HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-20, Page 7ss ie n- g- k, - g- it es 'n., ,er by.. • tiltiRSDA7 • MARChi 20th, .1952 mum .walra...InIF1W. THE LVCKNOW SEI TINhLR ,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO b• PAGE SEVEN Lyceum Theatre V1/INGHAM . ' Two Shows Each, Night FIRST _WOW .AT 7 *5 _: TONIGHTTHURSDAY 14 HOURS' Friday, Saturday, March �1UN 21, 22 1111 `ECS"AAR'D, ,, ,EMLYN .WILLIAMIS' .-- -THREE HUSBANDS MATINEE 'SATURDAY: Monday, Tuesday,, Wednesday MARCH 24, 25, ..26. •THREE. DAYS GENE KELLY, LESLIE CARON ui<• • AN AMERICAN. IN. •- • � . SIS• PA , :..THE VOICE •OF .TEMPERANCE It ,is 'a hopeful;Sign when cer-• 1111 tain .business organizations- ask • prospective etmployees-Do. you, use alcoholic beverages?" If the answer• is in the affirmative the job will:. remain,'open. Even, a well-known .. ' brewery magn'ate; • makes-this-regtilation: mandatory for certain positions. itt would be well for amrbitrous, young :people oto' have in nand this leading question--- "Do yot .drink?" Their answer .Will 'either open, or close. doors .of. opportunity before 'them. DON•;NYBRQOK The March meeting of the W. M. S. and• W. A, were , held at the home of M`rs,, , Norman' Thompson on Tuesdayafternoon with • ,12 Present. Mrs . Clias.''Jef- lersonHpresided- arid—opened—the meeting with hymn .681. Prayers were' offered by Mrs. N% Thomp- son, Mrs.'. H. Jefferson and Mrs. C. Jefferson followed • by the ;Lord's prayer in unison, Mrs. Mark Armstrong 'read the first chapter. of Ephesians'as the les- son. Psalm 699 was . read re�pon- si`vely::Sha rJfersox =`and•'Jrm- mie Robinson sang; Jesus loves me" •thymin 445 v'as sung, Ed. Robinson ga'v'e a 'reading . on' Stew•ardship. • Mrs. S.. Chamney read a 'poen).. entitled "Kindness" and Mrs. Hardy one ' entitled. "Folks". The,chapter in the study book "The challenge and • call •of the• city". was read by:Miss Elaine Jefferson and Mrs. •Chas. Jeffer- son. • Mrs,, N. Thompson ; .read' about'The Bible in . Korea.. and Japan". The riinutes of, the last cultivator;Case 6 ft; combine, 1, meeting were approved as ' read year. pld,. Hawk •1" row:.corn pick, - 11111111 and the financial 'Statement to . er�, 1 year old, 5 -section Diamond date . given. It was decided to 'in- vite three other :Auxiliaries.:to join us at our Easter Thankoffer ing meeting. Mrs. S. Chamney ,was in :_charge Of the • W.A. meet- ing which followed Rev. Wash- i,tngton. closed the meeting. A sale': Of ` baking, . etc:, .was: held for the W.M.S. Lunch was served.. Mr: and Mrs. John .Connelly & family, Mx. John •Boyle,' Mr;. •Michael'. Cummins; Mr. Jas. I4. dy, Mr: and Mrs: "H: ' Jefferson, -Mr. a.n'd-Mrs. Arnold Craig, Mrs. Jas'..Craig 'and Mr., J. C. Robin- son• :•attended the..:funeral of the late•'Mrs. Michael Murphy at Sarnia_ on :'Wednesday..'The ' syni • •pathy. of : the community- is ex- tended to the bereaved fan::ily. old Jackson Auc • .U1. ATIQN 'SALE Clearing auction le of farm stock andimplements at Lot 13, Con. 2,: West Waivanosh Town- ship, half way betwe en : the 'Nile and Dungannon, on ' Thursday,; Mar>wh_2 th. at' 1.00.-: p,m _. — HORSES1 team, of blacks •with'. °white markings, rising 7 & 8'yrs,' pld,;Brown ., 'team with white Markings, rising. 6 & 7 yrs, .old, • COWS—bred ' cow, 6 yars old; with calf fat foot; roan. co:w, 7. yrs. old with calf` at foot Hereford heifer, ' ,3 years old, calf at foot,' -Durita heifer, yrs. ord; calf of ,foot,: 2 He eford• .. steers, 2 years. "old; . Herefo d heif ery.2 years ..old; 2 Durhiain steers;'1 year old,; win- ter calf; heifer,' 1 .year old; ;Here- ford bull.,1• year old. IG PS=9 chunks, 75 lbs.; 10 pigs, 7 'weeks ,old; boar.; 2 • years •old; boar,' •6 months old; sow With 10 pigs;' sow bred 2'monthas, 2, sows: bred' 1 month. . • • IIVra.F.MENT-+Centour tractor. (nearly new); hydraulic plow .and harrows with steel . draw 'bar;; McCormick Deering • rope- hay loader; ,Massey -Harris : 6 ft; 'cut mower; Massey -Harris hay rake Cockshutt hay rake Ma ey-' Harris rubber tired wagon; hay rack; hay.: fork car, rope andpul- leys; set Adams sloop' sleighs; Cocksl utt manure spreader, like - new; fanning mill;. Viking cream. separator; Massey -Harris binder; whiffletrees • and ;necltyokes,:.ten steel ,pig troughs; steel „pig. feed- er; cqu•a itity . clover and fiinathy� seed . hay :and .grain; Coleman :oil :stove; cook ,,stove; table . and' 6 ,chairs; other . articles ..too num-;erous :oto, mention; TERMS' CASH . No reserve as the farm is, sold. • • 1111 William Caldwell, Prop Fuel Feeds . Fertilizer Fone 71 SPRING its • ars' .. tge at, an ich me ,by ,• an,• lies. Hid• ✓ed' :lys• was to this' of. text 131e, • Groceries Self .Serve Staffed fer. Service.• Phone 27 1111. ..........• RT1L.I.Z,ER The Brand You Want When. Yoli Want It.' • HAVE --YOU- PLACED -•YOUR --OR DER? -- oming CO-OP BLACK HAWK' FARM.EQU. IPMENT• This will be .a complete lineof farm machinery—. Information • at Office.; . • • The.,Right_Star Means_ Thhe- Uigkt-.;Finish_ QUALIFY CHICK FEEDS Chick STARTER CYtick CRUMBLES Chick. PELLETS, '' :.; _CLEHL--TRACTOR=or BE•I.L-E16EGTRIC IMMMEI MIE>TS�- .- . 1111 - UNIVERSAL MILKERS` • PRESSURE: SYSTEMS Luckndw.. (�-Qp.erative•e . I • ,i fi�.,�l4,int,�ro a 0�k,�i1 ]rte+, Ui�t,wr, li /10041iib�ci�,i V 1111,_, 1111... „ Get . Ready ' For Spring ,With. $..C:HAtMER5 'M.ACF NER:Y Immediate Delivery— Save Money and 11Disappointmei t by • Ordering Now. 1111. 11 . 1111. 'FLEURY-'FLEURY-BISSELLP:ACKERS 'and DISCS NEW TRACTOR'S IN ALL SIZES.. Balers, Roto, Balers, All Crop, Harvesters • FOR YOUR SOWS-'aind SMALL PIO .1 1111 - 11 ',;`„ � 11.11_ ;1111. :., ,11-11 • 1111 .•• 1111_ Use Sow and Pig 'Chow Complete or' your own grain _ and Sow wind •Pig Concentrate: See tis About ,A. •. HUG FINANCE, CONTRACT AT NO COST TO Ito • THOMAS, HACK LU'CIK14l4i ONTARIO •, CARD: ,OAF THANKS ,. 1v1r::'and :'Mrs. • John Dahmer. •. wish to; . sincerely. thank the•. Lucknow Fire •Company for 'their response and assistance . and to others who :Were so kind and helpful at the time oftheir fire:, Mrs., M J. Hamilton and ',f am-; •;ily wish -to acknowledge the many 'kind expressions - o Sym,. pathy . at the timeof their re .-cent-•bereavement Such kind- nesses are deeply. appreciated. • .Wish to :thank our neigh-, 'hors and •'friend's for their kind- i-iessand, help when -we had the- mumps. It was Mery ;much ap= .predated.. - : ; . Virden and Freda Mowbray. Presents ursdey, Friday, Saturday; March -20, 21, 2 The;. story of aid outlaw as told by hiniself 11 Jennings of Oklo in technicolor, starring Dan Duryea SATURDAY MATINEE' AT 2.15 P.M. oma•. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 24; 25 26 Van Johnson and.'Deborah _: Kerr in. a . ' . ' delightful picture Plea : ..,se • Believe • moving here .soon Mrs:. , Joe •Tiffin, Sr., has gone. to, Mr. and.. Mrs. George Tiffin's for- the present. We hope she .may be ,anile to :return to her home in. :the village :soon:. • • ` The Presbyterian Yomung__Peo=: -Pe are •invited tii'Teeswater• on, Thursday night to be, the guests of the young people: of. the. Pres=, • byter.•ian Church there. Mr. and Mrs; Currie attended a meeting at :the Manse •in' Teeswater• oz':. Tuesday evening. Mr.'. and 'Mrs.. Tom McInnes: of 'Gorrie and Mr. and''`Mrs.James -McIrmes=-of-Whitechurch—atterrt: `— ed .the' silver wedding. of ;Mr an ct: 'John . McInnes, Holyrood, Last: • Friday evening; • There Is . DANGER Inf Further :Delay; -secure the chick': you''rant !hen you: vi►aattieii O 1111 . ORDER PROMPTLY _,• Several 'Hatches. , Already Completely: Sold. 9 WFO ick Hatchery (Canadian 4 pproved) • Offers Healthy, Sturdy Chicks, from •7'—tiovernment. 'Inspected; Stock.; • o' tr- 1 , BUY LOCALLY Save raiVeliarges, possible chilling,_ excess. handling. Assure yourself of any necessary assistance,, during growing and laying,period.. ..'Mr. " and . Mrs.ti