HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-04-10, Page 2;New ,Radio . Rec*iving
Ile* Radio Reeeiuing
14cenSes. are .., dbtaimable
from , Post Offices, Radio
l ers! Radio .Servicemen;
certain' Banks. and,: in cer.
fain districts, _from , house-;
to-huse 'canvassers.
Where not available to
» salty, radio Receiving Lie-
emcees'mlay be obtauied
from the Controller of
Li ..cens_elk;;A►v.
Telecornrnunications, . De-
partrnent oaf Tramport,• .Ot-
tawa, . •
ASeparate Licence ,s re,
quired . by each, tenant ofa
room ,or' flat within a,.'pri-
vate home: who operates a
radio: A. separate Licence`.
is reguired.fcir each radio
�uistallect a o,�to r
•vehicle, ° . ~�r
• Ottawa, opt. •
J -C. 4 :: Hon. , :.Lionel •Ghev'rier,
Deputy Munster' Minister
The .1Brace CountyShorthorn.
sale was held, at. Walkerton on
Friday.! ' This was, one . of ,the reg-
ular ,semi-annual ::sales''. and at-
s ing
Finished To Suit Customer)
Workmanship Is Guaranteed
iorm.an J ,3 l
:'Phone 251' W' n h
.113..Burt[„ RO.2 ^ Is
!Fhe 1952 tax rate of the Walk-
•erton :District` High School • has.
been..strnek at 10,25 mills on the
Co u n y •.'e+ualized assessment..
,Board chairrrian P. S MaCKenzie
pointed out that . this .would be
their most ldiffieult year from 'a
financial standpoint. An- over-
draft incurred during the builds
ing' of the 'school, must be r.e-:
duced 'While -grants received wi11x
be based on last roar's attend,
ance of 259 students, although the
present attendance now exceeds.
tracted .a large +crowd,. portraying
confidence' in the (future of the
,Beef Tattle . industry. .
Fifteen bulls averaged $430.66,.
Brothers on adjoining :farms on
the 4th• o f • Culrosst. J. W.Why-
•tock and J. H. 'Whytock, bought
the champion, hull and also the
highest • priced bull :The former
bought the champion of the,show,
a, white bull consigned ,by R. E.
Begg, Tiverton; •for $465.00, and
the latter bought' a polled;Short-
horn..,!bull consigned .•by . R: _C.
Armstrong, .Teepvater, at ,$700..00.
•!The reserve champion 'bull ,,was
consigned •.by R.:. Hood, Paisley,
and sold to Morris- Young;'' EdenGrove,' at $465.00.
Six fibred' heifers sold • for an
•average price, of;$316.00. ' .C. A.
Sachs • of Deaboro who • recently
T7ost his Shorthorn. herd :in a dis-
astrous barn fire, was. the prin-
e ple buyer of •heifers. '
Ab `,' Stoltz ' of the Canadian:
Shorthorn .Breeders, Guelph; was
judge and ringmaster •: Ed Starr,.
Ontario . Live.'. Stock Branch, in-
spected the !bulls for. the sale:
Hubert ` MVIeGill, Ontario ' Live'
Stock Branch, inspected •the billies
at; .the ; sale for- the hull bonus
policy. The sale Was sold by Don -
.a14 Blue, M P.; :Ripley G..R. Gear
was sales manager. The preszdent
'of the Bruce 'CO " y . ShorthornI
.1 Club is Harry: A-. H: fe1d,
erton,' Ont '' 1
Presbyterian` Guild -- ::
The Ball .to' wO: shil),` • read ; py
'President • Ray Stanley; ..• opened.
the Guild meeting on Monday
evening. Hymn 107' was- sung and
the Lord's .prayer, was repeated.,
The scripture passage was : read
by Susan .MacNeughton „After a
business discussion, .Mr:.- Norman.
('Baylor ablyspoke on the topic,
Mr. Winn closed with 'prayer;
South Kinloss W.M.S:•
The April /meeting' of South.
Kiniess. • W.M.S. • was held in the
church basement with 13 .mem-
bers present Thee president,,' Mrs.
H. Lavis, presided over'the Meet-
ing, Mrs. Wi . F. MacDonald• shade
a• motion, seconded Eby 1V);lrs.' Ross
.MacMillan, ' that we arrange for:
••a speaker for a special. • Easter.
'Ixankioffering • - - meeting:, .-Plans:
were alsomade for :the Mission
Band . rally: to beheld in Seutii
Kinloss' church the first Saturday.
in May; The scripture and medi-
tation on _Easter was ` given by
Mrs. Ross MacMillan and .the` roll
call was ; answered . Eby :an Easter
Verse; The president, -assisted' by
several:, ladies, read the annual
reports 'prepared by •:the differ-
ent ,Presbyterial officers' Mrs
'Evian Keith paid • tribute to . our
new Queen and all joined„ in Sing-
ing "God Save 'The Queen'.'', Mrs.
Herb Buckton read, a very: •, iriter-
estizig letter from ,1Vliss Dorothy
Douglas of Formosa. The' Easter.
,prograni.` as outlined, in: the March
;Glad' Tidings pwas: followed during,
~which Mrs. ;Toni MacKenzie and
Mrs; harry .Lavis contributed the
duet `Beneath` the'Cross of Jesus'.
After the prayer circle, hymn 213
was sung and the, meeting closed
with .,the mniipah• benediction.
1/ ' A TRACTOR, ' COM$INE,-TRUCCK -or othermec
anical,equipment? . ,.
LIVESTOCK ':. Breedi ,g. scot* or a new ball:
•to-7.,•up: the -qua• o'on-
J A NEW .HOUSE, EARN, ,SHED, , or other': out
buildings?. Or the-alteration',and repair of
your present buildings? •
tfi irnaees :and boilers,. water . heaters, 'built-in
,- sinks and tubs, or 'repair and modernization
of your•.present system: , e
' GROUND? Or anyof the following fencing °,;
drainage, roadwork, tiling, pumping, and .
•ipt fARRk$I.ECTRICAL SYSTEM-! Installation
of,a new or used system or modernization. of
your, present, one?
.Machine, Cream separatar, refrtgrerator .
• or pump? ' -
•y/ ''FRUIT TRUE t . ; To replace ' faulty ones; to
increase or vary your fruit harvest; or to start
. an orchard i(you're other than a' fruit farmer.'.:
of64.41.744. 44:
Lucknow rarl'ch t , , C. L. SMil , Manager
-4i.. . .. v,.. - w. - i
'W At Y1T.'H C'AN661.6.N s. 1►i ,eV
le WARMS •'
•BRUCE . •
Nowhere : In Ontario' can the
'ilnz: Service which is now or
;anized' in Bruce and Grey Coun-
ties be. duplicated,, Two°years age,
the --:National, Film. Board gave
assince in:,or'anizrnl a, Frlin.
:Service in Bruce and Grey Coun •
tics • to give ;complete. Film Set
vice . coverage to rural lieop1e and
town 0oplealikes
Four thoussand, :seven hundred
a:n'd forty school children
throughout .the County of -Bruce
set educational films monthly
their'own clasaroorns, •Also three
thousand, 'eight . iiundred adultt
in Bruce
' C `unt' attend .film
�Co y
sh s .monthly. Thirteen film
libraris circulate monthly wide
in the County; • . thus 'living an
entire .Film Service coverage in.
Bruce County. The Bruce Coon
t* Film. Council has 13 Township
or ' commimity' active film corn-
mittees throughout• the . Courity.:'
Fifty-six- adult organizations this
year sought: membership 'in' the
Bruce County: •Film. Council to
avail themselves of this fihn ser-
vice. Since :the film council, wa,s.
organized in 1950 .sixteen motion
picture'. projectors have been purr
chased,' by communities where
this: fitzn service has been intro-
duced: • •
• In the " past three • years the
Bruce County lrn`Councit' has.
purchased :;:over '$8000' worth4
films . to ibe :circulated 'through its.
libraries in the County '.Over
$2000 ; worth of ,films' being' pur-
chased -each' year. •
In the; field of religious films;
Brucea and Grey • County Film.
Council co-operatively have built•
up a religious film plan ''which' is
the first of its ;kind : in Canada.
For a yearly m,ert bership •of.::$10
from.:,any :church,:over $2000:00
worth :of films• ,are made. • avail-•
able tO-' each uieni er which
would' cost the liziember. over '$100
to duplicate it . anywhere,
For the ,first. time ;:since 'it was
organized 'the Film >Council is_,pe-:
titioning for a grant'••.frorn the
County Council to further assist
them in, their educational -'. pro-
gram, stated Mr.,Boward Coiling
of Port. Elgin,: chairman of the
Bruce. county •_ Film,• Council: Al
though the National 'Filrn Board
has loaned somefilms and' equip -
APRIL 10 ;195
fiAR in • cardiae '•
dpi. ;
tal on .5hturday, March 29th, to
Mr:. and .Mrs. Levi Carter, R 3',;
Hoiyrood, a: son.
WIERSMA-=at Goderi9 •
tal; On '" .tesla 'ls ll i.
y, April 1st, to ..
and Mrs, Rinse Wiersrna, Loch; ..
alsh,- a :daughter, Sytske;
CAE ---in, Groderich tt,itt
04C T.uesd�ay, Aprillst,
Mr, and: Mrs, Paul Caesar; Dun.'
,gannon;._ a, soh,
H;A • NA- 4n . ,;St;. Joseph's Hospi,
tal, London,. on .$onlay; Mardi
23rd, to Mr:. and M+rs. Max - Hama
(nee "Betty , Hamiltons', • _a .son__.
merit ..along • with' promotional
help,. there has' ibeen. rio • outside
financial aid:. A membership of.
$10.00 .,from. adult • groups and
HOGAN: in�Caderieh Hospital on •
Nmnday, A.pri1, 7th, •1952,, to MT:
and Mrs. Louis Hogan, R,:• R, ,.
Lucknaw, a son, • a :brother for.
Raymond: •
A veteran of the: first .world •,'
war makes this plea to every'•
Legion in Huron. Coun ty. ,:•'Don't
tur-n'your, Legion into a. wet can,'
Canleer~.adaIt-':'sTen 'agarinstperance •;: theAct lax., The
the sale of -alcoholic beverages in :
Huron. The pollee, h -We, - io" alter.
native -Ebur" to. -enforce the,.law•
Moreover • there is; • evideriee at'
hand that .the officers. of 'the law
in'. Huron are quite competent and
determined°to .enforce the law::...-, .
even; though ' in , certain other'
places `law breakers made a:.fool'
of . the law; The. Legion should
think, mere' highly of 'its'prestige':.
than. to lay,:'itself. operi. to police
action.-: It would be•° better fnr the
Legion ,to close its .doers and sur •
render` .its charter: than that:: it
should get the rep(itation• of be -
ng a bootlegging`,.j-Advt,
.i. andPearson
.Elder; ..,of 'Cargill• had • a' narrori•
escaPe. when their .boat partially;
submerged' on the ;flodd,swolle::..
TeesWater• River, while draggir
the. river in search .of.: the body
bf a: Cargill
trapper, Alvin Hetz..
ler; believed.,,to •have':•slipped. into
the ; river and drowned- while,
tending his traps:: :•
.When their; sma71 boat smashed
broadside, ' into a' , •tree in mid,
stream Trimble,'and his compan,•
ion • jumped t� ' safett in the tree
from where they:: were rescued -
churches ane17, $,20:00' from school, • .about .a half hour later by Fire
boards who use: the films to larg-', Chief ' Irwin .Lobsinger and Boil
er ,extent, than. adult. groups, has 'Yates- of °'Walkerton.
been the only source ,of revenue..
ountry-gran cf- nc less7-thari=
Deride which' itnprovcments . will •,
help you most in ' o ra.tin sour•
fat* and talk over a Fa g
rm Trnprovc-.
• mcnt Loan with your ncattst B of
manager. Farb.)' Improvement Loans •
are helping many thousands of
Canadian .farmers "to get the best,,
out of their, farms norp;
R Y ' 'N#1
... i.
N 1617
$500 is: being .'asked for:
Top price at the Zone 2 Yorks
shire',sale• at Walkerton on Thurs,
da iris the 'first _rize bred_.sow.
consigned by 'Douglas Robertson,
Willianzseford, selling to 'Herb
Waechter, .' Mildmay, lot; $'120.00.
19 bred sows averaged $9100; ,Tbp
price open sow was .ah English
:bred sow sold lby` the Walkerton
District High School It• Was pur,
chased: by' Harry,'Dirppel of 'Walk-
erton for $77.50, •
The . 7 boars averaged $86:80;
The first 'prize boar 'consigned ,by','•
W. Turnbull & Son, Brussels, sold
to the'Ontario Livestock Branick
'for: "005;(10.; The 32 Yorkshires; at
the sale' .averaged $84.00..
• Zone 2 , eo r prises .•counties • of
Bruce, Grey, liuron, Perth and
the northern part of Wellington
county. The sale' was sold by.
Donald Blue, M:P., Ripley. ,,llu
best McGill . of .the.. Provincial
Live Stock Branch.. was judge and
ringmaster.. G. R; •Gear ' was sales
manager. The Zoie 2 Yorkshire
. +� at 'Walkerton is ' a °semi-an-
nual event.
` ,r•
J. l -i<.. Kinkea.d and G,. a. Gard-
i'rier, both of.. Goder'ieh, ''were ' el=.
eeied , presizient and seoretart,
treasurer, ' respectively.,' of' the
NnrmaL_ &hoof ,...Teachers'-atzd.1 l
•crineninry School lttspectora' As-
soc;iatiron for the coming year at
the'conference. hold Friday at the
r£tratford'Norm,a•1 School,
. Saturday, March: 15th, sate thii
passing of .one . of Qu`Appelle's
early piorieeers, : •aud: ac., native of --
Ksnloss Ta�wnship, in the person
. of Mr,... ° E NieholL..Mr Nxch,
ells •was 83 years:, 1•D'', niontlis ,of
Boin. in 'Kinlough in 1869, ,thee•
deceased ,went' west • lex ` Qu'Ap,:•
:pelle in 1890 , and settled on •a
homestead "in the Englewood: lis•
trict. Later he went inn. partner,
shipA, G.°.Rowlinson`
in; the ;real: estate' and insurance
business. °° Ile was also ,an atictio.ty
Irl 1908 he: married Miss Ades
Robson of Q.u'Apt?ell,
The de:400 d. ryas .an ardent
rwtirker in' a11' c'ornanunit ' affairs, ::
playing an active' part. in the or-
ganization. and : development • of
the Agricultural 'Society'. a� 'we1?•
as other iworthrttri a:'protects h¢`
,was . town Clerk for 32 • years and
secretary of ,Ii;.nox United Church
for :25� ~years: He• was also acti;ve'.
in the work sof the M sorb~ lodge,
joining to tx'AtOpell'e Loiigc M1005
and 'daring the,7 ye�'ir; , he was
a nember he 'was :aecri>ti�t"Y 3n`.26
year`s ahr. vir$5 a past ~~raster:
Besides h'is v�'ife, [ ilea: h'e i;.
survived, by two daughters Laurg
a }d Will a
.(7s. W `• hrrrig of
E.egina.; alsour: l;rat�ttchlld"eY'
and . one sistM..iair�
Cupar. • the
1 'Mr, Nicholls vi tis a wt;t .'ni"
ate Mir and Mrs J'dct' rCholl°
,of" 17 iId: s; Jthe Nichtr1Ir:i�z me :bl...
"ng on the Gravel' Regurg nnrth ''
the loth ' Criti i son, and aCras9
f�roan the present. Ha "S't''t' Hod
•,',ro J;