HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-28, Page 5'Huts., FEBRUARY 28th, 1952
• Kairshea Sewing Club
K _ g
The regular weekly meeting of•
the 'Daughters of the Kairshea
• Sewing Club; washeld at the
• home of , Betty and Joan •Hamil.
ton. The • two leaders and eight
girls as- well as six rvisitors -were
all present and the .meeting pp»
• ened, by singing the theme; song,
The -.-roll, . call was answered by
two colors that blend. The min-
utes were read and adopted arid
itie girls: began to, sew their
'skirts.,, some of them beginning to
, make a abound butrtonhole. Mary
Maclntyr'e gave a vote of thanka
�. e s d
• "and the .meeting to , , ..
• •which' hirieh was served.
mid, on •Wednesday .afternoon.
The scripture lesson Was read (by
decided tif) have a Clothing. show..
er with' each Member bringing
something for Korea to the next
Meeting: Mrs. Thelma ..MacDon.-
ald ga.ve. a paper oil Great Wo -
'men of the Bible: The roll call
was, ansiwered by "What ,Z ;con-
sider great" In a woman" by• 28
ladies. Mr$. McKim gave a talk
on Great Women of the Present
Pay. ,Mrs. °John Kilpatrick gave
a paper on Great • and Famous
15t -Omen . of History. The . Shadow
Sextette sang"Whispering Hope"
and Bessie Re vje '.favored with
two solos,
United Church Y.P.S.
The . regular meeting of the
Y.P.S. was opened by ' singing
hymn 360, followed .by the Lord's
prayer. . The scripture .was read,
Bessie Reavie. Hymn'.400 Was
• sung and.11llarilyn: 'Kilpatrick led
_prayer, ALL. this .pouit in. the
nieetingx.Charlene, '::Smith took
Charge. The topic was ,given by
•C'arolyn Gibson;' followed by a
:paper in tribute to'. our late
• Monarch, 'George VI, by Gladys'
Kilpatrick. A reading "What is
the Church?" was given by Bev-
erley Ashtonand the meeting
,vas closed• with the m:izpah ben-
ediction. x
Group -11'6f The W. A.
The February' meeting' of the
Webster -Wilson group ''of the W.
A. ,at. which Mrs. A, 'Wilson. ,pre,.
a ,
sided, was held at,. the' home of
Mrs. Umbach with'19 ladies pres
ent. The meeting opened by sing-
ing hymn 483, Mrs. Hoag read the
23rd psalm, it being a , favorite
passage of the late: King George
VI, after which two minutes sil'-
ence was observed in his mem-
ory. Mrs. Um,bach led in prayer.
Mrs. E, Taylor reported in con-
nection with, the articles for the
Korean children and displayed,
many lovely things. These are to.
be sent, .:irnmediately •as the need
is. great. The following program
Was enjoyed; a piano instrumen=
tal by Eileen. Elliott, reading, by
Mrs. W; 13. Anderson, solo by
Joy.nt, reading by rs..R. Ack-
•ert, contest. 'conducted' .'> y Mrs.•
,E•war,t Taylor: The meeting" tilos•-
ed•.•by Singing ."Abide with Me",
the late King's favoritehymn,
and repeating the. 'rnizpah,'bene-
diction. Lunch was: saved byy the
hostess and 'committee in charge.
'United ChUrch Evening .Auxiliary
The :regular • meeting- of the
Evening Auxiliary was•..held at.
'the home of .Mrs. Gordon Mont-
gomery. The president, Mrs An-
anew; took:the' opening worship.
n ,rd
Hymn'252 was sung- followed by
prayer by Mrs J Nichoisori. •'The
scripture • lesson was read by Mrs..
Thelma MacDonald: Mrs. Alex
Mc1Vay, reported for the Supply
Committee and stressed the great
need for sewing and', knitting:.for
the lied Cross. . The World's. Day
of Pra``y'er will be held February
29th in the Presbyterian church;
A reading on Christian Steward-
ship. was read by Miss M. 'Rae..
The roll call was answered by
33 in attendance... The 2,3rd psalm.
was sung to bring, this.' part of.
the .meeting, to 'a close.
Miss 'M.
Rae took' the chair for the pro-
•grarn:' A reading by Mrs. L • Ashes
ton—was, followed by a. solo, by.
Mrs1 J . Joynt. A chapter of
th.e •study book "Lakes to North-,
ern, Lights" was .given • by Mrs.
Alex McNay. Mrs. Lloyd ; Hall
•gave:.•a: reading on the mission-
work in. Africa. A, piano duet by.
Mrs: Gordon . IMl.ontgomery . and
Mrs, Jessie Ahin was; much en-
joyed.. • The ;first verse of, "Abide:
with. Me". brought the. meeting
to . a close..Mrs.: V. Johnston on
behalf, of .,all present, extended :a
Olivet W. M. S.
Olivet W.M.S.was: held at the •
home of Mrs. Sandy McCharles
on * Thairsday, February 14th With
22 attending. Mrs.. O, McCharles"
presided. Mrs.. W. McGuire offfer<
ed prayer and the scripture was
read by Mrs. D; Henry followed
by a short prayer by Mary Roul-
ston.. Two . minutes silence was
observed in Memory of the late
King and all sang God Save The
Queen; 'The • meeting discussed
the sending. of Qa bale of used
clothing, Plans for the L resby-
Aerial at Paisley. were, ,not corral
pleted: Reports of 'all secretaries_
were . given. 'Mrs. W. Dexter's',
group -took • over. A reading was
given by Mrs. H. Clayton.. aid
the study ibook •w:as•wery , capably
taken: by •Mrs., John ..Coiling, fol
lowed by a reading by Mrs. Dex-
ter. A contest on' the Old..Testa-
inent was, conducted by•Mrs.. D.
McCharles. A vote of• thanks was:
given the hostess and 'a dainty
lunchwas served by, the hostess,
and her .helpers. '
vote of'thanks to Mrs. Montgom- ton ' has been •.ap'pointed superin•
I. ery. tendent of ' Goderich Hospital.
• •
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' I p.