HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-28, Page 10PAGE TEN • 41ir -'777 THE LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL, LUCKHOW ; ONTARIO r . ;.•. , - THURuS., 'FEBRUARY 28th,.19 i2• ONTII UE' DifferentStock On 'Display This Week LISTED BELOW ARE, A FEW OF THE SPECIALS LADIES' NYLON CARDIGANS & PULLOVERS , 'SPECIAL THIS WEEK , . . . ..............,.., 25% OFF LADIES ,PULLOVERS, all wool, values to $3.98,, i To clear , $2.98 LADIES' CARDIGANS, sizes 14 'to 44. Special_ ;.:..,,' $3.79 . ► EEFERS Children s'Flannelette PYJAMAS. & SL , ,_ , ' - to• clear at ,, _ „ 98c ,' 13 EN'S' PANTS', a special buy for our sale. ! Made ' by Haugh's, sizes 32 to 44 .. , ,:,.., "$3.59 MEN'S PLAID SHIRTS ' , ' ,, ., ''' . ., ,.. ,,. , ,,, $2.75 .,. i ti Drop ,i.:. •A..1 • Cm TheseAnd Many tore mpleton Hackett's W.M.S.. Hackett's W.M,S: met Tuesday afternoon,', February, lath, at 'the I SEE BX THE SENTINEL (Continue'ctr from page .1)- THAT George Whitby, Roy Colt- yer,and Jack Bannister'of town and Elliott Webster di Kincar- dine tried fishing through the ice On Lake'Simcoe, .near Beav- •' erton at the •first of the week,,., THAT Mrs' Margaret . MacFar- lane showed us. • a copy . of the Perthshire Advertiseran. ill- '" castrated magazine. Published in. • her h6me town of Perth, Scot • - land. Among the 'many: pictures: . is one :of a` group of the Perth. Panthers hockey team, includ- ing Murray Stainton of Wing-, ham. • for Easter Mondayy night with Mr. .Woolley . to 'engage' a speak- er...Bynan 2.56 was sung and the •closing prayer. offered by Rev. home • of Mrs: ' :Andrew' • Ritchie. C. 'B. Woolley.__l,unch..was served' with 16 , present, The 'president,' by .'the, 'hostess assiaated;• by Mrs; Mrs: George Alton, opened' the' Bert Alton and Mrs: 'Cyril' Camp.; meeting with ;',hymn 247 and the• .bell. Loral -'s -prayer.-, -followed by the -- scripture 'lesson read by Mrs. Far_ rish and prayer' i0,y Mrs. C. Wilk.- ins. ;Mrs. Andy Ritchie; secretary, read the' minutes and• called the roll. Hymn' .249 . was .sung and Mrs. Bert. Alton introduced • the new study book, "I' • 'Kept`' 1Iy' Powder, Dry", by: Rev. John Co - 'burn, reading';the -first ;chapter... Mrs. Woolley led: in prayer and Mrs.: C. Campbell gave ' a;. read- ing. At. the:' 'business' session . it was Moved by Mrs. .Beit Alton and 'seconded by Mrs. C. •Carr'ip= bell that-. we serve "' sandwiches , on C. W. •Saunders, . G. .Benson Cok, 1V .:. M. Goldberg, Archdea .con• W. L. Armitage, Canon' W. A. Townshend ' .and.' Revs. • Thos. Hieks, E. Hayes, J. C.'.•Caley,, H L. Parker,. R. E. Blight, . H.' .E,• Yanke, G.Russell and H. D. T. Fuller. :The present rector, : Rev. A. S.: Mitchell; .was also, in HURON;' COLLEGE' (Continued Froin page 1) and under graduates, ; who paid, tlie'supreme sacrifice• during • two wars 'It. was (provided by. the Alumni .of Huron College and.by. the university men; avho lived .in' residence..' there during. .their THAT with cattle branding a' cup...,, ' 'rent topic:: of' discussion, the branding • irons on display at Unibach's Drug Store : are of: more than passing interest This system., of letter branding is done with . a, . ' caustic solution rather than a heated iron. We'll have, to charge Elmer adver- tising rates for this plug.• ' _per . THAT Mrs. D. C MacMorran . Ob- . served' her .86th .'birthday ` at served ` her 86th ..birthday• at •Kingsville where. she is visiting, wirtiii;her daug-er, Miss Made:,- . lyne MacMorran. Mr, and. Mrs. .Jack` ;McKendrick of. Windsor .! spent the ..day with her Al= i though' she has been confined • to Ibed for. the past while, .Mrs ' `MacMorran isbright and cheer- ful"•and. enjoyed the oceasion'.of tier 'birthday which brought re I. mernbrances froni old friends:: THAT , The Ven, Archdeacon J. : 1 N. H. ' Mills, Commissioner . for ` 'i. the . Diocese of Huron, 'visited jj Lucknow on Monday, to inspect the e. ' restored Rectory . building; I undergraduate days at' Western. .h Rectory g, Among those. who have lived., and for ..conference 'With church i_ in resider}ce : 'at Huron • College, .officials and wlose names •are familiar 'to ,••�'o I Sentinelreaders, are Revs, Can -THAT the 'need. ..for •. copies 'af • • January 31st; was ainply sup-- .plied after our request •for'this i; issue•., • last week. Are recei!ved papers, or the, offer of them', from'. -S.' C: 'Rathwell, • Rev. C. B. , Wooley,.: Mrs: Maud Sher- i wood, . S. E. Robertson, R. 'J. 4 MacKenzie, M'rs. Hugh Fergus- is Thankoffering meeting' was set 'residen•ce; ,Cameon,Mrosn, Nellie GeorgeMalcolSwanm; .N,.Jas. H: ! •/• a■aa■r■i eaaeaa■ • •• IN STOCK 'NOW NAVYLEADSAGAIN•!r "p''and •Ou ,• Sprin Dsses fe�fture 'the •new ca es'boleros,: as well as .the' fashionable silkrints:.and nylons Dropin 'and look` themover:atyour'leisure.-. TOT-TO=TEEN and LADIES' WEAR'Phone 89-w . •,fLucknow, Ontario :. ..116_AL a.-411....�..« f !iN)n�0lc,�04•10:n4•0•n11•91,40i,I 4nro O ii�Ql�ll�qi�ommgoln�q�q•, and cake. or •cookis : for ' lunches, not both.' This was carried. It was deccided to writa monthly letter toa m$sionary, iMrs. C. Wilkins writing the first. month and 'Mr•s. WilfredHfakett the :second. Mrs. George' Alton.. gave a reading on. Mount Rundle. The- date' of::the: ■•: i Habitant PEA:: SOUP, 28 •oz. tin > ` 2' for '35c Libby's Spaghetti; 15 oz tin -"2- for 29c etbtm g: 1. Protection in respect ,of cars' used as replacement while yours is, .under 'repair,2: Protection for' you and your spouse. while drivingprivate passenger. cars. borrowedoccasionally• Extension' . f sent covers e toa new carfor 14 13.ppreg days pending notification to . the insurance company4. ; ' : Medical expnses incurred b driver ' and passengerwho .sustain bodily injuries caused by' accident while'in--•i your, car: . 5, f"Comprehensive coverage ' to your car : which includes :4 breakage of glass and.loss caused' by missies,.' falling objects, , fire, theft, explosion,. earthquake, 'windstorm,. hail,:: waterlimischief rit 'or civil com-• od; •'vandalism : (ails ;c ous ), o motion. —o The'first' three .items .are included at `no 'extra cost If $ you ,want the last two items .they can be' added; for a small additional . charge and' itis ; not necessary o wait until yourpolicy e spires •• AGNEWSIntUfame encestsons .: for Meatless MealsE'a• LUCRNOW; ONTARIO .,�q.Mr�/,�.! _' .• �,.�o.�,�+r�!,r:,. MACARONI :2 lbs: 27 .r'•N. ■ • • . • • . • ' , Medley ' Kelso McNay• William.:■■■iUi■ri■ii■ri■iiass.a • Clover. Valley. • 47c Bushell; Currie ,Colwell, Jake': HILO CHEESE ROLL __. Hinter, `•]$RNGi.nTonato j ' A:.Sauce 25cLD WHITE CI�EESE,•Ib. _ _ _ 6.5d • Spector of P blic . Schools in O ■` FancyRedle. Hastings. North "says, he . is en- Brunswick' , joymg: the variety ,and. chall•L ,C0,14, OE :SALMON ■ 39c CHICKEN H,ADI3IE _ ''27c ,enge of ispectoral duties: Mr. Aylmer gARDINTES-20c,Wt n. c ■ it dt:,Ban- and -Mrs, h -`re • +. ■ erber s Strained ■. ' o •A1ER U AI OF THAT a' recent advertiGS '.Ir ABY FOLD . 3 for 29c ,', ser of pigs rofe,..._:_,__,„1::: ' ' .■ ``' . �`_■ iwas •more. than pleased• with re- FRESH• FRUIT and VECETABLES • Lb 32c Sunkist Oranges, 252's''� Sunkist :Oranges, 288's Grapefruit, 9,6's ' 4 Florida_:Pascal Celery Lettuce, ;