HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-20, Page 3• ' 'THURSDAY, 'ARCH20th,' 1952 . ISE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUOKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE.TIIli.E> WOO' CUBS "Old 'Man M4 nPe' took his: greatest 'toll Of • Cubs At last week's .,meeting when only13 answered. roll call, 'Despite the. o _a11er turnout, we 'had, one of the best meetings of the year and - e. --most exciting, •gave of the th • indoor, hockey schedule to date. -Only' one :game' remains-' in the regular schedule with the Whites and TawnYs tying for; a play-off berth. Sixer Junior Marshall led in the, opening• ceremonies;, and folloWing . inspection, .a • . lengthy session of *tat work; vvas held ...the indoor- hockey.,., .'• prior to � Th:ere re .still .a few, 'Cubs 'Who ,• 'are •, .. have. not paid. ;thein '25e annual membership fee yet, Kindly give' same to. Baloo at once. .. • Reme 1ber those uniforms .fel-: lows. Neat! Clean and Tidy!' for every meeting:' Lucknow Presbyterian Church.. REV. C.' A WINN,- B.A., • Minister SUNDAY, MARCH 23rd 11: a.m. Morning Worship. • 12.15 p.m.;‘, Sunday School and Bible Class: • 3 p m Erskine, • Dungannon, • 7 p.m.: Evening Worship. CK.NOW 1 I UNI. ED -`CHURCH ,Minister:: Rev.'W: J. Munford, I M.A., ' B.D , S.J.D.. ', ' 1 Sunday, March,.,'23rd, 1952 . FOURT•H. SUND.A' IN . LENTi i r •111 a.nn .• ' Heal ng the Hurts of Life. 12:1 m, un'a c.00l.. � p. ...S. d y s h s5 i' I' 7: p.fn. Personalities of the . I. Passion::4, 'Pilate. • ! Thursday, 7.30 pm. Special i Lenten Service. . 1 1. ' :;i He is never, alone who is, 1 'inthe - noble .' company of o I thoughts. Are. you taking time 7 these ,days to think of the • I. highest things in life?' Come, and. worship. [NOTICES ' Rev. A. S.' Mitchell; L,'111.,- Rector. Th.,Rector: ' .Fourth Sunday',I'YL. Lent' SUNDAY;. MARCH 23rd; 1952 St.. Peter's Church; • Lucknow 11 a.n1.; Morning Prayer and • Setirrnon. ' Holy: ,Baptisrn; ' • Wednesday,: 8.00 •p.,m,, L`enter, Service 'at the home .of Mr. -Malcolm Stewart, Wednesday, 2.30, p m, . The Ladies' Guild. 1Yieets at.' the " Mime of ;Mrs..`Marshall. St. Pahl's: -.. • Church, Duttgar►iiioi 3,30 pm: Prayer rind A•ddress., >_- • Thursday, 2.30 p.m, Lenten .Service at the Bonne of: • Mr,•Robert J. Durnin. St. Paul's Church, Ripley 7,3m,R. :Fveriing. �.r. sy-ez�-anal-- Address,. Thursday, '1.30 p.m.: Lenten Service at the home of Mr.' ,Jack ''Powers. Local General. FOR BEAUTY' COUNSELOR cos, metics phone Mrs. Ken Mowbray. Special for March --Cream rouge. Mr and; Mrs.. Morgan Render, son spent• .. few •days ' in.. Toronto this week- `when, --Morgan • attend-: ed ' a lumlberman's convention. . Mrs, • Charles Lorenz, who .has, been, in Kincardine because -of her husband's illness, spent. the: week -end here with' her .daugh- ter, Mrs . Bell of Cleveland. Mrs A. 'E •Tk4m'Pon ..has; been; visi�ti=ng .far • the apart -Couple,. of weeks With her' sisters, Mrs R;;• T. •Douglas'•and Miss' MacDonald.. She is moving from New Bruns-' wick to Lindsay tc5 make her hone, Miss Flora •;Flora Webster 'and Dave Jewitt. • of Kitchener spent.. the .week -end :at their respective homes here. They were accorn- partied back to Kitchener' by Mrs. Jewitt 'and Donald.. McCharles •who spent a "few days' there. Mr. 'De1inar Maltby of George town visited: on Friday WO. his aunt:, Mrs. Sohn T. Carruthers and on his return was accompan- ied ied !hy, *his mother, Mrs, Garbutt; Maltby, .who will makeher home with him; after,.having spent' the 'past seven years, with •her sister,' 'Mrs. Carruthers. ; MRS. 'NEIL MCINNES • • PASSED AWAY SATURDAY''-: The • death of • Mrs. ' .Neil rMe. Innes •Of Lucknow occurred, at. the: Baker ,Convalescent Home.ron Saturday..' She was :85 .years, •sof age and :had'.,•.teen. in. failing. health .for some the ;funeral 'service was held at Jdhnstone's Funeral Home on Monday, '. conducted-• by , Rev,. C. A Winn. of Lucknow' Presbyter Ian 'Church. The 'pallbearers were cDon John A. • M Thos. Burns,' . a1'd; John McLeod,; . Leonards McInnes, 'Gordon McInnes and S. E. 'Rab- erts'brt Her • husband ,predeceased' her, several years 'ago. .Mrs. McInnes• is survived by tivo . daughters; Margaret and I'lor:ence'(Mrs. Bill.• Robinson) and: by five sons, Fin- lay inlay..in the .Northwest Territories and 'John, Neil, Dean• and George.. l•IANOVER C:N.R..,AGENT RETIRED LAST FRIDAY The retirement of Mr J.. F. Roe, Canadian National Railways agent ._at 'Hanover,._ took'• effect on Friday. He has. 'been, associated with the. railroad for almost .48 years; and has been the pari- anent• agent: at. Hanover. since: •1914. ' =MY'. Alex W. 'Hamilton,., .local • agent,; has' .been !appointed suc-: ;censor 'to ,Mr.,Roe. Arthur Whit'- ney of ' Wiartori will .relieve 'at J anovei• until Mr. 'Hamilton.' as- .sumes; lis.'new duties. Mr -Roe will eont.inue ,to:make; his home* it Hanover and expects to retain the ' brokeragebusiness for the clearing of custom's which: 'Come thraugfi 'lIanoveti 171 "bond, and desi'gnift'c•, for localities in 'the 'district where no custom of '.fide is .ld'ated, KINS'BRIDGE. MISS COSENS TO ENTER , MINISTRY;, Many :a minister father' has Seen, his.'. son accepted by:Presby ter, as a candidate for the Min- istry of 'the United Church, but on Tuesday of last week Rev. C W. DeWitt Coseris of Wesley United Church became the first. Toronto, minister to. witness the, acceptance of a daughter. In her last year of Arts at Vic 'toric, •Marguerite ,Cosens, 26, will. enter • Emmanuel•. College:; in the: fall uncl,r the sponsorship;of Tor.=: onto West' Preabytery,.:.and •�1'i?'O. ordination Will become'•tle tTn. .ordination Chnirch's 29th woman' mini . ster. •Miss Cosen's father was mini stet, at one time oti,'the, Ashfield; Circuit •and . her late ;grandfather, Rev. T. Wesley Cosens,. ''was. a former 'minister of Lucknow Un- ited Church:. ; There will be .no clerical collar` for . Miss. C:osens--unless at, some future date the church : makes it compulsory. _She's .not overly en= Ithusi,astic . about men wearing them but: she's definitely opposed to women wearing thein. "A Iwo= man's clothing is not suited to she declared. . • Instead she will wear ` a navy blue. dress *ith a white:.collars--, "not black.; it's too solemn''. This costume will, 'similar to ,that worn by • deaconesses and,: al-: though: she has . doubtless not, thought:of,it•from this arigle,.will be.becoming, with her 'blue eaYes and�fairaxr. 'Cycling Missionary Miss Cosens has always, wanted to be a.. missionary, so she: spent last on ,a western rn}ssion field: Stationed at Monarch, Sask. she had a six-pointcharge,. with: my ,a !bicycle for transportation, but while she was pedalling .over 500 ' Miles she. found that she liked Preaching r' achiin er much . g v y Servingthe church '.runs in the Cosen's 'f>a th i 1 y Marguerite's. grandfather, the_late :Rev..T.' Wes ley. C•osens . of Mount Forest, rwas in the ministry : for over 50 y ears sndhersisterEleanor isatto attend :7 ing they United . Church Women's Training' School: The.: sisters hope. to be: in " adjoining fields this summer in Northern Ontario. DUNGAN.NON Mrs. J; G Montgornery return- ed hone after ;spendingseveral- vyeeks ,with her :daughter,' Mrs. W. J. Collins, 'Preston.She was' accompanied ,by Mr. ' end, Mrs: ' Collins. and two little sons, Robt. and .Garry, who' visited %Mr. and Mrs. Allan . Reed , for the . week- end: Mrs, RIZ-t.' A. MK-enzf e=--af - Wingham. , who;'•' has • ibeeri spend- ing • the .winter with her: daugh- ter, Mrs. Otto Popp of the vial age, had the,. misfortune ' to" re- ceive a 'br'oken ieift ankle and. left wrist;. when 'leaving the home' of Misses Frances and Lily ' Mc- Lean with., whom she had , been visiting fo'r the evening• with. her daughter. The steps wet With rain caused 'her to .slip and fall Di.. • : ' el -Corrin "of; Luca now-:at'tencled and she was taken to Go .erich Hospital, Where x-rays •,were tak- en to* find .out.the extend of the i•njui•ies. Mrs McKenzie, 81 yearn of age and a lifelong,resident of the oommiuziity,.'vyas cheerful and «said she was,glad' it wasn't worse. 'Death of Mrs.• Colin Pentland Mrs. Colin Pentland, formerly Frances Anderson; passed° away at a Chicago nursing home, e¢4' wcoi ding.- to . Word received by rel atives of . the family, liere. Sh,e was :the youngest daughter' of the late Mr, and 'Mrs. . Thos. Ander- •soil., born ori the Anderson'liu•Yne-' `stead now owned by • a nephew, Mr Carman Ai clerson,' Perth of Durrgarinori: She: i:s' survived. • by her husband; also .a native Of Dungannon, a ",sister. Mrs: Anne; Berry of •. San Francisco, Cal.; a daughter, Mrs. }cleat McFarlane Mr. and ; Mrs.' .Kon Rae are }ceding .a .while with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moron. Mr. 'and ' Mrs. r Clare • .X. annarl ivere,:,week-en'cj.. 'r itc7i _with hjs.:. p oi.onts. Mr, Eldon Austin .•teff, ' Monday for Coliingwood to .comnieiice; sailing.• -and Mrs, ` Vit.tbr IVM:artiri sfigic the week -end with' his bib... trier Nace. A nice e> owd gathered in the h all' on . Monday' evening for the; St. Patrick's concert put on ; by ' the school children. • , • er s LADIES AND MEN'S WEAR: , TELEPHONE 85 NEWEST _ FASHIONS_., at 1VI_' : to . ,FOR MEN TITS - gide, assortment just arrived in ail types. & colors, ` $1.00, $1.50, $2,00. ,SHIRTS-= by, popular Ar- row;. Van Huesen•, Balfour, Forsythe : 14?/z to 171/2 . all prices.. , UNDERWEAR' —Stanfields shirts and 'shorts. •Penmans, ibaibriggan. ' Full size as. sortment. • Braces, . Belts, Arm Bands, Cuff Links .and • Tie . Bars. HATS:. - new assortsnent by Stetson and" Biltmore.. • Initialled' Pure Linen Irish 'Han ikerchiefs at • 50c each. • FOR . WOMEN coATS Toppe . s. .and Cas- uals.. DRESSES - Choice selec tion. SKIRTS-Latest.AstyLes.... ACCESSORIES' We have ' handbags, • neckwear, hos- iery, gloves, costume. jew . ellery, flowers,' lingerie. • BLOUSES :new arrivals• in crepe, nylon and sheers. Guaranteed washable: $2.98. to,. $5.98. HOSIERY -new :iow`prices. All fresh,stock. 99c to $2.00 We are Weekly Enlarging Our Stocks' :. For your 'Early Selection.. CHOOSE, EARLY For Your ' Easter Parade' ESTABLISHED THROUGH SERVICE , ' • and a son.Bob in .New. York City. Mr. Pentland; . her husband, , is a son of 'the late . Mrs' David Girvin Of Dungannon A;' cominutiity gathering ,was held. in : honor : of. Mr. ' and Mrs. Herb Finnigan, newlyweds, on, Tuesday "'evening, :March .11th, at ,the parish hall ; here, with about= 100:adults and `30 children pres- ent. The social opened ` With a sing song;' with Mrs. Dura in. Phil. - lips at the •piano and Mrss'A•llan. Reed leading. Mrs. ,Harvey Mole -conduct ed-:se_veraLgaxnes_of bingo_,I aveyouu.renewed'Your Sentinel? and, Mrs.' George Watt gave a huinorous reading,ing, `r How `to 'cook a •husband".:The children staged . •. a•`nock weddin . •'Orn Omar .: Brooks , Master of ceremonies for the • 017. ening, read an address of • ` eon- • - gratulations to the guests of hon ? or,, and •a table lamp, a; mirror;,', and a 'purse of moneywere,pre- sented. to them .by Mrs.'..Harvey Alton;' Mrs.. Irvine Eedy and Mrs. Everett Errington. .• A sing song, followed arid: Kinch was 'served. ' 1-95-21 ORTHY WALLPAPER Make your home more livable with the new, Sunworthy Waterfast ;Wallpapers, So excitingly 'different: So easy to hang and in the Patterns, and colors to -add beauty to • • . every, room in your home, Also High Grade Paints and Enamels' w�WE WILL BE PLEASED To deliver .our. 'sample wallpaper books to your honr. where you can match your'•choice with .your furnishings. Call at the Store or Phone 8. *after t .0Q p.m. OPENING DAYS :-'- 'MARCH 21 and 22 Tickets ,gevery ,given: with nurchase or order of $2.00 or' .over 1st PRIZE—$10.00 worth of ;tVallpaper. . Zitd, PRIZE—$.5.00 worth of Wallpaper. .,PRIZ _ 3rd ::Y qt. :..Hi h .Gzrade Enamel. ' . :. Rg • Mr. Seage of 'London, will be in attendance for the opening.: DRAW 10 P.M. SATURDAY` WART'S Decorating Store, L''UCKNOW ' !" .NEXT DOOR TO 1ISHER'S BARBER, 'Sib) • Ir . ,,. r4 '• .4 • • .4 e: 0• • 144 ,µ 04.;.„