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FEBRUARY 28th, 1952
� ishf eld- Presib„ ----
dedication•'Marking the installation ,of . a • new $3,000 Hammond .
d ,
of d bell or an'
electric organ, that replaces- .an , , ws • o • organ ,in use since
1910 and purchased for $150. ' .In.: the albove.. picture 'the • present
i brought home my mother's
cook book the other day .', the
one I most remember from girl-
hood 'days;' Takes one back. Nos-
talgia again, ;In among, the• print-
ed rece}pes... everywhere that
there was a blank spot, there
were recipes written; in My moth
• er!s•-hand, and in each -one of;,her
,daughter s° .
'Aunty • K's..plum catsup I Can
remember the week -end that my
mother and I spent with her• and
.brought [back ' the ` recipe. The
• crisp, tan slices of bacon on my
plate, flanked by . the ' winey
purple. mound of •'thick. cats'u'p,:.
That week -end I learned.. how de-
licious is a light cakewith mocha
icing, into which has been beat-
en enough peanut butter to make
it taste just the way you'd like
it suggest a quarter cup,
or maybe ..a third. To make it
• ,extra yummy you might"sprinkle
it with finely -:chopped -peanuts,
It is*: exceptionally good with
small cakes.
organist, Mrs. Duncan Simpson (nee Lillian: Carruthers) is shown • " ,Therewas. . Mrs. F's Devil
at�.the console of the • rieew : organ.. Foodwritten in:pencil, 'and
�. • Cake
naw"a'lmost-- completely:. illegible
1 strained my eyes to, the utmost
and. this what I got .: , • 1/2 cup
butter, 11 cups; brow' .'sugar, .3
eggs, '2 cups sifted' floiur, 1/2 : cup
sour milk, 1 tsp.. soda. Boil 1 • tbsp.
Mrs.: Ken ,Mowbray of Luck -
new, representative of • Beauty
Cnupseh . Cosmetics,', had a dem-
onstration at Mrs. Anne Gard-
ner's on Wednesday of last week.
Mr. '` and Mrs: .13i11 Ross and
Douglas of Lochalsh visited Sun-
day with Mrs Anne .Gardner.
Mr.' and Mrs. Bill Hunter vis-
ited Sunday with Mr. and, Mrs:.
Will Reid of 'Rapid City..
'We ; are . sorry to hear of Mr.
and MrsLorne Ritchie losing
their barn by. fire Sunday night.
• Church will belt 11 id:the
morning for., the month' of March.
The Ladies Aid.•znet on Wed-
nesday 'evening at the . home of.
Mrs. Wm: ',Scoti: ' Mrs: Evans pre
Sided. Readingswere given'_ .by : grated shoe., , 1k .coup sweet ria.ilk,
Mrs: Charlie Tiffin, ' Mrs: Parish two thirds cup' ,brown sugar, 'I'
Moffat, Mrs. Elliott and : Mrs: tsp. vanilla, until thick as cream.,
Scott: Mrs.: F.eagan • Conducted e, ••When •cool add to first mixture•.
numlber"of contests:. % ICING .. two ounces Choc:, 1
Cpl.: Hugh Feagan of the R. C. eup' white • Sugar,' 1 tbsp.: butter,
M. • P. has been visiting at his 1 cup •boiling water°.;Boil all to::
home prior to going; to • the gether. Thicken with 1 tbsp: corn.-
Yukan... ' starch in 1/2' cup cold Water., Add
A number' from. here attended. 1/2 cup :chopped' nuts:
the funerall in Hamilton on Mon-,
day ' •off' the late - Charles' Moffat, In d'augliter Rosemary s scrawl
I found Beef and Biscuit Get-To-
et Toson of 'Mr ''W. J Moffat . and. the , gether ., Make biscuit dough and
'late Mrs. Moffat. roll fairly thin. Line :a" deep pie
1951 Highlights From SentinelFiles.
June 28th ( .r ladies m's
Mr, 'and' Mrs. Alex McDonagh businesssoldtheito Mr. andand Menrs., Mwear.
. La
celebrated their 60th wedding an- "Mike" Sanderson of .St. John.
niversary in Vancouver. Joseph Mar tin, • 84, was found
A. Culbert shipped four dead in• his barn in Ashfield from
Shorthorn .heifers: t_o .South Am- a ' heart attack, ' , •
erica, Little more than a week, after'
.Deaths -•Mrs. B,• J, Crawford° he had been injured in a . cap;
July 5th accident, Dr. J. F.• MacKenzie of ••
Mr, and' Mis, ,Morgan Rendero- Detroit, and, formerly' of this
son sailed for overseas `on a twcommunity, , died in Kincardine
.months'.holiday. Hospital from a heart. attack,
David Lloyd Dahmer a e 10
Dr. R. B. Treleaven bought ,the , g
medical practise of Dr J. B Mil was killed,, when: struck by a.
"Teri ar1VI 1d -ma ' _ `-:_---t.ruck,wh,tle ,r ding ,his bicycle on w
Ed Baker commenced reriaodell--• the Highway east:of'Kincardine.;
ing the former Moorehouse Mit- ` Rev. :J • ,W , Watt of White
shell.residence .as -a, convalescent church ; inducted his ;son, R•e\
home. George Watt, as pastor df Diu
Deaths Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, gannon Unite d {Church.
wA r
plate; cut' remaining ° dough in
tiny .circles.' Prepare meat 'mix-
ture as• follows ..:.'a •fry "chopped
onions in two'tbsp. fat; :add :left=
over „: ground • beef. Add 2 cups
cannedcorn. and .`.2 • cups canned
tomatoes, • pinch of, sugar, • salt &
pepper. Blend 2' tbsp. butter and
3',tbsp.: flour. Drop into.° hot fill-.
ing,'stir. and cook until.. thickened:
Pour : into . crust° • Arrange circles
on top of pie and bake.
.Mrs C -lark's. Jam -Jams
memory of these cookies says
that never were-suchm'bits of -de •
liciousness. I haven't made them
in years; and perhaps they
wouldn't taste half so good. new,
but •I • always' used to hope, when
I went- to -a C G.I.T. meeting
there,-that.:we'd_.have those_aaan
jams. And . some' Of • her daugh-;
ter's luscious fudge•••,cake with
coffee icing—again mocha icing,.
lavish with--+biitter-,-and instead
of milk or water, very strong
strained coffee...She:• beat it and
she beat it. Was it ever good!
• Here are • •the' Jam -Jams ..... '1
cup B. sugar, 1 cup shortening, 2
eggs, 3', tbsp. water, flour to roll,
2 . ts0'. • pdr.,, pinch, salt.'. Roll
thin.- Cut with, doughiut . cutter,
making holes in the centre of•
half of the cookies. Put together
while warm, with jam.. It sounds
1ik-e� such -a sirr-i'ple-everyday-,r-e
cipe that I'm inclined to think it
is :rneniory that Makes the jam
jams sweet. (That is • .a sure : sign
of approaching age-) •
Today a' friend of mine and •p
were retniniscen'cingover our
.knitting. 'Among other things, we.
told each other how ,we acquired
our respective husbands.' She said
she got hers with orange cake
and butter tarts ..the, way to
a man's ,heart is through his
stomach! She_ keeps him with
chicken and : dumplings, •'(Such
dumplings as never. were!). and
lemon sponge pie, first cousin to
lemon chiffon pie. For a nine
inch deep plate . ... Juice* of .2
lemons, grated rind of one; yolks
of ,three eggs, 1 tbsp. flour. Mix
these 'ingredients and add 2 cups
ijk. Beat whites,until•stiff,, beat
in, 2 tbsp. sugar. Fold egg' white
mixture into first mixture, Bake
in unbolted pie shell as' a custard
p1e, •
The' A:': Really. Practical `.Answer To The Problem
.Heavy, .Crippling Surgical' Bills-
MAKE your insurance dollar go where it will • do the most•
good,._.by paying;.the_big.sur_gicakbills ' and the heavy costs
` ofifractures and -dill ti $nr resulting- fronr-accidents
• It isn't the bills of $10, ot $15 that cripple your income, and
• it's a needless expense to insure yourself against •sushi costs.
But ,you •do need protection against the heavier cost
resulting from accidents and surgical operations.
can offer you a plan, at •a very reasonable cost, to give 'you,
protection ' where ' you need it the most • . .. the greatest
, possible protection at the lowest possible`" cost, consistent
with sound business `practises .
Tf you do not know a 'local secretary;. make, inquiry direct to
CRN ..
SSecretary-Trea:surer' & Manager
• v.
�,yy ,, x,,y,_saYVrrY:�Yi+w.xwe•
age 92 years; .Dr.,Howard. Fow-
ler; father, :of .1\11s, Harold Tre-•
leaven. i.
July' 12th
• • Mr. and Mrs. N. E Bushell
opened their health clinic. , .Baker Convalescent Home,'. was
Deaths --Mrs. John Meyers, Roy
:Donaldson, ,brother of Mrs. Sarah
Collyer; Henry James.:tickl;e, a
-native of D.ungan'non
AUGUST 23rd, I '
Ha•rbld. 'Campbell suffered two .0.f. ficiallyn d opene
r's..d m.u. .
fractured wrists and a' crushedMr, •aMWalter Murdoch
cheekbone in a .fail from i a:scaf of Viking, Alberta,' visited in:.
fold in the ',barn, .'• :Lsucknoiw, enroute to. New York
Miss Margaret,; Salkeld sailed State; to visit. (heir 'son Murray,
for- En and -where -she:-.is-�teach�._.:and .where they observed their
ing fora year .''
Fred Whitby was'critically'-ii-
jured; in ,at car .crash ,in: Detroit.
'Miss' acone
golden wed ixig on Septemmber�i8
Sawflies attacked.• •'a' reforesta.
tion pine ' grove. at .Frank Miller's. . '
M` Ad _ Webster,
' luded 'farm and. did consider;alble.'dain
her teaching `duties at Zion age before.. poison sprays wiped
School where she 'had taught ;-them.._out
continuously; for almost twenty Deaths :Joseph Wall, Edwin.
'seven years.. Purves, Gilbert Vint.
Mrs: John; Cox: .celebrated . her L u•c k -n o w Legionnaires.per
97th birthday: : formed. the fete'of defeating the.
Deaths ---Karen Yvonne Young, .Kirfg. and: I-Iis Court by a score 3 -months -old daughter of'Mr. and of 4 to 3: It was .only' the fourth
Mrs. Fred Young •of ;Dungannon. defeat for the, foursome: by, Can
' JULY 19th :acgian teams; and.:.only the.1$t'h
Albert Leonire, the .:*fleet foot game they ,had ;lost _in' 110. games ' •
nudist who ..had • caused •alarm played'' throughout' the'States in
along Lake Huron resort centres, '.1951.. "The King'" said Hall • w'as
was -trapped farm.'of.Jack the'best pitcher he had ever rr9et..
Bradley; south. of ,Amberley. ,; •' ' at 40' feet.
P..M Johnston hada valuable` ` AUGUST 30th;,
cow stolen -from his pastwe farm.• Ruth Anderson :Won. a $250,00
Carmen . McQuillin suffered a ,L• tuition scholarship at 'Western",
• crushed and'. perforated skull University.'
when working . under the conn- • 'Norman' Wellwood purchased•.:
'bine It •• was feared that the in- ' The Market Store from Mrs: Wm:
juries would be fatal, or have 'Hornell, and appointed Jack Pol-
serious :consequences, but Car -;'lock to run the business:.
men made a,complete and seem= .,',Oscar .• Hod:gins was seriously
•ingly miraculous' recovery. hurt in an accident at Paramount
• July 26th while working on the .highway..
Henry "Hank". 'Kreuger, retired . , The barley harvest. was . in full
after 25 Years service on the Lin swing and unloading operations
coln Park, .Mach., police force.' v,�ent"on half the night. as. trucks
A family Bible, 140 years old, hauled the grain to the local etc -
was. 'donated. by• Denzil Staters vator. `
to the Lucknow Public Library The softball play offs got under-
Fire destroyed ,the home:' of way With Lueknow grouped with'
Wm: Baldwin, 75 -year-old ,Ash-,Wiarton, ;The Legionnaires .finish-
field Townships farmer. , ed in -second spot witha16°and;
_ :. _Constructi'on of a new building 4 record.` Walkerton • was ''first
at. the Ford Garage was com : with 17' and 3a' . .
in-enced on .the site of - the former
Ostrander blacksmith shop
The "taped finger" protest was
won by Lucknow 'Legionnaires"
and -th amiordered--replayed-
-which-1 rck'rrow-won. .
Deaths�•Miss• Mary ;Soinervi1
William Kearney.
eAugust ' 2nfl ;$1500
° Elmr -tris was chosen Lib-.
eral :candidate in• Huron -Bruce I. W. KiRev.
'two years in the reformatory'
and '10 strokes of he strap, was
• : •. SEPTEMBER 6th '
Joseph Mallougl observed his
92nd birthday., .
Enrollment at •. Lucknow• . Dis-
trict High $c o 1 set an all-time
high of 140 -students.
_Aigus:,-cow--from -the
of F. 'G. • Todd : & Son sold for
James. Scobie..'
Miss,' Patricia Baullie :of Cargill,'.
the sentence, mete out' to Albert, 'was named district health nurse.'
•Lenoire, on ..charges. of indecent
exposure and of indecent assault
Deaths ,William Baldwin, Mrs.
Cecil B. A1iin.
, August 9th
Work was, commenced of lay
-ing--a`"hot-- roll" `bituminous` sur=
'face ,on Highway 86 from "Luck -
now to Amberley. •
Mr and Mrs. ',Chas.,- Webster
How Did I Get My Husband? : .
Oh, yes. Hetold me that the first
time he visited •us, he' came 'to'
the,.• conclusion that my mother
•was just the comfortable type of
person 'with whom one would
like ito;. pend' his life,; and he
though 'd be, like her. Apparent-
ly the way to 'his heart was not
through his stomach. You . can't
use the same bait for every man,
you see, Tips for Leap Year.
My, husband says, Have you
;got your column lined up for this
week yet?" "Allwritten out?"
said r . • ..
"Why don't'
you. 'write one
about houses"? A broad subject!
why . don't'.1? And , r still am
gitating on the one about sing-
ing !comrner'cials.
succeeding'' Miss Edith.. Munro
,who ' was, transferred t0 Walker-
ton: ,
Miss Bessie McKillop 79, of St:
Thomas, and a • sister of Mrs.
Duncan Graham of Kiri•loss, was
when struck J,y train
in wSt; Thoni,as:: a
John. W. Hanna ' was named
Progressive Conservative• stand-
, and !bearer in .Huron -Bruce.
Hector Purdon bought the Tre,. '
lea.ven.:building on Main Street,
arid later ' opened it . as a paint,
•wallpaper and gift shop.
Deaths Chas. Chin: .
Mr and Mrs° Jas. Forster were
53 years, married:
LuLegionnaires oustefd
� Wiartonekndw iby "close' scores ,o` 2-1
and 4.'2. :.. _,...'.._
, Sandy Rider found $145 in bills
in an old rusted out . tin coin
under a cellar stairway., in their' '
home : on Stand ripe Hill, Whirl!
they were preparing to vacate.
The "newest"' bill was i$9$, and
the oldest one, dated 1 T
e • 868, hey
ranged included
face, value froth. -$1,00
to $20. Included in the "jackpot"
-was a $5.00 'gold ,`piece and four
(Gontinuged on page 9)