HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-05-01, Page 1..
$2.50 YearlyIn•A... c . To U.S.A.
vance-�-$1,UU" Extra
•A .p3tition circulated ,by. the
1.440c-4OW Business Men's Associa•
tion,' requests. thatconsideration
be 'given to. having'„. Provincial
e:.Office. stationedi': perman-
• .ent1Y n" L..ucknow,.
The .largely signed •peittion
' readS as .follows "We, ,the mem-'
}vers of.
the Lticknow, Business
's; : Association, „request the
Council of ; the ' Municipality of.
the Village, of Lucknaw to con-
sider ' having an • Ontario Provin-
tial Police , Officer: stationed per
•. 'man
'' ently in. Lucknow, an:d.. to
take this matter up with the
proper authorities", • . M
got the first time ;succi
a proposal' has been rconsidered;,
but recentintideiits,in the Vill
. have stirred the'eommunity
age, action. The' petition from the.
B.M.A. strengthens the Council's
hand in:investigating the set-up
'I sac.•
and: Raking. .action if . i►t is :con-
sidered advisea'ble.
B.M.A.': Officers' fleeted ,
The annual 'Meeting of the
Business'.Men's Association ' was
held , on Tuesday of I. last • week
with'.Presidenrt• Win. Schmid pre:.
Officers; elected were •as'fol
aws .Pres., • Wan. Schrnid; vice.
President, . Gordon; Montgomery;
secretary treasurer,. A r. c h i; e
,smith, . succeeding Gordon Fisher
Who. resigned; • executive commit-'
tee; W. A. Porteous, Lloyd Mall,
• Olilver , Glenn,'L.loyd Ashton,. Russ
Button, Ernie Crawford.
Membership fee ' was set at:
$3:00' with . Elmer Unvbach as
canvasser on the North 'side and
Bill Pappas on'.the South side 'of
Main Street.
The meeting.'discussd a sales
romotion :scheme and appointed
a committee of • Lloyd Ashton;,
Gerald Rathwell, Lloyd Hall; 'Smith mith and Cam 'Ti'iomp=:
son to look • into this'`matter.
ri A first '.hand . account Of, the
flood. that lit . Eas'tend, Sask., was
received..,last week by Mrs.. W:
L, MacKenzie, in : a letter • from
her brother, -Mr:' Alex'Macintyre
The flood was a result Of: a`
zunusually 'hea.vy"snowfall during"
the winter. with . no thaws...,Then
ring-came---suckl iy . and`the
.creeks .from the 'Cypress Hills
broke about the same time: This
rush_of-.waiter-smashed -the-irri•--
gation dam and the destruction'
Mr. o MacIntyre said .they had
• the 'basement windows of their
home 'banked `and :protected but
when the wave struck it . pushed
them in ' like paper. The flood
: waters filled their. •basement to
within inches of the main floor.,
Against her wishes Mrs, . Mc-
Intyre was forced • to ' evacuate
her home: 1Vit. -McIntyre was one
of abforty out , hien .nen of the entire
Population ,permitted to remain,.
he It washe
t loneliest night. I ever
put in", . he ..said,• It was a wierd-
3one also, for every • little while
some. flood -swept object 'would
strike the hous' or the beams'the ifr•
in' , ... ' .. �.
basement,�..and .ogle won-
:ge dered
• what •,was •coming next. To:
the ..: .
se -eerie' sounds, was • • added,
• that .41 the constant 'rush and•
swish of water past and around
}he •house
Mr, McIntyre' said that hospi-
tai• patients and practically all
Women and children :Were taken'
to haunavon, Mrs. McIntyre has
since gone. to Winnipeg to visit.
fieri sister,
s, until health"' authori-
ties permit returnin . th ' town,'
'which _, 'expected
ta e ,
h wasl expected to be from
ten days to two Weeks: The let-
ter was written on April' 17th.
Tile town was Without drink-
ing 'water, which• had, to be
brought from. Shaunavon. Base-
i lents:'.• woit1d, all have to be
Auniped :ourt- ..
disinfected, and a
general cleanup made before ,reser
!clefts would be permitted to re-
; r
Mrs; W. R. Hamilton of Con.
2, Huron . Township, suffered a
broken left 'arm lust : above the
Wrist . a,•couple of weeks•:ago. The
mishap occurred at the• home of
Mrs. W; S. .McGuire; when
•stepping .%back cards in : u
staff ` P
rs of the hornie,• Mrs. Hamil
ton plunged backwards `down• the
•stairs. • Althoughthe, area
break is'
most unfortunate Mrs.,Hamilto
Might easily, have been much
more seriously: injure °d.
A'meeting ,Of the Official Board
of the United Church: was held
•last Wednesday night, '•to take
steps to. obtain a minister to Suc-
ceed Dr. W. J..Muinford. A co-
mittee : was '` corn:
named • . including
Messrs. Robert Rae, • W. L. Mac-
Kenzie; Grant.MacDiarmid,: Ern-
est 'Ackert` and K. ' C. '. Murdie.
They swill work in ,.conjunction'
With Reiv. Haro;d: Lawson, . of
Kincardine,' "chairman'' of the
Bruce. Presbytery pastoral vela
•tions committee; in obthiriing'
candidates ^to• fill. the 1poipit va-:
cancy,• On: Sunday,' • members of
the .committee heard Rev. G. A.-
"Meiklejohn of the Bervie-Blaek
horse charge. y �.; �,
Possibly .the oldest resident of
Lucknow is Mrs. Margaret. Flet.-,
cher,° ::who ',was 96 years ofage
on April 1st. _;M.• rs.' Fletcher was'
formerly Miss ;Margaret MacKay
Kintail. , She • lived'• for:' many
,years at " Duluth , ands Goderich
and • for the past 1•%' Years. has
made her �home'.:•at •Mrs. 'R. H
McQuillin's.' She ',enjoys •�r'emark=
',ably' good; health •and is- able to
read without, glasses..
.Mr,. '.Joseph Mallough, whose
death, occurred .recently, was in
his 93rd. year; ,
Mrs. Annie Doyle, ;who resides
with her' daughter,... Mrs. Harry
Anderson, just south ofthe vill-
age, was 92 this spring •and Mrs.
John Little :was:, 90 about the
Duncan MacLeod will be 90 on
Christmas Day,' and- Mrs, Ewan
MacKenzie is .also ' :in her 90th,
year, shaving observed her 89t1i
birthday On March 16th..
So far in our search for- Luck-
row's oldest resident, that is the.
information;e. we_.•..ha_ve::_•.-Is-:•.::there
anyone older?
The three-day vote on the ,pro.,
Posed egg and poultry marketing
scheme, resulted in .a . compara
tivelylight vote being east,. and,
'With the "yes" vote' having only
a slight Majority, 'the•..pian,;has
fallen: through.
The idea. was O. .:establish .:a
market board; for the wholesale:
handling, of •, eggg : by ' which: ,per,
iodic fluctuations in price might
be avoided.
The light vote iappears to ' have
stemmed: from the fact that
many small producers; •"didn't
know how to vote". Others •.voted
for the •scheme on the assumption
that "it couldn't be' any ,worse
than the present system',. •
Mr. and. - Mrs.• George'; Orvis.'
have `,returned :to .,Wingham to
make. their their home.• They moved
there on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs:
Orvis ::carne td 'Lucknow' five
years .ago,, When they purchased'
the home of 'the late Mrs. Wesley
Henderson; 'Where 'they ""have
resided .and which. they sold to
Mr: and Mrs Wilson Irwin -of.
Ashfield • who will move . to the
village later.
M i ' 1 b ill 'a hou
onan adjoining lot. This `he ,sold
to Mr: ,and' Mrs. George.,Lavis of
London '. •
Mrs.. N. E. Bushell' was the
winner of the: $200 jackpot:,prize',
at the Legion's weekly bingo Last
Thursday night. 'A ..$200 „jackpot.
!prize, plus $125 o'ther', prizes
goes . each :night,: ands will•. be in-
creased as the .attendance' war-
rants. Starting time has :been<set
back until 90.0 -;p.m , • on account
of the adoption of `Daylight,Sav
.ing Tifne; . ,•
The death --of -Robert- J. -Moore,
a •lifelong resident ' of this .dis-
trict, occurred suddenly last Sat-
urday morning : in Wingham Hos-
pital'. where ..he had been : taken
the previous' day .after suffering
a heart attack while on e .busi-
ness trip in Ashfield
The : funeral service. •. was ''held
1 at St _ Peter's -Anglican •Church
on Monday with Interment in
Greenhill -Cemetery:.
T. G.
Age rests lightly -on'the should-'
ers of .Mr, "Foster.•G. Moffat; of
Larigside; Who is in his 80thyear;•
..and is 'still ' actively engaged in
his duties as :secretary -treasurer.
of :the Culross Mutual Fire Liam,
ante .Company, •.a. post he .has'
held since `1924.
• Mr. Moffat became a director.
of the company back about 1912;
and upon'the' death df Dave Mc-
Intosh . in 1924, he.•was persuaded
to take over his: dirties as sec-
retaryjtresurer, and which,' he.
has efficiently' managed, in the
intervening years.
The 'Company opened, an office
in Teeswater• three year's ago, and
Mr. Moffat 'commutes daily each
between his farm horn
week day __ . ,
at ,L arigside and his _Teeswatet
office: Iii : the'.three .,•years .he:
hadn't missed a day until ,Last
• "E
THAT good • headway is being
made in excavation, under-
draining and .putting in•'+gravel
fill on: village• roads, in ..lire
• paration '.for .paving: •
THAT Ross, Gammie: has bought
Ed Thom's. farm at St Helens.
Mr. and Mrs, . Thom will have
the;' privilege of occupying the
residerme, for. some time, ' and
have returned to the farm to
spend the summer, This farm
has been in' the . Thom fan-uly
for 85: years,since the late -`Wm:
Thorn came to';West'Wawanosh
-from Dalhousie: -4}
T-yf t�A T a 1, tt1eJ•-�`•ad bcrr n -ani ji rn
harrit Hospital last Thursday to
,Mr. and Mrs.. Oscar. Hodgins ;is
:their. seyen.thi• .son. :They:.., lost .
their only. 'little . girl before. she
THAT although he's. nearing the
90'. mark, .` age •kis not : slowing
Mr. Duncan' .• MacLeod • ,down
very much ' Last week he vis-
• ited the old :home' place on the,
: Second. Concession, now;.owne:d
by Duncan MacConnell, .and
'"walked all over the farm:;' Be-
sides being unusually spry, Mr,'
• MacLeod's memory is „keen, and.
his eyesight so good that .he
is one of.; the most regular pat-
rods , at' the Public Library.
.,was a week old.'
•TH'AT several people have :been
.enquiring ` about, the .address of
Mrs. Gordon Montgomery, who
is hospitalized in , London: and.
where ane will _.be -. a --•patient
for • another few weeks. It is'
Beck:Merilorial' Hospital, Room
101, Byron, Ont.
THAT television will soon on w be
corning • to Canada.. You'll 'be
ready for it if you, have the
'lucky ticket on the' TV set draw
to be . inade on . May 23rd. Pro.-
ceed.s are for' the Roy Havens
benefit : fund. " 'You can get :a
r ticket from ,'any member of the
Hciekey Club, or at, various
business .places:
THAT members of,"the'Fire Com,
pally Tuesday,
pair Were busy .o
eveningWashing off the: Main
St, That Same• evening a clean.
Up wasbee
held at the 'Pres -'I
byterian. church grounds;
week' when he was laid up. with
' . for a few .clays,
Stately in his bearing, 'fresh
keen of mind., no
of face; and ,� .
one Would ever gt'ss that "Fps -
ter" ". will be 80 in August: '
attended his' first'.
In • 1915 he 'n
Meeting, of the Mutual • Fii`e� Un=,
Ontario and .since
�a•erwn�iters of ,
missed". only -three an-
hasin- s --one of ;them be-'
nual meet g.
;cause the trains` ,didn't, run.'.
In 1931-32 Mr. Moffat was pre-
sident of the Ontario Association:
ie' s •no 'an 'honorary member,
years . ago' was prei'sented.
and two y s
with a gold -headed cane in re -
hi long ,associatio:o'
cwdantdn of s g
with-, and, servic to, this organo:
za> ton,
Mrs. Bessie Shirley has: bought
the borne' Where she • has resided
for the past few, years from .Mr.
Donald .MeCharles. Donald' has
bought the residence .of the late'
Miss Lillian ,Hood, from :Mr. Arn-
old Giber: Mr.: Gloor hasexten-.
sively: remodelled''this house=and
Dona"ld is.. putting; on the finish -
'ng touches before he and Mrs,.
.Jewitt move there about . June
1st Mrs Jewitt_ has rented ,cher...
'home ; •adjacent • to• the Presbyter-
ian Manse • to' Mr. and; Mrs.. Thos.:
Although attendance •at • the
Lucknow District High 'School
Band Concert. last Friday • night
was most ;dissappointingly small,-
mall,the ,, concert itself was mo_ st en-
tertaining 'and the Band :prob
ably: never plaYed better. • • ..
Members, of :the. Band ,hail been,
'rehearsing "faithfully for this per
formance' anticipating :a 'crowd•
that would provide . them with'
finances to: assist- in repairing and
buying band' instruments. The
proceeds. won't. 'go far for that
pur. ho ,. .•
The Band was • heard in a var- ,.
iety of well -played- selections,
Marches, serenades and over-
tures and concluded with' three
.hymns "Breathe on me Breath
of. God", . "Dear Lord and Father ,.
of '. Mankind and `.`Abide, '.with ".
Me".. Morley Chin 'and. George
Anderson..Played a' cornet duet,:
with. accompaniment:
Aileen Hewitt, and Jack; .McKim
took a baritone solo in one of the.
:_number -sr- were .inter •-
spersed by solos b Mr. Wm.
Conron,• baritone Soloist of Wing-
ham, with Mr: Harold : Victor
Pym of Wingham as accorinpan-•
,ist; violin selections by• Dr', Jas.
Little ,with Miss, Hewitt at the
.Piano, .and • by 'a :piano ;'solo by
Donald . McNay.'
These . performers • were in-
troduced ' by --Joyce Baulch, Jack
McKim. and . Dan Rose. George
Anderson, president .of the band,
thanked . those who attended: and
gave a reiv'+iew of the Band's act-'
ivities during the -term.
Directed by Mr. ` P, W. • Hoag;
the hand included:, cornets, Joyce
•Eaul•ch ' *Wayne Johnston, Char-
lene. • Smith, .Marilyn :'.Kilpatrick,
Mac:MVfae.Dorrald 'Jack: Chin, Mor :.
ley Chin, • George Anderson; bar
r itones; :. Jack McKim, Donald
Thompson, Gladys •.!Chin, . Ken-
--meth McNay- -• --tr-ombones, Don
Cameron, Gladys, Kilpatrick, Kent
Hedley; bass. Dan Rose; altos,
Janet . Campbell, • Bill Baulch,
Charlie Chin; bass drum, .Murray
McNair. •
•Lucknow got a plug' on the
CBC _ Happy :.Gang''program last
-Thursday, but no one in tovirri,
heard it.. as the hydra . was off i
It happened this :way. A couple
of married couple groups : who
have-beenLpl-aying a 'pit .of bridge
and shoot during the' winter de:
•ceded on a trip to Toronto to see.
the Barbara Ann ,Scott ice 'show:
They made .a day of • it,.'strik•
Ing ; out early. in the morning' and; Charges arising from disturrb-
arranging t' :meet••at noon hour 'prices at the par'n dance in Luck -
at the 'CB studio on , GMc. ill St.
to see and hear the Happy Gang.
A nate .was sent to Bert Pearl.,.
.roaster of ceremonies, telling him
of • the presence of the group,
who were together • • in. the; gal-
lery. Mr. Pearl read the note arid
,asked the party to "take a .bow".
The note drew "attention to ' the.
fact •. _that' the par�ty__.w'as. from
"The Sepoy - Town' .of .Lucknow,
situated on the boundary line be-
tween'.% thetwo
• . banner counties.
of,'Bruce and. Huron"..
`'s We tried to..work in a foot-;
tiete tbout--' ehiar ie- Jusfiri "cosh .
ing rta Lucknow, but ',this wasnt,
included; in the`"conlrnercial".
Members of the party were of
their own 'for the day, •met for
dinner at night and attended the
skating ,carnival„ in a body. ,
The .group • included Morgan
and Ena 'Henderson, Gordon and.
Winnie Fisher, ' lnn:es and. Bertha
Mac ween, Virden: and Freda
Mowbray, Archie and Margaret
Smith, ' Cameron: ' and , Kathleen
MacDonald, 'Hugh' and Stella
Curning, Harvey and Edith Web-
ster and Catnpbe]l rand 1Ylargare't
Thompson. • , r ,
. Wilfred and, Orma .Murdoch,
joined, the' dinner party and that
led' to' a, gooddeal of r emihiscing.
and enquires about the: folks in;
the old honie • 'town,.
We clipped this one from The •
1Chesley `Enterprise: In case you
fund ' a mistake in • this a• er
please . consider ' that it was: put
thereTbr innebodTs benefit. We •.
try to. get. something_ -•the paper „
tor ,everybody, ,and some of our
readers are always looking for
mistakes. '
now, were, aired in Magistrate
1VIcClevis' 'pol'ice .court in, Walk-
erton last Thursday. -
Little : time:. was' lost in settling:
'the first case when 'a Wingham
and, a 'Lucknow youth .pleaded
guilty to causing a disturbance by
fighting and each were assessed
$25:00 and' costs, It 'was the Wing-.
ham:_ youth, alleged to have'been
the agressor, who Master of Cere-'
monies John Brent was' .attempt-
ing to ' remove from.' the . hall,
when' . Brent . received a blow- on. •
the/jaw which fractured: it. • "
W. Godfn e of We t
Y s Wawanosh
pleaded not guilty to the charge
of assault a occasioning 46 bodily
harm.. to Sohn '.Brent. ' Ona lesseuy .
f o
gassault he,. was. requir-
ed to post •a °bond• of .$100 to keep
the peace,'was assessed court,,
costs, and placed on suspended ,
sentence .on,condition that he pay'
:all bills. incurred by Brent's 'in-
jun nes which included a fractured
iaw and damage to his teeth,
No charges were: pressed in a
later .fracas that brought the•
dance 'to a hart.'.
The shooting incident wasn't
gone into at length in Courts It •
Was cla}vied that the Shots -Vere
blanks and were not discharged, •
from a revolver, but rather fion
a metal pipe fitted:.with a con- •
traption for .firing' the shell. .
•,•. •l
{ • , 11•
•:. t •