HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-04-10, Page 7• TJRBI?AY, APS " 10th,: 1952 KINLOUGH ST. HELENS THE LV. Mr. and Mrs.. Matt Girvan and Edward of Kinloss visited with Mr,. _ nd Mrs, Ezra Stanley.: ' rs. James Hodge is visiting in: • Welland at the. home .of her bro- ;ther, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Weaver and at Caaistor Centre with Mr.'.� :and MrS. Maurice 'Caughell. On..Thursday evening the Wo men's Institute met ,at. the home of Mirs...1 MurrayA. with. Mrs. Tom Hodgins presiding:. FollOw- Anil the, usual opening.. exercises. the roll: was called with. each • member P Ying her fee and ex- , slips; of house : plants ,Mrs. ~Murray, . the retiring , presi- dent, expressed her thanks; to the, ladies ,'for their, , co-operation to. her in her two:years as`president:. It was suggested to have the. Atari Stewart Collect • printed on. the front of the .new program:, A. salvage drivewill be under-. way ,in• the near, future and: is. Under .the. M anageeinnt. of the . nsw. president.' The secretary .fee-. was raised raised'from $.10 to .$15. Con- veners 'of standing . committees .read thereport. of the ,year's act- ivity.' It was thought, wise to purchase the , new . Tweedsmuir bookPayment: of Blue Cross hos- -pitalizeation fees...will be received ' at, the. May meeting. Report of the nominating. contnittee • was. read' also program for 1:952=1953 andthe newly • appoimted officers 'ed Officers areas follows:. pres.; 'Mrs. •Raynard Ackert; lst .viee, Mrs: Tom Hodgins; 2nd vice,; Mrs: Jim' Smith; sec:-treas.; Mrs:: Frank Maulden; . assistant, . Mrs. Jack P Ackert; iianist • Miss Edna Boyle; 'assistant, . . Mrs: • "Howard -``Harris-press--reporter; Miss May Boyle, district director; Mrs: P. A. Murray; Blue Cross secretary, Mrs. 'Perry Hodgins; fruit a n d flower;• Con. 12& "14, Mrs. 'Alex. Percy; .Con 10, , Mrs. A. Mur ray; Con8,. Mrs: Richard Elliott;. auditors, • :Mrs. Jim Boyle and; Mrs, Wesley Guest;: standing con veners, Agriculture and Canadian: ,industries, Mrs. P. A.' . Murray;. home .economics and. health, Mrs.: Lorne -Eadie, Mrs. Ed. •Thompson; community activities and public relations,, Mrs, Frank Thompson; historical -reseal-Chi.' Mrs. ' . Tom Hodgins citizenship.: and ;educa- • tion,; Mrs Perry Hodgins. A play entitled "Lena :Rivers" . will be • put "on chis Thursdays evening (toy : night), in the Township hall. Com-' mittee, Mrs 'Baynard' .Ackert and - Mrs. Jack Ackert. Miss 1 & • Rit- chie read 'aninteresting paper on .Salt and: its .many uses. :Barbara. Murray played a :piano instru mental. ::Mrs. • Lorne Eadie 'gave a:splendid paper •Qn.T 'reed'om. of.• warmers ;asr compared ' .to .their City Cousiurs_..=Contest,--Mrs. Pon - Watson; reading, Mr's. ' F..Thomp-. son:. .The• hostess for the May • meeting• is Mrs; :Ernest Ackert: •R611 call, rf I were,` t icing at 21. again Convener, MVMs Ed Thomp- Eon; assistant, ' Mrs. .Janes Hod= gins topic, Health' Nurse;..._motto,_ Mother " is the' 'naine of God on the lips and hearts' Of ren;' lunch, M,irs E.. James (s), :Mrs.': perry;Matins " (s), •Nfiss' • Edna Boyle (v), Mrs..F.`. Maul- • dei (c). The meeting closed with • the National Anthem and . a dainty lunch : was served. Mr.. and Mrs. George Cuyler . family ' of Miilarton visited. on Saturday with: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson. A Good Friday service willbe: held. in the Angli4an , Church . at 11. o'clock a.m. on • Friday morn- ing Vveryone is' Welcome., • Note Change of .Service • On Sunday next the Anglican Service will be held at 11 o'clock: a:nn: instead of the : usual . time, !:,36 p.rn, : On the following Sun - dray the service,' will be in the 'Morning ,as usual: Miss Margaret Ann Murray of Toronto spent•Iast week with her parents,. Mr; and Mrs, -Pa A. Mur- ray; • a ms's Win. Coir visited a few days With her .'daughter, Mrs. • Jacke Scott,' Huron ' • OW IS1 T 1. i UCK:"W, W"1'4-1110 NTAx o Miss W;' D. ,Rutherford, convert- er of ,Historical Research, had charge of the topic at the March meeting oaf the Women's Institute held in the basement of • the chruch.en Thursday afternoon. Miss Rutherford in.jier usu L in- _-: a esting: manner told of the early settlers " of the country, dealing' 'particularly with,the .Controlling and granting' of .land. The presi- dent, Mrs. Barbour, Was. in the chair. and 16: ladies ' were: in ' at- •tendance; . ,The `roll call,- was re - 1,. :OBITUARY ,rt %Dr7NCAN" i A. MareI}1Trl'YRE `. • Duncan: Alexander • Maclntyr. a. 'lifelong resident Of Ashfield Township, passed' away suddenly on March 29th on thefarm where he was born seventy-three years ago, on : ` August 17th, 1879, He. was popular and widely known in the' community and his sud den death carne, as . a Shack ' to a wide- circle of ..relatives an d. friends. • He .was a son ' of Archibald and: ,Mar' y. Maclntyre. Forty-two years sago he was married at. Kings- bridge to Mary Catherine. Grit- fin, who predecease .him. • The funeral service was held at St. „Joseph's • Church, Kingsbridge on Tuesday morning, April lst, condudted:: by Father • C. F. Me- Martin..1nterrnent.'was in<Km' gs. . bridge Cemetery,. the •pallbearers, being- Jack McLennan,.'Gordon Drennan, Elwood Drennan; Wil'= Ilam Johnston; Fred' Vasella and Russell. Bisset: Mr.' Macintyre is survived Eby two. daughters, Mrs.. Gerald Cole and Mrs. Forest Carter, both . of Underwood, and by two. sons, Joe on the ;homestead;.:and Archie of Medical College, :Winnipeg. A. sister, Mrs :Robert MacDonald, R. 7,• Lucknow, also survives... Two• sisters predeceased''. hien, ' m Mrs. Kenneth' Maclvor' and Mrs. Don':' nel.l:.y MacKenzie Those attending the ,,'funeral. from a distance included ,Mr and.' Mrs.' Frank Griffin, Mr. and Mrs: I Albin Griffin, Miss•'• Idel Griffin, Mr: J.oe Griffin, Mrs: Herb lian and'•Mr. Ed Perry all of De- trait; Mr. Mike' and Mr..and. Mrs. Walter Griffin of Flint,: Mich.,. and Mr., and Mrs. T..J.,"Lannon of :London. sponged .to by the paying of fees and 'housecleaning ..!hints:. Plans: were made for the short course on • "Can.ping; Ontario Food", shown in pictures in the .church' on Friday, April 18th, at 2 O'clock: It was decided to have a• ten -cent fee.' and to. serve . lunch, All the -ladies:• of the community are •in- vited to take advantage 'of this course;' Miss 111fargaret Meyer ,of' the•Depprtment will be in, charge. The annual. report. Qf the Areas- liter reas lir er showed .a balance on hand ' of $173.83. Proceeds from, the, At '.Homes: held throughout. the win- ter : , ave',amoupted to $2.13,19. The, f' lowing.donations Were approv- :d: $25;00 tq the 'Micknow. Red. ross;: $5 , ' each to, the," -Cancer d, ' the. Poli., Fund and the ippled Children and $10 to the local public library. SeveralEast- er. hymns were sung and at*the conclusion a social hour was en-; joyed when lunch was served: . . The eighth ,and f incl At- Hone`' sponsored by. the. Women's Insti- tute was: ,held:. in' the Community Hall on Friday evening., Owing,toto' road conditions' and 'other attrac tions . in• the district::: the crowd was somewhat smaller than: Usual. Mrs. :Bariour presided; for the fine program; which '• included comumnity singing with' .Mrs. Chester 'Taylor.. at ' the. ,piano; a tailbone selection by I)on Cam- eron accompanied • 'by.:. Ndrma, Murray; violin selection by' Evan McQuililn_ , aCcom .:anied_b. ''Mrs:- _ pa y .. Fred McQuillan; solos' by Phyllis Barbour, Anne Todd ..and Terry y Wilson. :and Mrs. Andrew. Gaunt; a duet by Mr.. and, NITS. Rice, The Journal by Margaret Miller; ; a reading "The Cremation of • Sam McGee", by Miss' W;' D. PAGE SEVEN', FREE; SOIL. TESTING SERVICE EARLY ORDERING SAVES DJSAPPOINTMENT .BRANDS. AVAILABLE: 0-12-12. 0-12-20,:. 0.16-8; • 242-6, • 2-12-10, 2=12-16,, • 2-16-6, 312-16, • 3-1$-0, 4-8-10, 4-12-6, 4.12 to 4-24-12, 20% Super, Pebble 4-24-12, Stable -Phos. iT PAYS ••TO ' FERULIZE ,BAY' 'ANO _PASTURE -'1'°ertillzer'• Spreader Available, : To Save You Time., APPOINTED' DEALER:• 'Phone 171, Lueknow Collect,. Rutherford; and ;a humorous read- ing "The Institute" by Mr. Whip- pletree . (Murray Gaunt) and a mouth organ, and piano 'number by Mr. and Mrs' Fred McQuihin.,' At •. 'the ` conclusion Mr. Wallace Miller., on-,behalf-=of=aIle; Wofen-s- Institute and. the committee. in charge extended ' -thanks to , all those who .had helped to ; make these, social•'evenings' such a suci cess. Dancing followed with music•-suppliect-by-Evan: MMQuil lin, Chester .Taylor; .Don Cam- eron, Donald . Taylor;,.. Eldon Mil ler with Doris Taylor, and • Mrs: Fred McQuillin as accompanists. Mrs •D::Todd was a week -end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. ,Neely. Todd at :Stratford,; _ The girls" of. "The Happy 'Band- • icrafters Club" are planning a. social" evening in the Community- Hall on Friday: evening, ; April 18. Keep.the date in mind. Mrs. Alex : Mu die is spending. a feww--weeks— her--homeat'' Waterloo The annual' eating : of. the • Public Library oard .: was. held ,at the home of 1. Miller. when • the following- off kers • were elect pies., Miffs W D. Rutherford; sec.,. Mrs John f amer•on, ''treas.,. Mr. W. A. Miller •librarian, Miss Isobel: Miller; a 'rectors, Mrs. - Gordon, Mrs. a MacPherson, Mrs. L. Woods, rs. W. A. Mil- ler,..Mrs. Frank cQtiillin :Mr. J. Cameron.. 1• • MRS.: GARBVTT .MALTBY The • death of : Mrs. Garbutt Maltby. . occurred in Georgetown' on April 1st at• the; home of her L son Delmar Maltby. Mrs. Maltby bad, been in 'failing health for sortie time and had :gone to Georgetown jars a. ew. wee s be= fore. .Previous' to that—she—had— made. ,: her home with 'her sister, •Mrs. 'John Carruthers, for •over six years. ' . Mrs: Maltby was in her 78th year, She' was -formerly 'Cather ane E, Collins, a daughter of the late• Henr R. Collins and Agnes Armstrong of Huron • own rp. She was . born .at Purple. Grove • and; resided:there `until her mar- riage' in March 1911.to 'Mr. John Garbutt. Maltby of ..Peel County, where they made their home tin - til Mr:. Maltby's .death in 1938. The funeral service was • held, at the McLennan -McKenzie Mem- orial Chapel on .Thursday con- ducted. by Dr. : W. ". J.. Mumford w:ho spoke mott: impressively and read the lovely poem "Thee Be- yond"; David H. •:Carruthers sin r 4 Beyond The .'Sunset'': A large number of friends and relatives attended the service 'to pay their last ' respects. Interment was 'in Kincardine : Cemetery ,-with' Six nephews act- ing 'as ct=ing'as pallbearers,• John Ackroyd, Burton Collins, Stewart Need, ham,.' Ira Needham,' 'Elliott Car ruthers and Irwin • Carruthers',. Eightnephews were flower' bear- ersr Bert. Reid, Peter Treason, Rus- sell Needham', Clark Ncedhan',. Ronald Forster, George Eisner, Eldon Lowry and Duncan Simp- son. - Mrs.‘Malfby. is survived by her only child, Delmar Ward Collins Maltby of ,Georgetown and a step-da:ughter. ,(,Mrs. George Blair (Etta) anti by .. two sisters, Mrs.: arises I- . Needharn of Ripley and' rs. John T.•`Carrut} ers, o now,. Pour' grandchildren also stir- Viver• 1S-(JPPORT THE R' M i . ERSTE SEAL • CA PATEN IN AID . The..E aster: Seal Campaig' .proides' Crippled Children 'with: the_care might otherwise: be enied... care-7-- that are--7 -that helps,: correct. .:,. TWISTED -BODIES CRIPPLED LIMBS C: NGENITAL DEFECTS • Your donations provide ' Clinical Traitungi Camping and ome' HELP THEM To overcome their . handicap, to lend 'useful norrnal lives. 'THEM TO HEALTH :AND .• 1 1.44P,PINESS, GIVE GEN'EROSLY. NOW TO THE ONTARIO SOCIE'Y''Y' ,FOR. CRIPPLED` .CHILDREN BREWERS SINGE 1832 re, are. Space contributed in the service of. the community by John Labatt, ,Limited. K. • • 0,-,;.... • • ", 4