The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-01, Page 51St, 1952
(13y Rely G E Cox)
1 emb41-xed at :Now York • onivenient ,,to eaeh heoh, *e pro..
S.S, EmPress of Scotland, A' ceed at theNsound of the. siren to
devices for safetY! convenience, time 'clocks in :all parts of the
enifort and, efficiency are 3..tre• Shirk_ all, through Abe night; .and
, t() arawse 'admiration; the fine
deportnietit or officers arid crew
'and the readY: arid willing court-
esy op this particular ship,. the
accurate •dite.,ipline,•:May Well .be
The yessel is• 650 'feet in length
gross tons, The Cruise members'
, bee the ' opportunity at stated
tour te the bridge ,and to the
,E1*ipe ,r,odnn. As a. high class
piece of. mechanisrn 'it !Would be•
difficult to,,,sUrpaSs a marine en-
gine 'of .the- better- kind:. ,On'e man
on' "the watch" can :attend to
the': Various- oil -burners 'Which -
produce steam in the large boil-
ers;. it, the attention Of
and adjUSters to -operate the
engines;;The chief engineer rariks
'next to the captain, and also has
position. The.. "Watch" :for eacli
• man continuefx for four. hours,
with longer .petiods at tirries for other States. 'Thirteen came all
oirny and het, . is 'no 'longer to 5to6d for Alberta;
it • is essential. that ,atir: group
.multitude of tasks• to be. perform- Of veoole liVing 'together fekt so
the telephone system iS complete.
Such is the vigilance and care
bestowed On passengeri. and ship;
470 Men and women; Most of:the,
v1/4,,omen.are emPloyed as, steward-.
of -420 perSons,' Miss McGoWan,
the cruise hp,stesS, . informed,. us
:that: There' are in the5.eornparry
seventy,eight, 'female. Passengers
unattached; ,arid . that, there- are
twentyLthree single. men; the re;
three of the. other tWo.being
of Walkerton WhO take an active
part in Most4of , the proceedings,
and' are Very popUlar Members
of . the 'cruise. GeOgraphically':
New Yo'rk State had 75 members;
Ontario Was next. with 55; sevetal
Came from Quebec; .PerinsyWahia
was 'well :represented, as alSO
New .Englaridi. Michigan, Ohio •84
is fully occupied...
.•• Safety Oeastirei
quately, provided. There was, suCh
v•ariety of diversion that it
seemed expedient' for each of us
to- select, so as not •to atternpt
tOOftill a Program. For those Who -
sailor ascends by a ladder inside desire geod deal of activity, in
the hallo* steel Main, -Mist tO 'the the open air there are the swim:-
•croW's nestt..half way up; there,
he.has a telephone' within reach,
• and heat ai required. The radar
.setting -Up exereises with. a chi. -
plate of glassy•When the •ship. is turtle 'racing • (five liVe, ttittlei),
,a.ppreaching a solid Object srich arid squate. dancing.
pr rocks. The:gyroscope:1S in use 'artists - conSisted. of .solos, Ven-
in relation' )to the equilibriuM of trildquism, accordian Altaic. by
the hull. There are the.compasses Elsie .liartley;:cliarnatie—reading
and the; varitius other checkS.; tO 'and attistic dancing by. Ai ahd
„verify .the• Course; --and., in the TertY Templar, moVing pictures,
Chart, room the course Of the ship offered twice a week. Mete
is systematically. plotted. • ,
Tubes extenti, .frOm ,each of. the
nine storage hOlds to the bridge;
end if a :fire .should. break 'out
spontaneous cOrtibUstiOn, a fine, cana'stra: and similar
•gameS. for these Who deSired to
tbe. Atop's. Orchestra. played
wisp of .smoke appeers nt. the top :for s:ballroom daneIngin the spac-•
cation ..Of 'the... sanie. 'Cher/ilea]:
means .are *qitickly emplOYed
eXtitIgtrishr:--the Maze.: There is
also an extensiVe .sprinkler.
(tem similar 'to that installed.. in
'cantile establishments. 'Fireproof:
'doors, bUlkheada; diVide the
id into several waterproof :and,
eigke.sute that they are in good
mergeacy drill:, when everyone
Captain, the 'Commander and the
Contests 'requiting mental et:
Written sheets: left'sin. tbe- cabins
indicated.' *hat was, to::be. done.
'These contests Were, quite varied..
A, pOpUfat, One _was to eStirriate.
the ship's dairy run. Once ti:rere
Was. given the,Opporttirrity of •es-
tirnating the ai,etage ',age of. the
life insUranee ,otganitation; :Made.
eStirnate pi. "fifty-two years?
'dons, a lifebelt to be found con- :answer was', 52,3.1Mr.
avvarded the prize.
One of the. high points .in most
cruises is tPe costume boil whicb.
usually occurs' as the Panty nears
the home port. On:this _occasion
approximately, pne hundred per -
soil*. took part. ',The; judging was
performed, under the following
categories: Original, • loeautithl,
hurnorouS and characterization.
Fitted out .as a, piraite, of the 10:th.:
Morgan, the buCcaneer't, the writ.,
a series of fiivie 'Nixing bouts of
three rounds„, each by Members
of the crew: It, was excellent
amusement ler: the Spectators ancl
a real' li4liday 'for the participants
who appeared to, enjoy their con-.
tests even, More than did 'the
Points Of. Interest .
• Where did me go?
Our first stOo was at chO'rlotte
.Arnalie on St: Thor -has Islancl,•one
of, 'the Virgin Islands gtoup' purr
Dern/raft in .1917 at:a eost of 15
iSlands, are St. Thomas, St: Sohn'
and St:'. Croixi, and .,there_Are
addition Many ,sinaller • islands,,
about one, hundred in all.
Charlotte Amalie- is. 1434'. naut-
yerk' and the 'ship, whieh Makes
nineteen knots, reached' there in
78 hours,: and anchbred : mile
froth !the shore; ,the passengers
were taken tp land. by the Ship's
life boats. The town of 10,0001)6p-
tecture and many of the•eustoms
bf the former Danish oWners; the
:nglish language.. is :in general
:use. The islancl:is barren, but the
chin* :is excellent, arid bathing'
:peaches .Of high qUality*.are nUm-
tourists are attracted, ,and. same:
Ot Ahem remain' at one,. of- the
excellent hotels,
OUr nekt. stop *as 'at Barbados
Island, 438 miles Ito the septheast.
Tridia:n Islands.. Bridgetown ,is a
city of 110,009 Toptilation; and is -
spoken. Of. as "a little bit of Eng -
:en sale are :for: the' Most part.
uage is spoken, and. Engligh'cus-.
sthere are,' aPproicirnately 210,000
processing of Sugar . cane 'is, the
chief industry, The Island, has•30
sugar mills, and 'the ,Chie,L pre:, —
ducts ate, x.aiv sugar, rnolasses---&-:1
rum.. As one lands in -Bridgetown
the-at:or/la of molaSses is. at once
is the pleasing .smell 'of: sugar
cane .which reminds one of
cured silage.. Warehouses
.bulge With'Satks of. Sugar;•great
barrels .of molasSes ancr•casks of
On foot' I : eXplored the city
from- the, point pf vieW of, the
sociolOgjsti Only one ,Petson
is. drawn.; In a :Visit to the Co1.7
-sneaker and alrnost• all. the meth -
24 xnen-ibers is elected- 'lay', the'
people every two yearsz'there is
alsO , the Governor,. and a legis-
Theliiuildingg•of government, are
(extensive; the furnishings are of
island was heavily timbered vvith
ihiS valuable wood; some 5t3II
good part of •the tiecesary
'MY111, A#410,1 tAMANAllf '
• :The poor live "in their: little
cabins about twelve bY, sixteen
feet; and the vvell-to7do d•well,
their, finer liernes. tut ,kvery,,
where there. seerhed'to .be' con,
tentment' and goOd•Cheer, singing
and colirtesy, Tropical :trees ,and
plants, sucti as the poinSettia and
'the bouganVillpea, add, beauty to
the "scene,o.and, of cOurse, the
derful 4oreadfruit tree . With its'
nicturesque leaves and the ripen,
ing fruit; h of great si2e, and
, /4,
nw GN
• Ti•CT-ty\-VCAt'
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03 41-i
M Cit
is, growing in the grounds
Michael's Anglicari Cathedra
was reached after a run of; p
hours..mtlitg'",aibitto, in the rear
of the •harbor are the Maratithe
Andes Mountains.' Our' objective
here IS visit to Caracas, ;the
we climb by startingly
the 2•2 miles to the :capital 4000
feet above sea level,.
Visits :Were made to the forrib
Of Simon „Bolivar,. who 'secured
lay forte of arms, the' indeperid.
and, Bolivia; the CaPitol, the' ,t.Tn-
• 4Conprined 'on Page 6)