HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-28, Page 6a
Claude. Dore was' elected coun-
ty master of West Bruce L.O.L..
at the annual meeting held. at
Amlberley: • Presentation was made
of past, master's jewel " to Robert
MMCor lick,, retiring cbunty mas-
ter. . '
• Plans were made to hold. July
12 observance. at Wingham;
- ,11,111171F
TIAIRS., ,F:EBRrt1AI X2,th, 1952;.,
Other officers installed, ' were: LETTER TO, THE EDITOR,.
depu ty master, Morley Mills; '
chaplain, the Rev, Jolla Hutton,
recording .secretary, Earl. Tout
financial secretary,. Chester Em,
menton; treasurer, .Bert Alton
marshal, Albert Colwell; 'lectur-
lectur-ers, John Scott,. R Campbell.
GIDEON TL RUTof Ripley re
Gently underwent an eye opera
tion in London. "
2456 E 37th Ave.
• Vancouver 16, B.C.
The 'Lucknow Sentinel,,
• ucknow, .Ont.
a Dear , Sir:
The Sentinel -comes to us 'as , a
letter. It keeps us in touch with
theold home town.: It is over
_ 45 years since I left and there.
are Very few' people in and,
around Luck.noW 1 now know.
I dwould like. to comment on
those good wishes ' and' sayings
we • .hear every Christmas,such
sayings ,as, peace "on earth, °good
• tc�
' '� '� will , towards ,men, etc., and add
Q . W Z -to • them, common sense:. I feel:
Q r O these. sayings have -become 'hab w
.Q 30 - W 'itual, and empty • and with' ; little
-II •'Q W j meaning: 1. think. ' •it would- be
•iL2 9
.`14 144
)w r
good if we • put real meanings
into these' sayings Peace . means.
nothing more . nor less• than "non
interference" and, that cornnien
ces and. ends at the 'individual.
•If we do not • interfere. with one,
another,: we are peheeful; also,
thisis applicable to nations, • ' •
Good will can only mean the;
Will to , do •good' 'and right; and
that • requi.;Ces action. Without
action, 'good will is- "useless, we
would then have to Use. :our
minds., to think, to reason and
analyze, • then ascertain ' .What:
would' Therequired to do good;
and to :know what is right,then
put the findings into.
action,, with-
' •(Mt ' interfering. with one another•:.
This can; be done. •We would be
using' our common' sense_, . or
our good "• sense, sense •
'ln, .com-
. mon, . •
I.. am an agnostic rwho' keep's.
an open' and searching. mind. I.
feel :that our Christianchurches
• can stand tai 'be ' examined,, and.
to a .large degree are found want-
• ing. If they would work less on
• abstracts '• andmore on n ;•concrete;
•I feel they would become more
• T attended to the
services' Of. a
very . small church 'group some
time aback , and was much in-'
trigued,by averse I read in their
• liturgy. *This is • the'. verse, ; they
'call :it 'An act. of .faith'. •,,"We be=
lieve that God' is Love,. and: :Pow-
er, and, 'Truth, ' and Light; that
perfect `justice rules the : world;
that all. His sons shall one day,
1reach His feet, however far they.
stray. .We hold the Fatherhood
:Of God, the Brotherhood of Man;
we know ,th'at: we do serve Him
best when, ;best We serve our
• • brother man.. So. shall His bless-
ings .rest' ori us and peace for-
. • et/el-More"., • '
_ �I think Tif we carefully_sttidy_
this • verse"we could, find great.
- lessons _in-,it,-andLalsck_ t -would,
be. found .to be very far reach-
ing. 'To.ser. ve God, we riust serve
cur brother man. By doing' so I
feel. • we Would • have peace On
:earth, good•will toward then, and
men of good wall
' ' • ' Yours very .truly; •
onVT'W1 -
:he Lucknow S:entinel,
Dear Mr. ' Thoinpsott: •
•• Another •year, •has passed and
again we` wish to.. thank you and
thestaff of The Sentinel for your,
splendid co-operation, in:'present-
ing Salada advertising to the pub-
This year marks.. our 60th an-
niversary which is almost like
saying the 60th year we hare.
used the newspapers 'of Canada;
kir we went into 'the ;papers very
soon .after we started matketing,
our tea.. • . •
• From the outset : we had two
basic ideas; the first was, to give
the finest quality of tea we could,
and, the 'second; to advertise, it as
widely as our, purse .would per-
mit, and the years have vindicat-
ed the policy.
, The latest proof of this is the
• new building we are erecting in
the Town of Mount Royal, Que-
bec, :with .a floor space of', 125;0,00
square feet: It will be one of the
most modern tea buildings in the'
world with the whole process of
blending, packing and shipping
carried out on one floor, •
I.t ;is a 'pleasure to acknowledge
bnce again the fine and courteous
co-operation we have had from
the newspapers.'
Yours very 'truluy, '
Salada Tea Company of Can-
ada,. Limited.
R Byth,Yl: •
f1: �o111 . ;WYY. VP'1I(Viiilli4.10 ti Vii• y,1 s a y ,4
(Continued. From. Last Week)
. r
he BIind
' Limited Space last week forced Donald, 2.00; Robt. Rae, . 10.00;
,us to hold over the greater part Chas, - Webster, 5.00; Susan Ki1-
of the list of 'donations to the, •patrick, 2.00; B. Coxworth, 1.00;
Blind Fund which then totalled.: Dr. Corrin, 5.00;; Mrs. R. Robert-
,., :00, Wm, ,.Porteous._ 10:00:
'The remainder of that �• sbn, 2 ► ,
list is as, follows: • Mrs, R, J. Cameron, 1,00; Mrs.
John. Nicholson, 1,00 Wm.,Rus-
sell, 1.00; S. E. Collyer, 2.00; 'Roy
Black, 4,00; W. ' L. MacKenzie,
2,00; Jessie Ahin, •1.00; R; Boak,
1.00, Innes . MacSwc4en, 2.00 W. Orvis, 2.09; `Wm., Armstrong, 1,00';
McCoy, 2;00; G. Swan; 2.00; Jas.. A Pardon, Robt; Armstrong,;
Johnston;•; •2.00;; Oscar Hodgins, 1..00;; Wm. Lyons,, 1.00; William
,2_09; Harvey` Webster; 2.•00,• Miss `Sproul, 1;00, A, W. Hamilton, 2.00,, ,
MacQuaig 2.00; .Flora • and Jack'' Thos. • $oyes, 1.00, Wm �Gollan,
McDonald .00;; L. Irwin,,, ' 100 1.00; , Geo. Whitby, 2;00, John C. .
Peter Johnston,"1.,00, J: McN:augh- Campbell; 3,00 ;Chas, Tnffm,•r1T00k',
ton, -1,00; Mac .MacLennan, .5.00; J. R. M•eNab, 10.00; JOS. Whitby;
A. 'McQuoid, '2.30; H.' Culling; 1.00;, R. H. Thompson, 2.00; Harry .
2.650; A, McGee, 1.00; Geo. • Has- ' Nixon,' 1:00; Miss M. Clifton, 5,00;
Sall, 5.00; Alfred W. Ritchie, 2.00 R: J. MacKenzie, 1.00; Jas. Pick
Carrie Milne, 1.00; F. Milne,• 1.00, •ening, 1,00;, Wm. Douglas, ,1.00;
Mrs: Dave Milne,. •1.00;' :Albert. John E. MacDonald, ' 2,00, Well-
Morton ' 1.00; Mrs. C. MacDonald, ington Nixon, .25 Harvey Web -
1.00; Marion . MacDonald, 2.00;, ster, .25;.: Harold Ritchie, 2.06;
Geo, Taylor, Jr., •1.00; T. Clarke, Donald MacLean, 2:00, Cameron
2.00, S. Whitby, '2,00; E.:Dexter, MacDonald, 2.00; Alex G,, And- /
2.0'0 R. Whitby,' 1.00; K. Career-,
on, 2.00; ' Joe '''Arm,strong, 2.00;
Hugh McDonald,: 1.00; Mel 'Greet
2.00; •Rev, . Winn, 1.00;..Les Me
Keith, .1.00;• • Walter 'Hamilton,
1A0;' Donald• McCharles, ' 2.00;
John Carruthers,.25;: Roy Hav-
ens, 2.00; Wm, Humphrey, 2.00.;
G. Wagner., 1,00; Robt, Douglas,.'
Miss E. Reid, 1.00;; George
rew, 5.00; :Duncan Cameron, 2:00;
Jim Cameron, 2 00;,,'Mrs. A. R.
Finlayson,.• 2.00;. Ewart . Taylor,
`,:00; Verdun Mowbray, -•5.00, Wrn.
S;' MacLeod., 2;00; John 'MacRae,
5.00;.A G..MacDiarmid, 2.00; Mrs:.
,Mrs. •Jewitt,;'1,00,: Clair ;Johnston, F. Mustard, 1:00; ,Misses 'Ada- and
2:0.0; • W. Howald,. ,50; Mrs: Ida Hazel. Webster, 2:'00; `J. W. Joynt,'
'Hackett .50; ' S. Laois, .1,00;, Les: 10,00, • W'ilfred''Drennari, 1,00, Mrs.
haddick, 100;;• Evelyn-::�Barkwell,
Purves, • 1:00; Mr S
Neil. MacCallum; 1.00;' J. A; Mac Johnston, 2.00; W. G. • Andr eta;
Donald, 2:00; • Mrs. Shirley; 1,00 10.00, .Walter Breckles,• 1.00, Ira
Mrs, E.: Ferguson,:`.1.00;' .T W:' Canipbell:'10.0.0;Memorial churcti
Smith, '5.00, Russel Button, 3.0.0; service collection, 29.12., Mrs: a.
Sid Gardner, 2:00, Alex MacLeod; •Congram, 5,09; H Purdon, 3.50;
1°00; Mrs. ;J. Marshall, 1.00,..• N...Wm Pappas, 4..00;; Wm., MacD'on-
Stewart 2.00; Mrs. Sam Reid 1,00; ald,.5.00; P. Hoag, 5.00.;" 'William .
Wm., McGill, :1:00 W.: J. Davison, Bushell, 5.00, Mrs. T. A. Mac:-
10..00; R. Reiss, :1.00; Mrs. Sarah Donald, ^1 00, Mrs C. MacDonald.,
Gibson, .2'00,.: Mrs John Fattish, 2.00; Miss Janet.MacDonald, 2.00,
1.75; N. E. •Bushell,' .2.00;: •Chas. Alex 'MacDonald, 12.00 Harold
Treleaven, 2.00;. •
Mrs. R. V. Mackenzie, 5.00; Mrs.' ,5.00;Fred, Jackson, 2.00; Duncan
D. C.•••.Taylor,' 1.00; . Geo. Webb, McLeod,. •_100; Dick MacQuai , •
• 1:00; -•Wm:. Ferguson;; 2.00; James •• 1.00; .' Dick Webster; ..50; Chia:>;
Mathers, 2.00, ,Geo,. Burgess, 2,00;. Shelton, 2.00; •'Shoot Club,• 5.00:
Mss Wels 1.00 'Ge Greer'
M•rs. N J,, MacKenzie; 2 00; 'W: B. s h, o ,
2 00 Howaix
Anderson,; .16 00; .Peter. McCall, 1..00; .-1VIac Stewart, ,; i
1.00; J: M. Fisher, 1...00; Jos.: John;- Robinson, 1.00; : Alex Sutherland;
stop,, ,.50; Wm, Fisher, 5:00; Miss 2:00; Miss. D.:;MacLeod; 1..00, Wei:
Maude Fisher, 5.00; Gladys •.Mac- Houston, 1:00; Mrs. 'Struther, •
1.00 Alex MacN,ay,' 1.00. ' Keith
Robinson, 2.00.: Geo.' ;Elliott, 2.00.;; Mrs. M. Ross,.
The question. is , often, 'raised
how do 'the Canada •Temperance.
Act ,and the Liquo.ontrol `Act
compare? What 'the •', distinctive
advantages of -each? .The one dis-
tinetive ,advantage of the Canada
Temperance ,Act is • that, .it does
stores or'beverage • rooms To'.
many -tincts` -a real ~-restrictive
temperance measure. The distinc-
tive advantage of the Liquor Con-
trol Act is that it makes: fuller
provision for.. Police action: It de-
fines mor,_e__bccasiuns.__on .which,
the offieers--of, the -.-law May ---a
rest and institute court action.; To
many this seems • a desirable •and
necessary` provisron.i The' logic of
it- is that with more• outlets and
more liquor Ind more drinking
there • shold. • be • more police
action as the' Liquor Control . Ac:t
provides. I•t'is equally logical° that
with' no, 'outlets under .the '.Can-
ada Temperance Act' and copse-'
quently• less liquor. and • less
drinking there/need..be less pro
vision, for police action. The
sounder'Temperance legislation is
to restrict; the, liquor ;-,,ratee_ r than_
to- enlarge the area : of .police
action.-Advt.: • ;• ,
Tinder the above .caption the
Durham Chronicle 'tells this one
on, 'Bill Leonard, forMer bank
Manager at Ripley and'a.summer.
resident at:Point Clark: • •
William Leonard, who recently
accepted the:. post as, : organist. of.
,the Durham• Presbyterian church'
was not given as warm a .recep
tion `as• he received .at an'other.
church some 25 years ago. He has
two'.clippings relating. to the oc
.casion, one from :the London Free'
Press and the other from the Bar-
rie,'Examiner, It ''as in the fall'
of 1926 on the first .Sunday ,Mr.,
Lccnard,. was to play the 'organ.
at Wesley Hnited Church On the
bulletin board outside the'ehurch
was the sermon topic,"'What Ts
Hell Like?" then followed stha
line; "Come and hear our new
YI ITYr:'�I. ;?. \•IIIc • • wi rr �rw. �.
Collyer, 2.00; .Mrs: Jos :Agnew,
2.00 P. Menary,: 2:00; Albert Pat-
erson, 2.00; John. Dahmer, 1.00;
Albert Gam nie, 2.00;. Lloyd Hall,'
3.00; Geo. Joynt, 5.00; Miss. Ruby
Webb, '2.00; Miss • Catherine Mr
Gregor, 19.00;..R. W.. Andrew;
Rev.:. A.S. Mitchell,: 3,00; 'Aileen.
Hewitt, 5.00; : Burt. Roach, 1.00; •
Jessie -ands --#fin- r- ie-=McKa,i IMO;
Mrs. Mary Jane Webster, '2.00;,
Mrs=Winnrfred Johnston; 1.00
Harvey Treleaven•' 5.00; ••• S. • B.
Stothers, .10.00.
Rural .Community
BEd. R. McQuillin•• $2.00; • Mrs.
Chas: •`At --ivloore 2:00; Weil - Black
;. •yrs; • is.. ous. on L00;
M or itr1 1 -00; -A -m -ew
C.: Gaiint 1900; John O Hunter
1.00; ' Harry ,Anderson 2.00 Earl
Durjn 2:601--Jahn=Elphk k 1700;
Oliver 'Bark,well 2.00; Chas, Wilms
kins 2.00; Fred Anderson 1.00; G.
Kirkland 2.00; Robt. G., •Hamilton
5.00:;, St.. He1en'•'s Wortien',s ` Testi=
tute 10.00; Wrri, • Andrew 2.00;
Mrs. ••Wm:'•Carnpbell 2.00; Mrs:: A,.
Gillies 1.00; Alex Hackett 1' 00:
Archie Nicholson 2.00; H' Bar ge;r
1.00; , Gordon McGregor 2.00;
:Robinson Woods 1:00; G. Henry
2 00; Walter' Alton }.00; . R.- Irvin
1.00; kyles MacMillan 2.00; John
A. ,MacDonald .1.00; Robt..Iiel.m
2.00;- C4 Waunch ..50;
2..00 • G•; Struthers 2:00; •••Heni;y
Gardner ' 2.00; Fred . McQuillin
'1.00;'. Mrs. John Miller:; .1..00; T.
Glenn' 1;:00; Lloyd MacDougall,
" Win. Irvin 2.00; Wallac°c•
Miller '2.00; ,Lorne Durniri 290;
John MacIn tosh 5.00; Robt. Mac-
intosh 5.00; Dave Anderson 2,00,:
Harvey Brooks 2.00;'Jorn:8 Ro�7t.
Durnin 5.00; O. A.. •McCharle';
2.00; W. F. MacDonald 2.00; Mel- •
vin 'Morrison .75.; Thos.• MacDon-
ald 2.00; Jarnes Parks 1.00; John
'MacLeod 5.00; It 4.. Reid i.0 0
C." Kingsbury 1.00; Ed. •Mat'•
Kenzie 5.00; Crewe' School 5.00; •
George Kennedy 5.00;.John Cana
Bron 2:00; Dori Cameron
Thomas ' :obb .2.0p;, Mrs. ' George
Gilchrist • 2.00; Fred • Gilchrist
2,00; Wellingtoibster 2.00; Cl.
M. Stuart 3 00; S.S. No. 12, West
Wav�rantiSh • 5,00; Italph Cameron