HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-01, Page 3THirRSDA,ic; MAY 1st,: 1902 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ' QNTARIO Par ting. • Papering ..Spray and, Rrush, STEM ' ROOF 11A1NTING _ •egiusCH. Dge.c$ATING: Interior and . Exterior. ' d cc bei & Macinnes Phone: • LneknOW 4 Wineham 65443 '.AUXILIARY CO 1CLJ S SHOOT PARTY SERES ,The last.'.: Shoot Panty of the season under .auspices •of Ladies' Auxiliary', to ,Canadian Legion yeas .held :last Friday night with six aa13'1es'playing. Winners were; high :lady, Mrs. Charlie Mason; low, Mrs. Camera on; ;high man, Mr.s.. Wiiir,• Stanley • and Earl Harris; low man, 'Fred. '• • .Jackson. A' short program was. enjoyed with Mrs. 'Philip MacMillan' pre - ,siding. A:'huMor;ous• skit` was en- acted by ..Mrs.- Black . and.' •Mrs.. Vera Purves; a piano; instrum en ..ta1 !bY 'Mrs. J.: T. 'Carruthers 'and an' accordian instrumental` by •:Mrs-Haward''Gowan• -War ,4uxiliary. presidezt, ,gave 'a few. Wcird4::and''lunch'. was served. Lu �kn �er.i resby. Church an • REV. Q. A. WINN .B.A.T' 'Minister ' , SUNDAY, MAY 4th 41 a.m. • Morning ` Worship • 12.15:p m.:. Sunday 'School ;.'and `Bible. Class: 3 'p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon, 7 p:m ' Evening. Worship. ;+dir�u.11Mn si,11110.rr11111•4r o.01111.6.1Mr»r • LUCKNOW 1 UNITED CHURCH• 0 Minister:.'ROT. J. J W. umford •. M r' M.A., B D ,. SUNDAY; MAY 4th,;`.0 52• i i 11 a:m What System. Of Giiv 1' ing',•Does The. Gospel. De-' Ll' d t. L5 mand? =12.15 P.m.: Sunday School.. p.m ,"F: sat where•' -they i• sat".''.. o at &enerai F°CDii MOTHl✓R'S DAY GiFTs.. of ,c6ognes, 'soaps,, etc., • see your Beauty Cdunselo•r• representative, Mrs. Ken Mowbray.,•• [ts Russell. Johnstone 'of gown been visiting in Duiiith.' =. Mf•.,`and : Mrs. Joe Wasney and Mr:. and Mrs. Stuart Jamieson at' ed the . Barbara bare 'Ann. Scott. show in Toronto ozi,F'riday even" ing. - • • Messrs. Jelin and' Dan Tl 'Mc Kinnoi't ,returned last eek after. 'spending the, winter, '°,a_ t -Calgary.. • g Y Dan also Visited. at- Banff: and Edmonton. Mrs• `j= , . m. FIornelh :of Toronto' has, beenW ill with pneumonia., at 'the home of Mrs. Joseph Agnew of Lucknow. •• She ,took • i11. after' .arriving ;,here for '• a brief visit. Mrs. John MacLeod, ' who -has been a atient in "Wingham. ' Hos pital• dur.iiV g the winter, is con ,siderably iinproved' in . health and 'was. able to return the -first of. the week .-to•'the home of• her 'daughter, Mrs. T3arry. Nixon. Mrs;. MacLeod.. is: in tier 88th ,Yea:,: • WHITECHURCH Corriinunion service, will be,. ;held in. ;the :United Church ..next Sunday: The .ordinance of 'b apt-. ism ^wall, also ''be observed at; this 'ver vice .• • 1.Coinfnunion. • ser'v'ice, was he <. ld. in Chalmers Church on Sunday. Rev, :Cur rie: "gave a, very•' in pir- ing. sermen:.Those• 'who ' joined. at fhls service were D:ougl.as' a n d Betty Newinan,: Angus, 'McDon- a1•d and' Mrs Wilfred Walters. ' •' Mr. .and Mrs. Donald 'Watt • of ':Toronto ' spent ' the' •weeli-erid:' atthe:•ihome'..of their..,parents;- W. J: and Mr.s. Watt • M i s's ..Midred' : McCleriaghan spent•a few. days in Toronto last week. Mr, . and .:Mrs, :..,'•.Kennedy; of Wingham`spent Sunday .afternoon with - his 'mother in the village.' Mr:.. arid•:, Mrs. Jack' Morrison's little son was ,.bitten .by a, dog and was' taken •to. Wingharrrn _Hos= pital:'. It took, seven ' .stitches :to close _'thc_wo.und.' ==- • The Mission .Band: of Chalm.er's Church was invited to Teeswater on 'Saturday: 'last, and. spent a ver y. enjoyable afternoon there as the guests Qi the; Tee$iYt'ate•r. .Mrs- sioiaBand. • Miss Mabel .Purdon, returned .to. her '.Janine' here. after being ill at t•he'hdrne• of her brothers', ' Messrs. Rost; ,and ' John. Pu�=clon for---thc past month.• CROSS F'UN.0 PAST. YEAR: • Donations to th-e Lithknow and .District Red Cross .Branch had, reached ia total of ,$1354,25 at. the week -end. This .has topped' last Year's. response 'when the ':total reached $1270,75.: ' Donations are still trickling in, from those who have overlooked � Making their donationr , It may be .left ,gat• McKim's Drug Store or the Bank of Montreal. , Added to 'the • list: previously acknowledged are the follc wing, contributionris: Clifford ' Hackett: $1',00;; Ed ;.MacKenzie 5.00; D. A; MacDonald. '2,00;. Kenneth L. Me- Kenzie •2,00,• "11tirda.: Matheson 2.00; .D A, McLennan 2.00; D. A McLean 5.09; Dunoan A," Finlay- son 5.00; - :Duncan Fairish 2.00; Wilfred :Hackett 2.00;: J. R. Mur- ra3' 2.00; Mrs. R.' J. Durnir 1.00; Miss•;Grace Crawford ,5.00; Harry' 'Lavin '2.O0 St..- Helens, 'WVornen's• Institute 25.00; "Ladies Auxiliary Cana'dian Legion, 1.0.00,: William Daiivson. 1:0.0; Ezra Wellwood 2.00;. Gibson; Gillespie' 3.00; McClenaghan L0.0; Miles:J. Mac. - ;Milian '2.00; Mrs. _ 'M.: Ross 2.00; John S. Craig .5:00; Albert -Pater- son 5.00; Victor•' ',Brnerson 2.00; Mrs. James -Lai-dlaw-- 1:66;. 13eir: Currie 5.00; .Peter. Ken- nedy '1.00; Gordon • McGee J:..'Siniplsan• ; 1.00;'. James` NlcIlh.: .wain -2 00, Mrs G.''Farr ier'x-t."0 ;,-; A.. J. 'Pardon' 2.00; John Aitchl- son, L00;' Nies. McQuillan •'1,00;• Mrs..''R `Chapman ' 1:00; J. Gaunt` 1.00;. MT's;. Loughran, .1.00;, • Mrs. Coulter 1:00; W. R.Farrier 2,00 F D', 'Newman,:' 2.00, Joy. Johnston 2:0Q :Thomas Rol b`5,00;. Henry •: :Gardner 2:00; Wallace Miller 2.00;: Phillips . Menary ;5:00; Thomas ` M.. Anderson, 2.00; • E1-' wood Groskonth i:00: ' John Bradley,; .$5.00; • Dan Mac- Lean '2.00; Eldon .bradley ' 2,00; James. Shields 7:00; Ant • Court-. ney: 2.00.;' .'Dr..' W V. • Johnston' 10.00: Paramount' Women's Inst; tote 10,00.. • HAS MEMORIES OF UNCLE'S PASTORATE IN . LUCKN.OW `. s .The joint` Easter Thankoffer ing meeting of-the';Senior`W M:S and Evening,. Auxiliary , was held in the Presbyterian church. on. Tues- day evening, April 15th with 1V.txs. Morgan flend.erson presiding:: Scripture .' and Meditation ' was given in an interesting way by Miss. •Mario'n Macbonald'•and Rev. Winn• led 'in'. player Two musical" numbers '•Trust,'and' obey" .and '-`You'-°Must open The Door". were :given iby a group ,of girls .i leo tom ' . ` ins e.b's' room :iii 'the' public School •accompani'ed'by Miss. MacDonald: ''Miss Ruth Johnston' .fawated Vvi-th a piano -solo, -after' which ` Mrs. Winn introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. MacKay .of Tiverton,. who gave a most.,inter-- esting and 'i'nspiring a.ddre$s on the challenge of Missionary ,work: Mrs. Mac•Kay,. • a "charming and forceful streaker, spoke of '.the problems •and •opportunities' con- fr'on'ting workers. in -,the W"M.S. She touched: on the common 'dif- ficulties of"•getting women to take offices of responsibility .arid to •pray in.public, ,also of the pres c•nt day gambling craze. that Is' 'sweeping the. 'country. Against these~, she ;pictured some of the wonderful results ,achieved :when. young people are., given leader- ship ship in • Mission • Band,'• and EXplorer group's" She ^arn ed against snakingthe- reaching of thc 2cie: y s. r��io en -allocatioy iis•:the goal `to :be realized: With 'the lir:'e:ient day'.s .despe'rate creeds it is veil to go beyond, it,. a '1 a l The business of this' Church is not to build itself .up out •1 of the conimunit-y,'but to build!. i up the community out of 'ts 1 life. Come and'wofrsiip 'with i f1s. „moo:��+a..rr�.b.�a:�o..0i>• Ang1icafl'(hurch NOTICES , Rev A. S. iteheli Rector.' . Third Sunday after. Easter MAY 4th, 19.5,2 St i'ett,e,,s Church, 'Luckitovv 11 aim.; The Holy Communion. •'1Vlonday,.May, 5th, W.A.eatilac• meeting et 'the W Wecirrosday, May:7,��t,h,e mem- • bcts''of the Ladies' Guild arse asked :to ;,tees -•at the pante ctt 2.00 p iyi tc .proceed to -the horrte•. of Mr's.. T. J. Salkeld, four'their rci ular,+meeting. St„ ?curs Church, Dufiganfoln 2.30 ening Praye.r'.. St, . Pauls Church, Ripley 730' p"ryt,: Evening".Prdyer, , Tuesday evening, the Lodie8' Guild meets at !the. home: of, ';Guys, Waite' . •MbCI.enaghan' are going • as dele- gates, from Whitechurch Institute to • the' officers convention' '•at Guelph' -this week,, also M'rs.; Vic 'tor' Emerson. 'as district secretary. 'for South Bruce.- . -(Intended for;:La,st Week). The Easter TYiankeffering , of the'. Pi esbyteri.an 'Chun—ch was ,held last. Wednesday. .afternoon with a' good attendance. Mrs, Lott ;the president, '.opened the' meet ing :with the call to worship The Easter program vtias carried' out , and responsive' 'scripture reading led '.by M' s. Wm, J. Couto': with the' meditation by, Mrs, Johrrstori' Conn,- ,Reading .15y Mrs. Fred, NeWman., solo. by Mrs. Robert :-Ross and • t•1•ieEit address by, Rev, 1 . fl.A: Currie., -who ,.icy., v1-io w s the tipcc ia�1 ;•pealcci ' • The tiinrr:il of• Mrs. Jackson of •Aiihuirii'was held. last friday. .S ho i ._ slaty 17,st'.. }l •.th.c, • family of• 1JGiicllrrws, .a' highly,; e- spcecte,d : tfrnyily twrho will hvi re- membered' by many itf the older i esicd01t r.. The l xi ity; 'rhankoffcring. Of the 1, ' �` e 'nitt'rl Church,..eklas. held on 7 -l'iri:c:iy afternoo1 .'• ;i'fis " 'Ruiner - fiord tii.fi,c"r-ford was •the, si- cial.. speaker anti gave a ,Very interesting. talk' on, `htiris't, .;pore ,Nlitti\bers of ' the. Mission Band enl'ertairicd,;with ,several numbers. .Mrs.''1:3c ccr•oft gave , a few, words. of interest: is. AngusMcKnY is :et Missionary there., Mrs. Newman and daugh- ter Ma'lyn. sang a duet. Rev.'• Gi;aydon Corr . 'brought Mrs Cox and" two ',daughters., Ening and :hath Ann here• last Thursday to visit 'wtthrherr rh'cith-. ' or, Mrs: 1`Vrac• Btras .a id. si ter • Chive.. ' ' Rev. Mackay, who'' accorni an- :fed his' wife,.spoke briefly ori his fpond „meiticsries of this church where his :uncle, Rev. Angus' MacKay; mirristered, for years.: '1Duringa six mohths' stay.'at the' manse he attended •1VTr. Connell''s' 'class in Sunday: School, He. tesid something' of the ilresont day,'act' iv ;ties of the 'M K fairly • Mrs. Jack. Pdl spin i�ng', reacting MacDonald moved a ,• vote of ;s Mac�Ka': and those :thanks to Mrs, Y ar. _ L. od .M e art. Miss, I taking part. Meeting wit ac ay atxrr y, kick .gave an'T -in. and, Miss Gladys • PAGE THREE' •4 ,.. • LADIES',•AND MEN'S WEAR .TELEPHONE 85 , , SPORT SHIRTS • ' by'. popular, ,advertised com-. panies-.-Nylon, Broadcloth,, Cotton—ATI' sizes & colors'. • T-SHIRTS in 'Plain stripes and ' pat- ! ` terns. 'New••styles and''eol. ors in all sizes. .Choose. yearlyyyy,,nnY from � better � as`sRrt: UNDERWEAR• for men. Vests and shorts including. outsize. WORK CLOTHING Overalls, Pants, : Jeans • in best quality denim. Med- • i iutfi and heavy weight, " I -sizes and prices. i WORK • SOX &'' CAR, • Good selection BEDS inEADS .: Special buy in chenile bed- spreads in solid colors with contrastiri ' trims.. ' F u double bed size, reg. $14,95 :;$9.95 • •'4 4 BLOUSES Nylon, Alluracel, Crepe, Cob.on; etc. Size 12 to.; 20, ': :38. to' 44. ,A11 colors and.. prices; . PRESSES Latest' styles' and materials' at popular prices. Choose it, and we r cake• •it fit to Wear with comfort ' We specialize inwomen.'s half sizes;; 16 to 243/2, : 38 .'to ..46; ChoiCe selection. - RAYON PANTIES Briefs, ,reg. 794 to, $1.00' • 2 for -$1:00 . SUMMER ANKLETS for Boys and; Girls, 'Men and Women ALL PRICES. ESTABLtSI H'» ' HROUGH•_ SERVIC • :HELD- DINNER -PARTY; '' .FOR NEWLYWEDS •• A:• ,dinner party was held'' en Sunday • evening, 'April . 2Qth, at 'the: home:'of Mr: ,and "Mrs.' Grant. Gol'lan in • honor. of Mr and. Mrs, Ronald Glazier, 'newlyweds:.. The young.: couple •. received • . ` many lovely -gifts. including. a chest of silver:ware;a set ':Of dishes,.. a 'pair, 'of .pillows, a •china tea ser- ivice,'.a lovely quilt::•and 'a 'stun• of -money. The giles'ts included: the:'bride's :family, .members -of. the groom's family' and friends of the ibride 'Mrs: Gol'lan ':receiv- ed the guests in a black ensemble:, Mr. :and'Mrs Glazier, will '.reside in.,Goderich.• HELD BRIDGE- MARATHON IN AID.. OF GcUIDES bridge .marathon.which had been' held` . to assist' in raising: funds' for renovating the'' ,Girl Guide ,qu,a:i tern• in :the Recr eat- iphal Centre, concluded on :Mon-: day:night: with'.a, bridge party in; : the ,Rec. ': Centre; The marathon. Winnerwas- Mrs. J-. La; 1VlacMi- lar;:, Mrs.: W. J. Douglas -had the high score -for the -night. with tl- yc'on=- s6.1af ion size.: oin : 'to • Mr"'•. • S•mith. 1 6. JOIN S. WALL' DIES :, The Oath ' f John 'Silas Wall occurred in 'WingharnH'ospital' Last Thursday' in his .82nd, year,. The funeral service:'was . held' at. the McLennan -MacKenzie Mem.- oriel Chapel • on Sunday afternoon. Conducted, by .Rev, W. J. Watt', of "Whitechurch '' Interment ,was in Teeswater Ceme+tery:''' MOTHER PASSES. -.The Wesley 'Brothers of .Walk erton, . Harold, Bruce. and John,_ have the sympathy of .the • Bruce County newspaper .fraternity in. the death of :their mother, J. A. Wesley. She was: formerly'. Miss' • Edith 4 Hildred I and': was • born:. 'at . Bervie' 68 • year's ago. 115 • YOUR FAVOURITE 'BEVERAGE �►p�►1r�n�o�u�o�►o�u�nro�ilorii�►rr�•r.i�ci�uirou�►,,wrq'�o�jr,�r.Gr. •. , 1:. "Lucknow Le ion's ..Weekly: me'- 1:oo a � ; Regufa:r' Ga , s $ $32.5 rIN PRIZE' MUST ,GO • I•n The Recreational eentre,".- z LUCI N"OW a Coninierielng, at 9:00 pail Sharp,. D.S.T. ".1. . h5 REGULAR GAMES ' `OR. *$5:0:0 EACI . 1 � SPECIAL GA.ME5, FOR. $15.00 EACH I . FREE •GAME F'OR $5:00 l Jack o .. Special (Must Be Won) Para' mid Special Cards 2 Closed the ;Tree r g p Y• NOTE CIJ'ANGE OF, PLACE AND NIGHT • • after which .lunch was served rby' � yr�►�Pii.ii�►itiwir' rwi►uwir�w.awii�r. �_ ui�..+�,�W,wlruw�..w�i+�o�Sr�u�w:ri�..iw7'i� the ladies. �. � o. �'► ,