The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-04-10, Page 4TH ' L'IICI No ENT N L, ;LUGKNCI W, ONTARIO 1,, iiTURSDAY,. APRM 10 41, '1952' " "WANT AD9 RATES-,--lst -insertion 2, cents a word subseqUent insertions 1 cent a urord,',Ntinimum cherge 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising ,10 cents Per count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. ,F,C•R SALE --4 pair of living room FOR SALE—limited quantity of 'drapes Apply at Sentinel OffiCe' No. 1.- syrup. also 8 'young pigs Finder please leave,,,.at Sentinel FOR SALE quantity, of clean, • • ig • 'FOR SALE -.5 pigs, 11 weeks old; :6 .pigs, weeki eld. No- 'disease "'„FOR. SALE' long. navy fitted eciat, size , 16., APply. at Sentinel Office— FOR 'SALE-,---elean flak sped for sae, reasonable. ApplY at Seri- • Ton• SALE -3, Holstein heifers, sedan, in' geed.. eondition. APply FOR SALE—limited., quantity. of • . oil flax, suitable for seed. Lane "-Giarclner, 'Phone' 69-18 • Dungan- non. • PASTURE '•FOR 'RENT60 acres of good' pesture land; . 25 , acres ne*ly seeded down. Drilled well. Leonard 1VIcIrures, R. 6, I,u'oknavv. FOR SALE — lady% full length seal -skin coat with . sable coller ,and cuffs,' site' 40 or 42, in fine conditipn. Tele -phone 58. SUMMER RESORT and, /33-1Cre farni for sale. Good Chance for someone interested in' suminer resort "on " inland lake, and in farming.. For fiirther informatiep see Art Breekles; •Lucknow, "0;:,141'0,1}VENT.Sq' There'll dancingto,Willbee's Olehistra,..• the, Recreational naw. Legion:, Admission\ !Mc. The play, •"Lena Rivers" Will Monday; April 14th ,by ,Arruovi L, under augpices of HolyrOod: Women's • Institute. 9,30 sharp. AdU,Ito 50e, Children 25e. 'BAND CONCERT Lueknow District High gehool.- will 'prepent di. concert in the Lucknow Town Hall on Friday, the date. PiaVg. ,4141v, MAW S: The play "Calnt tourseIr . WANTED ; TO BUY-LTaYlor 'safe, Cavan: Church, Winth;oii, °in eV size,. geed .conditi°1i Th'e' Blakes Hall on WednesdPY: APri; 'writers,. radd1ng -Machines, '0.as4' ipth at 8.30' P.M, under auepices registers fOr sale and rePaired, of. Ashfield Y.PrIL ' Adults 50e; Safes opened. J: W. Locking, Am • PLAY AT WIIITECH.URCH AUCTION- SALE. of farm steak; The hurnoorns ar•-aot .cornedy, six MileS east . of 'Bellmore. en '`,`Aaron , Flick From • Pumpkin Thursday; April '10th ktoday) at. Crfek" Will 'be presented by Gor- year-olds, S. calves and. -40 *put: Mernarial Hall,. WhiteChurcli,. on Jaek Mighton,_ Wednesday_;:. at 810, . LIVESTOCK. WANTED. • cash at -'your term for dead or • • . • 'disabled horsei or Cows. Phone "colleCt .Wingharn 561-4. William Stoife' Sons; Limited. MUSIC SUPERVISOR WANTED. —Ashfield Township School Area requires music supervisor. FePur7, teen schools, •with1.5 cla.sarodrus. All roads' kept open.. Duties to" commence insSeptember. Applica- tions' received 'to ' NOTICE Re Ilflolyrood W.I. Salvage prive duct a salvage. drive .this 'month. They. Would appreciate if 'every- one in the• area would keep any tuntil the truck/calls tP Pick them nounced later. • • TEN D ER S FOR :CHURCH, SHED . TENDERS will .be receiveti by the undersigned, until April 24th for the purchase .of the Hackett United ChUrch Shed, being a frame building, approximatelY 50x70 ft, Highest . or any tender hot necessarily accepted. • • Wilfred Hackett, R. 7, 'YOB SALE-4irrs 'pPWder • bine SKINNY MEN/WOMENl Gain. 5 .• ,ioat and hat, set, sizes 4 years, in to 15 lbs. Ne* POP, tOO: Try 'f'41'n .good condition. APO* to Mrs. ous,•-bstreic ''.Tonic Teblets for , new- Vigor, NeW "get .acquainted" FOR SALE—yelloiv sweet .cloyz' :size only 60c, All druggista.. . .g9od grais.',ToM Glen; R. 7,•Luck- •••• 'CONTRACT BARLEY ,, • HOUSE FOR',SALE-seven-roten: Seed; is treated., ready 0 SOW. ,/ - house, ' hot ,.water_i_heateel;• godd .PlaCe. Your.' order •now to `get in ' barn: Priced fer quick .sale E. V. op. this profitable:cash crop. Gem • pigs and .sheep. HorseS and Cettlei PIANOS, chrome kitchen Suitesi up le 45.0.0., Live. horses fit for I -71:952-WallpaperA-Vaedroonistiites, animal food. picked Up 'at your.' 69 cycle -appliances... You'll save ferin;. -averaging'13,-5:00.. C, Bru-1 by buying these iterris 'at Selmiett becher, R.R. 4, Winghani,. phone rERSONAIi 0..00 TRIAL OFFER. Twenty-five Latest catalogue included.. The Medico Agency Box 124 Term - /eel A, Toronto, Ontario; peak Market?; Prices' 'depend on. them •It's April 'Ask 'us fer Bray prices.' Prompt -shipment ton dayold, started. Cockerel's, Mixed, dayold, started—order in D. R.. FIN`LAYSON, bueenow. ORDER YOUR Magazines and. daily newspaper •at The Sentinel ffice: Special bargain- Magazine rates apply , at, present on •1:3ar Journal and Holidarcortibination, Offer. We can get :You•most any magazine 4that's published. • ia11952 Spring showing of ches-' terfield and davenport suites. at Trade-ins accepted. Take along a cushion 'from yeti'. old suite SO. thet the Salesman.- Can determine Hi trade-in, value, Godfr ey TEACHER WANTED—p-rotestent teacher for S.S. ' No. Kinloss in September. Apply stating qual7 ifiCations, experience and ..salary TEACHERS WANTED—Ashfield Township School Area invites ap- plications 'until April 19th from „clualified, Protestant teachers for tWo• All rOads kept open. NOTICE' , Sames•Little %Vill-be out of telifFi,n,,,AREI,A4th to 16th attend- ing. a. orifirse Pedodontia in NO CE St .1-IelenSi Beef com,:. Lorne" Woods, R. 2, LucUow, NOTICE • I will not be responsible' for . any:debts contracted by .my wife, Wilda , Iva Kerslake, Alvin. o. I NOTICE RE WARBLE 'SPRAYING 'West Wawanosh. farmers Wish- ing to brush their own Cattle for 'warble fly, may get their powder at the 'Co-op, Lucknow; Miller's Store,' St. Helens; or, St. August - Anyone. wishing to brush part of their herd may obtain the sol- ution. froin 'the sprayer 'When it comes along. It started at the Auburn -end of the Township on Monday, •April 7th. We seek your co-Pperatien. • . Lewis Blake, spray operator. ARTIFICIAL,- -SERVICE re-:- I:Weed rates from the. licenSed from Holstein; Jersey, Ayrshire, •Guernsey, Hereford,. Beef and Dual Purpose •Sherthorns: • Bulls of top quality. • Life; meinbership Duties to omrnence• Septem-• Waterloo. Cattle. 'Breeding AssOc- R., T. Kilpatrick, See.-Treasi; Service contact Burton Shewfdlt, • 7, Lucknow. R. R. 5, Kincardine, phone,101.r4' NOTICE • TO PROPERTy OWNERS RE • SHADE TREE CUTTING Permission of Village. Cou,neil is required before cutting 'shade tree's on neiniciPal. streets. Trees 'inside ,sideWalki, are not eecessarily on private: preperty" end anYone eating trees should first . determine where the steeet. .Further information may be ob- tained at the, Municipal:Office. In. an exchisiVe ,interview in .the April 13. issue of The Arner-.. Times,' Nancy ..Kefauver, wife Of Senator Estes Kefauver, cohrtship days and difficulties of the senator's' early political car- • eer. She reveals. how she and the kefaever 'children feel about the posSibilitY Of living in the White Shop,, pherie 206-r-11, Lticknow.. • ong Term Pasture xture FOR AVERAGE SOILS That annot Be eat Ladino Clover • 1 TOTAL 24 LBS:. S.EED 'PER ACRE , ,a bewildering variety' of soils, upon, 'which .hay or pasture .! .. 'it is .unlikely that' the.orie best pasture inixtUre will evey A , 'is prodUeed. Farmers . are sowing-, seed ,on high land and I low heaVy and light land rich, land and poOr .land and i drk and 'Wet land 'Seine soils are acid ' othets 'are", alkaline • j in. reaction arid, some are Just right, Some fields are tile: I drained; others drain naturally. . ' 'conditions and -,has been 'recommended by the cs,f,A,q, , I tor varying, cooditions, We haVe a good stock Of separate - elOVets and grasses and can Ptit up any desired miXture. D. It. PINLAYS • ntario ro- ucers oultr The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board has received a • petition fOiltthe approval of a proposed Marketing scheme for egg's; under the PipVisiens 'of the 'Ontario' Farm :Producti 1VIerketing Act., ,A vote by ballot has beenArranged so twartire-suard-eairdeternaibe the opinion of Producers' on this proposal.' you.are 21 years of age or over, And have produced' and sold eggs during 1951 andlor are producing and selling 'eggs •ih 1952, you are, eligible to vote. Any •member •of a ,timily engaged in the prodtiction and sale of . eggsis eligible if 21 years of age or over, put only one member of such a family Eacii prOducer of eggs and .pptiltry whe Wishes. .to 'Vote Will ibe required to declare his ,eligit!ility and to register with the returning offieer. at h)ip polling' ' statiOn before teeeivling a ballot: Your . Agricultural Representative is ,the Chief • RetUrning Officer for y.O4r County. or Distriet. Voting WilLtakeplace: oh April 17r18 and 19,-1962,, between the hours , of 0 Aar. and 9 pari,.In 'the County of ,Brtiee eolling stationS .Will be located as 'follows:1, • RIPLEIFire TIVIERTON—HArdware Store. P',ORT ELGIN-7--,Cei.00 Feed Stere. ALLENFORD,—Cox Bros: '.Garage., TARA-LSpeer• itros, Implement Shop. PAISLEY—Clerk's Office. ,., "GREENOCK—Greenock Store. • • PRObUCT5 MA4KEITING. BOARD Parliament Buildings, Toronto Ontario.