HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-27, Page 3trarj SitMY, MA.RidH 27th, 1952., • THE LiJCKl�TOW SfiNTINEL, 1,LICKNQ:W, ONTARIO GUIDES -TO KNIT' SWEATERS AyID SCARVES FOR KOREA Obi Guides News , The regular meetiti of the Lucknow Girl :Guides Was held in the Guide Room on March 21 'with .21 present. . • Business . was discussed " and ' yarn wasgiven to some of the: Guides. ''to knit , sweaters ' and scarfs w• high are to ' be sent . to Korea, •' on the . arrival of Mr. C. Mac'- Donald a funfilled interval of Square dancing was enjoyed. Th'e meeting was closed ;with taps. We.wish to thank .Mr, MacDon-. sld•.for his'.help and hope, he will, be#•back. FORMER •RRSIDENT ' DIED .AT' ORANGEVILLE. The.,death:'' .04„ Mildred Ann Little, beloved .'wife of Melford Siddall, occurred at her late resi:•. cience in • Orangeville . • on Thurs-. 'day, March 20th. She was in her 53rd year. : Mrs. Siddall was •a. daughter of the late Mr. arid Mrs. John Lit- tle,' the 'family : having resided :at one time east of Lucknow: on the former J. J: Sthitii. farm, • . ` The , .funeral service • was at __Orangeville on Saturday with in, terment' there in ;Forest Lawn Mortuary. • • Mrs.. Siddall was. Predeceased by a sister, Mrs:•Alfre'd Ritchie. of; Lucknow:, A brother,' Gordon, resides • in Ottawa,: Lucyknow Presbyterian Church REV. C. A. WINN, B.A.,' Minister SUNDAY, MARCH' 30th•; 11 a.m.: Morning, ..Worship.' 12.15 p.m Sunday :School ancl• Bible Class: - 3. p.m.: Erskine, :Dungannon, 7 p.m.: Evening Worship.' L:UCKNOW 'UNITED CHURCH RCH Minister: ReV. W. J. 'Mum ford, M.A., .BM.; SYT D, • � • .Sunday, March '30th, 1952 i FIFTH SUNDAY ,IN •LENT ill. a.m.: "Foil yheir.Sakes". 12. '- 15 .' . 1 •� , p.m � Sunday School.- . .. p!ni.; . Personalities of The I. Passion 5." Batabbas. ii 7.30 pm4-:Thursday, Special,- , i Lenten 'Service. ' When, an'. optimist gets the war t '., •:..it,_he. makes 'the...ibest: of it. To be a good optimist I -- .you,. need' religaon. .':Carie ..and worship with us.: ng:li+can Church NOTICES Rev. A. S. Mitchell, L;Th., Rector. ' Fifth Sunday in Lent 4IARCH ,30th, ' 1952 `; St. s , Peter Church Lucknow ' 1.1 a;my: •Morning Prayer and Sermon, "I • AM".' Wcdne. day,, $:0¢', p.m:,, . Lent', Service at the home!. of , •`Mr. Chas: L. 'S'mith. , St'. Paul's"Chu' rch, Dungannon 2,30 p,n).: Evening'Prayer and Address., . Thursday, '2.30 p.m,, ' Lenten' Service at 'the home of Mrs, Gladys' Rivett. // 5t. Paul's Church, Ripley 7:30 'p m,,p Evening Prayer and .,Commination. Tiursday, 7.30 p.nn., Lent Service 'at the !home of Mr. Watt Culbert, 411114111104111,44194e vmmair 1•. General laO JUSTICE 'TO your new East- er 'bonnet with a complimnentary skin, analysis, and correct Make- up by .your Beauty Counselor, Mrs. Ken Mowbray. • Mrs W, acKenzre, return cd home recently after almost four• weeks 'in Goderieh 'Hospital, Mrs.N. H. Hedley was . quite, ill at the week -end from an at- tack of the ;mumps, Mr and Mrs, Bud .Poe• of Linc coln Park spent the' week -enol. with. Mr. and Mr s. Jacky and .other' relatives, " R. Ai .Grantreturned home-- on Monday from ' Wingham Hospital where. he had spent a few.•day.'s•: ,with a bad attack of ',asthma, • Miss Mary •Porteous.' of ,Mac— donald College, Quebec, spent, the' .week -end ' with her parents, . Mr. and. Mrs. W. A. Porteous; John and Margaret Hogan have •returned • to : their home. in field. after spendiriWthe winter. in, Goderich: 'Mr.', and ,Mrs Walter. 'Dexter; -.Mrs. • Howard Robinson .and 'Mr. John Kennedy ••'w Were in' London on Friday,.;attendin.g •t'h,e funeral. of a cousin; Mr. Albert Johnston. • Mr. A1bert.:Cook and. Mrs. Wm:. Robb motored to t011ingwood last Week ] to visit their sister,' Mrs. .Andrew Hamilton, Who has,been quite ill. .Mrs. Robb remained fdr, a few days, .''returning. on Sunday. Mr.. Russ Middleton has re- turned to his home in ' Kinloss after spending the winter- at ,Tor onto and 'Burlington. He -motored from Toronto .. with -This •nephew, Walter'.Middleton. . : ' • Mr. Ernest: Blake; Mr. and Mrs.' Albert. Alton, George arid . Blake Alton' .,and Miss Hazel' Webster" were at Brueefield 'on : Monday attending the funeral of the late Willie Pepper. " •W lin ... LANGSIDE •The Ladies' • Aid: •met, :at..the home of . Mrs Farish • Moffat. on Wednesday evening: Mrs. Evans. presided. A 'reading, •",St. Pat- • rick" was •given •iby•`Mrs. Robert Brown. A' number .of Irish songs were sung ;with Mrs: Wm. Scott Mrs, . F • •an con, ducted the. .piano,ea g ducted, 'several Irish. ; contests: ',Mr. F. G: Moffat . attended the Underwriter's- -F i i'e • Insu,ranee: 'Convention. in 'Toronto. last week: Mrs-.Bob-33ro-wTn-and--Garry of London spent last week with :her parents;. Mr. 'arid Mrs. William Evans. Miss Dolleana Orr of ' London and--Douglas-:Lapp_ of - .Wyin.gham_ -en with .Mr andk d ,pent thew week-end Nlrs. Wm: Orr. . • " Mr., and Mrs. Farish Moffat Gordon ..spent ' Sunday •evening .wi tt r. an• `` Irs. Ch lie—Tif= United 'Church Evg. Auxiliary„ 'The 'March 'meeting • of he.Ev- ening• Auxiliary was held in the 'Sunday .School* room with :26. answering the roll call 'The pres- ident, Mrs: Alex A.n:drew,_-opened the devotional part of ,the meet- ing, Mrs. ,Russ, Button led in prayer followed by. the reading of the scripture by•M ti• Mei'Cor- rin:. The • ,East'er•.: Thankoffei•ing was discussed and, plans• made for .same. 1''t•'. w its voted to 'give the Cou'nity :Ftiendsln; secretary Community „i$5.00 :: to .,Carry i' ,on their' work.: I.yrn 5,78 .brought: this part of the ,meeting to a close,. Mrs. ;;Cliff Crawford :took .the chair ford the program. !the :Shadows favored with. a couple of selections; 'one being their unaccompanied nuin-• bey, "A11. ,'Brough :The . Night'', that, they sang at the Festival.,'A reading, was•givcn' by Mrs: Stuart 'I` ye 'Phe- udrj,--badlywas-tali"— en by Mrs.. L. C Thompson, as- :silted 'by Mrs.' S. ,Collyer, Mrs, i♦'. Wrlson, Miss.. Ken. Mui'die and Mrs. •Ti Webster, A. quartette of girls •consistfiig of Lonna: John- stun, Anne Crawford, Elizabeth• Ann Webster and M. itilpatrigk rendered'tw5•numbei's 'Hymn. $Q jbrouight the meeting to a cl se after which .lurlch Was'sert'wed by. the confit ittee ,Sri charge.' H:OLYRO.OD' STUDENT IS L.H.D.S. LEADER Wane Johnston,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnston of Holy- rood, has been naiped Iicknbw District High • School represents tive in • this • year's. London Free, Press Leaders'' Club.' Wayne's_pic-.' 5ture • appeared in • Saturday s- edition„ . Wayne is a. Grade 13 student., He . is; president of the Literary ,Society and a'" member of the' Egli school . band: ' He won' the •senior 'boys' field day champion- ship last fall.' Hockey is his fav orite sport and; this: a past winter;: he, ,played with the Kinlpss Juv ' eiiifes. ; • DUNGANI'iON. Mrs. Rdbt. Montgomery .and - little andlittle, sons; David ;and R.abt. Jr., .spent a week with relatives at Delhi, .returning home on ' Sun- day. ' 'Mrs., R:. A. McKenzie; who" had the isfo f tune to have' her left 'leg. fractured in 'two places : and. her. left, wrist' also , broken -about. a month' ago, was ' able to be • re- moved' from .Goderich I* ,spitalto the Mime of her daughter, Ivirs. -Otto • Popp,•ori :Tuesday . She'' was: -a isited . by-her--daughter---Mrs.. Pearl McEachern,' London, over the week -end.' • • lair. , Bill Smythe, ' Brantford; spent the week -end with'.',his' grandparents, Mr. 'arid. Mrs Al- pert' Orser. . . Mrs. R. ,McDonald .has taken housekeeping '• position : with .: a, family. at Wingham. • Mrs, Carman Anderson:went to Toronto on •Sunday. ' to 'spend a, while with Mr. and' .Mrs . George Whitlam and Mrs..D. E..`Ander-' son•. . A gang of seven .or :eight men are—doing telephone . repair work this week in the 'district since the. sleet and . :wind ' storm •..Satur-' day • night. The. north end' of the village. had ,a , The. break and the, village -,_str-eets--were , cess' for three nights 'till repai're.d on. Wednesday • We are glad: to kno, v Mr Mason. McAllister was able : to .leave. Wingham . Hospital,. • and , come -home last, Friday, - Mrs. ' Abner.' Morris left>.last : week to , mend' a while With her. daughter, Mrs:, Russell Drennan, vtrho is' ill at Bright's Grove :: The. Dungannon, United Church choir ('held a : St. Patrick social' in, the , basement of. the church on. Wednesday night of .last week. Rev. G: Watt,, pastor, was .ch:air- man for, a, , program . that .carried out -the Irish theme Pants ---of shamrock, .and others "w:earin' the -green added tq- :t^lie- setting. Though ,,the , evening., was quite wet,' the attendance was .remark- able and all, seemed to enjoy the revival °of -the Irish spirit which began With co munity singing_ stripwasshown o East - A film f ern Canada.. At the close, of the program "flinch wasserved, The WA, of the' United -church -rr t• -a ttre Y omtsW 117 YK7 Errington on: Friday night with Mrs,. Ky Rawson, first vice pre;,,,, in the chair. 'Mrs,.'John . Finnigan lesson. '.Mrs.. read the.scripttire s, 0, Brooks, gave • the ileSSon, thought and led in prayer.' The roll, call' was answered by17 :members & four ,Visitors. Further plans were, made for 'the spring bazaar, April 18th. The• April meeting will ;'be.. liel�d Aipril 10th at the home of -M.rs,-Wilfred•-Pentland. 1VIr. s. Ge.o Hodges reported for the parson., f;'e. coni:m.i•ttee. Mrs. Watt .Showed. :;lids. and Mrs, Herb Finnigan assisted: Mrs. Wilfred Pentland- conducted a contest.. The:hostess-, es 'for' lunch were' Mrs. Wilfred Pentland; Mrs. Cecil.' $lake, 1VI'rs. Banks. and Mrs, Carman. Ander-•' son. The' WM.S. of Erskine Presby-, let•ian church Met. on Thursdajy afternoon, .at ' the •church- With Mrs. John Bennett presiding Mrs, 1;,ich McWhinney read the s'cripL 1-e--MissTva _,Carr, gaVe the Glad idings.'prayer. A.' letter was.rea-Td froix Miss Fortune. by Mrs: Winn. Mrs. 1VfcWhiniey led, in a dis- c-ussion of the 1051: report, 'Mrs. oMlirin read a letter, from Miss Paelto'n, 'just home :from Formosa. After~ a h`yirrri; Rev'. Winn, closed. with the benediction.' ' . Mr. and Mfrs: Albert. ltrvett little daughter ' of London were recent ' ii' si rs with D og'annon .Y • • na • . PAGE THREE H A S, LADIES AND, MEN'S WEA^Fi T>';LEP80NE 95• ..' _ :. .. _I Na -lower= -prices-in Canada -for -this -superb -' 'quality of made -7 -- to measure Suits :. ',. Here -is your finest selection; for �. • .. Easter .: , Cut by hand and tailored- to ''your... • personal measurements, d FOR MEN' anWOM • _ EN' • Tip 1,,.*1aiiors.op • ,Choose 'your own -.style and material In plains ' or mix. and --matich sets .' . f1a'ttering' sty s •.Ttjxury fabrics. in •' Worsteds;, Tweeds, Gabardines, Pic & Pic; : ,. ORDER ' NOW - WE • TAKE . •YOUR MEASUREMENTS.• Satisfaction Guaranteed .or Money Ref unded, $4.9.56 ' $56.50 — $68;50. COATS—See our.•.•Choice 'Selection• of—COATS SPECIALS BEDSPREADS HOSIERY Chenile, all colors • $9:95 51 gauge, 15 denier $1.50 SLIPS. FLOWERS Lacy and plain.$2.98 Lovely assortment .. , 50c SOX -OR MEN`'01 sizes, ESTABLISHED.'TIIROUGH SERVICE ":$1.00 '1. 1 1 NOTICE R' INCREAA E ,N Tlie :following milk. prices in Lucknow''have. been. authorized by ` the Milk Control, Board. EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, .APRIL 1st Quarts ' --- -- 1.9c • Pints hle Cream, Y/2pint - - .22c Anyone Using. A• Pint -Milk" Ticket Must Please Add One .Cent 'Extra With The Pint Ticket. ., A • • •, ALEX • ANDREW, Prop., • .�c�.us,tiw��n relatives and friends•. Mr. and 11([rs -W.. J. Rolb'b , at= • • Mrs:; ''Rolbert Stothers and _in-, tended • a party„ for their .:four -fant danghter .arrrved'•home:fr im-rgrandchilciern; who' are -children, ; Goderich Hospital.. on Monday of • Mr. and . Mrs:. Leslie 'Wardell; • • Mrs. Harvey ,MOleTir assisting iris tieid- at ;the home of the paternal • the home. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ,War - Miss, Flora Durnin, home econ- •dell, Ripley: We glad to know omist stationed, at Marlfdale, Mr,. Robb is able to be out 'a little 'spent ten days With her 'parents, after a severe serge of illness las't:.,. Mr: and Mrs R J: Durriili,aunt; fall; g - bust --as: yet ---.his cutin s. ar-e�' Miss Etta Maize and:Miss Grace quite. 1unitedtill the finer wea- Crawford. they y.. t d- • yr• • I 1 whose superb Tonal' Qualities are unimpaired by Climatic Conditions 1 WILLS &:,co., LIm1T�D '' 'ONTRgAL `CAHAD4 PARENTS: Think w.h'at a step in , this direction,: now, .will'. mean to the . future of* your most precious gifts of life- . - "YOUR CHILDREN" • Be among 'the 'proud owners • of , a truly worthwhile • instrument for• many,' many years 'to INQ>ZJIRIES INI'TED; r .._ .. NQ DBLIGATIION -. 'TRADE4INS ACCEPTED • '• New and used pianos' of different makes on hand. See or, call).-: yohr service 'denier • without delay. arne WHIT)lJCHURCH, QNT. �rs�li�o...dw�r�..nNN...t,�►•Nrii�w.tti • • artier Phone 4114-1 -1 'Wingham 1 9i i • • • 'r I 7 et • i w• t • •