HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-06, Page 4PAGE `FOUR • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,. 'LUCKNOW,, .•ONTARIO: • THURSDAY, 'MARCH 6th, 1952; • •F !WANT AD" RATES=1st: insertion 2. cents.' a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent a word, "Minimum charge. 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel 10 cents extra; Legal advertising .10 cents per COMING EVENTS:' :DANCE AT: HoliygoOD Danirk Holyrood' hi' Hall,, ocen`Friday; March 7thTowns, spon- p sored'by Kinloss Juvenile Hockey .Club. Good' orchestra. Admission' 50c. Lunch counter,' TEA & BAKE SALE. A , St. Patrick's tea' . and bake 'count line first insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. sale will be held in the Legion FOR SALE -15 pigs, seven weeks Rooms on Saturday., March. 15th old: TomColwell, St. Helens at 3.00 o'clock, under auspices of •r_ St. Peter.,'s_'Church W.A. Home MARE FOR SALE 1500-1600 made bread and buns.. lbs .,.good_ type__A` _W,... Hamilton, • phone' 53, Lucknovv." •,DANCE AT•.LUCKNOW/ The .Lo -La -Le • Club' will 'spon-.: HFET.P WANTED . '. young„ man`..sor. a: dance in ; the Recreational`; wanted ..td, learn ;the : baking: Al? Centre,. Lucknow;.. on • Friday,..._ ply 'at Mullins. Bake. Shop. March 7,th. Music by Wilbee's or- FOR SALE -cement septic' tanks, chestra. Lunch counter. -Admie- approved by the Health Unit, We 'FOR• SALE- breeding gese, 'both sign, '.at popular prices. Proceeds deliver thein. Forster's Welding x. Wm. Rutherford, R.Luck ► selc. I . � 2, in aid of the Blind Campaign.• Shop,, 'phoine 206-r-11:. Lucknow:. -naw, Phone 211-r-13. . - -�-- . PLAY, AT DUNGANN'ON• , LIVESTOCK WANTED . • ,' HORSE 'WANTED - good „work The Y.P.U. of ;Cavan Church, FREE THERMOMETER Plus horse, quiet., Jnn:;hKeane, R;',R. 1,. Winthrop, Will present their play cash at your farm for dead or Dungannon, phone 14-21.• "Califf ••Youraelf", in Dungannon disabled horses'or. cows. ''P.hone FOR :SAS Tea of ,yo' . i rig ,Parish Hall, Thursday, March 13 collect Wingham ..561-J. William horses soiund ` and quiet; also ,! at .•8.30, 'under :.auspices' of, Dun - Stone •Limited. ' ' annon• Presbyterian Y.P S. Ad- . sows, �earryang first .litter, dues • 'g yt CONTRACT-BARL- EY-<=-- middle of •:April. Louis Hogan, mission 50c and •'25c. We have •a.. limited: amount of •'XLucknow, . phone 76-r-17 Dun- •' PROGRAM AND DANCE. • -gannon - Under auspices of the Wetnen's' Instiitute will be held, in the Com-, 'munitty Hall, St. Helens, on Fri- • Clearing 'auction. • sale of farm day evening;' March ••7th. The pro= :stock ,':and achinery--`atI of .11, gratin : will include the .Whites= Con. 4, Morris Twp., 21 miles ' church play Mary MollyMalone'. east of Belg'rave...on Friday, Mar. A silver collection will be taken • TES D 1r R °S 7th at, 1.00 p.rn., I9mplemenits irn- and the ladies are asked to bring TENDERS Twill be.received bY elude. a :1951, Ford,. lunch. : tractor . fully nch. • ‘• -the undersigned' until- 12 o'clock equipped. .Thirty head hof cattle including.. 9 cows and. six bred heifers; Durham bull, 2 years,: 30 'pigs,; quantity of :hay. Terms' cash. Mitchell . Elliott, Prop.; Harold Jackson, Auc. CAR FOR FSAIIE -- Lovely jet black ;'47 Dodge Sedan, perfect, in every Xway. N. W Vinters'ein� Lucknow. ' FOR SALE .—• Two building lots: Apply to -•T. W. Smith or T ,.J. Salkeld; ' wardens ' of, St: Peter's -.Church. ' seed ''barley available on contract:: Seed is treated ready to. ,.so' v. place your order now to :get in on thisprofitable cash ;crop. Geo. lliott's Seed; caning --Plant x54 -J, Lucknow. AUCTION SALE noon, Tuesday, March 1.lth, 1952, :for Warble Fly .Spraying, inspec- tor' for the Township', of West "Wawannosk r•Applicath to supply ;his own transportation. Lowest or .any tender ' ,not necessarily " ac ucepted.. }• _Durnin Phillips, Clerk, Dungannon, O ntario SANDERSON'S We announce a piick�up and prompt delivery service through' our : very popular dry cleaning company The Bruce Cleaners The demand, for 'such service .has, 'becoMe..so acute that our patrons have finally: acquired this. convenience. Goods will be pick- ed uip•: on Monday' morning and returned ursdayafternoon:" CARD OF THANKS Oscar Hodgins•' wishes to sin- cerely. thank all ' those who, so kindly remembered himin";vari- ous ways while in the ;hospital: Their • thoughtfulness *as much appreciated.. G.ALAN WILLIAMS . . Optometrist. Office _on Patrick 8t.,•- just off the Main St. WINGAA1Vii Professional Eye Examination Optical Services; .. Evenings ' by • appointment. Phone: Office 770 Res. 5 NERAL `RAL HOME SE, ,. 'Phone ,76 - Day or Night• ' • Ambulance, Service . USE OF 'FUNERAL HOME,. At'No Extra' Cost Moderate ,Prices 1 MaCLENNAWifld: MacKENZIE —` F LTNERAL SERVICE ' (Funeral. °Home' Available) AMBULANCE SERVICE ' • '• • (Dag:' or Night .• Service) FURNITURE•' 'Phone:,' 181, Lucknow, Ont. .(gay or Night) kgi • Spence ;Irwin• wishes to ack- nowledge with sincere thanks 'and •,. ,.� a preeiation the many kind acres ;. • . bneighbors. friends and during • the time that • Mrs. Irwin 'and family were ill with the 'mumps. • Mr.• W. J. Davison and sisters ri and brother of Mrs. Davison: wish to express their sincere 'thanks T `F' and . appreciation to friends' and May wesuggest you ' phone neighbors for their kindless and: Local 85 for full .particulars.- . ;sympathy, and to .especially thank. W.M.S.eeting of South Kinloss Rev.- Stewart sand - Rev. Mumford �Ou�TI.1 ,CONCESSION . for their services. :� �,. . • , • at t. e. --home LLof - _Mrs: Ross_Mac-. . . • Millan last Friday. ' ' To the neighbors (who helped A family consisting; of seven Mac MacDonald was : able to in saviing';our house, to : all ,who • return to High School last Thurs-' •assisted the night 'of the fire and children who�have, redently." • ar- ' rr}' :. rived -from, Holland, are', working day ;after -several. days--lat-home {=later in repairing our.=house-. and ' . for Austin Martin' livinging ` -_ -.- ,_ on account of sickness: l cleaning up around the barn,: and '.. e o d MacIver home. , , • Mr. and Mrs.=-"• Donald MacIn�= to---all-'who-: helped -•=in -many- ot�herr- Master Ross Hamilton has; been. tyre and family Kinlough ' •' ways, we wish 'to ex ress. our � of�, vii' y , express: , very sick with the mumps.' • spent last'week at the''home of heartfelt thanks. Your kindness - ` Mrs. Brock' ' MacKenzie and Wm. MacIntyre. i'',and assistance at' this time will' f family. of Teeswater spent. Spat. Rev. MacConnell of • Lucknow long be remembered. ; . • • , urda afternoon ache home of- supplied= -for Rev. 7G-Bau1ch--last--:----Lorne•t R Ritchie. Margareitchie._ '• > ' .. - Angus Graham: .. Sunda-y�a� "rllness�preveivted�•3Vii Sewing S. Club Meeting _ A meeting' of "The.' Daughters of the Kairshea" sewing club' was � & 9he1d on Friday ht at the.home , of Mrs. A. Hughes,"with :eight. A LOng: Term Pasture . Mixture emrs and one• •. - Mader meeting opened' with the - . ' • , � ent • �Thd' FOR AVERAGE $OILS singinge of• the theme song fol-, , lowed by the roll calf which was ° .. . . �a.nswered by "one thing. Xthat I put' That Cannot Be Bean in my sewing box The girls 9, . ,• • k notes -after which they ' then .too Brome, Grass ....:.....::..'5 lbs.. Canadian Blue ... ,..• ... 2 lbs. continuedsewing t its and their skirts Orchard Grass 4. lbs. Alfalfa : ,:.:°..4 lbs. jumpers ' which are now near s . Timothy- 4- lbs. Ladino lover: _ ,,,,....�.. 1 1b. completion. ' A lovely lunch was .'' wea',''ow.` F cue ,.:,.,. 33 lbs. , White 'Dutch -Clover;. 1 lb. j .. Derved-,-followed....byy__a.„.v.-ote,..-of ' d ' x nk.'s byBettyHamilton:. TOTAL 24 ..LBS.: SEED PER ..ACRE ' Price $10.15 Per Acre TENDERS TENDERS will be received. by the undersigned ".until 12 o'clock noon,; ` Tuesday, ' March . llth, 1952. for the spraying of .:cattle for. Warble Fly in; West Wawanosh Township. Applicant .to supply • his own machine.Lowest. or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Durnin,Phillips', Clerk, , Dufgannon, Ontario: A lar - e •-crowd attended the . Baulch :frona taking . the , service:' g • erg A � e � n H► g Y sward. Agnew Jos. Agnew GENERAL INSURANCE Established O'er 30 Years;Ago •. Telephones: Business', 39 Residence 138 MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance - Agents' Association' INSURANCE j .. @moo O; wr ti re -Life --Insurance- Co; Operative Automobile . Insurance ' Mercantile & Farm Fire ' • Insurance. • '• Economieal--and Reliable; — -See 2... ,T.: A. CAMERON --LUG•KNOW Phone •70-r-10 Dungannon • "DR. T.1'13. CLELAND VETERINARIAN 1Havelock St, sputh of Supertest Garage- LVCKIY.O'Nf' • A Telephone 175 BUSINESS' and TAX` •SERVICE: MONTHLY AUDIT5 • ' For. The .Small Merchant, Professional , -, man :and the -Farmer.. S.. J PYMM P.O. Box . 74 - Lucknow,' Ont.. Office in . Kilpatrick Block 'Phone: 23=w ' - ° . 1• T. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST • • OODERICH FOR 'APPOINTMENT- 'Phone 1100. For. 'Appointment- or Infori iation' See WO. A.' Schmid .' 'Phone 167-w Liicknow 1 SU R �N � E N A C FILE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE. . AND: LIFE - : To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jac ' Today... k. J. .McDONAGH R. R. 3; L> cknow; Ont. • 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon • R. W.. ANDREW ' Barrister and Sollcitor% 'LUCHNOW, 'ONTARIO Office in .the. Joynt Brock ` Telephone: Office 135 Residence 314 1 Government Standard -No. '1 ' ' i yp pi ever It is Unlikely that the she• best acture snixtiire will be agreed upon; Even within a countyor 'tow�nshi There is a bewildering variety of soils upo seed ion thigh rand ane is produced. Farmers are sowingd' i low, heavy and light 'land, rich land and ' poor land • and I dry and wet land: Some soils are acid, others ,are alkaline • in reaction and sortie are just right. Some fields are 'tile. i ii drained; others :drain naturally.: ' mixaverage soils and ' Theabove mixture is well suited for'avers • 1- conditions andhas leen recommended by .the •O.A.C. However if any spec al, ,mixtures or' grasses are desired': • • for varying:conditions, we have a good stock : of separate - ': ''' clovers :and grasses and can put up' any, desired mixture. � 1 D. R. FINLAYSON ...�.,w.b> P1,.....NE. 1w • LUCKNOW Service and Satisfaction • in Plumbing' ' and ' Heating New Automatic .011 Furnaces Installed -Now In Stock FURNACE REPAIRS`' Bathroom, Fixtures & Repairs MIL RANGES' . ' SEE THE. • EAVETRO'UG1- NG ' AIR CONDITIONING �►r f Gllcre R R. 3, L11CKNOW '' 'Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon i Kenneth J MacKe'flzie- R.O. • Optometrist - •• - LISTOWEL, ONT. - Will be at Wrona's--Jeweller.- - store, Ripley, 10 a.n `-to • WEDNESDAY, MARCH `lith and 'everySecond Wednesday: Eyes examined Glasses fitted. For• appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie,96-r-24 Ripley. C0 -0P AUTO INSURANCE CamN..ri w Accept...., TOWN" RESIDENTS &'' COMMERCIAL TRUCKS • as well : as ;the farmusiness ` b. , For information- consult T:' A. CAMERON. L4 UCKNOW Phone iliuigannon 76-r-10' . JOHN McMURCRIE,, itIPLEt 'Phone 20-r-23 6 1 4 ▪ Stuart'. •MacKenzie Barrister -and --Solicitor. -- WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN. LUCICNOW `" aeh-W.ednen gay A • OFFICE IN HENDERSON-BLOCK R. S.•:Hetherington b '.Barrister,' Etc. , , . Wingham •and. Lucknow • • IN LUCKNOW. .Each °Monday ` . • ., •and Weclnesday: . Located on ,the ground floor. • in bhe front of • john ••Kilpatrick's• • Building' 'Phone Winghanl Office' 48 :Residence 97 R• easonable rates, ',sound ' pro tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of clairn°sr FARIhH MOFP'Ax'• Your p Local Agent R. 3 'Teeswater. 'Phone 'TeesWater 57-r-41 Insure With . The' . • X tuaCulross Mu FIRE INSURANCE •� NCE GO,• •' for r • e • • I•