HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-20, Page 4PAGE FOUR', THE: LUC} NOW .SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW,, ONTA100. "f'1itTRSD. ►',: MARSH 20th; 1952 "WANT AD" RATES--hst insertion 2 cents a word; subsequent. insertions 1 cent a word. 'Minimum charge 25 cents. .Replies care of The Sentinel 10 ,cents extra. Legal advertising 10' cents per count line'. first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions..: FOR SALE --colony house . a n .d :coal : brooder sto'Ve, 'Apply, Bruce MacDonald,: R 7, Lucknow, - CHIMNEYS -BUILT and repaired. . Apply Alvin, Thompson,, Box 67, Ripley, CAR FOR SALE -- •1942 ,bodge coach,'P, iced right for quick sale; Apply at Sentinel Office, WANTED -3 -xoom aparttYnent in Lucknow for one adult and child•,` .Apply at Sentinel "Office: FOR •SALE -cement septic. tanks, approved'by the Health Unit.' We' • deliver them. Forster's Welding a: Shop, phone 206-r-11, Lucknow. FOR SALE 717 York chunks; 15 tons loose hay...Gordon Barger, R. 3, Lucknow, ,phone. Dungannon 85-21. • 'FOR SALE -1951 Moffat electric • 'range, used only . 4 months; cem- ent mixer 'used only once, ,Mrs Don ..Maclver, phone 77-5 : Dun- •;ganion.'s• APARTMENT TO LET -2 : bed- ' rooms, living room, .kitchen'': and :bathroom,• . all' 'freshly. decorated .and painted. Hot and cold Water .and, Hydro.` Apply at Sentinel Of- :fice .. LIVESTOCK WANTED TREE .`THERMOMETER , Plus cash, at your ,farm for . dead . or disabled horses or .cows Phone collect . Wingham 561-J. William' Stone Sons, Liinited. CONTRACT BARLEY 'We have :.a ' limited( amount of i seed barley •available- on. contract: 'geed is treated ready to ,•sow: • Place your:. order,. now.' to get in on this profitable cash crop. Geo, Elliott's . Seed Cleaning ' Plant, 154-J, Lucknow. 'PERSONAL SKINNY" MEN, ' WOMEN' Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New.; pep, too. Try lam Vous Ostrex' Tonic Tablets • for • double results; new . healthy flesh;' new .vigor. New "get ac- quainted size only 60c. All drug-; gists: • IN MEMORIAM BUCKINGHAM-=. In ldving •mem-: ory of our son, :Flying Officer. Eldon - Bu-ckiggivam on: the sixth anniversary of ,:his death, ;Manch: 22nd_.; "Sacred memories are .''life's dearest`ti steres". Mr: and. Mrs. Wan '< Bucking-. ngr. (WILT 'RESISTANT) WALLPAPER IN STOCK. ' froze, four: leading .manufacturers. +Come, and see. We sell for less. Your old reliable. dealer, ' • ' Mks. it. J. 'CAMERON; ` _ Main, St, Luckno*,. Phone '37 GET :YOUR ' CHICKS growing-to- wards'good, wards markets: Bray ,Hat -'1' • chery has wide choice varieties, ,dayold, started, in cockerels, pul ets; mixed:. Ask.. 'usfor list • anad • prices. Agent-- ' D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. ,1 APPLICATIONS will be :receiv- ed by"the 'undersigned up to Sat- urday, March 22nd, 1952, for .•the COMINMG., EVENTS • DANCE: In Holyrood Hall, Friday, Mar. 28th, sponsored ,,by Kinloss Jud-. eniles.• Carruthers, o r c li es t r a, Lunch counter. Admission 50c:: LIFE IN• A LEPER COLONY • A beautifully colored moving" picture will..he shown is Luck- now Presbyterian ' Church 'on Wednesday, March 26th at 8.00 ;p.m. under auspices et the inter- denominational 'Mission , to Lep exsx Salver; collect'on, Eyeryhody.. welcome; _ - A PROGRAM AND DANCE Will be held in the St Helen's' Community Hall on Friday even- ing,. March 21st; under the aus-- pices'of the Women's Institute. The program at 8.30 will . include•, the.'.Whitechureh ,play, "Mary Molly Malone A, silver . collec- tion will'Ibe taken',and the ladies are asked : to .prov. 'ide lunch.:: • BORN position of secretary=treasurer of ;' ' Kincaid ne Hos- the' Lucknow Agricultural Soc=,j JOHNSTON in petal on Sunday,. March J, 1952; ety. oto Mx' and Mrs.' Morgan John. Alex' T. MacNay, L cknow. ston,-R: 4 Rig le _ (nee Doris.. Ta- . • p Yy 100), a .daughter,. Jacqueline •Sus - 6. LACI WILLIAM OptomogIn ONiee on Patrick .St, .ust oft the Main St. t4 WINGHAM Professional .,Eye E>4amtnati'on Optical Services Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 7.70; Res: 5. �IOHNSTONE'S„' RAL HOME, �FUN� 'Phone , 76 Day or Night' Ambulance Service• USE• OF FUNERAL HOME Aa No Extra Cost Moderate Prices: CH ESTERF I ELDS an (Jackie),. ,-c Very ' :wide selection at s the Mildmay/Furniture-Store. Trade-.�' . The safest way to doubles your ins . including '.chesterfields' • and m66ney is . to " fold it over and pianos '.accepted as part payment. ':pocket it ; J. F. Schuett &;;Sons; Mildmay. FOR .'SALE PIANOS' New small pianos. including. Henry . Herbert, Mason & 'nisch, Willis' Sherlock manning at the Mildmay Furniture. Store'. 'Also used pianos including many good ,brands: Used . ,pianos • refinished and .'reconditioned. J. P. Schuett & Sons, Mildmay; • •NOTICE RE CALF CLUB . ENTRIES - All those' interested in joining the 1952 Calf Club sponsored by the Lucknow Agricultural "'Soc- iety must : have their entries in by .Saturday,' March 29th. Appli- cation forms available from A. T. McNay.: or from t e Club.. leaders, ,Tom Todd and Fred McQuillin. • HURON CO.:. HEALTH UNIT • Imm in==ation. Clinic ' The first in : a •series of 'pre- school; immunization clinics ' for Dungannon' and • district :will Vie. held in the Dungannon United Church Hall, Friday, March 28th; 1952, from 2.30-3.30 p.m.' - Children •-4 onths-aL_age. to, school age may ; be brought to these :Clinics; to receive initial immunization or ` reinforcing in-,: ceulations=for Diphther-ia,-Whoop .- ing Cough, Tetanus, and- Small-; !pox. • Metal:-' covered building , 20 ` ft. X.'30 . ft., suitable' for: warehouse, on, railway .siding. Recently paint ed: • John ,W., Henderson Lumber• Ltd.` Phone 150, Lucknow; Ontario • AUCTION' SALE OF FARM. ' The farm of the late •Hugh Fer- guson; the North Half of Lot ;15,. Concession'.14, in the Township of I Ashfield, : •will be offered for sale '11,3y public. auction at the Coin- munity; Sale ''in Lucknow on Wednesday, March 26th at '3.00 o'cleck O.n :,the farm are a- frame house, barn, driveshed and gar- age' and two good wells and a creek.. The farm will 'be offered for sale; subject to".a reserve• bid: William Ferguson and Mrs. Clarence Greer, :Executors. • • :-. THIS ALFALFA WAS DEVELOPED. co operatively b'y' tele Nebraska Agricultural --Experimental. Station--=•and-.-aLdiv-' .ision of 'tide•'United.' States Dept. of Agriculture. W''TH.' WINTER HARDINESS` AND RESI STANCE TO BACTERIAL WILT DISEASE, Ranger. Alfalfa is one ,of the outstanding achievements the, breeding of forage plants. .,. It is a multiple variety. synthesized from selected . wilt re: sistant ,limes. of Cossac, Turkistan and ;Ladak • in the pro - .portions of 45;•45-; 1.0' respectively. 'TEND.ERS' ,TOWNSHIP'. OF KINLOSS ,:.Tenders, with 10 percent de. posit .cheque, will be received' by the ' undersigned up to '2.00. •p ni: on the 7th day of April, .1952; for the• following drainage work (1) The construction ofthe Ack- er. t Drain' E Ktension consisting "of 420.0-cu.----yards_-excakatio_n open drain: ;(2)- The construction of ;the Nine Mile River Improvenent consist - Ling -of 1.300-cu.--.yards_e ca atioi . open drain.' These jdbs are :within a mile 'Of 'each other: Work to be done as early in' 1952 as conditions' per- omit. The lowest .or' any . tender not necessarily 'accepted., Plans, specifications, etc:,may be seen at the • Clerk's office or: the office of the engineer; , James A: Howes, Listowel, .Ont; J. R. Lane, Clerk,R., 2,, Holy- I. rood, Ont. ' • y acLENNAHand MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE a . (Funeral 'Home. Available) '' AMBULANCE SERVICE. (Day or Night Service). FURNITURE 'Phone 181, Lucknow, Ont: ' .(Day or, Night)•. Agnews'Agenc. Howard -Agnew -'Jos. Agnew BER: OF !Ontario. Insurance.. Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: , • Business 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE: CSF=Operative -Life- Insurance-% Co perative• Automobile Insurance ; Mercantile ;& Farm, Fire Insurance ' Economical and.Reliable....- See , --T.4_ALStAMERON LUCKNOW '• ' Phone 70-r-10 ' Dungannon • Kenneth J.MecKenzie R.Q. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wrona's Jewellery, e Ri-ley; 19-a m..to-J p4n. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26th and every. Second Wednesday., Eyes crate: d Glasses fitted- For appointment .phone Roy 1ViacKenzie, 96=r-24 Ripley. RANGER 'ALP'ADFA 3 and 4 years' after seeding yielded 3.3 'tons per acre compared to 1,2 tops •for' Griinmil. It is also a good seed producer end. yields of 000 168. ,t6 the acre , are quite common... • ANY ;FAR.MER .WISHING TO T should place 'order at once, as stocks • RYSOME of thisseed , " of this .`seed are none *do. plentiful. ,Would . recommend planting' a few acres for trial and save seed from same. We have a small quantity } of certified seed on , hand. PRICE • PER BUS. $55.00. Phone .91.w ONT. • �iNiat.iwiiiiiri�NMS�i�t.+i�►��wu�►i�I oa�,�aM�►c�ir��wr��ii�i 1 1 , Service and'. Satisfaction Plu bin� g and Heating New Automatic Oil Furnaces Installed Now' . In Stock - FURNACE -REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs SEE THE OIL RANGES EAVETROUGHING • AIR CONDITIONING • • t• Gil ore R. R. 3, LLXCKNOW ' 'Phone 61-r-13, 'Dungannon DR.. T. R., CLELAND V)TERINAR AN `Havelock St., south. of Supertest Garage • "L:UCKNOW Telephone:' 175 : BUSINESS and T,-gERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS For The Small Merchant, Professional man and the 'Farmer:,'. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont: Office in' 'Kilpatrick Block • 'Phone, 23-w T. ,ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST. GODERICH • ' FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 : • For Appointment or Information See Wm.•, A. Schmid, ''Phone 167=w Lucknow I.NSU:RAN:CE FIRE, CASUALTY, • AUTOMOBILE AND: LIFE To. Protect `Yours"Jack,' :Insure With. Jack• Today., J: A. McDONAGR R. R. 3, Lueknow, Ont; 'Phone' 61.5, D.ungannon•, ANDREW446'7. Barrister and; Solicitor, LVCKNOW, ,ONTARIO Officeiii the Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 ^ Residence 314 CO-OP.. AUTO INSURANCE Can Nova Accept TOWN ' RESIDENTS- & COMMERCIAL TRUCKS - al as well as' the farm busines§. ' For informationy;consuit A CAMERON. LUCKNOW, . =Phone Dungannon 70-r4I0 JOHN,tylem RCIEIIE, :'Phone 20-r-23 j r� �!�4'���Jiw �IL4pz����'V'.�.W�.'.....�'1 �'�14 �..:.�'%. . +.171iY.Y. '��..�`...,,. Stuart. MacKenzie BristendSolctor ,- -= i WALKERTON• ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW' Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDErRSON BLOCK . Hetherington,: Barrister, Etc. • •Wingham and Lucknow .,Ili'.-LU-CTKNOW _Each Monday' • and • Wednesday Lbca te�floor Located- on' the ground , in thefront of John Kilpatrick's Building. 'Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence 97 Insure With The Cuss Mutu4lro�. • FIRE INSURANCE CO. for Reasonable rates, sound pro- Lection & prompt, satisfactory settlement .of claims. FARISif . MOFFAT; . ,Your Local Agent R. 3 • Teswater. 'Phone Teeswater 57-r,4 ' ,seen • Ofr with ham 'erts� • /FOR