HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-20, Page 1154
450:.yearly In Advance -LOO: Extra ToU S A
- •
• Fire of undetermined
which broke out early 1ast Fri-
day morning, razed. a barn on
the property of, Mr. and Mrs.
John Dahnier just south of Liick-
. aokviaert in, the Oonflagratioa
John lost all his livestock with
the.exception of one ' hog which
.was outside
Destroyed were a cow and its
tali, five 'sows _ and seven young
• pigs, as well as:: a quantity. of
" " -It was Shortly 'after:. 5.30'
that. Mr, and. Mrs. Glen. Walden,
who live across- the road, Were
awakened . by the' reflection of
the fire and turned in an alarm..
They had been up with thebaby
aliOia a half hour before and
,had seen nothing at , that time.
When discovered, the fire was
well• advanced and upon the ar-
rival of the Fire Brigade all they
Could de was protect the pegrl?Y'
garage., The wind, Wee from the -
northwest and the house was not
This Was only the thirt fire
call of. the %winter and oddly
enough all three -have been with-
in a ,•"stone's throw" of each
,other. at the southern 'Outskirts.
of the village. *. , . .
John took a ood deal ,of pride
nrthe livestoCk rie-had acquir;
' and was reaching the stage when
•it was starting. to pay eft. His
loss,' Which is quite severe, is
• 'only partially covered by insur-
. . .
.A colored moving ' pictUre of
"Life in a Leper Colony" 'will
be•ShoWn in the •Lucknow Pres-
byterian Church' 'next, Wednes-
day 'night, March '26th, by Rev
G. H. King,' Canadian secretary
of The Mission To Lepers. This.
organization' is interdenorniria-•
• tional and international, -,Working-
• in co-operation. with 38 ,Missisit-
_ aoy,societies in 25 different coun-
tries _on •behalf of the world's
-ten' million lepers
Mr.,' and' Mrs. Philip Stew:art
!are opening a new deceratihg
store •in Lucknow this week in
the building adjoining Fisher's'
Baiber SS:43, Friday and Satur-
day. are. advertised as • oeening
days *Ilea purchaearsIf-32100-er
over will have a chance on three'
...prize draws. „The. dr,* Will be
Mak; at 10 e'cl!tick SaturclaY ev,
ening.• •
Thestore will feature, Sun-
worthy. Wallpapers, paints and
enamels and gift articles. •
Mr: and Mrs. Stewart previous-
ly operated a •simil4r business ha -
tit burned out two years ago last
February, • when fire razed the
four -store bloek "over the river":
Early return.s„,.M....the, _current
Campaign for funds by the Luck -
now and District Branch of the
Red Cross •are gratifYing but the
•fund has leng way to go yet
to equal -.-last.-.year!s total' of
$1270.15. • ' ‘'` ; • .
1SOMe of the Village canvassers
have completed their .work, while
others have some calls:. yet to
make No house-to-house canvass
is •planned in • . the •country and
rural residents are asked to leave
their donations at their neighbor -
heed store; Or ia.fatclinOw
at Mc -
Kim's Drug Store .or 'the; Bank
TOT •Montreal. •. '
The. local committee Wishes to
wind up thesampaign as ,qi.tiekly.
as posSible;and:requests that con-
fributors make their ,donation at
the earliest possible date. Dona-
tionsreceived by the Branch
treasurer • up tothe first af the
week are as •follow •
P. W.: Hoag $2.00; ..J. C.• Mc -
Nab 10.00; John D McLeod 2.00;
Cecil Johnston 5.00;.R. 'Richards
4.00; John Campbell .5.004 Mrs.
Heriry.IVIathers '1.00; Wm •J. Reid
_2. 00.FLo tes-Taylor- 1 00 ; Fred :EM-
berlin 2,00; Hugh McDonald 1.00;
'Mrs,' Sohn Jamieson 'L00; Mrs.
Elizabeth Mallough 2,00; Jean
-Lyons 2,00;. joe-Arrnstreng,.-2700-;-:
Ira Campbell 500, Wilfred Dren-
nan 3.00; Otto Pedersen 1.00;
Alex. Andrew 5.00; Geo. Joynt
5.00; Lucknow Co -0.P 5.00;; Sam
• Mewbray. 10.00; • Anderson
Flax Products .25.00; •Thos Ander-
son, Sr,,, 1.00; 'W. S. McLeod 'p.m;
Bert Gammie 1.00; wart Taylor
.t1,00; Jetties Cameron 5.'00; DIM-
-can 'Cameron 5.00; Mrs Mary
Finlayson, 5.00; Cameron Mac-
' DOriald,2.00; W. W. Hill ,2:00; Old -
Light. Lodge 25.00; Elmer John -
sten 5.00; '' Grant MacDiesmid
5.00; Thos Hackett Haekett & • Sons 5.80;
James Durnin 5.00; S: B. Stothers•
10.00;( JOha McRae 1000; Mrs.
Aivni:_Kerslake 1,00_ev. C. )1
Woolley -'2.00; Harty.- Anderson
2100; Bert Roach 1:00; Mrs. Leitha
'Marrison 1,00; Miss,Norma Reay
. • • ,; - ' • ,
Donations to the, fund in aid
Of Mr.. and -Mrs:, -Lorne .Ritchie'
,who, lost their barn,. Strick_and_
implements • by'. .fire recently,
• ‘. amount to $1261.80. • , •
The carivaisers,the section
canvassed In Aghfiepl, and the
total received; are as follows •
Boundary •West,. Fred Ander
ion and 'Harvey. Ritchie, $173;50:
12th con. and Gravel Road, two
blocks, Wan. G. '11444r and
CharlieWiikins, $140; Peter Cook
told Marshall Gibson. $31A80; Earl
, .8ware--$28.00.
• •
loth ConceseiOn, Gordon John. -
Ston, Nishil. Warehlk,. $53 00
9th Coneeision, 'Geo. Saunders,
Rugh Menary, $85.50."
Gravel Road, *COn. 10 -Con.. 6,
8ain Alton, Jat4 Irwin, $44,00.
6th Concession,Chester Finni-
gan, Raymond Finnigan, 1.00.
4th Cencession, Nelson Pear -
Son, $112.25. •
• 2nd Concession and BdundarY,
Jack Bennett,- Percy
$266.25. r • •
Benefit danee at Dtingannen,.
$146.80; Lucknow Sentinel F,61,1
ledions, $53.00; Erhie Cra*ford
Collections $47.00.
:The' money hae been turhed-
Wet to Mi...,tritleIrs, Ritchie w40
.are.deeply gratefu1 to th4se''who
••trgatized the oariVass and •te all
those Itho edntribtited so, getior-
/),4usly, ' • ,
1.00; Miss PeaxI Thamer 2.00; Rod
MacDougall' 1.00;. Alex Havens'
2.00; WS. Ewen MacKenzie 3.00;
jOhn'MacDonald'1.00; Flora Mac-
Dona14.1.00"; Wises Cora & Agnes
McQuaig 5.00; Albert MCQUOid
1:00; ' Thomas Burns .V10;• • Miss
Jane BoWniari 1,00; Garfield ,Mc-
Donald 1.00; 'Misses Jessie &' An-
nie .1VfeKayi: 10.60' .Donald Mac-
Lean 5.00; 'MisS E. Reid 200;.Mrs.
Wilson Hamilton 1.00; A Friend
2.00; , John., Henry •25; • Redvers
Johnston 2,00; Clair AgneW 3.00;
Clark Finlayson 2.00; „lack
•.er 11.00; arp...4:1gLillin 1.00; Ed
Little ZOO; Mrs. Carriegie-.50;
Lorne Johnston 5,00; Miss Maud
Fisher WM," 'Fisher 3:00;
Wm. Potter 2.00; Donald
(Contintied on page 10)
The warble fly spraying con -
• ,111
• Miss Dorothy GibsOn, danehter. tract in Ashfield ToWaship, has
of Mr. and Mrs: Sam Gibson, is been awarded to Joel; Little of
'ill in •Wingharrt" Hospital with Clinton. The inspectors named
meningitis but her condition is, were Neil. G. MacKenzie and
iMproving And is quite elicOurak Thomas Phillips..
• i • .
Dorothy i a 'member of the
•Bank of Montreal stiff; and had,
resuined her duties 'only. last
'Monday afterbeing ill with the
nitinips.. On Friday she. took. ill
at Work and went home, and .on
.SaturdaY when 'her cendition.
rapidly worsened, she 'WAS rush-
ed 'to Wingham Hospital, where
Marshall'Gibson has .beenap
Pointed Ashfield Township as-
sessor. . •
The township••••' Wide warble
campaign is also 'being introduc-
ed in West Wawanosh this year
with Mr.-- Blake of . Brussels • re-
ceiving the spraying ,contract and
Victor Errington Vpainliecl in-
speetor. ' •
The lobe' sextette lzriewn as
"The 'Shadows", whose vocalii-
ing has been quite popular in
this ceehrnunity, took pari. in the
Kiwanis •Music Festival. at, Strat-
ford. on -Saturday -afternoon, and.
while they were alone in their •:„, • ' '
class, scored a high Mark of. 80,
and were complimented' .by the
'adjudicator, Cecil Cope of 'Eng-
land. • .
Mr. Cope .encouilaged the girls
to continue singing, as their
voices . are not yet • mature. !He
offered his, criticism because' he
for a' time she was regarded as : Kinloss Township is continu- Said they. were "worth it", and
. "
, • ,
• . '••• .
. ,
, •
t. • Ai :I .1
• • • •••'
• • • . . • 4,1 •
1 • '
• • ' •
' 1 .
1 .
. • •
e . • •
" .
• , . . • ,
• .*.;
critically M. . irig the program which has been cocroplirnented them in taking „ , • .
At' first there remained a Mar- in'Operatien the past to or three
'gin of doubt as to Miss beon's y ears, and where they have their
illness being meningitis, but it
has since been definitely diag-
nosed' as that Dorothy took a
turn: for the better early in the
week arid has since shown steady
improvement.. •
THAT the .•mtiiips are still on
the 'rampage ire this district,
and everyOne_in Virden MO47.:
• bray'e household, with the, ex-,
ception:.of.,Virden himself, has
been down withthe,•malady:*
THAT Robert • Rae and P.•••*.
Hoag were 'in .London on Thurs-
day conferring ' with the archi-
tect who' is draWing the plans.
• for the phew Lucknow District
High School. The blue. prints
• are nearing, • completion • and
• upon filial approval by the De-'
partmentiof Education 'and the
.• Mupicipal Board, tenders will
__be_ealled ior. constr_uction ..of-
' the building. ' • • .
l'HAT in a letter from • Dan Al -
ten of Vancouver he said that
the Briue7Old -Boys- were -get:::
ting ready for their "big March
dance".,_ .Mr. Alton is serving.
his llth' year as president of
the. Association.
• •
. .
THAT Cam MacTavish his taken
over the gas and oil distribu-
tion business formerly operated
by 'Murray Johniten 'of ' Wing -
THAT Roy Havens, who has his
broken leg in a•teMporary cast,
was:brought .home, from
teinoon. • • • ‘'.
THAT the toP-price Angus bull
at 'the sale in Toronto last
week; which broug Woo , was
sired 'by Blackbird ,,Bandolier
of St. HelenS•of the F. ,O, Todd
& Son herd. '
own machine John Downing has
been; appointed as operator,: Ed-
ward Thompson as tractor man
and Frank'. Miller, inspector, ".
. 1. Were sponsoredbY the High : :. ,. ••••• • ; .. , •
• -
i:iiiarretetoinr. the festive
' without
c' a
The sextette. competed in the
: • t •
double trio class under 22 years, • , • '
and sang as their test piece, . • -
Through The Night"... The '
'Scheel. in 'competing . at the , Fes-; • • • • • • .,• •
MARK THIRTIETH tiVal. arid .were assisted. by 1VIrs, .• . •
• • ' SPeiglit and M.A. E `Cook in •
ANNIVERSARY preparing for the competition.
• • They appreciate the kindness of
. The horrie of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- all those wh& assisted them in •
fred Drennan was the scene ota any, way, so that they could corn- •
nieely arranged social event on ete' • • .
Saturday evening, evening, which marked'. The Sextette included Ruth . , .
• tjr .1‘
d. It 1
.• •
their 30th 'wedding armivereary.•
1Johnston. Betty Johnston, Mr-;;. - • . • .•
A buffet dinner was served at lerie MacLennan; Gladys, kilPat-
6.30 for the family and „frienda: rick, 'Gladys Chin and MarilYn' .
During the dinner hour Dr. W. .x,11pa.triek, • the 'latter .substitut-
• • • .
J. ,Mumford acted as .toast mas-P his, for caroiy.,n Qthson, who was•• ,
ter' :and • proposed the . toast to. ill ------------------iP•
the, bride and groom of 30 years ' . ? . t 4' - • 1!'
r The girls peecived , a -Kiwams
ego, to which 'Mr., Drennan re-,
• ••
certificate 'indicating • their . su.6
plied. On .behalf of the family
J. C. Drennan and Melvin* Ste- - - . , ., • - . '
wart replied and several of the !. •• . .. , , . •
guest a spoke briefly ' eXteriding RECEIVE LEADERSHIP
congratulations 'arid, best wishes. .TRAINING' CERTIFICATES
Serving at dinner Were Mrs. Jackl ' • . . .„,.
'Ackert, Mrs. Pharis lathers, Mrs: The Leadership Training Seheol ' • '. .....
, .
Alex Hackett and Mrs. W. a which was conducted' -by Rev. G. ' : - - T.: '.. ' .' ' 1,,• .:'•': ' ,
Hunter.• '..' ' , . I A., geikiejohir of Kinlos.s 'United , • • ,' • ' ,,..,,,. ....... *.:. ' ‘.
• 'Open house was heldthat eV-ChurCh resulted in the followin,g • .' • :1. • •-•
cess •at the Festival.
• ,
ening when many :friends called. ; 'completing the full ...course and
Mr. and 'Mrs.' Drennan were as- receiving their certificates for •
sisted in receiving the guests, hy ; Christian , leadership educa.tion, • . ,
I •
. . .
their family, J C 'Drennan and Mrs. R. • J: Kaake 1VIrs. Harold . ' • : • •••• •: , '' ..
Mr. and ' Mrs..' Melvin Stewart.' Bannerman Miss Jacqualeen '''. ' ''' ' ' ,•'' • 4 :.• :' ''.:"*
. '
(Lorraine). Pouring tea"•-• were ! Hedley,. Dugald -a n d . -Duncan
Mrs. James-Q--Drennan-of-God-17Camploell.-Certificates were pre- • ,
erieh, Mother :of the groom . and .sented ,at the. evening seryiee. • '
Mrs. George . Hunter. Waitresses .. •
• .. •
. • . • •
. I
4 4,
were Mrs.- Melvin Stewart, Mrs. . . • '. ' .
•Ewart .Taylor, Mrs, Melvin Rao- BLIND' FUND SET :. . . . . • - '
-nard-and MrsJa-ek Curran. H
IGH---M-Alt-ii HiRE
ical 'numbers. were previded by
violinists' Wilfred Plunkett, NiTt L.
MacKenzie ' and' IVIeln.....Stewai. I,
witle Mrs. Plunkett presiding at
-' A total of $1343, was contribut-
ed by •Luelalow and District res- .
the piano. , 1o:dents to aid in the ,donstruction .
Arno the many loVely gifts °I,a new home and rehabilitation • . ' '
„ ,
'and cards .reecivecl . were two centre at London for the Blind, "
bouquets of red tulips presented' of Western Ontario. * • • • • .
here was very ,' - • .
to their grandparents by Deanna The 'response, • ,
Mr. Drennan is the only sOn of O.
rdinarly have been expected. o
on a per capita • . . • , •
Dawn and. Judith Ann Stewart of . generous and
basis far exceeded What might
Breslau• . ' • '• . .. ' • .
The,local campaign os now .•
Mr, and ,Mrs. James .G. Drennan
cld.sed ; and has . certainly''' been • ,
Of Goderieh .and Mrs. Drennan.
_exte-4-Orazierly'---4inet. -Hackett; latoat_gratifying_to the .
dinghter of the late Mr. and Mrs. tee and a credit to, this cornrnuti-*
loseph Hackett of The executive comimttee •
.was ,J: C., McNab, chairnian; Bob
Township. They were married by
RevDeWittCOSeris of Ashfield McIntosh;, trea$31 .,; H.1Tkanp.
, .:
Circhit; TheY:farrried on the 6th son, sec, and .Ernie and Cliff'
Concession Until moving 'to Lurk- Crawferd. The 'drive Was. under
now eight years ago • •
the sponsorship •of the Lucknow
Branch of the, Canadian Logien. •
'' ' • . .
Donations not previously ac -
FORMER EESIDENT PASSES., emylecigecl are as f011oWs:*White-
THAT the. Alleges Margaret and ;,• , • : ,: Chureh. Women's inStitute,$10:00;
Nellie 1VIalcOlin of Kiniough M.'S. Wright. Lord (nee mild- Gordon. Ritchie, R. 3, 1.00; Isaac-.•- - t : .,.
, • /
and Misg 1/14cohn of red' Graliain) "Of-liarciisty, Alta:, -Cranston, R, '2; 2.00;
Child Evingelism, Toronto, and a sister of Frank Graham and son, R, 3; Goderich, 2.00; 'Mrs, • '
have purchased a 'building, lot • ,
on• the hill sutli Of -Sim' Hen-
derson's home and, we under-,
Stand,Inteed 'hi:fadinghe . there in
toear future
, • . • •
Mrs. Helena Sheriff, Passed away Chas. Steward, 1.00; Wrn. Stint
in Edmonton' Hospital on ',Friday, sOn'1.00; John, b. McLeod,. R. .3„ ••
March 14th, after a fel.v days' ill- Holyrohd, 2.00; John MeQuillin, •
ness from an infected throat fol-: R. 1, 1.00; Cecil Johnston, R. '7,
lowing the 'flu. The funeral, was 5,00;: Dick Richards,' R.
in Edmonton on !ruesday after- Old Light' Lodge, No. 184, 25.00;
noon to Beechinount cemetery. E. Ackert, Holyrood, 0.00; •Lo,
She; is survived by her husband La -Le eittb,, 5.00;1 El Alton,
School on Tuesday, and One son Robert.
THAT InSpector Booth paid a
Visit to Lucknow Digtrict High
• i
I •1 1
vi t
2.00; H. 'Culbert, 2,00.
' I
' • ,
' • . .
• tt44