HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-03-06, Page 1$2.50 Yearly In Advance. -$1.00 Extra To U; S.A.
with the annual Red . Cross
rrrpaigh due to be' launched
next "week, ut is.. timely to outline
,some, of the work carried on'
locally by the Lucknow and D s-
trict,'Branch, and of, which little
. -rimy--be•--knoown. ,
od transfusions ' iven ,free
• ly to ,reSidents of this 'commun-
ity' at the hospital bf their choice,
Fare, replenished at the expense :of
the local Red Cross branch, which
. in December alone.' paid $50 for
this .service.
The maintaining of the blood
bank throughout the Dominion is
the responsibility . of the Red
During the'.past year the ideal
Branch; supplied such 'essentials
asglasses and pod liver .oil where
:circumstances warranted: •At a.
cost. of. $30, two local girls, were
sent to tamp for swimming. • in-
The local :Branch owns' - four
Wheel . chairs and two hospital
beds which are in 'constant •tise,
•freeof charge.There 'is the loan
cupboard, in' the Town Hall,
stocked with emergency supplies
and available for. • the . a'skin'g.'
• should the need • arise:
At Christmas time comforts
were sent, to veterans'' from this
•district in hospital'' .and. to cur-
rent enlisted men
Ten:months..inthe yeara.aith
ful 'band,of ladies staff the work
:room to make supplies for Red
Cross' hoapitais and wherever the
need for these arises.
er.. .s • n . th�
Twat th>< mo, th a Red.:: Cross'
canvassers; alI.•volunteer workers,.
will be calling, to. seek your as
sistance to • aid,' in the carrying
onof this .'work : of mere wh ch
'VOTE' $25.00 TO ••BANTAMS"
The Shoot C1ub has voted $25
to the Bantam hockey team, now'
the 0M H.A. playdowns.
ners' at . Monday: .night's Party:
were 1Vl;rs,. Les Purves and Earl
Harris. Consolation' prizes ,:went
to: Mrs J. W. Joynt' and .Jack.
Friday, February 29th, coming
•"once ' in four" is an unique oc-
casion for anyone having a birth=
day'' on that date. • Among those
from this community having this
as their natal 'day, are Linda Tre='
leaven 4 -year-old • daughter of
Mr, .and • Mrs,: Ronald Treleaven
of. Kitchener: -..-and. -formerly :Of
Ashfield. It. Was Linda's .first
birthday. Mrs,• Roy„ Burchell of
Wingham,, formerly Madeline
Dennis of Dungannon, celebrated.
her birthday • and Mrs.'. ' S.
J: Kilpatrick of Dungannon; cher
"19th": Many happy returns .Of
the day to them all!
T .
Edward';Percy, 11=year-old' son
of . Mr: and Mrs, George Percy of
TfOlyrood, is In *Ingham ' Hospi-
tal suffering `frorn_critical-in'u.ries
received i lien' run 7OVer by a
tractor on the Tenth. Concession
of .•Kinloss! on 'Saturday..
X-rays revealed no • broken.
bones but 'Eddie wa crushed .and
bruised • end severely injured in
tern:ally. .On Sunday his lifehung
in the balance,: and,three .nurses,
•were• . with him• on'round-the
clock duty: The firsto.f •the week
Lome: impre ernent :was•, evident
and ' he , was. reported to • be "as
well as can be eitpected" '
With •hisfather's tractor. Eddie•
was enroute to '; Jack Whines',
farm •on the 10th Concession ••and/
had picked 'pip couple ''of lads
fron-i thatcoimriunity; Brian Hilt
'and Ralph Haines. Going "down
the lOth Eddie was sitting on. one
of the fenders; . '
when. a bump in
the road � jolted. hirrn ° 'off the
vehicle' and. under. • the ' wheel
which passed" lengthwise .:` down
his body, 'Unable to move' and:
• semi-conscious, blankets; were,..
brought from the McInnes :home
and • Eddie was: warmly wrapped
up, •awaiting the- arrival :: of th'e,
• doctor,• who had the': inj' fired.
youth rushed by ambulance. to.
Wing:h,am Hospital
EEj::BY .T
THAT. MX' arid Mrs W. A.. Port-
eous recently "met Mrs;' J A,
Robertson (nee ,Dean :Geddes)
in St. Petersburg,'. Florida: •
THAT . Queen.:Elizabeth's birth-
day which. 'falls on April . 21st,.
has been proclaimed as a stat
utory' holiday' in Canada.
THAT;. the `F: 'W.' Gilchrist• Co.,
which ham :_ beenr_aperatirig a
small furniture factory in Mea-,.
•ford for four years, is moving
to Thornbury: The firm; which
• couldn't obtain the •support. re-•
" quested in .Meaf ord, had • looked'
,.over the idle furniture factory.
:here, but was unable to finance.
• this' Undertaking.:
:THAT.at The Playhouse the :first.
sof next week' a special news-
reel will show.,,the• bier ' of
George VI, the. last rites, and
•the funeral' procession, to .Wind-
:' • .sor Castle, as . well es Lord.
Alexa•nder's` •,farewell; and the
Norway Olympics:
THAT' Frank Miller of Fielding,
S�ask<, son of, Mr and Mrs . Sam
Miller; spent the week -end rhere
With. his uncle and aunt; •-Mr.
: and Mrs: Frank Miller of Lang -
side, before:` leaving for home
yesterday Mr, Miller.' had come.
East to have 'a sinus,' operation
at Rochester.':
THAT winners at; the : Ladies'
: Auxiliary . Shdot party were
Mrs' Armstrong Wilsori, Mrs.
:'George and=Chas:'.Mason,
`The Auxiliary parties,: to which
every. one is- welcome, are held
every second week, withthe,
next one• on ' Friday ;night. ,
tiVIFE HO YROOD-BORN Clarericet veer"was installed
DOCTOR ` DIED: INU.S. ` ' ' • as presi'den�t.'of Lucknow Branch
The death of Mrs. Lottie Ausr
,:'tin . Kerr, age 85. years, occurred
on -pecerrubei•- -10th--,at- -nisi -g-
hum`Mason Ci y, owa. ' er
- ashes--- were interred -at -Chidi 1
309; of the.Canadian Legion at a
meeting•on Tuesday. night of last
week He` was installed :by the
retiring. presrden.t;--.Robert M.
1 soy who Telzi--th affi e--ipr-
tw-o:---years. ----
•Robert W. Andrew, who 'had
i • . - sures fur- the -
past six.' years, has `given: ;up th'e
office and•is succeeded •,by H. 1).
Thompson. ,
The • ,slate, of officers • and exe-'
cutive .members for • 1952 are as,
follows:: pres., C. C: •Qreer, vice
press, S: E. Collyer; sec.-treas:,
H. •D Thompson; Executive mere-
bers, Elwood'Drennan, R. J. -Mac-
Intosh, R. M. Simpson, Lorne
Johnston; Sergeant -at -Arms, Win.
Stimson; -Colour Party, David
Cowan, Lane Gardner.:
Her husbar. Orman
who Was a Chicago.•surgeon,•died
in 1926. Dr :Kerr was bpp• rn at•.
Rolyrood and ; upon , -graduating'
practised ' for a ' time in . LucknoW
'with Dr. G. A. Elliott.
Mrs: Kerr is survived by two
$ons, Dr: Kathel Kerr of Charles
City, Iowa :and Dr. -John, Austin
herr of the Rockef e11er: 'Founda
-tion ' in Poona, India:
Friends . and. neirghbors of Mr.
and Mrs,' Lorne. Ritchie have or=.
ganized a. canvass, :Of . Ashfield
Township, to aid this. young,
couple, who lost their barn, stock
and' implements •b fire earl las t
wk,,, Y y.�,
, ee , to climax a Series of re -
Verses that have dogged this;
Young couple since their marriage
three years ager
An organized • canvass is being,
, •
contueted oneach
Brie in , .the
Township,'; and . it ,is •ex>pe'eted
that the canvassers will complete
• their rounds this week, '
There may be some' who ujall.
'be' missedand o .,
others i in Tuck=
now and neighboring ,townships
Who will wish •' to assist in this
'fine: neighborly act, These folk
` 'may' leave their dentitions at;
awford-s. Feed. Stare or at The
Sentinel Office. •
THAT,•:.to . last:--week'.-s_:list,•a:c-k-
nowledging receipt- of ;Sentinels.
• "of.' January 31st, we add Mars:
Joe . Wasney and 'Mrs. 1=tdn•
Rothwell. The 'need. has been
..more than filled .and we wish
to think '.ail those who. so kin
ly respondees:
THAT students of Luckfiow ' Di
trict'High ' chool are busy this
week ' writing examinations.
THAT unpredictable March came
• in like. ;.a lamb, regardless ' of
her behaviour for the resit of
• the month: If .March continues
open 'as did . January. and Feb-
. 'ruaiy, it willo down in the
records as. the 'stormless;' win=
iter: Except .for • a heavy pre-.
Christrnas snowfall, there has
not been anything this _ :winter
• seven i•esemnibliitg.: fan • old4ime
blizzard: Highways,'have been
: generally, bare, and the C.N:R:
hasn't had'. a 'snowplow on the
Palmerston-Kincardhne line .all
winter. 6
•1Vi'r. and Mrs. Wilson' Irw'in of
Con.. 10, Ashfield, observe' their
57th wedding anniversary ,today
(Thursday): They were married
in 'Goderich by Rev, Mr'. Perry'
,on March 6th, 1895, and layer
been lifelong ,residents of Ash-
field. Mrs: 'Irwin was formerly
Lavine, Florence Caesar, daugh-
ter of; the ' late '•Mi"./and ,Mrs:
Henry" Caesar. of Coilcession. 6,
Ashfield. '
Mr: Irwin was 82 on January.
3rd and Mrs: Irwinwill'' be 79.
next ' Wednesday, March 12th-::
$oth' are enjoying fairly good.
Mr, and Mrs, Irwin have bought
the George Orvis .horne in Luck-
now, and will move to the. Vill-
age' loiter this, year.
Mrs, Howard Fowler of Clin-
'ton, who. - 'had" been ,spending,. the.
winiter at the hone of her• Baugh-
ter, s. • Harold. Treleaven, suf-
fered 5 fractured hip last•Thurs-
day and was , removed . to Clinton
Hospital' ' was anilbulance Mrs;
1 owler is . 82 years of age: _,Hers
husband died last summer.
The ,.price of milk in, Lucknow
is likely to advance very. soon.
The present price is 18 cents .0
,quart, and an increase• : of one
cent a .quart is .anticipated: - -T.he
new•:19-centprice-wourid-}Ye Ibwer
by two cents, than :the 21c rate
itihat::prevails. ,in many /..centres
Ripley ,and Kincardine are
likely, to have the .19c. rate, with
the 21 cent rate in effect` in
Ruth Nicholson, 20 -year-old Wingham,. and Goderich,
daughter. of Mr.• and. -Mrs. Sandy Applications for an :• increase
Nicholson of Sturgis,: Saskatche has been made : by the Milk ?ro-
wan, las, just been • awarded a ' aucers . Association, and a public
Beaverbrook. overseas. yesterday scholarship: •hearing was set for es'tery.
da• b
Ruth. is ah present • studying' to- the Milk Control. Board .which
wards her Master's degree at 'the will decide on the .maximum
University of New Brunswick,: as prices at .which milk may' be sold
sisting with a historical survey in various' munici alities i�nciud-
of 'relations 'between' New. Bruns- -mg °Lucknow. - '
Wick-arrd Maine This is the fifth Local milk
oducers are will
scholarship.__thatRuth -has won ing occent 4:10.perhundred=-.•
since ;she began. her University ',weight, an., increase •of 25c .froin
Work and, is , .alued at $3,000.00.; the price of $3:85 which they are..
It provides for a year's study-: at now'. "receiving. This permits the
the Lon
don_School:..of ie-onomics '-, i -e
- dist�rirbii�tor .toconfine �he increase
ng n to one cent' a quart I • cent
as•well as travellr on the co -
tinent: .
. Ruth is a cousin', of Alex Mac-
Intyre, who is Studying medicine
at Oxford l..niversity in • England,.
having 'been' awarded this :sclaol
. n
where the:21 .tent rate ,applies'
I the producer , receiving $4:60
',per hundredADDRESS -weight. " BISHOP'SHEARD arse. last year ' .. H ARD
F.0 N:_D FOR; The service inSt .
Church on Sundaywas able to. ...
include' .'a broadcast' sermon by
Donations to the w, and •Bishu. P`:Luxton: The' Bichop •:Was
District campaign in• aid :of:.the` heard'to muoh advantage through
Blind have now reached a total the kindness of the Greer Radio
of $1272.17, "and may exceed that & ..Electric; who :installed' 'their.'
�fi , re + n a• -few, d . latest". R.0:A." Vi . or . '
gu and. orations:••are c't set for the
still corrin 'in and as et there service.. Reception; was •wonder•:
has been •no official word receiv=' fully.' clear and , the . Bishop's voice
ed ;to close, the. carni: ` aign. could be heard in every :rt of '.
• . Village donations total $967.92 the church; Dr.' Luxton. spoke in
-and rural donations $304:25: Not connection with the campaign tp,
;previously acknowledged are as clear Huron 'College :completely.
'follows: + oaf • debt, • and his address was both
Village • ('inspiring and convincing,
Ken. Mowbray $2.00;. Mrs Diek l • .•
.Webster 1:00, Thos'. Anderson, Sr.!. • • MISS NM' MAI . PASSES'
1.00;• Austin' Solomon 2;00;''Alex;
Havens 1.00, Orval Jones .'2:00, '' ` '
The death of Miss , Margaret
Mrs Scott. '1.00 Mrs: John Jam- ;1114,u -ray • occurred 'at the' Baker ".
ieson`2.00,, R. B. 'Quance T.00. i Convalescent Home: on Monday •
Rural morning; where, she had been . a
H. Pere _ '-Iolyrood .2.00•__Gor---
. , Y : $ , -, bed Lpatient -from - a stroke. -She''
don Morrison, "R. 1, 2.00; Donald.. had previously been in Wingham
R„ --MacKenzie, R. 3, . 3:00,- Mrs. -,Rios ital. for. seveia1-�nonth -- er""`
p. H
Elizabeth• Bolt, R. 1, 1:00,,` Isaac. -death was due to another seizure'
Miller, ' ,Sit•.'•. Helens,' 10.00; ' Archie' suffered a few days 'earlier. Miss
1vIacIntyre,, R. 6,' 2:.00 Wm. Ruth Murray was..:80.years of a'd a•and
erfgrd,.R. 2, 2.00; D. Dalton, R:'3, is: the last'niernber• of herfar-'
:Goderich, .1,00 Mrs. Phil Smith
3,, 5.00, L O.L.' No .1044,- Zion,.l rhe.:furter-al-• serviee-civ-as--1•ield
10,00;- Brown•, Smyth, R 2, AU -1 at` •Johnstone's Funeral Home on
ern, 2;00; .Albert Taylor, di:. 2Wednesday afternoon with ..titer
i.,elit ii, Greeithi11C tery.
.erich, 1:00; :Jacob ,Hunter, R. 3, • .
2:00, ' Rev C. -B:.,. Woolley,, R. 2,' ,
2.00 Earl aS rah R. 3 .1.00 Miss . EAUT ,'COUNSELOR cos-
Sadie Johnston,;' R. 3, Goderich; •
metics phone Mrs. Ken Mowbray:
:00; Elwood Drennan,; R. 3, Gad= Special for March -Cream rouge:
erich, 2,00; Harvey Houston, R. ' •
3, Holyrood, ' .5:00;' 1) Thompson, SEAL FUND SETS
Con, 4; 2.00; Richard Elliott,
Holyrood, 5:00;-Kintail: Women's IIIGH RTURN..
'.Institute, 10:00; .'Frank McQuil-
lin; R. 2, • 1:00; Jas. ,Sherwood 'R...
"1, Dungannon, 2.00; St: Helens
Handicraft, 1:00; . Kairshea W:
5.00; W: R. Barrier,: Whitechurch, February. ' The . total subscribed
2:00, Earl McDonald, R,• 7, 2:00; •was..$1065,surpassing slightly the
Duncan rM onnell, ; R: •5, 2.0(1 campaign. of a year ago.
Returns were high in propor-
tion tothe nurnber 'of l iters' sent
h e
out. 'Out of '' the ' letters mailed, : .
donations werereceived from 82
percent of ,the recipients.. About
Mr... and. Mrs., Juirrien Dering 100 ••letters, or approximately 17 ,
of. Holland: arrived. here on Sat- percept, were not returned, nor
urday..1 r. Dering is employed by 'a donation received, ,and about:
Orland Richards, and the young 1 percent of the letters were. re=
couple, • who are in their early turned %Without a donation:
twenties;: have taken usn residence Previously acknowledged $1042.00
on the Rich. srd • farm at Para., Jaynes Boyle ".z..:...:,y,. ,.:, 2,0.0
°mount across ' the road from, the • Keith. Johnston 2.00.
Richards' borne farm. Geor e Kennedy .....:.',..:: '2.00'
;..,�....::':.. '
Mr. and, Mrs'. Dering :flew from ' o La Le • Club . 2:00.
Holland to Montreal, making the Frank MacLennan y, ....;'..' 2.00
flighlt in thirteen hours and al.- Milvert Reid 2.00
riving ii the Quebec metropolis • PhilipcStewart ..:......::..:.: 1,00
on 'Fr.ida' a"'Fr'6rni there "they corn S B. ► thers" rrarrrr rsa r>.:::c • 5.00
lrleted the loiirricy by plane. They Fred Webb 2.00
can speak English fairly well Lorne Woods 2.00 •
Mr. Dering is a.hrother of Mrs: Anonymous ...r.rv.:wr . r:"..«,.: 1.00
Hoisted, : Whose husband is em-
Iiloyed iby .Glen `Walden. ' 1 Total ..l:..j....r............. .�..:;ti.. l Ot5.00
THAT, acts cif. Mischief and dam
•.age that have occurred at the
Arena,, have decided the Coin-
mittee 'to 'ban from the rink
an one res' ��nsible for/ such
Y Pa
THAT O:sear Hodgins underwent
a hernia operation in Wingham
Tospital • last Wednesday and
returned home on Sunday,
THAT the Bruce County Health
Volt iS presenting a series of
broadcasts, dealing with the.
Unit's ,activities, over
Owen Sound', The first broad;
oast will ;Ile at 1,00 p.m, on
Fr" of this, Week ,and week:-
y he e t
2:00 • Flax Barkwell,_,.R;_3,..:..Goda-
The . Luckiiow , and District
Christmas Seal campaign came •
to an 'official' close at`the erid.,_of