HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-20, Page 25w:
THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1952
The death of Samuel •Campbell'I
occurred . on . Wednesday .of last,
week at the home of his daugh
ter; .. Mrs_. Harold Morrison ro f
l 0.thsa . He was in -WI 87th year
. and had been in failing. health
for a . time. M. Campbell had
spent the summer with 'his son;
J. C. Campbell at Point Clark,
returning - to Rothsay in late
• August because of poor health..
One of a family of 13 . children
-die was.born-Wean.!. Qua.. • tit
ni0Ved withhis` parents ' .to
Wasago as a child.' In' '1915_•' he.
. rnoved ` to • Mt Forest and Since
1937 has lived at:. Rothsay.. His
.wife predeceased him on March
17th, 1948. •
Mr: and Mrs. Campbell • had
• nine children, six of .1 om sur=
vive, Mrs. W. J'Tremain (Verna)
Of Arthur, Jack of Luekr ow, Mrs,.
•• Harold Morrison. (Innen) of Roth,
say, Mrs. Oliver Tremain (Resta)
bf Rothsay, Robert of Mt. Forest
• Mrs: _ AlberttKirkxiess (Stel-
la) of Gravenhurst. ` •
A J r.'other,' Robert, of ...Victoria,
also survives:
Mho' funeral' Service was held
at'Rothsay on. Saturday conduct-
• ed by Rev. mith of Moorefield
Rothsay United Church, and in
charge of the 'Orange Order • of
whichhe had.been a member: for
70 years:.
rt L
Langside Presbyterian., W.M.S.
March meeting f
' �' The . M, ch 'm ee g . o .the
•Langside Presbyterian ' W. M. ; S.
(Intended for Last' Week)
Mrs Will Gardner returned .to
the home of her daughter/ Mrs.
Bill Hunter after spending a 'feVv'
weeks, with Mr. and Mrs Will
Reid: of Rapid dity„_v .
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jim Smith . and
girls of 'Molesworth .spent Sun -
,day at Mr, and Mrs. ,Will Ritch-
- k
Mr, and Mrs Nelson Raynard
visited .in Goderich on Sunday
-with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ray-
•hard.. • '
Mr -and-Mls Igor-ne-R.itchie_*.
daughter are • 'spending a While
With Mr. and IVIra. 'Jim Hunter. .
Mr and Mrs. Chester . Finnigan..
id Crewe: visited Sunday with
Mi. and Mrs. Henry Gardner. °
.was held. Thursday at 'the home
Of Mr. and -Mrs. Bert Moffatwith
an attendance • of 11 ladies. The
President, Mrs. Parish Moffat, op-
ened the . meeting ' with :.the .call
to worship. Prayer, 'was. offered
iby' Mrs. Elmer . Scott and the
scripture - and • meditation was.
given by Mrs. 'Wes' Yoting iPlans
were made for the Easter Thank-
offering -
hank -offering= meeting; , A special • col-
lection was° .,taken to 'i buy: the
studybook and map for the. Mis-
sion Band. Mrs..James: McPl er
'son' gave 'the offertory. prayer. A,
',review.4ntimber from'the Glad
Tidings was: given. by Mrs P. G..
,Moffat.' The annual ` Presbyterial
•report , was, reviewed and chapter
3' of the.. study book. The hostess
served 'lunch and a social' hour.
was .spent
• KINLOSS TOw/4mil !
Council met in the Hall, March
1,0, 1952; ;as per adjournm. ,,nt,
Councillor McKinnon absent;
The minutes of the February 4
meeting and specal""eeting of
February 8th ,as. read were 'ap-
proved and signed,•
A' 'communication from 'Drs.
MacDonald and Little re increase
of rates for school dental work.
was landover to the next meet-.
ing. •
• The aprplicatio'hs. of Frank . H.
Miller. ' for warble
i. nspector
Edward Thompson for
tractor and
John .;Downey 'as.'l:operator were
accepted: Spraying to confluence'
April lst,• 1952.: .
.The tender of H, II.. Bannerman
for the crushing;, and trucking of
'the 1952 gravel at 65 'cents was
accepted. . •
A 'petition 'for,.' drainage work
from Janes • • Burt and 'the Road
Supt. Was accepted. ' .• 1
instructed . to
The Clerk was
,call for tenders for ' the constr, uc-
tion of the Nine .Mile River
prdv!ement, and the Ackert Drain.
Extension drains.' . • • ••
A refund on the construction of
the MacMillan Drain of 17 'bier-
cent was ordered, paid & cheques
:Were issued' accordingly.
A resolution Was'drafted, to. the
Dept.'. :of Highways •' of: Ontario,
praying forbid to Township roads
used as detours; during ,the .con-
on-struction: of Highways .No., 86 . &z
No..9 : during ;+the year 1951:
The time for the return of the
fresh -mix"
• 4•.: •
Here's an easy way to convert:, •your
grain. into •ready cash!. • .
Feed your hogs a well-balanced
.fresh -mixed" hog-growerMade by •.
supplementing your grains, with
National Hog Concentrate. . and
pill 1 get then to market in record time...
National contains a high level of
--the aewest--growth---1'actiors- for -rapid
' development; it is' also packed with
vitamins for health and balanced with „
minerals to give you a pork -produc-
ing grower with less grain: So feed
your hogs, the "National fre§h=mixed'
way" and you'll save time, labor,
grain -and 'make' more money.
Feed your young pigs three times daily—and 1
nevergive them' whore than; they'll clear up: • 1
By giving them ,frequent feedings in smeller 1.
quantities you'll keep them always hungry so
they won't need cowling_ to. eat up their feed:in no is Jim mi ins sou maw on um ar mit No in so mu su an
See Your NATIONAL beater today= --Look
v • for me ' bright Orange and • Black Sign
Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL well -cured, properly -blended FERTILIZER:'
Collector's roll was extended to
April 7th, 1.952... This is, the final
extension. • .
The . • auditor's report for the
year 1951 was presented ' •and acs
cepted and his fee ordered, paid,
• A grant 'of $300 from the Mem-
OW Fund. was given to the Holy -
rood' Women's. Institute .to assist
,'inthe purchase of a new; •piano
for the Hall- •
Council., adjourned to' . ?x Set
again on, Monday, April 7, 1952. •
Cheques. issued:...Brian Hiltzt. 1
fox , bounty,.. $:2.00;• Harold: Mc.=
Quihin, 1 fox ,bounty; 2.00;
t Ha11
8:26 ....
ane, hydro. a , ,.• ,
Gear, ••grant to•• Crop Imp • Ass'n.,
15.00; 'Remington Rand. Ltd., -add-
ing , inachine, 184.5'0; .Salvation
Army,• Hamilton,; grant, 10.00; . J.
R, Lane, une'm'ployment' insurance
• stareps, '5;28; • John.MacMillan.
•Estate, refund. MacMillan •drain,.
63.75,•: Robert Ross, refund Mac-
Millan" drain , 7.82;, H: •Pettipiece,
refund :MacMillan ••drain, • 4.59:
Tawnshi . of Kinrefund Mac
. p loss;
Milian drain, 25:50; Russel Gaunt,
refund MacMillan drain, • 17.00;..
Orville Mitchell, refund' MacMil-
lan drain, 45.50.;" Wm. 4. Henry,
refund MacMillan ' drain;; 21.25;'
,Charles `Elliott; •refund MacMillan
drain, 2.89; Alex Cameron,: refund
MacMillan drain, 3.40; Charlie
Taylor, refund MacMillan drain,
6.80•. E. H. Agnew, renew . prerr
iutreas. bond,: 8.00; Mrs. James
Smith,. caretaking, 3:90; : W. B.
.AP. 'auditor's fee; 125.00; . A.
Murray, -Good Roads. Cion:, 25:00;
Fari'h `Moffat� Good :Roads Con.'.
':Highway cheques: Payr Roll No,
3; $377.55 R. Forster; '' welding,
3615; 'Geo. Hiltz, -tire and, latter,
285.00; C. A.. '.McTavish,fuel oil,
43.47; Dominion Road ;Machinery
Co., repairs, 7.49; Dept.'.of High .
ways; gas. tax, • 11_•2.09; Alex Percy,
bridge timber, • 80.00; Frank
Brown, gravel, 70:60;. Geo Percy,.
Stamps, 3.00; .Ezra -Sitler; 'snow=
plowing, , :298:20;• Alex.' ; AIliri,
snowrplowing; 142.50;, H. 'H 'Ban-
nerman,' : snowplowing,.. :360.00,
washout;. 6.00—$366.00. •
Z. ' R LANE, Clerk•,
The March meeting of Kinloss
W.M.S. was helein'. the;' church
with Mrs. Elmer Bannerman , as
hostess and.,Wjth a' good 'attend
ane. Roll call was .answered : by
a verse about Easter. The study
• book was-irr-charge-ef Mrs:Har--
old Bannerman. ASBible quiz was
given. by. Mrs. Stanley . and•
reading'. by Mrs. Campbell" 'on
Christian ,Stewardship. The. busi=
=fess Parti f the nieeting-conTsisted-
of making final plans for cater
•ing for the wedding .of;Miss Mil-
-lie-SStewa t-arid--1Vtm .-Ron.ald-Stan
ley: which. is to take place in the
church , on • Saturday The hymn,
"Lead On O. King Eternal" was•
sung. The. president 'closed with
prayer. The hostess' .•served 'a .de-
licious lunch: The next meeting'
is.; to be at the 'home of Mrs. El-
lison Hodgins with Mrs ' Dean
Hewitt tconvener.•
Women's Association, • Group 2 '
;Group' 2 'of the W. A, met at
the' home of Mrs.. Campbell
Thompson with 23: ladies: present,
More donations Were received for.
the • Korean children.. Another'
parcel will Abe sent after the April
.meeting. 'Mrs.' P,1 'W., Hoag took
charge of an interesting program.
Mrs, 1Vlclnnes gave a reading,
"Give me la ' house I can hidein".
Mrs: 'Webster favored with a
pianq solo. Mrs. Hoag read a
iCriely article `on' "The Lenten
•,S•eaon.": In keeping with, the •:17th
• of March; then ,following numbers
:were' enjoyed: Tie story df the
life • of St:. Patrick., by Mrs.' Me.
Tab;' solo fby Mrs. Ernest Ackert;
"iBlarney' Castle" by Mrs' Hoag;
tr• nxusrcal Irish . contest, Mrs,.
Joyritt A: dainty lunch was serV=
ed by the •hostess and ,cozmriittee
in charge.
-wa , wl, sna+F;w.i
' An item in the sixty years ago
cmbout • the, ce bei?g
pardolufn a
or logs at Mitchelpril's Mill
brings back vivid memories •t4.
George A, Greer of town..:
The first" Mitchell` ' mill' . rhs-
operated by. Dennis Mitchell anti.
,vas ,situated , at the. ' eastern .e4g
of the village at; the..roadsde just
"' est'of the MacMillan farmline" fence.,, The millwas built ,by
Robert. McCarroll. Three years
after the Mitchells took .Over it
was• burned down and they .built
anfl near:: the pond just "south
`'of the railway. station.. Dennis
Mitchell went.to: England' to lo9k.
after their business interests
.there and his brother, Moore-
house,operated the 'roller.' plant
here. They'Made: hardwood roll -
es for the Old Country market,
From the Greer farms eame the
first: rnaple logs, bought 'by the
Mitchell Mill, and it was. George
Greer 'who teamed,:these logs' to
'the Mill; 'Some.. 'of the maples.
were :four feet through and a
"log- made a'load".,The: price at
that time was $6.00 a thousand
a.nd the timber had to be per -
:Funeral service for George Ed, ..
-Win' Jardine of Colborne:, 'Town'
ship, 76 -year-old vetern . 'of the,
Boer.War andWorld Warr. 1, ••wh
died '.in Alexandra Hospital, God
erich was held under Canadian •
Legion Branch 109 auspices : at
B•rophey. funeral .ion n,.:The Rev;
R...G. MacMillan officiated., .:
Mr. Jardine and; his- family' lost
,their , home and possessions in a ; '
fire •.last' Decei ber. ;The' eared
ian'Legion rehabilitated them in,
a new:home in Colborne.` ` . '
• Born m Goder..icl he -was a son
of the late Elizabeth Jordan, and •
John Jardine.
Surviving besides his wife,the
former gimna Wiegand, • are two
sons; Howard, Port Huron, and.
Harold,Markham; two. daughters,°'
•Mrs. Emile MacLennan ..of . Loch-
alsh and Mrs...Irene 'Leech, Col-
borne, orie.;lbrother; 'Wihiam Jai '
dine Ridgetown; 20 • grandchild:
ren. and, three greaf grandchild
t s
June is'• the• month wheii stud-
ents hope their teacher will '.take
a .passing .fancy •to them._
-Par-do-wnAhe corrid'or!s:of time ..---
I let my thoughts stray -back last
To old times in thelong ago.
When .coal-oil'laznpsmade' obi•'
homes bright.
'We had a great big table lamp,"
A ,hanging lamp on chain and
coil, .
Then we eachhad ta bedroom'
lamp . -
Ar d how we 'burned the midnight,
oil. •
. gr.
"' ha
Those lamps' are in theattic,now,,
They're just a relic of their dav,
laid :in their, passing something
-warm •'
And .beautiful has: passed away..
Show I:miss old fashioned
They're : treasures from a .1P1>Y
past,. ,
Treasures that warm and cheer
. the heart
And how'those, pleasant rnemm:-
ie's' last. .. .
'Tis" strarige 'the -clay, that nte'79
• ory clings '
To the old `things so tried;.. rind
Those jump- gar;re out atteucit, �..
That modern • bulbs could, never
It 40.:
-Wrri, M. Bucltingha n