HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-27, Page 4s. THE CKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO •. , .."""soloale.0.0410,6'!"Igoollitglitn*Itr. . COM INGEVENTS, "WANT' AD" :RATES--lst' 'insertion 2• cents a • ,wbrd,' subsequent insertions 1 cent'' a word. 'Minimum Charge 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents ,extra. Legal advertising 10 cent§ per count line first insertion, 5' cents ' per, line subsequent .insertions.. CEDAR POSTS,. FOR, SALE, Tom Blake,, R. • 7 LuCki low. , FOR, SALE --four •butcher..=sows ; IlAY FOR . SALE ---Quantity of second•cut alfalfa hay, .baled Ap ply' :to Jphri W Pritchard; Luck have not had pigs. Allan :Miller, R. 1,;, Lucknow. ,CAR: FOR ,-SALE -- 1929 Ford• . coach, new battery,:. good.: tires & FOR SALE Yorkshire . Boar, heater,'good ' 'condition- Hiram. .around 180. lbs, Frank Muer, Collin, hone. 206-41,L• ucknovc . .Phoice 46-r.-5.. . 7 WANTED=--farm' ,work, ' or truck • FIGS' FOR .SALE -25 PigsR from driving $20 a• week on farm or' 50 to 75. lbs. Duncan Farrish R. 3, LucknoW., gat Lochalsh• }} IN 1VIEMORIAI14I . 14. fs., 'NMJ•j PIGS FOR. 'SALE -=8;' pigs,' eight weeks' old.' , LloydCline, • Para - 'Amount phone Dungannon 68.-1. ' FOR `SALE—four sows, 1'1a • years old; °` 1'eatherstene hog, .2 years old. ToiCelwell, St. Helens. $35 ,a week truck driving. Phone Wingharn,; •• FOR SALE—girl's roller skates, • WOOD WANTED—+four” cords' dry beech or maple, : • limb or ,body wood: Wm. Buckingham, Belfast. FOR SALE -•-Coleman soil burner, medium size, good. shape. '`Roy 1VIMGIhee, Lucknow. , ' FOR SALE-4co1ony ':house *.0,4 'coal. brooder stove. Apply: Bruce' :MacDonald,:: R. 7 Lucknow,'.' GIRL, WANTED. for • . grocery store, Experience .preferable: 'Ap- ply. to P.O: Box:286, Wingham., .' .HOUSE .FOR SALE -seven -robin• house, hot water heated, good. • +barn: Priced for quick sale.yE V Baker; Lucknow:• FOR-SALF•-cement septic tanks, approved by . the Health Unit: We deliver. them., ' Forster's Welding Shop, phone : 206-0°1-,•Lucknow. FOR SALE ':-= 1951` ;Ford. Tudor. •bought. in December, 5000 .actual; miles, metalic maroon, built-ins radio, undercoated; air condition= ing -Settling estate, best offer: Phone 110-r-27 Ripley. DANCE . • In Holyrood Hall, •Friday, Mar. nile�sGnsored oodorchestra.. y loss Juni- e„rrLunch_ :. counter. :Admission .?Oc. PLAY AT .SLAKES. The 3 -act play "Ma's New Bus band", will be presented in, Blake's Hall, Wednesday; April 2nd Gat .8.30. Play '•rpi'esented' by• Auburn. United Church under auspices ;of •Blake's.' W: ' A. Admin- sion...50c WALKERTON. SALES • Zone Yorkshire. Sale, Thurs'-' day, April 3rd, 1.00 P m 19 bred ; sows; 4' 'open • sows; 7 boars. • Rich inblood lines of AR and show ring winnings. Bruce County Shorthorn Sale;. Friday, .'Apri1 4th .at 1.00 p.m. 14 ibidls ' and .7, bred heifers.. Donald Blue, auctioneer; G. R. Gear, sec - THtT11SDAY, MARCH 27th, 1952 PAG> pr4otically new; solid, back studio' retary.. . co}ieh in', excellent condition, Ap • ply CC . L. Smith,"phone 7, ;Luck.. OMIVIITTED .COLLECTORS now. • . FOI SALE-•- Durham, bull:' rising • two years;.' bay :mare,; rising -Iota yearst •sound and. well broken. Apply to ,Robert : McInnes, ,;phone 43-r-21' Teeswater. ..,.. MODERN . APARTMENT TO LET • Four spacious rooms and bath- room, built-in'ki'tchen" cupboards,. continuous. hot 'water, 3 • closets all freshly, decorated, separate :basement, large garden, private entrance, immediate • 'possession,•' rental ver3r'reaoonable. Telephone Lucknow. 101-13., . NOTICE To. All Farmers &,.Town'People Ferguson open. house meetingrt- •pictures,. entertainment & prizes. For farmers 'ist.prize of $50 'on. purchase. • of , any Ferguson • order. overr•$500;. 2nd prize. $25 on spur - chase of any.Ferguson order over $250. For town people, including wives and .children, prizes: for. all. Bring. the whole ;family • as guests of your Ferguson. •dealer, .George Wraith, at •McKay,'Ha11,- Goder ,,ich, own •Wednesday, April 2nd - at £4:00 p.m. .• WANTED TO BUY -Taylor 'safe,1 . any size, goo* "condition..,Type-1 "writers, adding anachines, :cash registers for' , sale and repaired. Safes opened. J. WI.Locking,-4.64 11 St. A. West, Owen Sound.: LIVESTOCK .WANTED .__ FREE -THERMOMETER ;Plus cash- at your farm for dead , or .disabled horses or cows. Phone collect. Wingham 5614. William Stone "Sons; ' Limited.' v, • 4 CONTRACT BARLEY We have a'.' limited amount of seed . barley .available on contract.. Seedis treated., ready ••, to ,sow. -2Place your uraer-noW--t get=in_ on this profitable cash crop. Geo: Elliott's Seed Cleaning Plant, 154-3, Lucknow. - • • CUL- BERT -In loving memory of 'a .dear. • `father and grandfather,. Mr. Thos. ,Culbert, wile passed away' one .year ago, March 30th,' 1951.., '4 Just • a thought. of sweet' remem- brance ' ' Just •anemory:`-sad -;and-true,- ,-- .Just. the love and sweet devotion -0,f--one-who thinks'•n# you:: -- -Ever and, sadly -missed ,Eby Evelyn,' Jack' sand • George ~- NOTICE': Ameeting of the •Lucknow FishY and: Gagne' Protective • As- soci'ation will be held in' the _Recreational Centre ucknow; On Thursday; • April. 3'rd at 8.30' p.m. All members are requested' to at- tend. • anger lfalfa mu. RESISTANT) 6, / S ALFALFA WAS DEVELOPED co-operatively by the Nebraska Agricultural Zxperinierrial Station -and a diii- ision of. the United States Dept. of Agriculture. . ' :WITH WINTER HARDINESS AND RESISTANCE TO BACTERIAL, WILT DISEASE, Ranger Alfalfa is ond• of the outstanding' achievements of the 'breeding Of forage plants, ,,;:z It is a multiple Variety synthesized 'from selected Wilt ,.'re- i RANGER ALFALFA 3 and 4 years after seeding yielded - . 3,3 tons per acre compared to 1.21ons for Grimm. It is also •-t a good seed producer and yields of 600 lbs. te the acte ' Aki FARMER WISIIING TO TRY' SOME 'of this seed ' -.-' too. Plentiful. Would recommend 'planting a few acres for I trial and save.teed from same. We have a' small Cluailtity 1 Of •pertified seed.. on hand. PRICE, PER, BUS 855:004 • G. ALAN! :. W I.L-LIA Optometrist Office on 'Patrick St., just off the Main St. in. % INGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services DLT. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN. • Havelock St , south of • Supertest Garage, Evenings ' by ;appointment.. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. LUCRN91N y. Telephone ) 75 JOH"NST9NE`S' 'FUI�LERA 'E. � HO.M. • 'Phone. 7q • Nig11) 'Day 'or' • Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL ' HOME At .No Extra Cost Moderate ' Prices, BUSINESS and TAX�-SERVICE' MONTHLY AUDITS `For The` •Small IVIerchoant, Professional man',and the Farmer. .S.• J. '' PYMM . P.O. Bax A4 Lueknow, .Ont. :Office in .Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23.-w., In 'reporting the canvassers in, connection With the Benefit Fund in ai • of ,Mr. an . s. •e Ritchie 'in last week's issue, the names of Howard, Quaid and Bert, Crawford, l• with , • collections ' of, $42.00,were omitted:. This amount. •was :included with Jack Bennett ,and ,'Percy .Graham's • collections on the 2nd Concession of Ashfield and ' the Boundary . • • •.CHIM,NEVS BUILT and repaired. Apply Alvin .Thompson, $ox 67, Ripley: ,, CARD OF • THANKS IVIr • Jas. ' E. Pickering wishes: to thank those 'who' .kindly visited • him, ,also they who sent flowers, uitand cards,during his re-: scent 'illness. 'NOTICE TO' CREDITORS In The Estate Of • Donald L. Mc- Kinnnn_ A11 persons. having ' e 1 a i, •m s agairits , .the. estate • of 'Donald. ,L: • McKinnon, ' late of the Township of . Kinloss.,, in the' County. of Bruce, Farmer; ' deceased, who died -on' -or . about .the ,_22nd. day of January, ` 195'2, are. 'hereby not- ifiedrto send' in to the. Undersign- ed' Executors; 'on or before • the 15th.. day of April, 1952, 'fullpar ticulars' of their claims. Immediately after the 15th, day. of .April, 1952, the assets of the estate will be distributed :,amongst,. the' parties,.: entitled thereto, , ha -v ing regard only to the claims of which the Vied -161:s- shalt` then have notice.. Dated at. Lucktiow, Ontario, •this 25th .day of March, 1952. Fraser McKinrion -•and: John �L.:: McKinnon, -11.R.--No. 6. Luck now, Ontario, Executors. • R. W Andrew, their 'Solicitor_ herein. ARTIFICIAL SERVICE at re- duced rates . froin the, licensed growing co-operative association from Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Hereford, Beef and of -top quality'. Life membershiP non-members • $6.90 per cow. Waterloe Cattle Breeding Assoc- iation, RR. No..1, Waterloo. For. service contact Burton Sliewfelt, V R. 5, Kineardine,.phone 101-r-7 Service' and Satisfaction Plumbing and Heating NeW Automatic Oil Furnaces Installed—Now In Stock FURNACE 'REPAIRS -Bathroom Fixtutes -SEE THE ISIL RANGES AIR CONDITIONING Art Gilmore le It 3 `LITCKNOW 'Phone 61,T-13, Dungannon M ENMAN •and' '< toiacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE • '•(Funeral Home Available) AMBULANCE "SERVICE: (Day: or' Night Service) FURNITURE. 'Phone 181, , Lucknow, Ont. (Day, or Night) ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODER' CH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Ph'one 1100 , For;... .ppoiitment'.or: Information': See 'Wm A.:Selnnid, • Phone 167-w Lucknow• , Agfls!Agency •Howard Agnew Jos. Agnew MEMBER'.,, OF .. , Ontario Insurance, Agents' - Association 1 NS RANCE •.FIRE, • CASUALTY, - AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack : Today.; J. A. McDONAGH R: R. 3, Lucknow; Ont:. . 'Phone 61,4,. Dungannon GENERAL -INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years'Ago 'Telephones: Business '39 Residence 138 . • W.:ANDREW'. Barrister; and ' Scltor `LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ;I NSUI ASCE• Co -Operative Llfe :Insuralircer' Co -Operative Automobile ' Insurance ' Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Econorn ioal and Reliable.. See. , -T:: AOM=E•RO�N .LUCKN.OW • ,Phone 70-r-10Dungannon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone , • ' Office 135 ;' Residence 314 Kenneth J. MacKenzie optometrist Will -be. at •Wroiis ,JeWeliery ; WEDNESDAY, APRIL '9th • 'and every Second WednesdaY. kyes examined - Glasses lifted For appointment 'phone ROy • MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley, :CARD OF T'HANKS, Mackenzie' Wishes ' to sincerely,' thank the ,many friendS.:who so kindly remember4 ed. her with cards, floWers, treats _ during -het, stay -in.lhe hooital. ':411 "these kindnesses were tnuah appreciated. would, like e?ctend'., thanks to ,Dr, johnSton and., Dr, Corrin, Mrs, Morrey and staff of nUrses arid all Who' sent Cards: ahd, treats and' those who visited me during my Stay in the Wing. ham llovital. is,lason McAllister, StuartIacK,enzie Bariister--and- Solleitor- -- WALKERTON ONTARIO' 1N7UE'K l'OW---- Each Wednesday OFFICE IN. HENDERSON BLOCK Hetheringtok, K.C. Barrister,. EtC. Each Monday Located On ,the ground floor John' Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone Winglia'in ;Office 48 Residenee 97 • ulross Mutua FIRE INSURANCE' CO, for Reasonable rates, sOund pro - 'settlement of claims, • Ymir Local Agent 'Phone •Teeswiter 574-41