HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-20, Page 6$I.
Misa , Helen Malcolm • of Tor-
t onto 'spent the past week with
Misses Margaret ,and' Nellie Mal
,colm. •'
Mr. Ezra Stanley- is able, tv -be
•otit again followingfoot • injury
which he received• in an -accident
which occurred at .Teeswater on'
Sunday evening 'last.
Mrs.. Ne11i . Brown, Miss Katie
and Mrs...Reuben. Zet-:
tier and, :family; : Con. 14, :were'
• a recent visitors with �M & Mrs,
A. .'Wirt,. IIaldenby: ,.,
ing and a dainty.lunch Was serv-
ed by the hostess,
Mr. and Mr$. ,Archie Bonnett,
Con: 10, areobserving. their 25th
;weeld ing ranniversary on Monday
evening.. Friends and neighbors
are joining. with them on. this
ocieaSionr--7- 7 --
We are' . sorry to reportthat•
Mrs. Harvey Hodgins is. apatient
in Winghaxn hospital. We hope
she will soon be well again.
Friends of. Mr. A. E. Haldenb
rare sorry to learn that he .is not,
enjoying the bes'' Of health.
Mrs, -IC = iewi t is wikh.. lamer
daughter, Mrs., Geprge• Graham,
me" near the crines' ;'The srripttYre ,after spending 'a while at Water
lesson,' AAra's `read by.' Miss'May ford., . •
'Boyle: The roll call was answered The Rev. 'G B,' Baulch was un -
With the -word "Congregation". able to take his services on. Sun-'
Prayers followed.. It, was decided day owing to nine,*
oto .. •send .aNdonation to the Huron
'College building fund. /This 'be Her dress' was: like :a 'barbed
ing 'a work meeting the,`afternoon wire fence—enough to protect the
was spent' in quilting a quilt. ,property `ibut not enough to spoil
Mrs. Rev.: Janke closed the,rheet- the view. '•
1 Woodstock srrent a few ' days
Mrs. Frank Colwell. '.& 'Huston'
sof 'Mervie and Mrs Prank 'Gol-
well of Kinloss nzisited"during °the
'week with Mrs -J.: W. Colwell.
Sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs. Peter: Carter :and . fain
1y, Con. 10, iii the loss o# his,
mother, the late Mrs. Peter Car-
ter, Sr: ; ' • •
Miss. Winnie 'Percy, R.N., . of
with her incrther, Mrs. Wm. Percy
and other relatives here,
Friends and neighbors gather-
ed at the home of Mr. and.Mrs,
John 'McInnes this 'being. the oe-.
casion at t1_25th wedding ,an
Mr. and 'Mrs* Frank Brown; and
Reg were recent visitors with
Mr.,and Mrs. Doug. Campbell,
The, Sr. W.A. met •on ;Thursday.
at the home of. Mrs. Wm. Wall.
with' a .flood , attendance. Mrs.
Tony =Hodgins presrd'ed a,n 1*
opening. hymn was Jesus ., eeP
THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1932
it's -s+
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One thingmost guests will, welcoxne'
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Canadian Armji Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W4 Toronto, Ont.,, :' ..
'No,* Personnel Depot, Wolseley Borracks,'Eliiabsth Street, London; Oa t1
Army Recruiting.Cenfre, 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Onto; •
• Army Recruiting Centre, James Street Armoury,
•' 200 James St, North, Hamilton,• Ont.
Ai* $W.iM
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'Phones • 489`
Zion ',W,
Mrs. ,•Wes Ritchie was hostess
Thursday „afternoon :'to: a well at-
tended meeting of Zion W.M.S.
with the;: president,, Mrs. Gordon,
,Ritchie,in the :chair. A St.
rick's reading was given by Mrs''
Jack M1aDonagh -The -devotional
service was, led by• Mrs. -George
Hunter:' Mrs. Gordon, . Kirkland-
i gave ..a reading.. At the .business:
session Mrs, . G. Kirkland was rap .
Pointed for program for the next.
meeting. Mrs. Jack Gardner, Mrs...
''Wes 'Ritchie, .'•Mrs.. J. McDonagh
arid Mrs: Jim 'Hunter waver -e •names
ed as delegates for the sectional
W.M.S meeting,' Mrs: W, 0... Huti-
er gave k1' repor on. e cos .o
the • quilt . the ladies had, just
quilted, and it was :decided: do
'quilt: another at, the "next meet-
ing. ;Mrs.. C. Wilkins conducted. a
"Pat", .contest. The. study ' book
was read by . Mrs. G. Kirkland.
Mrs.' J. 'McDonagh •.gave.. 'a. temm,
•peranee 'reading. Rev. C. B. Wool=
ley : closed ' the. meeting with
!prayer ,Mrs, George; "Hunter -op-
ened ,;tile W,A; , meeting. Plans
were discussed for papering the.
church., Mrs. Bill.Hunter . and•
Mrs.' W, 0: Hunteoffered to
heave a quilting in the near fut-
ure, and for the;' April meeting
each mezt ber' was asked to bring
some` article either useful or a
novelty. Hymn 498 was sting: anct
the .benediction 'pronounced. A.
delicious' ,lunch .way. served . by
the hostess,. assisted 'by' Mrs, C.
'Wilkins, .Mrs..J. Gardner' & Miss
woinen',s. Association, Group•
'The ,
Mach meeting of ' . the
'Hall and Andrew:Group wasrlieltl
"kWednes`aay, March, 12th 'at 'the'
home of . Mrs. Geo, . J'oynt 'with
:Mrs. '11,a11 in the chair. Gifts"for
Korean relief were handed in.
The roll all was i"esponded to,
hy telling; an Irish sti ry..Reports
of * committees were. heard. Miss'
Hazel Webster Presided. " oven .the*
program Miss . E. Murdie led rn
prayer . Urs Drennan read the ,
scripture 'after 'which Mrs.. Mum-
ford. led in. Prayer: Mrs ' Woolley
gave a humorous reading, "Sing
frig . of �Ir'ish Melodies" (on the
harp): accompanied by Mrs..' M,
J. Webster followed. Mrs,
.gan Henderson ;-then: •entertained. _
the Meeting...by' Presenting slides
of pictures • 'taken duringT their
European tour. The , mizpah ben,
ediction closed the meeting.` after
Which .Hazel Webster conducted
a contest. , Lunch • was served .=by'
:tire, corrimittee in charge
Presbyterian . Guild r '
The St. Patriek's'sociah on Mon
day evening.. opened With Mr -7
singing "of hymn454, The gue is
from Langside Y. P. Guild ~.vete'
welcomed by the president, Ray .
Stanley. The scripture' passage
was read by .Marget_ rite Vander -
lay and'the Lord's prayer repeat-
ed: Susan MacNaughton read;,an
Irish poem, .Mr. Winn favored
With .'ab vocal solo after Which.-
-Charlie Chin 'played. a b ritstne ..
solo. 'Plana solos were played•,by
Ruth Johnston and Bob:` .T+ eagan,
A 'sing song of Irish melodies.
was led by '.Rmuth 1:ohnston and.
contests were ; conducted hY
Gladys Chin. Lunch was se i:ved�
under the direction, 'of Gladys'.
MacDonald. ,The bened•ictiop'was
,pronounced by, Mr, Winn.
Be Budget -Wise' With Macaroni; ; -
1-16mpZnakers, add varipf-V• to
;, our' menus with thrifty rnctrai°,
ani hs. 'Amy d
• Sunddisay'se' (March Al28)eh, isstriue h(i)if
TAAmeWeQkly, exC itrwi�+c'`
lyhe with' Dricanetra`it Sunday,
tells how to make: `SiffY ; :1 \car'
oni and Cheese; Spaghetti. 13cef
Casserole, Spaghetti ` 'tcrtr,ria ,
1r'gg :Noodles With .; �x; dish lVSeai
Ea11s, Macaroni Bacon Caswc`i�rle,
.ltd' Salmon Spaghetti. , . t