HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-28, Page 1• • • $2.50 'Yearly In Advance -0.90 Extra To U.S.A. • 4 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, 'THURS., FEBRUARY 28th, 1952 Barn FIre isfortu00-jo • Fire of unacountable origin de- 'greyedthe large barn,, and its •• contents of stock, iniplenienti.and " feed, on- the farM•of1My..: and -M. • • •, • ..Loine Ritchie of Ashfield _ Monday4'." morning. The roof :of • 'their nearby home took ..fire, but • was extinguished by Lorne and • two neighbor boys. The fire waS the latest in a • series. of •Misfortunes that have dogged , this young couple since their inarriage three • years. ago. Lorne is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon• Ritchie, and Mrs. Ritchie was formerly Margaret Nichol-, • son,' daughter of Mr. and- Mrs. • Dan Nicholson, Boundary. West. They have a seven weeks' old - •: • After their marriage Mr. and Mrs' Ritchie took up farming on the Edgar Ritchie farm, but Lorne soar.' had' to leave the farm be- '. cauie of , a back .injury. Ile took a Rawleigh-reute in'the--Parti-Elt • gin% district and ;rented a farrn. In the meantime • he.. underwent • a spinal 'operation and when his • recovery permitted .his return to .farming he bOught.the Port Elgin district farm. Last: fall he took the opportunity to sell *this. farm •and returned nearer home, buy- ing the Harvey Sillih farm on Con. 2, Ashfield; about 3 miles •. west of, the Dungannen Road,, and midway: between this road and. the 13lueWatter Highway at Port • Albert. They took over the.Sillib farm last November: • .1: Since the'. birth of their datigh- • ter early in January, -Mrs. Ritchie has net been in good health. Ste 'presently has a' heart ,condition and at the time of the fire was being cared • for at the home of her parents, And was planning to. go • to the hospital for rest and treatment: • , Cause A Mystery. • Cause of the fire ,is a mystery to Lorne. He did not have hydra' in the barn; and hadhot had. a lantern in. the •barn, on Sunday. He did his ,Sunday evening .Chores before dark, and left' for Mr.. and Mrs. ..holne to have Slipper and.spend the• evening. Lorne returned home about ten. ,e'clock that /evening, 'Aibptittwo he Was awakened by the re? '•• flection of :thefire lighting. up his :bedroom. • By. the tirne he.pull- c.on_some-clothes-and-reaehed- the' barn it was enveloped in. -' flames, which were.. pouring out the stable, •9'he roof. of. the-home-took-ffre- '• ,but a 'trap door opening from the. attic to 'a flat deck oh the root' • enabled Lorne and two Brown boys to save the houie. Lorne's ladder was in the barn but the roof .opening and an attic Stair- way leading to •it, enabled •them - to carry water and dowse the fire • before the arrival' of the Goderich Fite triode., A hole was 'burned •• through the roof. . WaS441*.geBOin- The barn was ,a large building • 56x90 feet. :Twenty-one heacy.of ; cattle were lost, 8 of which Were •heavy feeder steers'. awned by Porn Garvey. There *die 55 Pigs destroyed and 60 pullets. The pigs .ineluded 9 sows, a hog, • some 30 .charilts and the remainder Wean- • line yolks; ., Lorne had a tractor and a full line Of iinplements, except a binder. All were destroyed, along 20 tons' or hay, 20 tons , of straw • and a quantity' of pig, Oelj. A sleigh and a plow, Which Weren't in the •bar, Are the.only • 'artiales to be seen about the Place. Everything else is, a mass. .of ash oritwisted metal, within, the Cracked and, crumbling foun- dation of l theonce big barn., ' - The loss is 0111.3i partially, cov;. bred by 'insurance, and as yet, Lorne hasn't made up his Mind • What he's going to do. 41 • • • THROMBOSIS ATTACK AFFECTS EYESIGHT, M • • • James Meacloyks • Who: 'iS 'spending' the winteraat the home of her daughter, Mrs. •AleX. Ham- • hi • ' Men ,. so erecl,, a cornea .thr,ona- liosis on Friday that instantly .af-- fected her -eyesight, and left her blind in one eye: Mrs Meadows will 'be 85 in June. G. W. HUDSON PASSES The death of George William Hudson. occurred in Toronto Wes- tern Hospital on .Thursday, Feb- ruary 14th. The funeral service was held on Saturday; February 16th in. Toronto with interment in Park . Lawn Cenietery. Mr. Hticison. is survived by.a daugh- ter Eleanor, by one son, Harry Of St.' Lambert,' Quebec, and by a sister, Miss Margaret 'Hudson of Elora, and formerly_: of KinlosS ToWnslfip Mi? iludson, foxn e r ly Alice White; predeceased her hus- band. . ' • : • . • • - HAD SPINAL' OPERATION • William Kennedy Of Teeswater lecently underwent ,a spinal op: - alien in: Toronto General Hospi- tal, necessitated because of alinjurieS he • received in a,ccident fourteen' months ago. After., Bill recuperates ,from• the spinal Surgery, he will undergo another . oPeration, on his heel, which . wasinjutecLin the .same accident. Then' he will . go from Taronto General, to 1VIalfon . Hos- pital to complete the treatinent.. Bill is aT.sOn of John .Kennedy. •of Ripley, and a :brother of Mrs. Walter Dexter; of Paramount : BISHOP'S, BROADCAST TO BE HEARD IN ST. PETER'S . . • The •Right .ReVerend Bishop. Luxton of .Huron DioCese• will be -heard. this. Sunday 'morning, March 2nd att.11.30' a.m. and his address' will. be •received • in. St.' Peter's Church as. 'part of the - egUlar ' service. . Other broadcasts Of.interest! Vilrhe made 3.15.157E7Oli Sun- day, February 24th; Sunday, Mar. 2nd and Sunday, March 9th and at 7.25 p.m. on. Wednesday, Mar.. 5th, Tuesday, March llth",. Thurs- da ST; Mari-13t1M-arcir ISEE BY ..,S.ENTI.'EL • HE • THAT local. Anglicans coinnienc- ed. Lent by two serVices.in •the • church yesterday (Wednesday). Plans have been made th con- duct* horne-serviees each Wed- • nesday during Lent. . , THAT twelVe tables ,,toOk part. in ' the Shoat 'party Monday. High -score •winners were •,Mrs.. Clarence Greer :and Frank. Hamilteri. ::Consolation . priZes, went .to Wm Eadie •and Mrs. Richard Elliott. THAT .representatives of Ash- field_TawnShip_U.nit of the fed- eratibp of • Agriculture named to the County .Poultry • :Corrunittee are -Clifford: Croz- ier, RuSsell. • Irvin and Mark. Berger. The County Carnmittee haa.'an egg marketing plan un- der' couSideratiori, • aimed. at :stabilizing prices and prevent- ing eXcessivemarket • tions: . • THAT Wm: Lyons had' his. horrie entered at the week -end and • ;twenty •Potinds ,of pork stolen from., the electric refrigerator.. Police Working on the case rounded up the frig • pilferers, THAT. Mary Allirr entertained a number :Of her., young friends on Saturday : on the occasion Of - her 8th birthday, and On Mon- day, Elizabeth 'Ann Finlayson had a similar party marking, her -9th: birthday. THAT. costunie skating party was held .at the Arena last .."ThuTsclaY-afternoOn.. for nti,blic school/and pre-school age ren..Prizes were awarded and refreshments 'served. Pr kz. e winners were: Sr giils Mari- p Kennedy; Jr. girls, Mary Allin.; Jr. boys; Jimmie Gardner; pre- school. age, girls Lynne Cowan; boys, Douglas McKinnon, 1 - -8th;. 'Thursday; March-2OTh:7' WORLD .DAY OF. PRAYER : SERVICE . ON F!t,IfDAY „ THAT a statement -of erection expenses. of Elmer j, F-arrish list expenditures :in the earn... Paign at $1108.95.. • - The. World's Day of Prayer is being 'Marked en. Friday Of .this, Week by a mass se vice for wo-: rnen in the Presbyterian 'church at 4,01 p.m. Women of the various local congregations ,Will conduct the service. A generous c011ectiOn has been. asked for Christian lit- erature -distribution in the more isolated parts of Canada 1,4-.-OF-181OPITAL., • • • Bill Allin Suffered a °pelvic in jUry on Tuesday 'of last . week when crushed between his work 'bench and .a truck in , Crossett ,Motors 'garage, where he is. ern- , played, Bill, who was • married ten days, before Was .removed to Wirigham Hospital, but was .per- mitted to i,ettirn to his horde' the first:6ot the week, although he is .1ikely.to be off work for a time. ' • MiSq Marion MacDonald of Ltic,know and Miss Marilyn Mof- fat ' Illuevale sang. a duet atl the Service of dedication of the ,new electric orgah at Bluevaie Presbyterian Church on Sunday, " Switzer' ,of Huron 7`,,ovi/n. • ship is leaving Vancouver this week ehroute home, 'but will °make ,some Stap.overs on .the re. ttirn trip, THAT MirSTMaTid-S her aci:bd-aria- Miss Dorothy Cook are moving this week freM: the forrner Spindler residence' to an apatt. Mont in Art 13reckles' 'building which he built during the Past • THAT June Diebel of Southamp- ten, a7 granddaughter. of Rev. and • Mrs. C. B. -Woolley, re- ceme_d her __cap_.-last___week-. at. the Whitby'Provincial Hospital. . • THAT the) iiting People of Ash- field' .CirCilif held a skating • party on Thursday night, fol- lowing Whichtheywere the guests of, Ilev. and, . Mr$. C. B. •Woolley 'at, the • Parsonage. Gaines were played and a de- , licipous• lunch served. • . THAT the R C A F degree team from :ClintOn. Radar'. School visited Old Light Lodge on Thur day night for. the conferr- • ing of degrees, and performed the work with precision arid • ' THAT The 'Sentinel would be glad to learn of anyone in thiS comnitiriity, or any of our read: . era for 'that Matter, who have a birthday on Pridayi rebru, ary 20th. • DONATIONS TO :WAND. FUND EX4E4),. • . — Donations to the Lucknow and District campaign in aid Of the new home for the blind. at Lon- don, have now' exceeded $1,200, - and donations are 'still tr•ickling Much...:qt 1tweeles. tat 'of donor ad to' be. held Over Until this week, Next week the list of donors.will be brought up to date and anyone who still wishes to cotitribute to the cause is re4uest- ed to clo' 'So by ..the...week-en,.. . TOM TODD IN WINNIPEG AT ANGUS' CONVENTION • . , • Tom Todd of St. Helens; one of three 'Ontario directors et -the Dominion . Aberdeen Angus 'As- sociation, is in Winnipeg • this week • attending the national .black cattle breeders. It is Tom's second year on the Dominion , directorate, Other Ontario 'directors are M.,ah colart Bailey of Uxbridge' •and • Toni' Henderson of Guelph. LOCAL: HATCHERY IN _FULL 'SWING • . . • Crawfords Chick Hatchery is swinging into full production ; to fill an unexpected demand .for baby chicks. .The third hatch comes off ' this iireek, :and the hatchery's Modern incubators will, then be set for 'capacity produc- tien of 8,000 chicks a Week. • . The aernand locally has swung to' Rhode Island Reds, Which are being hatched in increasing num- bers at the local hatchery,. Which also offers a:brooding service that . permits delivery of birds at any .age '*desired. The *bulk of pro-, duction goes. to the brooder pens • for • varying lerighthS • of time,, rather than Customers taking • day-old deliveries. • , •' The hatching eggs are obtained ;by Craiir.,,ford's Hatchery chiefly. fromlocal flocks that are gov- 'ernment inspected_and_apriroved. .However, the supply. locally at present hasn't been equal to the demand for ',chicks, and Ernie has had to go to -another : district hat- chery to Obtain eggs' ito keep his -frIcithaterstull.:: -s.- • TEN. •PAE.S,•• LOCAL:PARISH. •• • • TO AID APPEAL • • • The Rt. Rev. G. L. Luxton;, L.L.D., Lord Bishop of Huron, wilk speak to Anglican Church congregations throughout the Diocese of Huron by radio on .: Sunday; March 2nd..,The Bishop' message, which will inaugurate the Huron College buildinrfund canipaign to, raise' $375,000, will be' broadcast over radio • station .CL; The 'Broadcast will be heard locally over CKNX. Bishop Luxton ' will ask the People •in Western Ontario to help the college free itself of. debt accrued • through the eon-' strUction of a $1,359,000 'building to . accomodate : divinity students and, other students at the Uni- versity of. Western On'ario, the district's own institution of • er learning. • Over -a -milliOn :dollars have al- ready been. sUbscribed. ' The Rev. C W. ,Mixer, rector •'of St. John's Anglican Church, • Kitchener, As • directing the Ap- peal, • and in Lucknow the CAM, p-aigri' will be headed by Carman /111cQuilliri„ The Deanery.ehair-... man is Mr. Ray Cutting -of South"- a/Tipton. • Local Rectors In Residence .. . • Since Huron College of Landon . was :incorporatedunder charter on IVIay 5, 1863, ' it has . senti‘hun- dreds of clergymen of the Church of England tO'eharges in the'Dio- cese of Huron and to many Other parts of th World.. Even. the ' University :of Western On:tattle itself awes its beginning to Ben - Jamin Cronyn, . first Bishop of Huron:: Who with other leaders :of •Huron College.biiiit the foun- dation'pf education in these conn - •• ' • • .t • • 4." ." • - ' • ' 4 ; • • , :*• • .. • ' •"le •, . '•' • • " •,''P . • • • •, P ••4 , •• ' • ,4 ••• .• •• :The' !Puri -Jose of the .cellege is .• primarily,. Ito train men for the ministry. And the‘ tr,aditiarial motto is "Woe •is unto me if I preach not the GOspel". Descen- • dants of 'the first Bishop of Eur - on have already contributed con- cretely ,to the new, buildings in'. •, London, and the 'chapel, •-seating 209 ,people as well as an' organ. • have come .from this sOurce.. • The Memorial Tower was giv- • en. in memory of - the men of Huron College; both, graduates • -- (Continued -on-pare 10)'-7 , • oost 'ake-Effeet—] An increa'se in water rates, which are 'being established on a the Village Council at a special session on MOnd.ay night. :The new rates go into effect with the • March billing. • It is the first rate' increase since the water systemwas.,,instailecl in 1931 -over twenty .years` ago. As the system ".grew.up'.' a steady .increase . consumers put the system on a self-supporting- basis,. ibtiLplovided_nothing_:.for a' sink- ing fund to taketare•of deprecia- tion. NOW, faced with a major capital expenditure to deVelop"' a new well, an increasein rates is imperative to keep the system out of the red.• ,The original water system de- benture which runs for 30 years, doesnot retire dritiI 1961.' The new well debenture'is a twenty- year issue. ' • .• ' , Flat Rate „System • • The new rates are 81.00 month net for domestic and com- mercial services without toilet; .and $1.50 .a month net for 'dor-n- estle and commercial 'services with 'toilets The rates are struck at ,a figure that nets the system $1.00 or $1.50,, a month, as the Case may be, after the 10 percent "Proinpt payment. discount. has been taken off. gunieipal hydrant rental charges has been increased from • • 4 • • ., •' 4 • ' ' ; 4, 4. 4, 4. • 4 . atos: • 4 eUBiiing • • .7., 4** $80 to $90 6 hydrant. Private hy, drants --Special-contract be adjusted accordingly at an in- crease of approximately 20, per. *. cent In adopting the hew flat rate system, 'Council took the • view that the consumption of Water was not necessarily proportionate to the number and type of • otit,' lets, upeit which. the original" ' • • • 4. , sates Were -based, The neW•basis,-, , Of ehargeithe.z.„Board feels, a sounder ,anCl7more equitable • • system. E. IL Agnew; secrelarrtreas- urer. of the Waterworks System, tabled an estimate of receipt's and' expenditures which revealed the System "would run into a sizeable deficit ni 1952, if rites were not increaSed.. The increase Ivas 'fore-. cast' by Reeve J. 'C..,-MeNab at .the torninatien meeting, Egitriated expenditures for 1952 total $9301. This includes deben- ture :and interest charges againSt .. the system and new ,Well ,Of $6776, and administration power, light, material and 'laborcosts of $2585. 10n the basis of 1951 revenue of $7172, thie would leave the sy,s*- 'tem under lthe old rates with an estimated' deficit of $1589,00. The new rate structure is es- tirnated' to earn revenue of $10,230, in 1952, or pi 'estimated surplus of $869.00 over the expenditure. • estimate of $9261, • • • 44. • .. " • • • ▪ • • 4-• • ; A • ,•