HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-20, Page 10PAGE "TE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, 0NTMM]O Ladies' and Misses' • R. .r The shorty Coat i on top this Spring ... favored: for fts ,_ styling and all .round wear. Irk soft all -wool fleece,, 'pretty SP'iing pastels in whipcord and all wool gill. Sixen. to 20. . NYLON' :BLOUSES wear :with your new Sprig Suit. -Nylon Blouses in. . beautiful Pastel shades, also white. Sixes 12.20. crepe Blouses,; . sszes::r38-44. F : SPRING WITS; Our r new Springnow in stock, Suits are fashionable. in " '. and materials. Sizes 11-19, 12-20. Also 'half. sizes. • 4 • . '9 4i • ,t, LADIES' ANI MEN'S WEAR • 1 . UNDER , ZION L.O.L. -AUSPICES; THE TOWN HALL; LUCKNOW 'Stage.,ShOW. featuring the Fersonai..APpearance Of and 1115 ENTERTAINERS anada's only singhtg violinist, radio and vaudeyille ,star in cowboy songs, mountain music aid comedy. Clean Entertainment for the Entire Family. DANCE AFtER. Admisaion to Coneert and .Dance; Adults '50c; Children 25e. 1 SEEBY 'THE SENTINEL c .<C'ontinued: fronm page.. 11 THAT a ,robin vitas . sighted as. early ' as Monday.. of ' lastweek . and . the red -breasts have since. been seen; mbre. than once: ' Robins . or not, spring officially' arrives tomorrow-(Fr-iday). .. a THAT the Kansas Farmer and His Entertainers • will . stage a concert, in. the Town call,• Lucknow, next Tuesday 'night, ' followed by a •dance. The, event. is sponsored by . Zion L.O.L. THAI LucknovrBranok delegates- .to the: annual meeting, :'Ontario Division Red Cross in" Toronto; yesterday, ` :Wednesday, March 19th, . were Mrs.. Beatrice Yoveen :. ' and Mrs, J. L. MacMillan. . THAT apart from local donations ' to the'. Lorne Ritchie fire fund The , . Sentinel has • received a cheque from. John W. Hanna for $5.00.. ' • ✓2. THAT a reception --o— • • ,.:..�., ..�.,..� ;. ....., ,�........A) ception was, held in . ' • i, the Recreational Centre ., son '' Friday. --might _inBonar-.;o1 1 E-;- THURSDAY- . MARCH 20thr 1959. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' IN. NOW Sizes 3 to -6x and 8- to 14x.. SHORTIES, ALL WEATHER COATS ' and GIRL:. � ` LONG STYLES S'.REGULAR L.S' HAT and HAND BAG SETS In. Velvet and Straw . e Phone 89-w, Lucknow • 1 4 ''1 and Mrs. Kenneth Webster (nee June' Clark) who Were present- ed with a puxse. of money by the gathering. -THAT Arnold' Alion of Ashfield placed,..SecOnd in' the .Seniors 'division of the 'Junior Fanner 'Seed Judging competition' . at Provement Association seed fair at Clinton. In the Junior class' Frank. ,Alton, • Lorne.. HOckett, and Chester Hackett Were among the 'winners.. THAT, Mr. George E. Stephenson,. ty of Bruce, is this month"' ob- ' serving the 30th anniversary Of his .appointment to this post RED. CROSS DONATIONS, (CoMblued from page I) son 26.90; 'John W, Henderson memOSMassommummommemommummemodulterammummommematimmossommiessommememossommon • • • atly SpOng I YORK. COANI iTYLE CORN 114. • to in • TIP TOP ciEgmcg PEAS • • whose superb Tonal Qualities . are inimpaired by nk what a 'iteri direction,. now, Will to '0,4e future. of Your moit preCious gifts, of ."YOUR CHILDREN' inetrafter4 for many, many liars to conic . INQUIRIES 'INVITED 'NO OBLIGATION TRADE-INS ACCEPTED, NeW'„Ontitisid. pianos of difierat Makes on iland„. ft., or Onil irour service'. 'dealer iiitkout delay: garnet arrier Henderson 5.00;) Mrs. B, Stothers Serve. 'Every, 'Sooting • York PEACHES 15 -oz .)1 'CARNATION M4017,K ■ I tops DOA and CAT F9/0.13,.3 for 29c Rose Brand Margarine 3;lbs!. $1,00. • ■ • WE DE,LIVER FRUITS and VEGETAitLE Sunkist Oranges 252's Sunkist Oranges, 288's- 33c ,11 ylorida ,Graiefruit, 96's" 6' for 33c • California Lemons 300's for'27c Head' Let • 411c : ■ Mrs., Nellie Scott 1.00; Jollies MacNiughton. 1.00. Mat MacLen- nan 5.c.),0:, Roderick Campbell 2.00; •Jardine:1,00;_Russel Button' 2.00; Jack Wraith 2.00; ' A. G. Hart- ford 2:00; Dick. Baker 5.00; lira. Grace Lockhart , 2.00;• Nelson Bushell )2.00; 'Wm. Stimson 1.25; tosh 2.00; Mrs.. Robot. Nelson 1.00; iCollyer 5.90; .Choiles, Rob- ster .1.00; Mrs. Winnifred John; J. Parrish 1.00; Miss..' Sarah, Gib - bray 2.00; Miss Catherine McGre- Walter Breckles 1.00; .Geo., Greer In The 'Legion lido*, ausuonuitlistiouatimaanuionnt 10.00; , Miss) Esther McGill 1,00; 1Virs. TVLarga.ral' Fletcher 5.00; Harry ,McQuillin 5,00.. ' LOOK!' *EASTER BARGAINS . I. • . JOIN THE EAST:ER-PARADE 1 .: :e :NEW!: LADIES' .FROCKS. , . Clearatiee th 'Ladiea' Better , Mg.:Inset, !, ; . .• with It! No*. Spring Hat.from ,, !:.... of Soun rayon; guaranteed waihabl. . 0 ON SALE LI: $1A4',. tn. tile . ' I , ! i SMART fikrs Att. Popular Price .. , .:ii.L.: ONLY 44.89 VA.. , ..f. ' • • • Aria iktia:1+111-ki44,41iiv • •