HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-06, Page 3T OaspAY, MARCS THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • PAGE TIRES. .oc1 Mr. James Pickering is 111 at, his home with pneumonia, • Mrs, Margaret Sproul ' 1s. ' 11 with pneumonia, and - her . sister,, ,M.rs. Million; is visiting with her, 'Yte Londestboro . Young People put on. their play, ",Chintz Cot- t,age", Friday evening at. Zion. • .Gerald Culbert. of Toronto spent the week -end with his par- ents arents,Mi." and Mrs. Jim Culbert.. Miss Sarah MacQuaig returned to n. Chicago on Thursday, ,a•fter. the e " ' st '... year spendingspending� r at ,her aiie here. Mr. ,ands�Mrs. C Eric:. Woglley 'and ifaChesley .were Sun- day Y k1,1• d;• guests of Eric's parents, Rev. :C. B. and.: Mrs. '' Woolley. • . . Mr Charles ' Lorenz .suffered another •paralytic seizure :.the latter part .of ' .the week and is •a patient .in, Kincardine lospi- • tal. Mrs.. Lorenz is . r risiting • in Iiiricard:in.e with Mrs. McGarvey. Lucknow sa Presby urian_ Ch,urc`h y u! ch :REV. C. A. WiNN, Minister B.A., SUNDAY,' MARCH 9th' 11 : a.nt.:Morning :Worship. •' • 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School 'and Bible Class, .' 3 pin.::Erskine; Dungannon" era •- Miss Pearl Thamer, Reg.N., re 2'umed' her- duties on Sunday as. matron at the Bdker Convales- cent ;Homme,. after . a' month's ab- sen.ce due to illness. • Mrs, Russell Irvin of Ashfield returned' from Wingham Hospital on Monday, where she 'underwent ail,' operation the _previous Mon- day. ' Bessie,Reavie accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Donald 'Blue: to Ottawa last week'.,ito• attend .the: Opening ,of Parliament and to-'. see the sights in the Capital City Ti 9 Ladies' Guile -Of St. Pet er's' Church,' met 'last week at the• Relctory' with an almost, full at- tendance. The next meeting will be held at the home .4f Mrs. Thos.. W. Smith. ° ' Mrs'. • -Russell Irvin wishes to sincerely • •'tha'nk friends ,and neighbors for., their cards and• other - kind•',remembrances' while, in the hospital, all of which were indeed appreciated. ] event visiftors with' Mr and Mrs.:Wm. Bushell have been Mr.' and Mrs. Jolinishell, Mr. and Mrs. ` Morley Bushell, Mr, and Mrs.' Donald Bushell . and Janet, Mr. 'and Mrs. :'• George Colwell, Shirley; Gwen, Billie, • Jack. and Delbert Hedley. . • ' Mr. ;LloYd Burges� Mr and .', 5.. llllrs:. Jack Charlton (L}�/�.. itella), Mr:' and :Mrs.'.::. Merle Burgess, • Mr:. Beverley .Burgess, Mr's.. William 'Russell (Bertha) Visited' :at the: week -end at: the 'home' of their' father, Mri George Burgess, and. attended' the funeral of :Mrs. ;W. ^J, Davison. 1 p.m.;, Evening Worship.. LUCKNOW UNITED' CHURCH; Minister.. Rev. W..3 Munford, i M.A., B.D.. S.T.D.•:. , I Sunday, March 9th, 1952. i l' SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT .11 a.m.: Let's Be Christ's Men. 1215 On.: Sunday School. • 7 p.m:: Personalities of She i i Passion: 2..Judas.° 1 1 '7.30 p.m Thursday Special Lenten-Servi^ce,------- ----- • •InLorder=to-save,the-- wor-ld God sent not an • atom bomb, but His Son w'1'io, ,died for us i• that we might live. The pub- i i lac is cordially invited to war- ship. whoa :• , OBITUARY • MRS. WILLIAM 3. 'DAVISON. The death. of ,Mrs. William J. Davison "occurred . in Wingham Hospital ',`early last Wednesday, evening.. She had suffered:.° a stroke only :that morning at ;her' home in'Lucknow • Davison was ',a lifelong rident ' olf the community, hav- i•ng beein • born ' at • Holyrood over 74 yearsago, on October 6, 1877, and having lived .• in Lucknow since her •marriage to W J. Dav- ison on: January '1st, 1903. • ° Mrs. • . Davison • was .' formerly Matilda. Elizabeth' `MeMullen, one of•a family of four children 'born, ,to Willi,arn'.James McMullen and. Matilda Flukey Mrs. McMullen `died. on' September lst, 1912 and her. hiaband's .death occurred; on March' 20th; 1932. . . The funeral service. for Mrs.. Davison was,cond•ucted 'privately' at' her late., residence on Satur- day afternoon. .A lovely tribute was pateer'.y a former pastor,. Rev, J. W. Stewart ofTrafa g�'ar,^ assisted -by • Dr W -T.- -Ma ord of Lucknow United Church, of which she wasa member. InterrrTentt." w,as. .iii Gree'rihT1- C,einetery, the pallbearers being' Durnin Phillips, Kenneth Camer tin,. "Archie 'Robinson,: Jas,' Math- ers, Harvey .Webster and Bever- ley Burgess. . : ;. `Besides: her husband, Mrs. Davison is Survived by two ,sis- ters, sis-tens, Mrs. EdnaBothnie of Sask- atoon and Mrs, • Essie 1:Tewat of London and by , one' br'othet,. 11/Ii1 ,.,7,VI•c`1Vlullen zsf:: Toronto. A.n- other, sister,.'.Maty:Etlen,••;died air infancy. r . Anglica hurch NOTICES`' Rev. A. S. Mitchell, L Th., Rector. Second .Sunday_'in Lent.. • 1VIARCH 9th, 1952 St. ,Peter's 'Church,. Lucknow' Morning....Prayrir Address "Persistent Faith" 'Wednesday, March 12th,'8 Service at the ;home of ;Mr, Fred Nixon..(, .. ; • The 'Ladies9• Guild, 2.30 p.m. 'at .home of Mrs. T. W, Smiths St. Phil's Church, Dungannon • 2,30 p.m,: Holy Conned lion. St °Paul's Church, Ripley. 7.30r .. pmz.. Evening'. Prayer and Address: • Tuesday,' The Ladies' Guild visits the Rectory,. Thursday at 17.30 •p.rn., Lent .Service at 'home of 'Mrs. Frank Scott. CKNX BROADCASTS Tuesday flip $t 'Tars. 13th, at 7.25 :pati'., ,4 , ENGAGEMENTS :Mr, and Mrs. Lennie Harrison of'Huron ' To,Wrisllip,, • Wish to an pounce •the'engage:ment .of ';their cisrightei•. '1Viargery 'lona, to Ken- neth William MacDonald; son of Mr:s. • R. D' MacDonald and ' ate late Mr.' 1VIacDonald • of Ashfield Township. The marriage to take place ' tho riddle .nf• Msrcli.. OIL CO. ,REPRESENTATIVES t I A E' LAND NLAR; Representatives of the. Sun Oil Company were in Huron ,Town- ship last week negotiating leases ori`..1,000 acres of land lying west of Ripley. between the• 8th and 10th 'Concessions,. Lease options, call for $25• for each 100 acres and if oil is found • the dividend will by e ane "eighth 1 . d SEED FAIR 41.1.14. SET FOR NEXT WEEK, • Plans ' are now completed; fpr.;, the 5thw Annual Huron County', Seed :Flair, . which, is to., be held in' the Clinton District ,Collegiate Institute in Clinton, on. March . 7 and 8,: it is announced 'today by Mr;. G. W: .o.,ntgomeryr secr...et ar. y -treasurer of • the. Huron.. Crop Imlproveemnt • Association. ' • Mr. , Montgomery •pointecl . out that this year's show promistes to be one of the, 'outstanding agricul- Lural events of the year. ' In addition. to ;the a tua1 Show-' ing of exhibits' ;there will `be nvan• :y ..other. highii .ta.Jl e:.;Huron- � County Junior • Seed :. Judging Competiition: wilF Abe held in con-' j tnetion with this . show and 'will 'be: carried''out on. Saturday, Mar.' 8th, commencing at 9;30 a.m. All Juniors in Huron County 'under the age of 3.0 are Welcome to take. part, :bi this 'competition. There will be separate •sections. for the Juniors 'and the Seniors; ,Again this . year the show: is being grown open, to .the .public, on Friday.evening. A very inter- esting program has been lined up for Saturday after..:.noon, March8 l atwhich time ':the. main;,fea- lture'will. be •a- paiiel::discussion on "Pasture and Forage Crops •in: Ort�ario," A varied number of education al exhibits by . various . extension services :throughout ..the..country will. be -on display: depicting--var1 crus phases .of agriculture.. . AUBURN COUPLE MARK' 57,TH ANNIVERSARY Mr.. and Mrs.* Ezekiel Phillips' P . LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR THE. NEW LOOK FOR. SPRING SUITS' and COATS ,For The Men. i, : We, announce the presence of Mr. Robert • MacKenzie,. on March '12th, representative for " Cambridge Clothes, His .,expert : advice on. materials, styling, and ' fitting will enable ' you to choose that' new Spring Suit •tailored to your. wishes, -May-We.-suggest call loran -,early -appointment.-_:. --__..". FRESH. FOR SPRING . 'P AT • TO CQ S . : °, • NXLONsox, Gabardines'' and Worsteds • No darning or shrinking HATS • HANDKERCHIEFS By Stetson & : Biltmore Pure Irish Linen For 'I'ite •Ladies COATS' Arrival of the Most . Tog-' ular .&. (best 'se'lling models: 'for your early selection.. These are in, women's and misses' in the --latest mater- ials. • :SUITS Full selection in sires, ma- aerials and, colors, for, the, women, "misses ..land debu- Steens. DRESSES .' Wehave new stock arriv-. frig daily frarn best selling • --houses,'' ` .who' 'create • only fast selling styles. ESTABLIS D THROUGH •SRVI ECE• ary 27�th.• - --Mrs. Phillips was the former, Margaret' Ellen' Medd,daughter of • the late M. and ' NIrs. Robert Medd, West Wavwanosh. Mt. P;hi1- lips is the son• of'the••late:Mr. and. ',Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips, Fordyce. They have a family of three::' observed their 57th wedding :an- Robert J. "Phillips,' Mrs. Thomas niversiary on. Wednesday, Febru (Ellen) Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips, all of Auburn. Mrs.' Phillips observed her 80th. -birthday on Sunday, February 26 arid Mr. Phillips will be, 80, ,an .'.. May 28, They are meinbers of. Mark's :Anglican (Church :Both are. enjoying good heal; and their . ' many friends,; wisls' ; them' many ,piore years of map- , ried "life., , -:� • This year again the Red Cross Appeal presents IA With a chaltenge• . and an o 'PP ortunity. Nd,* victims' of war wounds, greater needof'lifesav ing blood transfusion services, the inevitability of great:°disasters,.of:fire' and flood ... all mustfind the Red Cross. ready. As the need( toalleviate suffering; grows, the generosity of Canadians grows too. But• 'toddy the task is almost beyond Measure.' There is' the challenge. The opportunity to help is before you.. Gin t ODAY to carry' on tomorrow's work of merc I' • is urgentlyneeded to° ESP YOUR RED /-S Giffs fo your Red Crcosrc are,wrsely used. Each year: the:accounting is.opprroved hY auditors• of the Dominion Governrmenif: W B. , N ERSO$ IK.ocal President, +Phone 1a1, Lrtel now .