HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-08, Page 12.50 Yearly � y Irk Advance ---$1..04 Extra To U.S.A. MeaffOrd the lid Off the fastball Series , the litondaY night,, May 12th, at 8.30. Call it what you like-4-fastball, 'have you, ;it all; spell's TERR,71c. Per it should be ,j1ist that 'with, • this six-teani. loop ' Coining 4p with some of the nation's. top softball pitchers. Three neW faces pow, Russ- Johnson at M.OfOrd• , and Charlie Cotton at HanOver. The mighty George Zuk will tess 'emin again for WalkertOn, while ; wingharn. and Port Elgin are still angling for their mound aces. ; Ifs a triple schedule with 'each ' •hoine and. 15 aWaY, and is slated to Onclude the:;end. of July; With the piaydowns 'getting Underway It makes ;a steady schedule Which Winds up in about y..ro and . .a half months and averages put it about -a 'game every 21/2 days: . average with four guiles in the fiist, ten days. They open .with ,IVIeaforcl On Monday; return there .• on Thursday; tangle ,•With • hat the following MondaY and , . entertain the 914 rivals rightback. Coach Chuck Webster haSn't 'announced his starting eup, lound about has been turning oUt for practiSe, and it looks like A ing the' field behind ;Justice and $# 16.P Insnianee fund: 47.0'0 isle eprne 'out Of the gate at. each ichechiled and, playoff- imilp to 'establish: an i'nSurance thiglit be More than -$500 in the' Scinnalt; .of Walkerton,' Will , be the committee. to decide on the New, regulations adopted • in-, runner -permitted.. to leave bage, gter ball' leaveS pitcher's hand; ' The :first four teams . qualify for the-playdowns :in a 'Rini. -out of seve ;Series' in both tho s•PnaP finals and *nal yound.' In a case .of a schedule tie a. sudden death game. will, decide the winner. May 12.---Meaford at LuCknow 26—Port Elgin.'at.:Lucknow . June 4 -,Hanover at Lticknow 6-.-Lucknow at' Port Elgin :13.-"--tucknOW at Hanover' 16—riort Elgin 'at Lueknow 23.---,Lugknow at Hanover • 25,-.Lucknow at Walkerton i• '27—Walkerton at LucknoW 4—..Port Elgin at LucknOw • 7 --Walkerton, at LuicknoW. 9—LucknOw ..tat Walkerton 11-i;Lucknow ;at Hanover LuCknovi 21—LuOkno* at Port kft and,' Mrs.' Albert Alton, • LuelthoW, :announce 'the engage' Merit of- their daughter, Berpa-. dean Eleanor, Mr,Lei).narct- Aitehierson of Mr: and Mts. Gor- The Wedding to take'. place /at their residence, Lticknow, on Sat- ' STAGE SALVAGE' DRIVE Meinhers of. the RolyroOd Wo - Men's. Institute . are Sponsoring a. salVage drive bn,Friday of this WePtcs: POer, rags and iron are .wanted. and' should be left in a cOnspictioUs place tor the..cellect- orS, , Dr* may' be left at Holyrood. who Might have "sOniething to _contribute to this • salvage drive. should contact, either Mrs, Jack SOUTH KI.NLOSS The Mission land rally fOr the western sectiOn of, Maitland Pres- byterial was held., in'South loss; Presbyterian Church'. Mrs. ,Farisli. Moffat, LangSide, :Mait- land Presbyterial children's sec- retary; presided; Mernbers. Were ;present from :Ashfield; LuelinOw, Kincardine RiPley kinlough and South kinless, ,The scriPture readingand pray-. -er 'wag given 145.r Belle Graham . and "Margaret Baulch of South Kinloss. Mrs. ' Lloyd ,MaCDougall Mrs. :RObert Mowbray, Wing - ham, Presbyterial 'secretary, read the rnintztes.. The offering prayer. was given by Erinia.Perey, lough. Louise. and Marion Mac- Lennan of „Ashfield 'sang; a dnet bro9k, was the guest speaker'. and, fold the Girls Auxiliary ahd Boys Brigade work in Ireland: pressed thanks to Mrs. Hynciman presented .a. gift; Mrs. Allan Mc- Auley, Ripley, Presbyterial pres,. ident„ spoke briefly. . • The Scene "Let's Visit British' Guiana" was. presented bY mem', 'bets pf • Kincardine- Band and the .paritomime "WO I. Survey The Wondrons. Cross!' was presented by a riurnber of girls from RipleY Band. . The cloSing Prayer was given by.Wilda Reid of Luckhow. Andrew Ritchie has bought the farm ef the late Wm. Baldwin, in the -Larresville 'community and .nearby. Andy's home farm.' ,The farm was purchased threugh the .executor of the' Baldwin. Estate, Mrs. Gladstone, of Sault, .Ste. ,Mar_ie,,-who-is-a-sister-of the late - Mr. --Baldwin: Andy; olatained-rirn - mediate -possession. HARVEY.- VVEBSTER H.EADS BOWLERS The: large attendanCe at. the annUal meeting last Wednesday Of the • Litcknow Bowling Club; and!the turnout at work beeS 'to iasin in. the sport arid club 'of-. et'. Fred Jackson, Wellington Mc-. Hugh ,Cuming, W. V,' Johnston; 'Garfield IVIacDoriald„ Isaac ler, Gordon ' 1V1c,Pherson'; oia sand new' meinbersu-re- 'tarvey Webster and Mrs.. ROy Yintalisp_n, Were appointed ,to or-. Slegdhs and the membership drive Will sooti be oh. 1 1 THAT' Ernest Button Was ' the ' winner of the $200 cash priie at the Legion's 'jackpot bingo last Thursday,night. There will be another lueicy, whiner to- • night, and each Thuriday The • prize • hst at present arnounts to $325 each night and 'it ail goes. THAT Mary Porteous has com- pleted a • three-year " course in. dietetics at lVfacclonald College, Quebec, and. will graduate on May . 28th. , Prior to ioing to Macdonald, Miss'Porteous spent _two years. at_,Alma- College, St.,„ THAT Stanlek G.; Burns, ,saies CoMpany,•: has :been tranSfekred frOm 'Toronto, to. "St. Thomas. where the modernizing' 'a Plant for •the manufacture of' their, products, Stan,. son. of Mr. drid Mrs. Burns, haS been THAT lucky draw tickets are ,size hand-crotcheted tablecloth, which hass.-been. made hy Mrs, Sam ;,_Ciipskey. Proceeds ' of the raffle Will !be..luSed for the beh- been. an ; invalid since contract -f nig polio ,Soine...tWO:yearS' THAT 'George, Burgess has. re - Hospital. where he Was. •a pat- ient fOr seven Weeks ree-eiving • treatment .for. arthritis: Gebrge, served • hiS .80th birthday on THA'r ',work is ,being ComPleted • on the shoulders of the road on „Highway .86 Which Was paved. -Lucknow; The, _new highWay, including Lucknow 'Main St.; • PAgts 'LADIES T° "IIEAR riA141( " TO' PROCEED, WITH. • 1 DEBENTURE ISSUE ^ A talk and distussion en "Your Food and "Your Figure" will . be held ciin the Hoslyrood Township Hall next Wedneaday. night, May The Meeting is spensord by: the FOOD AND YOI.Tft FIGURE' Institutes and Will. be addretsed by Miss Elaine 'Pounk tate Branch and Home'Econchnies gricultix:re. • Meeting. and reviewed a break - the Women of the cOmMun- ;dawn of' the estimated costs of tend tO hear thia interesting sub- the ConstrUction: tender of. the Seerns to concern Most everyone. Galt, to which the: contract has ' Construction basiness for 75 Years, . and. has built .other SchbolS and t .make an early` start at the Key'• men Will have to . Of, local labor „will be` required.. The Board feels it Will be.able to fully Complete this 9 -room, The Departnient Of Education, . Ceuneil moved, to take innried- 'the necessary by.71,aw,, connected . with this debenture issue,. which ing 5 .percent, and tenders will, be called for the Purchase' of :the " issue. , Receive Petition.' , spOnsored. by. the Business Men's AsSOciation, 'and. bearing' genre 50 signatures, .asking that'coritidera-_, Po4ce Officer stationed here. • CoUricil decided to contact the Beer bp statiehed .here,. in view Of the territory to..be Covered the distance we are from the . Plan TO Cancel 'Trains: A' CommuniCatison was' received intention '1.6 teknove all pasSenger and: expreSs Service. On the ow- rnerston 'to Kineardine line, to ,be 'replaced toy ,btis and; truck ser - 'the Village Council at the May , meeting on.Tuesday'night was re- quested to cori-nnence the neaes. sary procedure for the issuing of. • debentures, the amount .• of' 14..76,600 for the • conStruetion; every detail of the new LtickneW"..-. ' , Mr.' Roberts Rae, chairman of • A small barn at the home of Miss Mary MacLeod wag deStroY1 ed, bY fire on TuesdaY afternoon; and fanned •bY a Stiff west wind -that was blowing, other ,koPerty en Standpipe Hill' we's. threaten - :ed. with -minor '.outbreakS -being ' the west of 'the .:fire Was not endangered.. Of undeterinined origin, the eutbrealp Was discovered bY Bill pOustOri.? who 'turned in ..the of• Water Waiturned on, the barn was enveloped in . flarnei. The nearbSr 'barn Of Alex SutherI4nd • did not catch fire, birt sporadie outbreaks Pccurred on the groUnd around:' the, building, arid Were Plying eMbers Set fire -to the rOof of. a barn .on 'Mrs: Eliiabeth' .Cengram'S PropertY, to. the east Of Sutherland's propertY, but this :was •ektinguished ',with a 'second hose Iine that had been laid. • the woodshed of MisS 'Elizabeth Welsh's home toOk fire •at :the ground and Worked inside beliind tinguished this outbreak that re- •Ouired throwing Out the woed. The fire started about 4.30 in the ,afternoen, and had it been 'at ;night the consequence's, COUld,: have been 'very serious. Miss. MacLeod ;was 'in ...Wirigham attending a Presbyterial meeting at the time. The barn was_ U.Sed as a storehouse. , as . completed his c 1 will continue as usual. h.ad the centre white strip -painted; . rat:year a arrna y, e spen ,Tbe CO'romurijcqticirA stated that ' - fore. returning to Torcinto--whe oh list Thursday. a .few days. at his home here be- in event of , vvinter of' Jack MeCharles on'. Stand. Pipe Hill: 'was • the cause ef a - noon. Neighbors had the put- ' break .unde,r Control ,.1.,yheri _the Brigade arrived. THAT Robert TheinPSon has she- •cessfully concluded an eight- " eationS Operator With the Air 'Services'13ranch ,,of the Depart: - Ment of Transport. 0o.b reports it Toronto tOdaY and. will: take THAT the .freak tidal ,Wave,, gn Monday whiCh hoisted harboy silt -rimer resorts at Amberley and Point Clark, bilt did 'little damage. seems, •At Point ' Clatk the tidal •waye relied tip the river dt Jardine's and took were also shifted; -.The.: water „came. up arOund,the lighthouse ..and'.‘kashed-undet the former ,Armstriang .and Reid. cottages1 to the roadWay' south frorn the Point/. Parther to the south a level wai put on after the tide receded ;arid it was •estimated at this 'point It Caine in...With .A roar. before .7 and 'Stick Campbell reportb 'hat it shook 'their cottage., ' BERVIE- .PASTOR C9M1NG HERE Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn pastor.' of the Luckito* United. Chtirek succeedirig'' pr., W. J. effectiVe..on July..•,lst, when Rev.: and 'Mrs: Meiklejohn will tome Rev. -„,•XeiklejOhn recently ten- dered his YesignatiOn .as minister of the three-point' charge of. Ber- viei,. Blackhorse. Land.: Clark's and announcement of his ittendedres-s .was rEteived with sineere regret, A. delegation, from the Pastoral Relations Cornmittee, of the Luck.- 1 now Church heard Rev. Meikle - At,' the lolose of this service a congregational, Meetin.g was heId.,) When,' it Was unanimouSly.decid- lVfeiklejohri, Which. he accepted, The new minister, is thirty-hine ---Rev..7-AVI-eiklejohn-cante-tO-Bel vie lour years" ago from .'Saik- atclfewan. He has been acttV'e :'our.'ig People's Work and at (IVIir- 9f busses to cope With holiday travel, trains would be available fOr service during.the emergency, coneerned. is. being held in Wing - ham tonight which Reeve J. C. • • MeNab will. attend. Council obt• jeeted strenuously to this change. ef .service when proposed a "year or so agc.', but now seem More luke-Warin in their objections, as it is • recognized that the C.N.R. passenger service •buSin-es,s is loS- Mg money oh these branch arid that sooner or later the: ser. - 'vice will, be. disContintied•and 're- placed .VY: the system they pre - now „consider' would be an PrOVerrient omer the 'present rails, Reeve' MeNab Said he, 'thought ' 'he shbuld fight o hold the tram serviee . but fel it Was a lost County Engineer deorge" Steph- enson that the hard surfacing; program of Village roads! 1.8 to be, Cafried 'but only so far aS "can be _covered by the ;debenture is- paratory ;Work ,was not' in the estimate.s, and the Board' *i's of' one Mind to do right What is done .arid then 'call a halt for this year.; ALBERT. ORSER Of Dunganriori marked his 91st birthday on Thursday, He still enjoyS good • • •