catches •area result: of restock-.
ing. : of .distrief Streams 'that has
been :carried. out • during the
past'•few •seasons:
•.THAT aniong :thosefrom this
cgrnmunity in attendance at.
• the luncheon., in Wingtiam on
Monday to eceive'• Hon. Mc
.Kinnon Phillips,• Ontario Health.
Minister,. were ,Reeves Harold,
Gaunt of West,: Wawanosh,-E1-
liter .Grahame ;:o'f :Ashfield,; J.• C.
•McNah of Lucknow•,and Dr. W.
V. Johnston, and W. `B, ..Qinder-
son, ,
THAT- a number of subscribers -
have• been wondering • why the'
labe1°•date on their paper hasn't
bei n .changed. 'We've been 'de-
layed , in making these correc
tions, but hope, to get them
,' done this week. In the mean-
time; if you have• overlooked;
paying your subscription, now
would be a good time to attend
to it.
' I-rAT Aylmer and Islay A.itchi�
son of . Kingston say'. they.
''=couldn't 'survive a' -week -end"
Sentinel and e"
without The .
looking forward • 'to fastball, de
veiopments this suininer Rose-
rinary Thyme's column also
^carriesc in for ' special mention,
which Islay• sans she enjoys",
tens., to the Missionary :Education, gra a
Kincardine, Was, ; appointed ..,to
Committee at_-: Toronto. His last head up. the. protest ',nave,. and:
one, .written 'from Mackay Mem- at :is expected' that most all Mum. -
Hospital; Taipei, Formosa, ieipalilties bordering these'bronch
land dated, March 27th, concluded line wi 1 voice a fo - al "r to
with the, following. paragraph: s 1_, formal pretest ' st
Within • not •.• many days my
W.',the application.
It is the. intention to' engage
wife and I expect to'be saying a solicitor to, present the case .'
another: farewell to• Formosa and of the •muni cipaliities when; `the
to . travel' via Hongkong and
Europe..to• Canada,: Having been C.N.R,'s application' Comes' up for
connected with ' so many organ -
izations ''here, 'the past` week or In some gwarters'it. is conceded
snore have : been ;made exception that a. curtailment. of . rail service
ally `b> sy, even hectic,:by • groups' may �be:.in • order, •but decided. op
.who have felt.the need . of giving position has been expressed .to• :a
com lete ' discontinuance of. such.
T • • ull away I?.,
.ns, send""-ofs . o awa 's Service, � y
a most, difficult•_ task.., Never was service, i i favor •of bus and truck
the. need of.staying On. at the job;r'transportation. :
greater, but rules. re'` furlough..are.
rules! The general. opinion ex- REPAIRING' AND: CLEANING
,(pressed at send-off ' gatherings •.UP • AFTER BAD - FLOOD
'has beenthat::•we» y• be- allow ' ,
may l ,
;ed. to'.go back to:: Canada on • con -Alex ' MacIntyre .of .: Eastend,
clition that we . bring . back . seine Sask., in : a' letter. Written' on Ail,.
-fresh rCanadlan: Presbyterian re- 6th, . says: that the .flood is Lover:
emits to join the .'mission• here.` and the river• back, in its normal
-In Hongkong I. hope to, get a little' channel, "but` now conies the• jdb••
time in which:to work on. a book . of repairing: ' the . homes, the •
I .:ha)ve been asked to 'do, on.,the lawns; the streets- and: the, side
history of • Christian missions in • walks, which will take. many
this Island; then onward towards. thousands: of dollars". i
Canada again", • Sole . transportation in Eastend
during the height of the flood
ENGAGEMENTS : 'was by . boat, . rubber boots : or '. •
� diesel tractors.
Mr.and Mrs. George 'Saunders Within the, space ,of a few
wish to announce the engagement :months Mfr. Mac'Intyre has per'
of their youngest -daughter, Lot- sonally survived a disastrous fire
tie i 'Margaret, to: John Kenneth and a flood, and is now ' hoping
Scott, eldest son of •• Mrs, R: J. that a. tornado won't be the next
-Scott—of -• Be1•gr. ve 'arid -the late thing to.
• :::-.S of _The` marria _..e, -to make .
Mr. e.t. g.
place the latter . part of May.
• The engagement is announced
of Edna Agnes eg onlydaughter of: MARKED SUNDAY.
$� , g,
Mr,: i J.. F. •Barkwell of Ashfield
"Town'shi'p; and the late Mrs,.
Barkwell, to John Andrew Mac-
Donald, 'only son of Mr. and, Mrs.
Robt. A. 1VIacDonald of . Huron terian Church, marking•' the 63rd'
Townshi . The marriage will anniversary ' of •the, building of
take �place;thie latter part of May. the present church.
The guest speaker'..._ was lieu -1 x'
J. ,.Boggs' of 'the Molesworth . and.`
G.'Qrr,ie charge, ; having,: recently.
coir e , to' this appointment froarn.
�I-reland. He : is :,a •- forceful and
pleasing speaker and delivered
' Rev. C BWoolley of the Ash, impressive sermons both 'morn=.
field Rev,.
charge of the Un- i. ing sand evening In the afternoon
ited.:Church has : accepted : a. call
-to. Dabbington--effective-�with>,"the'
close of :the Conference; year at
the end of June.
' On Sunday,: April 27th,;' a dele-
gation from the Dobbinton ;Pas-
toral•' Charge' of Bruce .Presbytery
attended`. Hackett's church • with
the' • object of hearing the service
conducted '• by Rev. ' Woolley. A
favorable report was carried. back
•to their com.�mittee, with the;re-
sult that .Mr, Woolley',was invited
to' preach. around their , circuit,
Mount Hope, Centenary and Dab-
' binto�n which he did on Sunday,
May 4th.• The evening service;
at',.Dobbinton was.a congregat-'
'conal service, after which a un-
,anianous invitation was 'extended
• Successful and.impressive • :an-
ni ersary services were held on
Sunday at the Lucknow Presby
77-Ot-DO ER1. N GTO N
Rev. Boggs conducted •a special
Mother's -Day rservroe-- at Sunday ”
School. . i.
Rev:, C.' A' . 'Winn took: Rev
Bogs' services morning. ' and af-
tternoon, and was .present to as.
gist in, the evening service in his
own; church...Th'e evening service
was withdrawn in the . Unite.d..
Church and Dr. W J. Murnford
*as invited' to join 'the.other twef •
Ministers in. the pulpit•
`"`Special anthems were rendered,
illy, the• choir nder, the direction
of Miss Marion :MacDonald andwith Mr,, Norman Taylor presid-
il'l's 'at the organs,
Guestsoloists morning . and ev'-
ening were 'Mrs. T. A. Leiishinan
(formerly Mary Douglas) of Lon -
to Ur,
Ur, �il'ioll _y to •become . their dart and. Mr' Gordon Leggettof
minister and was accepted. Wm
can contact policy holders.
' l
• it,