HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-04-10, Page 6,JUST ARRIVED ONE CARLOAD OF' '1 R♦ • THS LVCKNOW ;$EN'1`1%tEt., LUCKNOW, ONTARIO S j. All Thicknesses. a the NEW LOW PRICE HIST w. HENDERS;ON LUMBER LIMITED -Lucknow. '.Phone .1 5,0 St. Peter's W. A.' :The W. A group of St. • Peter's Church met this Week at the' home-of._Mrs:'Wm. Stimaon..Tok-_ ens of remembrance, were sent to •sack members. A`•cash' 'contribu- tion was vt ted towards the Huron' allege: Builddng' 'Fund,•. and . an-: other for life memberships: .:l o Ontario prominent: Diocesan mertibers; Tentative plans were made .`to•rat- tend the Diocesan conference in. May, and also arranged for quilt ing parties "from April 21st, t� provide bedding for the. Rupert House Mission. Next meeting at the, home` of Mrs. N. J. Marshall 'tin May 5th. HANGS ;NcOME (' TRICT NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS RESIDING IN Urofl, Wellington:.: ~Counties TON, formerly under the jurisdiction of the London, , or .Hamilton Distriet Taxation Offices, have noW been -transferred -to -the _jurisdiction .of the. District. ' Taxation Office at, Kitchener, ,Ontario, located in " the Dtinker Building,. 25/ Xing, Street West Ac-- cordingly, the records of all taxpayers residing. in , these three` CountieS have. been transferred from -47--- . the District Taxation Offices at London or HaMil- • ton, to their new ,location, and any related cor- ,tnatters, should be directed to the District Taxation Office at Ritchener.' 4 4 4 Remittances of tax by indiviicluals aria corporationS,. and tax ,declucted,at the- source by .empjoyers ' dent ' in the Counties of HURON, BRUCE and . WELLINGTON, should be. Mailed or, delivered to 'Taxpayers (both'individUals and -corporations) resi- dent in the .above-mentioned Counties, who form-, erly filed their aPpropriate IncOme Tax returns and ' Succession May returtis,with the District Taxation Offi'Ces at 'London or Ilamiltor,. will:file their . returns foit '1951 •and subsequent taation years, with the DiStrict Taxation Office at Kitchener.. n. mot 1 • SPOT.i; BAYNO�.A.•LC �:ARYTED Bob MacKenzie, manager. of the Lucknow. Bantams, has re- ceived the following letter from Jack Christie of ,Toronto,. sec- retary of .the Ontario Minor Hoc- key Association..' " "Please convey to all your boy's, as well as to all connected with your fine youngclub; our, ;con- gratulations on having won ', the O.M.H.A. Bantam "D", champion ship. • "It is "no , saina feat £o be 1 he very best 'in your class, and Tour village should be very: proud bf the team, not only for the fine class of hockey they played, but for the fine sportsmanship dis "played at all tunes.". • °.C.,.L. Johnston, Manager .of the Brooklin team which met Luck- now•in the finals, pens this note to Bob .. . "On behalf . of : the. Brookline Minora. Hockey ° . Association, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to your andyour coach for , the fine sportsmanlike way: you . conducted -the final game of the .playoffs; also for the • grand. lunch .wewere served". .• The above • is in direct: contrast _to; what:happened 'when Midiand, a}d Elmira; .played off .:for :the ' o M H,A. Midget "C" champion ship. , According to.. the' ;Elmira Signet; . the Elmira team 'were' ' 4 goals up ,in. the, third:period . and when the visitors saw defeat fac' ing theme.,. they attacked the refer ,ing, them, they •attacked'.. :the. referee 'and generally- went ber- serk. Their manager and :coach' I -eft the 'box for the • dressing roomy . without snaking any any effort to quell the uprising and the game was awarded to Elmira: An Elmira restaurant operator .was left with 30 steak dinners and'. all the :trimmings.: which• had :been; otdered,'rwiien the • Midland . bus load' 'Pulled •out ''without waiting to eat,. . ,: * * TIMBER TIPS •Treieaven's Beavers. and John-, ston's Chiming. 'Chipmunks' -:re- ceived rude jolts from the Lions and Pole . Cats. last , week. •' The Tkarftspqm APRL 10th,. 1952 w _ !�-- Y 9Y . ■ ■ .. Y • • m.TV 1 cc V11G�1'V1:�r • C�folce'' ■.. of Colors . My ■ BIG VALUE • CARS ' ■ . ;, * 1952• STYI:ELINE SEDAN, Brand , 'New., . • ■ : 1952 PONTIC •'STYLELINE SEDAN, BRAND' NEW. •:.., ■ ■ 1951 CHEV DELUXE STYLELINE. SEDAN. ▪ ' 1951 CHEV. DELUXE -FLEETLINE SEDAN. :i •■ 1950 CHEV. DELUXE STYLINE SEDAN ■ ■ ,, fully equiPPed,. • ■ 01 .1950• CHEV. DELVYE"'`FLEETtIWE- SED-A�OT. -----.•-.11:• • ■ :g 1950 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE •COACHES. •. : • in . • ' :195 • 0 PONTIAC.,• DELUXE STYLELIl1TE SEDAN. °• le ▪ 1949. METEOR• SEDAN.,. . ; • 1948 CHEV.,SEDAN: • • , 1949 OLDS.' FLEETLINE SEDAN,. fully equipped. •■ 1949"CHEV. ST.YLELINE COACH, • ■.... A941 PONTIAC'• ,SEDAN., 1941' DODGE' SEDAN. �'. 1940 CHEV; COACH. 1937 OLDSMOBILE: COACH111. ■ ■ ■ 38 • FORD COACH: ■ III • TRUCKS"• • s `1950 .CHEV ' %zTON STAKE TRUCK, • 'w ■ . ■• SPECIALS _ ■ _ .-:PLYMOU- II -COACH r' .....,....:..x....... ., .:$1125 1 _ ■ .1948, T, ■ 1 1946. MONARCH, .good condition. • `- $8'95 ` ;. i 1936 DODGE SEDAN .... $175.00 ' 1 ■ • ■..•■ Y In ew. .., . . I .:.... .:. .. ., .ruse .The. Home' of Better Used Cars" . ■' ▪ • Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings ,Until 10 . a "' ■ ' — 'Phone ,73x Brussel% • n ' ., ■ citiesbeater, -•-,... -..;. i•,_� _.. '.•__ .. .• ■:�-. e n.■■ra•■eiii■i■■ausaaii■ i■iii■a e■n�iaie■■aaans� -'e • iminat, � froom Cub Doroth ' Errington who ran ',Beavers. were ; 1 ed Y, ilt group A playoffs when they drop- up a flat of 54,1. This along with; . •' ped three dcisions Whereas the her. handicap gave, her a total OfChipmunks remained w i't h i n" 658 .pins , striking distance of the Pole, Cats In the event:' • of a tie for : a and Tigers by '.taking their last• playoff berth the extra, ' game `grame. , will'be played before the playoffs 1, . Anderson's Tigers and; Park's' get underway on Monday . or Cubs rolled well to take two and Tuesday• evening. three games.. from .:the: Gophers; ' • Crucial games tonight are the.. and Zebras.. The 3127 count, reach Gopher-Pole.Cat and Chipmunk- ed` up by the Cats was one of Tiger, clashes' Odds are against • the highest of., the season: : • the.Chipa'nunks but they willpe Cub' Eedy and Ticat Anderson in there bowling between clnrps' rolled -flats. near the 670 'level, League Standing while Lion. Hodges and Ticat.An- 84, Gophers 78; Tigers ; drew ` came •:through: strong: The Pole Cats 72,` Chipmunks 70, Bea ;•°• Qladies'. efforts were dominated' by vers'66, . Lions 61, Zebras. 53. n ano roducers o oultrtr--- The Ontario Earn.' Products. Marketing Board has received a petition for the' approval of a proPosed marketing Schetne,.for• eggs; under the provisions 'Of the . A vote bY ballot has,been arranged.sO that the Board can determine the ppi on : Of.produceys On this proposal.. If you are gi years of age or O'er,. 'and have prodnced and sold eggs during 1951 audio'', ire producing 'and -selling. eggs in 1952, you, are „ • eligible to Vote. Any member -of a family' engiged in. tlle' production and .sale of eggs is eligible& 21 years of age 0.! over, but only One: meMber sueh a fan -illy 'EaCh producer eggs: -and potiltry who. wishes to vote Will Le required to declare' hig eligibility' and to register with the returnin.g officer. at his polling . station before receiving a :ballOtt Y'our Agricultural Representtive is the Chief , Returning Officer. for, your County or District. • Voting wilitake Place on April it, 18 and49, 1952, betweeir-the-hours-or-9:**_. and 9. pap. In the County. Of Mixon polling stations will be locatedcaS . hatn. • • Stanley 'Twp.---Mcl Webster's Service .Station Main Street, Dangannon.. ' .East Wawanosh r‘Vp.Lcorriniunity Centre, Oay TWp..-9,'Brien'S Egg Grading Station, • Morris Twp.laelutett's ,Egg Grading Statitm, Stephen Twp. -;-Business Men's'Club, Pashwood Grey Twp.. --Clerk's Office, "gthei.' , Goderich Twp., --Agricultural Office Board lora - 'Parliament Buildings, -Toronto, Ont.