HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-01, Page 10} A +.q TEN " I u tOW • SEN NEL, LUCKNOW,; ONTARIO. ur prigg I11'.USE(U,.A.M,NG..1.iIS AT HAND • For tliat "brand 'new"' look for :your .windows rices 9 c to 2.98 per. Yard DRAPERIES, , P � � Iv.36 to -48 inch widths,patterns on grey, • white, beige, green, ivory background colors. -Beautiful Hand -Screened Drapery':. Qur best ..;,,•... $3.75 yd • S.UNNIWEBB VOILE by the; yard or made up. in `sizes 21/4 .yds• x 40 'inches.• • DOTTED MARQUISETTE CURTAINS With. ; frill in all size A ready 'to dress up your bedroom..Windows. ' 8'V 'HE YARD with or without frill; Priced: fro 39c u AINS CLJTt'T' . •. „ ,...0)10 of .'Odds and Endsurtains • • is C Values. To $3.98 - To ��C,,, lea; a X2.49 OTH RS' AT VARIOIJ PRI'CES • h SE.g.:1%..X THE SENTINEL. (Continued from page 11. THAT Thursday,' May, 29itht has been tet as ' the date for the, Lucknow District High .School.. cadet inspection; Inspectiing, of- ficers. are Capt .3.• A:' Carson, and Lieut: W. H,_ McKechnie of LQdo; THAT Will Lees is . leaving •F1or.- ida today and sends 'word to change the address .of "the ever vvelcorne.. borne town paper" to Ferndale,. Mich. THAT Miss :,Eileen Campbell, Reg.N:, was One of ,a group of nurses 'whq received diplomas.. o t. ° Friday .at 'the Liauv°ersity• of .Western. Onta:rio' upon: comple- tion. Of ' a three-month post ' graduatet. course . in psychiatric nursing,, Miss. 'Campbell is :a: daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril •• can Abell of Ashfield.. THAT' Robert • .W: E. Taylor,.. son of Mrs. Harry Wall,R. R. :' '5, I,ucknow, hasjoined the Can - War Veteran Passes. tirre he. clrov,e a Mail ronie' o4t He' is to' be stationed with 'F. Samuel R. Love, ,a well trOwn .•°f 111910$' and' ajP° wPrked in Coy, of the 48th inglhitticl.era the Commercial Hotel. of Canada at Camp Borden. He 13P -10d aWay suddenly , in Kinear- will ,bei training with the 27th: cline •Hospital after ,a, briet ill- Brigade ..boxind for , the Eprop- fie& A native of England,. he IN. FINANCIAL DIFFICULTyi• ea4 theatre (gFin.any). Was a veteran of, WOrld•War I; the 'Marton ,ftirniture factory has --43-.' , , -------having.--served. as :coOlC„,. in .the been. Closed for several weeks: and, THAT' it Was '41' Years ago , On • ' I6Oth 'truce Battalion./ At- one the. ;future ii-uricertam. „ . ---.--.- ..,Stindayi-April--27thi--thatt-Bert- ss ■ MAY 1st, 1952. ' BCH DREN' sizes 2 .to 6x ,,,..AY.,R:A„P. $1;49 8.E $19$::4 Cxirls' and Misses' NYLON ANKLETS, backed by, a'. 904ay guarantee. Sizes to 10%, at , 89c G'�ilst� and. Boys' • T-SH,I'RTS' • with matching anklets, WR REPEAT .Due to the interest shown inlast week's specials,' COTTON BRIEF Lot' 1 4 pair ,89c 'COTTON:. BRIEFS; Lat 2, sizes a to 6 ,,.,, , s..,,,,. 5 pair. 98c AND"Y' .° O S' COTTON . KLETS :1 Lot 1-,-3 gam, for $1;00. L. .2--4•pair for $1.00 COTTON= T-ISIIS'S, cltiaring at. , : _ . ,A,.,, _ ,,.... 59c .1 rk- 'Phone '89-W, Luclmow �.L!' y' J J J �J Ward set sail from England for THAT ttie United Church. Pas- toral charge of Perviel and 'Bfackhorse will be, Vacant-tge , end of June when. the reSigna- Ltion,• of the 'present minister,' be present' at a congregationa meeting of Lucknow United • Church c ailed' for !tonight (Thursday) 'in connection with choosing a successor to Dr. 'W. J Mumford a' .'I -10.. . warith • *ill be the guest: speak-, Military AcadeMy., The Luck- , ,that Maple Leaf .Gardens •that ;arid , went froin here to• Mark, er at •the Presbyterian Church SGtaerecileenBiriafidg!nanodwletremiseeiedss 'to aismut. vOisa.r_Y ont AsX, a 11th. -Dutch Sets THAT -the trout season officiall3r opens today -- 'Thursd•ay, May 4 package of SURF arregular price 86x 71, Certified Seed 'Potatoes (All Varieties) ■ Miracle Whip Salad Dressing • YOU will promptly receive the full *pukhase price paid fo'r your SURF, plus postage. Get your SURF today! Offer expires May 24, 1952. Limifi 'One FREE package pee' Big Juiley, 250's a, FLORIDA ORANGES THAT Saturday's 8tar carried new United Chiirch Sunday -vener of the building commit- tee Was Earl Lindsay, formerly THAT. Mrs. Harace Aitchison ia ranch of the WornerfS•Insti- ute. Mrs. 'win Altcm is pian - THAT iVIontgamery • Motors has neW car -for Earl MacDonald, THAT: While in Toronto., last Thursday a party Of a half has a,..warin sPot in -,his. heart for, LucknoW and often wishes he were back, here. He .was ex-. that night upon having .corn'-- .,ipleted his trainin:g at Kingston IV 1111 ' so:. 4111 III al Il• . i VVE DELIVER. s 'PHONE .20 or laboratorY.is• ready 'to roil over • Ontario. highways.. It will. take . its place alongside the . 01116/id ' DePartm,ent of Health's Other travelling cliniCs suoh as the' railway. dental car. and .TB THAT, Willard 'Therripson• enter4 tained his Sunday School class last • Thursday and, after sup- .per- took them .see the pic- ture' :"Calvary',” at The. Play-, BORN ra in BURNS -in . Alexandra* ;Hospital, , Ingersol, on Saturday, April.26tb Kenneth --James, a 'brother . Mr. arid' Mrs. Oscar. Hodgin.s of April 22nd, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs, ANSTETT—at St. Mary's Hospi-- .tala Kitchener, tO Mr. and Mks, Elroy Anstett,' the former Thel, COWAN—at Alexandra4lospital, Goderich, on. APril 18th, 1952, to Mi. and Mrs.,DaVid lark Cowan, ricia Ann. ga re rs St ru • of fir 'of gs 141. • • MEN'S OVERALLS, SMOCKS, JEANS' MEN'S BIB-iWERALLS 71/4 og. denim, pre-shrunk; 'Only 4.39 pair MEWS ttUE JEANS' 71/4 oz. Pre-shrunk denim Zipper -Front OVERALLS 11/4 ,denith, pre-shrunk Only $5.45 pair MEWS DENIM SMOCKS Jacket styles, . SPECIAL at $3.89 each ' ' MEN'S COAT SMOCKS 71/4 oz.,1pre-shrunk denim 1VIEN'S KHAKI PANTS • Special -Only 42.25. each: Pre-shrunk, 'sizes up to 50 , • toys' Lace -Back Jeans SPECIAL, $2.39 pair Bois' Regular Jeans HICKORY CLOTH SHIRTS EXTRA 'GOOD VA.LUE Saniforlied 0,50 Each Sturdy & hard Wearing—$2.98 Ea. • 4 • BLUE COVERT', CLOTH a • 0:15 Each • Extra, roomy cut—blue cOVert Navy, khaki; Only $1:98 1,14 dea oh TN thel ttfdi