HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-04-17, Page 1•$2,50, Yearly • in Advance $1.00 Extr.a'To U.S.A. • LU,CKNOW, ONTARIO,' THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 1952 TEN PAGES ,.ERS. .CREA.$ERY rL' IS. SMALL= • The. Lucknow plant. •of •Silver ' wood Dairies Limited' was broken into on Monday night, but efforts' to open the safe failed, and the loot was .confined to 'office sup; plies, and consequently .was Com-: l"natively �. _The-Cr-eamery�ha's-been-.broke • into. on more than one occasion, : G mut this latest iburglary`appeared ore tainateurish, or , at least, lacked the sledge hammer attack, ,and other "professional" means .previously used in smashing; the safe. Monday night's efforts at break- ing in open the safe were confined, to removing four• studs froma panel in :the, door, but which acs :complished nothing, in getting iri- to the safe; 'Entrance to the building . was gained through a • downstairs dow. To.. get into '• the :office the thief or thieves had- to Slip• the night latch on the' office door. Main',item ,of ` value Stolen 'was a'typewriter and .other incidental office supplies' including ,pens, . 'and. abut .$10:00 in stamps and • •.-... The break-in was discovered on Tuesday morning.by.. Mr. J. R. McNeil Constable Alex• .,Havens. • and' Provincial • Police Officer: Hugh . Rutherford 'are. investigat- • in '::and had one: lead to work g,.. on.'which miight,prove, of value... MRS. KERRY PASSES The `death of Mrs.'. Wm.Kerry occurred' on .Thursday,' April'10th -in Kitchener Waterloo Hospital; where she had:been a patient for some time with a fractured hip, followed by'a stroke. ' Mrs. 'Kerry', who was; in her 88th ' year, 'bad been making her' home' in Elmira • with' her daughter, Miss Viola Kerry. -:. The funeral service was held on Monday in -Eden Grove United. Church WOMEN'S • INSTITUTE TO. STAGE. RUMMAGE SALE The 'Lucknow Women's Insti- tute nsti- tute'is'•planning ,a ,+big rummage .' sale,Liir• -the- Council -Chamber- of the `' Town Hall " n • Saturday, o --April--26th - =°comme i - nc ng at•twc� o'clock. _ - Donation .' s. for,the sale are be= ing solicited by the. W. •1, and. • 'may. be left., at :,the Town Hall or arrangements -can•- Abe. made 'to: pick up.,the articles' bycalling" ,. Mrs. Alex' •Havens,• secretary, • of theJnstitute, , phone 1x1' ' WEATHER AT ITS WORST FOR EASTER SUNDAY. 'An ll day ' ;calm that grew heavier as the da :advanced `ro .duced weather at its, worst for. Easter Sunday, ' and completely Washed out';the EasterP arade. Despitethe weather, large con-; gregations turned out for : ser vices in local , churches which. appropriately commemorated the ever gripping story of the Cruci- fixion and the Resurrection. The Easter season is also synomyous with special ' a iusic :.:which sup plemented the Easter message. StAGE DANCE F°OR BANTAM. JACKET FUND A "jacket, fund`' is ;beim. , est ablished. rn recognition of the Lucknow Bantams winning the' O"D" chhamntario - pionship;Tn • D aid the fund'° a dance 'is being held this Friday evening,' and Members of, the team have been canvassing the town selling tick-' ets• Whether or hot you: dance, the purchase.of' a ticket will help.. the,. . p rause considerably. The 41166 being he d in al Centre withde e Orchestra supplyrg the music. 4 BUY"QUANCE, PROPERTY, g. Mr. 'and Mrs. S. ,Chislett of Toronto have purchased the R. B. Quance ,property 'north, of the C depot. The pert►• Con- sists pro '. of house, barn and 10 acres of land. Mf, and Mrs.. Chislett qb- pain :possession • on June lst. He' has Abeen a nployed !by D.the. Telephone., Company for .35 years d►LQ;."to_retir••e•-on,pension; Mr. � " Quance bought the ,ro�.-- erty from Wib . odgkinson = BUY . CULROSS FARM • Mr: and. :Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg moved this Week from their Kinloss Township • farm- to the farm of• the late Charles •:&hu= maeher which they have bought;It is:. on 'Upon, 10, rCulross just across the Kin oss-Culross• boun- diary. Frank' is still keeping his. Kinloss farm. • TO MANAGE NFWL LOBLAW STORE• • • ; • Lloyd 'Stewart, who.. has- been manager' of 'Loblaw's. Grocetaria. in Stratford 'for.•the past two. arid. half__vears,-has-been transferred - to .Kitchener ransferred-to'Kitchener where he'is•manager• of the new_Lablaw store . recently built in' that city. 'Lloyd has .pur chased_ a new. home in Kitchener and ,hill- ..move there' shortly. • CA.S. EXPRESSES' THA K N S FOR, AID. The atrnual reoort.of the Child ren'•s Aid Society of ,the County' of Bruce, is: , highlighted".by. 'a. review of the response by various municipalities.' ;to the:: Society.•'s campaiign' for assistance last year. Mr. Clarence.. Ttompson of„ Walkerton, president, of the Soc- iety,:states that .the;main purpose , of .the C.A.S. is to care for • neg•., lected .children- placed:= with the' Society, :and to •.do what they, can :to correct conditions in_homnes-so- that children, donot have, to be :taken into .care. Last year 'the . Society made a county wide: appeal 'for funds, to supplement . their, regular chan- nels 'of revenue, .so. that this, work: Might ' be.: the' ;snore" 'thoroughly and efficiently carridd on Mr.:Don:ald W. Cameron,- sup- erintendent up- e*rintendent;' of the 'C.A:S., ' ex- resses ' his=thanks for the = s leer � p did Support; co-operation' and out 'effort that has :provided "a solid 'foundation •on` which the Staff' and the::Board Can ` work Leash.`donatons to the__campaign_ "'ate. augmented by a' .25 percent subsid. by` the Department of. Welfare. . As well• as cas • ona ions Phony;. boxes. of clothing:were received: Adult, colthing,'; though riot r- quired, was . received: and'was given to, .Rev.''Albert: C. Williams' who 'took 'it' •to Rupert's House at James • Bay, where .it was' glad- ly received by the • natives, and put to earcellent' "use. One heavy` P quilt' was . used • to help keep a very aged • and. sick ;man. .warm;: and then served as a shroud,' said Rev. Williams, to: enelose•'the re- mains of one Who while living on this earth, kept God's' holy corn- mandments. Cash receipts in the campaign, totalled •$2,874.64,_ with clothing, quilts and blankets ,valued' a`t $2,300.00' .for a; : grand ;:total of $4,974.64 :� , Lucknow. • and ,Distriot eontr ib- ,u�ted $118,40, int ,cash as• ell as' clothing and bedding. Lo el don-' ation were as follows; • cknow Woinen's institute, $25;; ; .ucknow 1Vlonday Club, $1�b; Mr. and, Mrs:. Ladi s Atuxi iary`Canadian Legion, $ e•; Jo W. Henderson'. Limber -- td:,. $25,15; Friend • SF' D.,. 4$3.00'; Mrr and :Mrs. i'loyd :Wilson,' $15; lough. Presbyterian W.M.S.; cloth -1, ing; Hol rood .Women's Institute, ng� Y ..• .. ti,, bl-anke.ts;...1tloasw:Viorrren S� $kis i _,,, Whitechurch Wo- men's �Glbttlln�g.;• W �, 'men's Institute, : gifts and , $.r.00; Paramount Woraen's .Institute, $10.25= • START JACKPOT BINGO. NEXT WEEK, Commencing '• next. Thursday April '24th, Lucknow Legion will launch a weekly series of jack-. tot .bingos„ in Which the jackpot' .prize µrill. `be- won each Week. •.• • The Legion has' been holding :weekly; Wednesday • riight.,bingos,, -a-=st rakler-scale; in, the-Leig n. Rooms, but next; week4wi11 launch the. ;jackpot 'series with ,a • change' ' of 'night and location. It'll be Thursday night, in The Recreat- ional Centre. $200 Jackpot. ` Goes • A total of $325 in .prize money will be awarded. The .jackpot. will have a •$200' cash value and, will ;definitely ' go. In addition `there will be 15 regular, games at $5.00 , a.': game, three ,special games '' for ; $15.00' each and one free garne for $5.00. These. ,prizeswill be given away,; weekly, and wilLeventually' be increased if this weekly event! proves popular. and profitable. 'WAWANOSH 'FARMER ,. PASSED' AWAY SUDDENLY'. Ill for two ' weeks 'with a heart condition,. death •came suddenly, last: Friday afternoon to William G, •MaoCrostie at'his Belfast. dis trict • home in West Wawanosh. He was 68 years of age. The funeral service. was ` held at •:his late residence on Monday. with interment in Greenhill Cein- i eery. SEE: BY T •TINEr� 1 THAT: a '"pigs .for sale" gad: last • week ;quickly 'disposed of• 11 young' pigs. for Wm. Bucking- ham, a-nd',' dir•om the ,number of calls he had, he could: have sold 6U-.._, x 'THA:T=-the-Shoot ;Club's -third=an= niversary' cake was don ted- A1bert.and :Morley 'Chin. • ----o- THAT Ma and Pa Kettle in "Back' —.on =the •1'--arh', packed' The Playhouse, for . three . nights last. week and was. held over until Monday night °• of rthis: week Seven. of a dozen .'eggs hidden, away in the annual Easter egg hunt, were recovered at, the end 'of :the 'week and turned in .as admission: to the theatre,' �o�.. THAT ,Roy. Havens wag, able. • to` • be out on crutches last week ;for the first time since Suffer- ing- a. •badly fractured leg in a }Jockeygame oh March 6th. THAT Mrs: -J. A.. Robertson ` (for - Mealy Dean 'Geddes) has re- turned to :Mount 'Forest , after 'a •winter.. holiday in Florida.', T AT Mi:s: Ken::Mowbray, Local Beauty Counselor re resenta 'tive,' stood llth among '6000 rez'; • presentatives across Canada • in February and March sales. She received.a $20. beauty kit free 'rn recognition .of . her , standing: Mrs; ' Mowbray's accomplish • merit is, the more outstanding in` that. 'she just took 'oyer, 'the' • agency,, recently arid!' • sales did. not -commence until mid- • Febri ary.• —b THAT Mr. and :Mrs. Bob Finlay have moved from Seaforth to ; an apartment above Purdo'h's `q WITpaper. Shop Mi . `rnfay .is 1a clothing traveller, .Mrs. Fin- lay- is a sister . of Mrs, Lloyd Ashton: ':` LITTLE GIRL• PASSED AWAY LAST : WEEK The death of 'Carol Ann Mac- Tavish, 5 -year-old daughter of'. Mr. and. Mrs. Cafneron •MacTav- ish- of. Wingham, and formerly of "Lucknow, occurred last Wednes- day,; • April 9th. •The little . girl,, who had observed her • 5th birth- day ' last . December, had been in air h` `l since birth, `and,. it was knawii, that she, Could not survive ,'childhood {' ' A private funeral' `was held on' Friday at Currie's Funeral Home 'with interment in Wroxeter Cern= eery.. • Besides her parents, 'carol Ann is survived, by two brothers, Har ;old, age 8 and Kenneth;, age. 7.- PAPER SALVAGE ''DRIVE TO. BE HELD TODAY• Lnow B ous a waste paperoy • Sccolletctionwill today •(Thursday), and wish to remind all householders' to please set out their salvage at the curb. Papers, magazines,. cartons, ;or .paper of any ••kind is. wanted.. Its should be. securely• tied or boxed or bagged, for convenient' hand= ling and to avoid:•getting it scat- tered about. . .• • Arrangerrierits',can be made to have • sizeable;" quantities'` picked • up. in the rural • area. Today's. .collection' includes both • Lucknow : and Dungannon and the. Scouts anticipate' a .good •col- lection., which will'. aid ,in fin=. .ancing their. summer 'camp;' al= though the price of this'salyage :has dropped sharply:., The collection will start, rafter dinner., today, and, 'a transport will be loadedlater in .the after= noon:. to truck it .to Guelph; • • CALL FOR N EW SCHOOL .TENDERS • Tender's have been •called for the • construction of the new.. Lucknow . District High' • ,Sehool, byd the /architect, Mr. Philip C. Johnson of 'Lonidon..' The closing date for the recep- • tion of s h tenderas_bPen�set-for Monday,:"April ;21st; .according to . • an announcement 'in the, trade paper, The • Commercial News.' iThe plans call for a nine -class.. oom ' one -storey school, approx... imately. 300 iby. 60 feet '-of con- Crete • block and brick construc- tion".with.:wiood beams and joists. The building: will• have a built- up roof to add .height 'and 'at- tractiveness to the structure..The heating system Will be coal-fired, ,hot air heating. HEARING TODAY Charges laid in connection with-. :the :'disturbance at the Lucknow Town Hall, ',a week. ago Saturday night, .,are .slated, for' hearing to- • day (Thursday) in. police court _t.: Walkerto}i;-,• _•• `_ ' - MRS. RATHWELL. PASSES' • tb death . of Mrs. S C: 'Rath - e a 'f . , well occurred in Toronto early Wednesday morning "at' the home of Mr•. and Mrs. Orm Moffat Mrs:" Rathwell suffered a severe stroke several days rage !The funeral' service will be held on Friday at the 'McLennan -McKenzie Me'mor ial =chapel. ` ALFRED ALDEN': P� L H BY AS.SES. • , , The death ' 'of Alfred Edward' Haldenby: occurred on Monday, at the home `of .Mr: ;and Mrs, Arthur ' Graham.: He . had observed his • ;87t1r7irthday :on April.2nd::The funeral service. vvrll Abe held`"this • OTE : THIS WEEK nfrternoon (Thur..sday): at 2.30 p.m.. in. the Church.. of Ascension,.,Kin- N . 'EGG SCH ENVIE lough; eonducfed by Rev. H. E. • Janke Interment will be in Tees- water Cerrietery. This'week end ----Thursday, Fri- day and, Saturday' --poultry pro- ducers. in Ontario have the. op- portunity ' of going.to the. 11 ..to express their : approval ' or otherwise of the • proposed. egg inarketing;:scheme• Eligible voters are .those :21 years or over wh'o produced 'and • scold_ eggs jn_ 195�1,._or"are •'produe- ing ' d selling eggs in` •1952,_`_Only member of eac gaged in. the production and .`sale. of eggs~is -entitled. to ,vote. The vote is . conducted by the agricultural • rePresentatives branch. of ' the Ontario Depart- ment' of Agriculture. County ag- r icultural- representati'ves :will -act as chief returning officers and Will • have' the ,assistance • of the County Federation of Agriculture in, selecting deputy returning of ,.fivers: Voting, :.places in theim- mediate ' community will be 'in Lu know,. 'Dungannon; Holyrood and; Blackhorse:. The Piiipose of the' vote is to ,determine the : wishes of poultry producers on. . the ' :establishment; ,of a national .poult'ry 'and egg marketing. board .'to. ' stabilize prices. by ,buying surplus eggs Vin. the market and either :diverting thein•' to better markets or stew- ing them' to... sell in periods of scarcity. • Approval' of this plan would, require;lthe ' establishing of ari. Ontario• "poultry: and. egg. market- ing ` board,• that would be 'fin-- ended' in-ended' by, the: deduction of one 'cent a dozen .on eggs sold thru licensed grading stations. This ide- duction would be made 'the first year of ;operation, , and '" sub- sequently' ,as ' and if 'required. Provision is also made . on the ballot to cover the request for duthority to include within the scheme,• at some later time; the marketing' Of live and . dressed .poultry • meats,,,,,„:„ It is important that all poultry producers 'turn but to the polls this week -end to• express their wishes in trios important mattorf :,, • FU:Ult "BOYS. ON A RAFT A quartette of "Quality Hill lads got at : least; . a' soaking .arid, a scare ,this weekin the spring tinte'pond=.on; the farmland back ,of George. Joynt's home; The dads;. in=Huck—Fit rrrr--faslrihii�l'a�crn�hed a raft on -theend and ad ot to the 'centre of cit, when down, • it went. • In. waist .deep water the young- -' steals weren't aware ..that -the --raft.'• was "grounded"; and ,`ere sure that this was the end: Setting•:up a .lusty -lunged call for help,; a n earby-neighbor--hear Hhem` and hurried to the scene to give ::the foursome ' some advice . on how to beach their' craft: :When, `one of the party ` ventured • to step = off into the "ooze' ,. the raft refloated ,andall aboard reached dry land. -1Cold,, wet .and frightened, it •,couldbe that• they "warmed rip quickly on reaching home.' FIND DUCK WITH' BANDAGED " LEG IN MUSKRAT TRAP While tending his " muskrat • traps week,. last week,.Howard Harris' of Holyrood, came' across a trap- • ped , wild .'duck; which had 'one .. . leg tigh'tl`y' wrapped and securely ,,: tied ,with ,with a white bandage. There 'was:no indication that the leg had been 'broken at any time, nor was, the bird otherwise 'injured: How it was caught, and/ why the leg ';was bandaged' re-: mains quite a mystery. The duck had died while caught dvernigl t' in the trap. It is not unusual to find some -r: thing ' other than a muskrat 'in. the traps: Howard, recently'•7 caught •a heron which lunged at, him nienancingly as hewent to release it. ' ' _..-.Of...course..LLthey do --Catch some-- muskrats, too!. The Harris Bro- thers, Howard and, :Earl, have trapped considerably, over .a, hun- dred in -dread this. season, • 4 A ;: ok•" '•