HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-06, Page 7TH.URSDAY,11IIARCH 6th, 1952.;
S.'T. ELENS• ;
The World Day .Of Prayer was
observed ' by, the W,IVI,S. on 'Fri-
day' afternoon at the' home pf
Nit's, l•iayward with 19• in
S, E•
atteadance. The theme of the ,ser-
viee w?s. "Christ our Boor, and
the president, Mrs, W; 1, Miller
as 'leader' *as assisted by 1VI'rs,
J,, Cameron -and Miss Mary Muir,
• :riay Prayers .Were. offered by
Miss. W. PRutherford, Mrs. A,
Murdie, Mrs. G.: MacPherson,
ifs; Hayward and MrS.`, W. A.
A: Miller; Rev. Hayward gave :a
talk. on ,the W9rld Day of Pray
er and what the 'offering' !was -
used• for -in 105"1. 1V[zs E., W Rice:
• sang s'''ing, me:. a Song of . Jesus"
apt the conclusion'' a ,pleasant
social' hour, was enjoyed. �Vlrs,
Cameron, Miss • Rutherford and
Mrs. Rice assisted • Mrs.. Hayward
in serving lunch,
Miss Marjorie .Stuart of Den=
ver, Colorado,' is a visitor at the
home 'of her 'uncle,'. Mr, and Mrs.
George :Stuart..
FO , 'upper Hayward . of'"Cen
tralia with :Mrs. Hayward 'and
baby son, .is spending ' a 3.0 -day
leave with his parents; Rev, and
Mrs,' Hayward:.
Plan.•to attend ,the' social even-.
ing ibeirg arranged by the War
men's•.Institute . for the Commun-
ity Hall, Friday next.. The, ':pro-
• gram dill include the play 'Marx
Molly Malone •fromWhite�
church., Ladies please bring
lunch.' •
Mrs: Andrew .Gauntwill:.. be
hostess for' the. March meeting. of
' the; Institute being held this
(Thursday) afternoon Don't" for
get .the history.: of your, farm for•
the roll call:
•'1Vlr, Lawrence Stanley •ofLon
don 'spent the 'week -end. 'at the
'home' .of: his: father,••Mr Milton
.Mr and Mrs. Kenneth •Barnes
and Rosa 1 [carie visited with fir, ,
Clark 'Needham Saturday even-,
Mrs.. Burton • Collins
home .last Tuesday: •
The. Institute ': will be held at
•the home: of Mrs: Jim,Brooks: this
'week. .
Miss Ada Gawley, of Ripley vises
iced with 'Mr: and Mrs: "Victor
Glawley..on . Sunday 011,
On . Monday: • evening • of last•
week, a joint,',rneeting ; of •. Farm
'Forum's "was held in Purple Grove
school Mr. 'Evans''.• of Paisley
showed -•-films il).ustratirig sori`
erosion and how' it, can be pre
vented. •Another filar depicted
how 'co-operation has helped, the
people of the Maritime Provinces.:
_At the. conclusion of_ t e films,
_Mc, --Evans- -ga•ve--an---interest ng
talk on Flue Cross. hospitalization
Letters TO; The Editor
What the 'Young 'people' of our
town and vicinity •need'rnore th:a
anything •else is'�a` Christian Cen-
tre where .they can, gather to-
gether ,for a-'happy•.timeof Chri$
titin, .fell'owship, 'ggospe1 singing,
Bible study and the • rremoriza
tion of the scriptures..
Ever so often a notice appears
in the 'local paper of • the wanton'
daetruction of property by law-
less and irresponsible• •youths,
young 'people whose names 'have
been withheld because ,o respect-
able parents;' :Abqut a . year : ago -
the rest rooms ,o f the • Recreation
Centre •suffbred an attack .by both'
boys and *girls whose ' names are
known.. Was anything done. about
.this horrible vandalism? Just a
:few weeks •ago ' again •. a ' notice
appeared to the '.effect that •the
Recreation .Rooms will 'have to be
closed in 'the evenings: ib 'cause
of similar breakages. by'hoodiu.ms,
What is ,wrong with. those . ,in'
authority? 'Are they going to al-
low our •town• to. be ruled by .a
gang ofyoung up=starts? The de
struetion in the Recreation Cen-
tre is only . one of many._..Com--
Plaints "heard from time to time
of misdeeds•_:clOpe. _ in different
parts of the. town by th se•young
An item' in the Globe & Mail
two -weeks aago• reports the shame
fur ' destruction of a good part of
the interici of the new High Park
R'relthhouse ;buiit at the cost of
$41,O00;0O 'for' the• pleasure, and
convenience of the youth of Tor. -
or -Onto Of`:course the.Toronto police'
are not going, to, keep' the mat-
ter quiet ; btu. are planning to
have the guilty parties appear in'
court and: answer • for their mis-
deeds. •
We do not like to }rear of any.
:bey or : girl. being' 'picked 'up 'by
the •police as it leaves':a • staip
upon their .young lives:; hard 'to
erase. Why cannot something •be
done . td ' help, the' young . people
overcome these vicious 'tendencies
'before some crime marks them
. for life:. Our young people` need;
Christ. • Their . hearts are dissatis=
arrived . fled : and restless, seeking satis
• fact'ion. and happiness:Which' Can
only be found in 'the Lord. Jesus
Christ.. •' •
Folks are becoming 'alarmed at
the .growing 'criminal tendencies
Band. are asking •the. reason wily.
Some are - f}'nding fault with thy
unscriptural methods of' •raising
children without being checked.
Others' are `blaming our town for:
suibstiituting. bingo for the Wed7
nesday evening prayer meeting
While we all will agree 'that the
' a'bsence'•ofthe family altar in the
home has done much to •en
courage lawlessness -A walk
around : Main -Street loetween the
-lrourscrtTt md-T'tlrree' i5tloc'Ic'
Sunday ,nloi ding and_ a...peek . into
andaurgicai benefits: the living rooms .of some of ourr'
he February :nieeting of'.'th`e.
W. men's Missionary Society was
he d on Thursday aftern $ n •at
th home of• Mrs, Chas. Jefferson
with the'president, Mrs. 11.' Jef-
Ser R:presiding. The meetiig
op ned by 'sin -ging "Breathe on
m breath of 1God" and this was
fol owed With ,the •Lord's prayer
in unison. Verses 7-21of . the 4th
ch p, .;of :1st John, was' read as
the scripture lesson. Mrs. Chas,
Jefferson ,`read a poem entitled
"The _ bridge „you'll never: Cross".
T1e hymn "Rise 'up O men of
G'rod'' Lovas_ung-and Mi s: Roll
i`nson gave a' reading on. Christ
ia`n stewardship: c 'Mrs, Stuart:'
Chainpey reareadabout :"The church
in. little places" 'from chap. 5 of,
the• study book. , The minutes ' of.
the January meeting were • 'ap
proved,' as read; letters of thanks
for flowers received.. were read:
Mrs. 'Norman Thornpson offered
her home for the 1Vlarch meeting,
Mrs. Jefferson closed the ,meeting•;
church. rnernbers ..Sunday • after-
noon sitting • •playing cards . 'can: -
can=not, fail:'oto impress.. one :with- the
dreadful spiritual, decline' our
town is •in'-anad the ••great need•
have l'of a : Revival,, What can
we expect of the. boys and girls
when adults are living such Goof«
less- li-ves -r byibreaking-'theFourth.
'Comma'ridment . "Remember the;
Sabbath' Day'' to deep it holy'.
:The . Churches • and . Clubs . are
doing what they ,can' to" encour-
age the,. :boys and `girls. to• better
living but thdre are many iwhe
are • not. !be'ing reached and these.
are the 'ones Who are especially
in:: need.•Joining :the church -does-
not save ..the • soul or change:, the
human.: heart as evidence 'by
many. of our •church members.
Our young : people'. need • to be
born-. .again and •;become ' new
creatures in 'Christ Jesus. "Jesus
saves',.: He keeps and :I -ie satisfies:
'the hearts, of both young: and
Surely . in, our. 'churches •there,
must be some . 'Christian` young
men and, women ;burdened forthe'
youth of our tpwn who .will• ibe
willing' .to give one• night a week
to'„provide a '.spiritual' prograin 1 in
an effort ,to . lead the boys 'and
girls to ;Christ , We are confident
if 'the workers ,can be found their'';
efforts will be' •backed' ;up by, rthe
prayers: 'and .finances 'of Christ-
hrist-i'ans' .deeply concerned about' the
need of our youth. .'•
" It is the praying ;ehurches'thati
have conversions In the :Austr..ai-
ran revivals 200 souls were saved
at <one : 'church service. Why? Be
cause. 200 spirit -filled Christians
had met to pray all night for, the
unsaved of their neighborhood,.
Let• us as C��t' excuse
eIv'es b`ut"`facefacts and act'
o legia
with prayer:, During the ,a£tearnoon
a quilt for 'ithe bale .was quilted.
'Lunch' was served. '
Miss Olive Jefferson,, 1..N,, of
Straggle' Was, a recent • week -end.
visitor at her •home here. '; •
Mrs, .Olive . Allen: of • Clinton
Was .a 'Sunday ,visitor with her
sister,; Mrs. R. Chamney.
'Gordon Chamney was •a Sun
day visitor with Mr, and Mrs,
Herb Pocock at Holmesville.
,Mrs. Tadd.'s. Mother `Passes:.•
The death of Mrs: John. Young,
formerly Elizabeth Fisher, occur-
red in Godeiich on Monday, Feb-
ruary '25th, in her 84th year. She.
Moved to 'Goderich• from' :Col-
borne Township - the
death of her_husband four -:years,,,
ago. Four .daughters, survive, • one
Of whom is Mrs. Stanley Todd of
Egmondville and formerly o'f St, •
ss ciati
$p0.00 pRizEs
et •
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Special :Educational Displays on Reforestatkon.. ; Special Programs
Saturday 'Morning. ' •
All gOtries To Lie 1VIacic- At/ :The AgOcult,urtit.. Offic,e, Clinton,