HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-20, Page 8• PAGE EIGHT .-r iM THE LUCKNOW SEI$ INTEL, 1,UCKNOW, ONTARIO Asia. ANL a • • • •l r•. MILDMAY SWEPT SERIES TROM LVCKNOW SEPOYS, ?. Lucknow -Sepoys ;bowed out:of_ the W;O.A,A. • "B1° series, play - 'downs last Wednesday • night 'when Mildxnay,,,aclninistered the coup de grace by the tune, •of 11.3; • It was the fourth Straight Win .tor the .Monarchs in_the ibest of • seven series, but had The 'Se poys had a :bit sof luck in the .; third. `game. 'they , wouldy have at least extended the series The ;,Sepoys` "tossed : in" a , ,teach' at the beginning' • of the season andmanaged to . " round out: ' a squad, .that won Group honors, but the ,powerful and, well-rbal- •:anced " Mildmay squad Were, too' snuck for: them in the .first round of the playdowns . Roy Havens' injury' took:, some' • of - the 'spirit out of The Sepoys • and well aware that' they hadn't "a chain; ions'hip team, were well. ,P satisfied to' hang up the' -togs. Proceeds .. of: •hast . Wednesday night's' game' which ran around.• the. -$250.00 'mark,. Were. earmark- ed for Roy'' Havens' benefit. 1Vtildmay took a.3 1 lead in the first, '.added_ that mnanyinore in the • second, .: and ,popped in five in the final. period.' A.' Chin, J. Dahmer • and • I3. Howald scored singletons each period '.for, The Seipoys. Wendt and Borho scored throe each for Mildmay.- The vet- eran 'Zeisemer got a, pair and Voison, :Evans and; :McAlpine'one each., Westlake and ' Brent of Wing* ham • handled th,e .game: free: of .charge. .. . **- * * TIMBER TIPS.:. .l'ark's league :leaders, remail Out /in. front' by , rirtue..,:of .'a five point win over ;, the Chipm;!unks. • Both teams: rolled -well over 3000 .but 'the . scrappy ,Chirpers were! 7. forced to accept the small end 'of._I the - count •. even : though they edged the Cubs ton in f a11. The Zebrasalio .'racked. uP a 3000 plus score to down the Pole.' Cats '•in a :close ,match Mean while: .� traig Heavers came through' with a timely win at: `the Tigers' expense., The big' op, however, was taken by the Go- pliers ' who :caught the Lio on. a' bad might to. take all sea yen points—enough 'to grab' the sec °rid rung, With only a nine point spread 'between .the Cubs and- 13eavers A is ,. anybody's guess. ,as• to what fpur :team ;will: make'' the, .play Offs.' Much will ' depend` On how each . member of . each teamn knuckles:. down . to work in the stretch from here in. But do not 'forget that the' lower teams Will have plenty .to say also. .They may not ' be • content: to ''• knbck' certain teams out of the "charm- ed" circle. Many would ;not ib surpriseeto• see one , of . them. ,ruby it in ' by beating the bej appers out of: a, top team to cop that 2nd prize! Not to . beoutdone by the 'Mc Donagh 'duo, another low -handi- cap tChipainunk couple .came tfirta'' with a super. effort. 'Johnston's flat •of 663 .edged Pole. Cat 'Mc- Irrtosfi's couiit by two •pins but his ;better :half otutdbrie all, and sundrywith a sparkling 666. The Mostvaluable team ` 'effort •came from Cat McIntosh; who scored a total of 733 pins' while Gopher. Freda Buttori'' 665.' ;was ':second only to Anna's 717. •Bob's 271 top ped the• singles ,department while Zebra Alice' Taylorri ;2.34 headed the ladies. Tonight ; chief interest , will centre .around ~The Pole C.at-Cu{b, arid: Beaver -Gopher encounters: The ',trailing teams :in 'each case can help "'the :,cause' •and • keep everyone „in the .'running ;by • squaring aecounts . 'on seasonal' play. • Team :Standing: Cubs 68, Chipmunks 61, Goph? ers : 66, Pole • •Cats 6.5, Tigers , 64, Beavers '59, ' Zebras . 49 Lions: 44. Choose (from 29 IIaUSTRATED, ESCRIBED-INIREE.,; BOOKLETS!' SEE. OUR COMPLETE STOCKS TODAY Luckno 11`` •'W HENDERSON. •'i:.o.e, i,SO` ' , 'rr' Ontario rr BANTA AS WIN ".0.411,171004. NTARIO TITLE L u e k n o w Bantams • have brought this S'epoy\Village .its first Ontario hockey championt. ship,.' end: -only the second Pro vinci�al title to come-"te-a' WOAA team' in the eight years, the league hasl hockey functioned Kin cardine has: previously . won a .charnipionship. L'ucknow teams Bantam; Mid get , and Juvenile --have on • sea,-. eraL occasions.: come ''close by reacig the' O f.1L A -- e rnr:f`mal s. ' and ifinals, but `have •,never ;quite been able to make it ,until. last • Friday inght.• • The Lucknow lads, after, win- ning , the: ' W Q.AA.A., Wein Bros. trophy, eliminatedIlderton be-. Ore ,coming up,, against •Brooklin in the finals. They took the first game 8-5 in Brooklin,, on, Tues day of last week, and 'on Friday.. -right went to work '•from: the, Opening whistle, • and • chalked' up, an, 11-4 win: that gave them a 10 -goal edge .on, •the round; • Presentation of the Ontario` Minor Hockey' Association °Tr.o- phy was made, by . M. L. "Tolry" Gregg ,and was 'accepted by Ten- net'h McNay. •It is, the Ken Waters trophy" and has been" held for the past two • years by .Bobcaygeon and prior to that,,by.Ayr for one year: .The,; W O.A.A. trophy 'was{ officially presented' ' and: was''•re- ceived by Jack Chin. The captain of: the Brooklin team was present- ed with a rune ers up'trophy, The • BatitaxiiS",, have been under the direction of Bob MacKenzie,_ Alib.ert. Chin and ,A. J. Wilson. . ;The game here on Friday night drew.. a large.. crowd and ' was , 'thrilling • championship hockey. J1ack''Chin, who Wrapped 'in, seven goals;during, the 'night;' Scored an all -Important goal: on the 'open- ing ' fate -Off in a matter of sec- ends, which sparked the . Lftck= now ids to . victory. The three' Tran '.,Brothers • .on the. Brooklin team Were:a .stand-, out . With the 9=year pld brother, who undertook to tag Jack Chin; being . the • feature. atr'.action. on the , visiting squad ' Other : goal getters.,: 'v ere . Al Baker 2, 'Roy' Ernberlin and Kens i ieth ,McNay one each. • • Members.of'the team are, Hugh :MacMillan, Kenneth1V cNay, . Rod• Einberlin, Jack Chin, :'.Eugene Gardneri7- ;Baker - Jim -Wilson,. Om Pedersen, I'an Marshall, Bar- ry Hackett, Bob Morton,' teire 'arnegie, George... Richards, Ernie Gibson, "Charles .''Murray; Bob Viowbray-'kuid Bill . Fisher:' -The: latter .two lads, were getting: over the mumps• and did not take part. in the. 'final game. *0* * PEE ' WEES• WON THIRD GAME FROM 'WINGHAM : 1.. ' In Winghairnr .":on, Saturday the Pee, Wees won over Wixigharn for the third' time. The score was $'-1. Jimmy Pedersen scored. '3 goals, Jim Wilson 2,. Eugene Gardner, 2 and Teddy Collyer 1. Art Baker ,and ,Harvey Ross sulpplied the rausirortation- , _ • f: *,* PEE ,WEES TO COMPETE . IN •EASTER TOVRNAMENT • Lucknor'' Pee Ween, who 'have been playing a. successful 'series' 'of exhibition' games, will com- pete in: the annual Pee Wee tourriannent to,. be held in God- erich + Arena during* the Easter holidays. , , l.,ucktnow -wii) be in Group C. for 'centres with pbpulations of from:50.0' tc 1500. .The :age,limit is 12o years as of November 1st,: 1051,. and proof of age is essen tial for all com etin p g'.players. • 1, ***'* Wi.'11.S. College Charilpionship The 'Chin family , received ' a telephone call .from George Chin • Mnd�. night telling thY. �� ti tan irdi';;:114: 100 THURSDAY! IVIALEcl% 20th, 1952 IMP CHANGE .. 14.COME TA R R� IDIN IN • NOTICE TO Huron, Bruce and Welington: Counties The Counties of HII itON, BRUCE and WELLING- ' TON,. formerly under the jurisdiction -of the London Hamilton District 'Taxation Offices, , have .now. orH n been transferred to the. 'jurisdiction' of the District. .Taxation `Office at Kitchener, Ontario, located in, the Dunker Building, 251 King Street West: Ac- cordingly, the recordsof all taxpayers residing.: in ' these three Counties' have been :transferred from the District Taxation Offices at London Or Harnil- ; ton, to their new, location, and '. any related cor- respondence -Or . general .moi nquiries on taxation' matters, should be directedDistrict Taxation to the ,Office at. Kitchener... Remittances of tax by individuals. and corporations,. and tax deducted at thesource by employers resi- dent in . • the Counties of `HURON, : BRUCE • ' and • WELIL.INGTON, should be 'mailed. or 'delivered to the District Taxation Office at Kitchener. 'Taxpayers (both individuals and corporations),'resi- dent in the above-mentioned Counties who form.- erly filed their 'appropriate.,:Incoine; Tax returns and: Succession Duty returns with the 'District" Taxation ',: Offices at London or Hamilton, will 'file. their . returns. .for "19514 and subsequent taxation years, with. the District Taxation Office at Kitchener. • DEPART. • NAL REVENUE— TAXATION DIVISION hockey team, on which George /finals' were played in Colorado' splay*, had won the United . Staten and: • the team had , just ' returned inter -college championship. ,.The -..by- .plane' from the''West. ::.,••••«seg■■iiisea.■••e■■.t•■EeeiR••i•EE•DEei••n■E Prompt . Delivery. On. New 1952 ° , • a • N, !flevro11e:$1[. Choice of Colors :n ■ BIC --VALUE CARS a 1952 PONTIAC �STYLELINE . SEDAN, BRAND NEW.,1111. i .0 ■ 1951 CHEV:'•sTYLELINE SEDAN full` .,•r .. , y' equipped., .-. ■' 1951 CHEV /DELUKE FLEETLINE SEDAN 2 1950 CHEV.'.•DELUXE'STYLEIINE. COACHES.. • 1950 PONTIAC. . DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN.. ■ 1949 METEOR ,SEDAN. • ,111948 CHEV ;SEDArt: 11, ■ Y ▪ 1949' OLDS FLEET,LINE SEDAN,' fully equipped. of • ■ 1949 CHEV: STYIELINE COACH.. 0 0 1941 PONTIAC SEDAN. ■ -1941-DODO-SEDAN,' i 1940 , CHEv' COACH. • i 38 FORD, COACH• a . a ■ ' 1937 OLDS,MOBILE :COACH w to ti TRUCKS ■ .950 DODGE 1A -TON PLED -UP, 26,000 ■'. •for «.:, • • 1950 CHEV y -TON STAKE TRUCK. 1 4, SPECIALS i •1946 MONARCH, good condition , a a 1 7 lI $10!15,01)• 0 ■ ■ S8i3 i I. i ■ '93 FOD COACH $$110;65'..000°, 150':00 1 _. ■ Y(YYfYY ., :'♦ { VY .�-Y 1.'Y.YY Y -'Yi ■ 1936: DODGE SED I�T....Y,,w.Y.YY..Ya.Yi..Y .Y,YYY,Y.YY.aY�. ,Y..Yw Y...,,.Y $17;5..00 ■ A ■ t .: ® / ■russeiswiotors „N.., f "The- Home of Better Used Cars" E'' ii ■ ash, Trade, Terms Y--' Open. Evenings Until 10. , 0. n . Cities Service Dealer ''• 'Phun$ 'X3x,' Brussels /. joil ' o ay i em thatthe. Anil Arbor, Michigan, .. r . Owlish■■■ilini ■■allirE ri 110111E■11�iE111w.11tE1r1111Ir 111,10 �it0 01 1 Tl't' KIN 1111 mee lock day Rae "Ay;t the • • min! folk ing then Bate ladi( !or. •adia Mrs, ,poin Nei°, with indu ing: then the NN r� 01 0w