HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-13, Page 61 • • I 01, • v4p1pwecirrr.A.mo • e rrifqM132NY)", ArtC.I 14' • • • • . •••I :Ifz! .. • • ••,•••-i• t••• .• •,V• •••• ••• • ' „ • • 14 • • • .,. • • . .• INCOME TA P NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS RESIDING, IN • rots, race int ellin ton Counties •I , • -The Counties. of HURON, 13RUCE and WL1N� TON, forinerlv-Jlnder the jurisdictiOn of the London, or Hamilton District Tax,ation Offices, • have now been tranaferred to the -jurisdiction of the District • . Taxation Office at Kitchener, .entario, located in the Dunker ,Building, 251 King Street West corclingiy, the records of all taxpayerresiding in• these three Counties, have been transferred. from ' ;the District, Taxation 'Maces at London or Hamil- ton,..tO their newt location, and any related cor- .1 respondenee or general inquiries .on taxation matters, should be directed to the District Taxation,./ Office at Kitchener.' ' . • :• • . . . • . "• Remittances of tax by individuals and corporations, . and tax deducted at thesource bY employers .resi- dent in . the Counties of -HURON, BRUCE\ •and WELLINGTON,' should be mailed or delivered to. • • the District Taxation Office .at Kitchener.. • • Taxpayers .(both individuals and corporations) resi- • 4:lent in the .above-mentioned "Counties, who form- erly filed their appropriate IniOrne Tax /returns, and • , •Succession Duty returns with the District Taxation • • •1 Offices at London or • Hamilton, will file their 4 -- returns. for 4951 and subsequen4ltaxation , years,. with tbe District Taxation Office,0ICtehener. • • • • DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE— , 'TAXATION DIVISION • , ' . . PURPLE -GROVE William-Walsbr came theme from London 'hospital on Thurs. day and is' improving. • kr.' and Mrs: Kenneth, Barnes and_Rose_.._Maty. 'visited ' at the Saturday evening • • • • , • ' ' an evening at the home of Mr. Joe Emerson last week. , 7,.. • The Women's Institute met at. - • 17. the home of Mrs • Jun Brooks last Wednesday with a large -attend- ,. ance: Miss Evebrn Osborne was , , the guest speaker. She gave an interesting talk on cancer and told what great progress bas been made by medical science this :past •• detade in • tracking down this dreadeit • disease. She '70So am.- phaiized the need . of periodical • cheek -tips froin. your 'family doc- • .,) ' tor, as earli, SYMptorns can often be • ' tIcteOte4. • ' Quite a number • Ont. the., , 12tily • . • • • coricesijdr, are getting Wired for • .•hydro• • ; • The ' 100 . acre farm. known as 4 • "':" , • 4.., • 1.1.. • 1,'•• • • • , 1 • 1. • • ' • • the Hayes proPerty. has, beenTpur- chised by •Mr. 'Jim Boyle of, Kin,: lough:, i • , ' • On Moriday 'evening 0..lea week the .Farm ,Forummet at the home of Mr. Donald, McCosh with a gobd attendance. The sub- • feet for discussion: was "]owe snore iMigrants?'" ;which • --afi I , proved very interesting. "the Pi ''• opinions' of I Sem& groups *ere that there is a shortage �f l farm labor in Canada at the present time and that ,it will continue • arid may even get worse this ,y.ear; 31% MrS;: 'Andre*. OiOnt'itivds'ivfhe' i,loatOf”• ?ifpr he Marilii a womays iittte:ihep • 1,7 ladies were pr,esent .and Mrs. El- iwOodBarbour-, the -president -was. the chair. The .roll call, proved most I.inteiesting When nearly every lady gave a. short history f her .home, These will be. used in. •the compiling of the Tweeds- , muir book Withi‘fiSs W. D. Ruth- erford in charge. It Was deeided . to hOld the. April meeting in' the evening with . the men: as .gnests and:, with Miss Rutherford giving. the° topic oil' histOriCal,. research.' •1WS, E. W. Rice. sang •-••"GaiWay Bay" and. Miss Rutherford read a Story. "Calendar Art" by Harry J. 'Boyle. Mrs, Gordon Mact.her- son presided for the. election of officers when the _report of. the noininating •committee • was pre- sented by Miss •Jea,ri Aitchison. This was accepted and the fel, are the officers for 1952- 53, Pres., 'Mrs. EJol Barbour; Vice pres., Mrs. Jas: Currari;,.sec.- treas., Mrs., E. W. Mee; assistant, Mrs. • , Fred • McQuillin; pianist; .Chester .Taylor;: „assistant .04n*, Mrs. • W. A. Miller; aud- itors, Mrs.' Fred McOuillin; Miss Jean Aitchison; Conveners of -standing7-Comrnittees:--agriculture- ;sc, Canadien •Mdiistry, Miss Mary Murray; citizenship and 'educe- , tioh, Mrs; . Lorne Woods;, home economies ari.health, Mrs. Har- vey Webb; community activities; Mrs, .•.Ernest Gaunt, historical re- search, and. current events; ,Mies ;vv.. D. • 1714therford. At the con- • This would . indicate that . irni- grant farm lworkers do not:. stay •on ibelarrris..any morethan the one • year. that ' is required. Of them Another question which had sotie bearing on the subject for. 'discussion. was "Why young. imen leave the farrn"__On_thia lurestiotreveryone-seemed-tohave- a different- oPiniOn but it, was. Alie.....generkl_epinion �f. all that shorter hours, higher wages and more ,. glainorOus attractionsof city liie had• something to dO'with it, and that, hired .farrn workers find the wages on the faith very poor in comparison With wages. in industry. . • ' • • • , .. . • . . THE voicE. or TEMPERANCE • • , -7 , The0111Y• soundly Christian -ap-- Proe.ch to strong' drink is abstiii- ence. A man is responsible to God .and to Society. to..tneke the 'best possible use of his strength and 'his abilities.: The chances 'are that 1 he will not do this if. he Muddles , his brain 'With a1C-Ohol. Abstin- ence ' is one guarantee that he can' • • • elusion lunch cyLrfs tsferved with Mrs. T. 3. Tbdililfict Mrs. ,Ross ,Eri;lirrP.gtoinn,;,1aSvitit,,706SEtirdolin,•. Miller and Larry..afidrMi S Doris Taylor •of LOndOii werte.':',Weeli;.end vii - fors . with Mi.'. and Mrs. Cheater Taylcir; Owing .to illness id the cast the play fby 1Whitechttreh1 plan- ned for 'Friday' night had to be cancelled. However the, commit- tee in charge with only a few hours notice rounded out a fine prograrn for the 'social evening. under the . auspices 'of he Wo- -ItiPn's 'institute 'in the !Jail; 'Mrs. Barbour, the president, presided; end, :the program consisted Of community singing; piano solos by Carol Gardner, Carolyn 1Vlath- ers, LOis 'Webb and .Mrs. Cheste4 Taylor;', choruses by1/4 'group of Don • Murray, Lorne .For- Ster, • Bob Aitchison, Dohald. Gaunt, Murray • Gaunt,. Evan and Barry. McQuillin;' a soloby Anne Todd, song tby 'Phyllis Barbour, Beverley 'Gaunt and Betty Mc- Donald; a reading by Miss :W. D, Rutherford; Mouth organ ',selec- tion by Fred McQuillin accom- panied by. .Mrs., Mequillin; mus- Inunibers'yipy Doris- Taylor -at the piano' and Donald Taylor on the .guitar. , Those assisting ,with mu.sic for the , dance- included Miss .Doris. Tiiiiii,-Chester Tay - George Stuart, Char.les Mc-. Quillin, Don .Cameron and Dori-- aid, Tailor. ith Mr. Culbert as caller -off. • • • • . Mrs. Alex Murdie spent last week at her home at. Waterloo. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Les Ritchie ' of Lar4savostofe , . visitor„ lVirr anci Mrs. And w Gaunt • sbith , meeting of the ,St. Helept).M40?1"Tanclieraft*roliC, held at the, IXOTTle, of :4rinATociti on , lrebruaiir' 29th. The rofl call was answsiied With "one .quality of a goody bedroom accessory". The guls tietook 'notes. The • :•!=• Members voted to donate $1.00 to the fUnd for the Blind, A love-. ly lunch was sekrved. • 'CREWE:, Mr & P/fis. Lorne ',Nasty, -Dave McWhinney. and .Will Hasty vis- ited' Sunday with ,Mr. end Mrs. tarrEllake''`at • The. WSI.S. was held •at Mrs'. O.* Shackletort's ri pfluiday ternoon. The World's' Day of Prayer Was follOwed. with Mrs, Lorne Hasty:in :charge. Edna Mt... • Whinney , and •Mrs. Zinn gave • " ;readings. The April meeting is to be held alt Mrsx jirn, Sher.. ,wood's Mere were :1Q members • and two visitOrS. Lunch' was ser- ved by the •liOstess, , : Mr. and Mrs.. Jim BOak .and Jamie' visited Stinday with Mrs: Pred - Cook and: family at, grave. • • , Mr. and Mrs. Jonee, and Archie 'of iWhigharn visited with Mr and • Benson ShAtkletorr & farp--— ily on. Friday evening.. . Don't, forget the bazaar . and • bake sale in the eehoolon clay evening at 8 O'clock.' There: Will be a short program' and lan.. tern '. Everybody is • • 150% •Percentage :• • ,• price increases • in Canada since 1941 ••• Measure up tO this responsibility'. FOr . the influence he exerts' on others, his example is his inoSt effective' medium of influende. He may be - able'.'te handle his liquor' but:in the company there are some 'Who are fighting ,a los-'• big... battle agaiiist liquor and' there may be YoUng people who: have never touched lit. If he is considerate -and • if he ' has any conscience about it', he will ab- stain for their sakes. In i the list analysis abstinente is the Christ' ion apprOech to strong drink.— Advt • AVERAGE HOURLY RATES Average hourly rates of pay Mossey-Harris Canadian plants $) $ RAW MATERIALS "Index of raw and partly manufactured materials IMPLEMENTP in comparison with pricesof other supplies the farmer bu ALL COMMODITIES FARM IMPLEMENTS `Total index of all commoditlos Index of Massey•Harris retail witeS of Canadian - made farm implements • • The outstanding achievement by tiviassey-Harris.. in keeping the... • prices of its Catiadiarknacle products at a low level of increase over 1941, is clearly shoWn.by the above charfofinice inclexis. • • •All commodities are shown as 97.7% higher than 1941; raw,m,rials: a e98 hi h plants are 15.8.0% higher: yet Massey -Harris Canadian..made farm, itnPlemetits have increased Only -60.2%., •• • " r • gher; average ourly rates of pay Misseyaarris conadian t., t: 's,The continued .great world demand for labOupsaving 'farm equip' .;. • ' . 1,nent ,has given a vol4me.Ortxi.iitipg high'operating' 'effi'cieney 'in • 1 •. ielatiotit to production and selling costs, making possible the partial ,.. ., • absorption of the increased costs Of materials and labour.' . . • • With the scarcity andhigh, c6,st;..eX.perienced help, lartiters Aria • . in. modern machinery the, Means to maintain high volume pro.I r • " duction at towdoPerating cost. . • spoynimon Bdiestru �f StMthtl. Wiltsielalt Peke L4eIes" ' • • 'MASSEYHARRUS COMPANY, Makers .of Awn Implements' Since 447 • . • • ••,' , ) . . ••• I' " . .i. . ..1 . ' • • ' ' . -1 -...,.•c.,•••aii.,,,,t604,1i,iimoirtolititak.ft..iraii44,140.0*,..--.A•th:*ettotitt.toi.*.i.44..•A's***:.4.1tet.74....,v.:t,.....*>tt...too/.0,444.'LLI..;,;•..41;..- M 1`11 1. • • • •