HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-21, Page 7r ' • i'. HUF4S , FEBRUARY 21,sit; 1052 BLIND FUND DONATIONS .•(Continued from` page 1) Jas, E, Little, 10.00' . H, Greer, 5.00; 'Lucknow Fruit Market, '5.00; C. Mason;, •5.00,• ' C. MaeTavish,, 5,00; Oliver Glenn, 5.00; 'William Hunter, 1.00; J. Wasney; 2•.00; C has., ,Cook,. 2.00; A. Breckles, 1,00;.C. L. Smith; '2.00;. J E Ban- nister, 2,00;,Roy Collyer, 2,00; L. C. Thompson, 3,00;'=John.Kreutz- weiser, 3,00; L. Ashton,. 2.00; J. Wraith, .75; Mrs:• G. Lockhart, • .5.00;• Dick Baker, 5.00; Mrs. ..R. Nelson, 1.00; Bert Ward,. 2:00; Op. MacIntosh, 2•,00; John W. Henderson Lumber Ltd'., 60,0.0; C. Lorenz, 25; Mrs. C.., Shaddick,° ,50;. 'Thos, 'Burns, 2,00•,'' Jas. De= Cechy, •1.00;. Clair Agnew, • 2.00; , Redvers Johnston, 2.90;'. Harry, McQuillin, 5.00; Norma Reay, 50;• Miss E, Reid, ' .50; Mrs.. Ewen Me- •.•. ;Kenzie, 2.00; A .Friend, 3,00; • Joe Cgnley,•, 2.00; W, Potter, 2,00; Rod Mae Dougall, 2.00; M. Wi}son. Hamilton, 1.00; 'Mrs, J. • W..Hen- derson, 1000; .Mrs. Jt• Carnegie, 2,00; T. A. 'Cameron, ..2.00; Jack Cook,: 200; E. Gaunt, 5.00;. Gar- field McDonald; 1.00; A. Bowman, 1,00'; . J. Gardner, • 1.00; Sam.• Sherwood, 2.00; Mrs. Mae I•rwin,. •,1,N; Treleaven Milling Co. Ltd.; 500 `H: A: Thompson, 2:00; :Wm. ,Robb, 2.00;; Alf Ritchie, 2.00; Bud Hamilton, 1.00; Gordon Brooks;. :100;. S. 'Robertson, 5.00; Mrs, Geo,: • Brooks, 1,00;• Chester; 2.00; !C • C: Crawford, 3:00,'. Joe A:b Alton; k.00; Nlrs.• Elizabeth 111 ton;, 1.00; VIrs. MacFarlane, 2.00; E LUCK. W •SENTINEL;° LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' HOME 'OF HAMILTON BLIND 'MAN ROBBED . At' a time wi ten others are con- trrbuting to, the aid of the h b11nd, Hamilton's, "meanest thief." has.. been 'robbing one of their num- bergs • Early • last 'Thursd ay ',evening, while Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Mit, chell . and.'fan iIy were briefly. absent f-ron their home in IJarn, ilton, a thief gained entrance to their• xesiidenee by a' basement window, and ransacked the house. The loot include .d money, watches, a diamond ring • and ether household articles, as well G`s leather .which Harold uses to manufacture articles. ,xHarold; - .who i8. -a-' native • -of "Wingham„ '•logit ,his sight severaa,. Years . ago. ,Mrs.' Mitchell, fori'ter-, ly' Margaret Currie,, i's a sister of Mrs. Morgan • Henderson ; of town, • AMONG DECORATORS TO V.l[S)KT WALLPAPER PLANT • • According to' an, article 'in the London Free .Press, last `week a selected group.. Of. Western On-. tario•,master painters and decor= atars observed • the,..,irocess . of wallpaper designing last . Wed: nesday when.' they toured . the iod .rr'n-wallpaper-p'lant7o t ton Wallpapers,: Ltd.,',,at ,Leas ide. 'The trio was planned to familiar •ize ache .party with wallpaperr manufacturing and to see the pat terns. of tamorrow P.hrlils Stewart ori; k►ioW `was at member of 'the . group. • Canada's irst Bank: • SANK OF ONT:REAL . WORKI'NG. WITH ,CA'NAD'IANS IH ESiERY WALK OF':l IEE. SINCE: 18.17' • RANEI) tl WEDDING BELLS COURTNEX-AUSTIN • St. Joseph's, •'Roman Catholic Church, Kingsbridge,. was the, setting for, a pretty wedding; on ,Saturday morning, February 9.th,, • when Mary Teresa, daughter 'of Mr.. ' Frank Austin, • Kingsbridge;: and • the ---date Mrs, . Austin; Was married to Mr. Joseph Michael, Courtney, son • of Mrs. Grace Courtney, Detroit, and.. the late. Mr, Joseph 'Courtney., formerly,' .of Kingsbridge. The. ,double .ring ceremony was performed -by Rev. Fr,. ,MacMartin,. Mrs. Wm. -Lannon, 'presided'. •at. the organ• .and . a choir. composed of • Donna 'arid. Delina Lannon,. and. Lor tita• and: Frances Martin; sang "n: Sacred. Heart", ,;':`,Wilt; Thou, Lbok. Upon. Me; Mother",. and "Mary,.Dearest Mother"., , The bride, given in marriage by ,her lather, wore a gown of...Freneh suede lace over ,white satin and'x'nPt' fashioned with full hoop skirt. The Basque .bodice, with .• full sleeves; 'was fastened with pink satin .button -s, and had a' Peter, Pat collar .em= broidered in seed pearls.' She were a . white satin. pillbox hat, gasp .embroidered in 'pearr1s,• fr om which fell 'a short veil of tulle illusion. - She • carried a,••. white prayer book arrangement 'of Am= erican Beauty roses and steph- anotis ' with' ribbon streamers 'knotted with • roses, :Mrs.. John Austin, Ashfield 'township, sister, .9f _the b ide_.grP_O ,„..'W -A • t tO11... Of honor; wearing 'blue nylon,. !net over: blue taffeta; styled with. i1TIFICATES Short•Term- '-•5'years Q.'3%2°fo' interest -payable' half yearly ei ra! araoi i fetesLun_cs n :• : di:tionally g'uarcinteed Authorized investment for Trust Fonds fluctuation in Principal 6 Amounts of $(100,00 end up 'may be. Invested STERLING' TRU 'CORPORATION' Head Office 372 Bay St., •TofonfO full hoop • skirt, with • .thatching blue cutaway 'jacket.. Her head - caress was of 'braided net with blue ;matching •flowers. Ilei: flow- ers were. pale- yellow, roses 'and stephanotis. Mr. John Austin, the -bride's brother;.was best, maw). After • the. ceremony. a wedding. dinner was s'erve:d . to 3:5 guests at, the British. Exchange Hotel,. ;Goderich. L.ater::Mr. ' and' NIrs. Courtney left ',for a trip to the United States, . the ; bride ling' in : a- suit . of 'forest green. €•abardine with plum colored top coat, black accessories and..cor; sage:: of pale pink carnations. They will ' reside 'on the ' bride; groom's :farm, R. 1., Dungonnon. ALLIN-CULLITON. Boris C'ulli:tp i;. daughter of the. late Mr, and Mrs'. Richard ton, b 'came the: bride of William Allen of: Wingham, son of the late. Mr• and. Mrs. Harold' R. Allin of Lucknow:, at a. ceremony at the home of '-Mr.` and . Mrs. .M. lylc� Phaii;''. Wir gham,.• ori Saturday; February 9th at 5 pari Rev Alex. Nimno :officiat.ed. -- Given in marriage by. Mr: Ewart -MeiCer-cher; the bride *ore, a -steel grey suit :;with yellow: accessories and , an orchid. for her : corsage. The. ' brides:ii'raid,, Mrs Everett Cathers of" Belmore; ' *ore • a . plc• and pic brow' `suit with mauve. c_�r +aeries and a cors_ low roses. Mr. William; Johnston• of Lucenew, 'as"tbe best Arran,.>• The. reception-,-•.wa-=•held--a the Hotel Brunswick. •Afterwards .the couple left on a wedding trim;. to the ;United States ' 1 final fixture back to Sepoyville on, Monday.y night Chas. Chin S Dred 5,, Jack Chin 4'• and Roy ,Stanley 2. M'c•Creight was again the -big gun for Monk tort with 4 goals, Hymers, got 2 and • Holman, 1. • The Bud. Thompson Jaek Cook (boys now meet the winner of 'the Hensal1.Ripley .series in the PAGE SEIrENr • finals for the W..O.A.A, "D!'' 'sil- verware. sil•-ver•ware,, Lucknow goal, Gordon Fisher; def., Kent Hedley, Chas. McDon- agh; centre, Jack Chin; wings, Charlie Chin and. Roy•w.Stanley;_ alt,, Steve Carnegie;. Lorne Cook, Alvin Baker•,George Cupskcey; Dennis Emberlin. (Kenny Mac Nay absent with: ninmps). • v CHICKS LOVE...:A • ..,.IRESN-IYIIX••' • CHICK STARTER t <, /• • - ✓J O �Ra yt_ y acle with ,. �C'a •4 •I - To""haye'ig, .strong healthy &kks'ar.`eight weeks` of age',. feed themfrom the first with a• hi hl `.fortifiedproperly- ' ro erl -• 9 y �P p Y, ' blended: .Chick. Starter :mixed fresh the--Na.tiono! way 'Chicks ' fight ;for more of thistasty,':~fresh-mixed : feed. Md they grow :faster :because • National Chick Mix Concentrate is' extra fortified • with' the newest gt•A'„�`h, facto's, together with ',valuable moat rritu�, ni k i ry- products and, vital Pasture grass. 1 • 0 i MIDGETS OUST MONKTON,, R>A'CH. W.O.A.A. FINALS •Lucknow Midgets' power line of 'Charlie .-and Jack- Chin and Roy , Stanley blasted • Monkton, out of .the ,W.O.A,A. playdowns an. Monday rri�ght by sc a ore of 0;=f paa n -e pa-sai-ng--} ays=h -d- the Monkton ,lads baffled, time.; and, again.. • The visitors were leading 2-1 at ;the 'end of the first period.. Lticknow nosed/to' a 5,4' lend at the end of the second 'and ran it, to 8-4 midway through :the third, before Monkton got -one • back, L'ucithow replied in about, a 'minute and ':each team scored itl thp last Minute of play; 'Charlie Chin ledthe. assault 1 t�'itl� .6 goals and a pair of assists, } Jack Chin gait three j;caIs and -5` 'kvith lt.oy Stanley picking ! 'up a single goal and two'. assists. Monktrm took the first' game • 1: of the' series. by ,a count'OT 9 to • 4 The” game was played Mrl\ver-. ten as the Monkton .kids. haven't t....rink. and do their 1i' ctihing in a church shed, Li ckno •v roared ' back t)`n • Thur;stiay night to win I their •home • game .11-7. mid thane won the toss that brought ,the • r«renlit 0 • THE FASTER CHICKSG .ROW :.TIE MORE MASH ,THEY NEED . During, the first '• eight weeks :of its life, .a. normal chick increases its body weight• more than '15 times over •its". 1 ' day-old 'weight'_ During those weeks, chicks needa higher 1, percentage of. body-building -protein in their...diet .than ,at,• I. any other time.. ; • 1Tktae4,-_ h ji,_d.uring=hose- mporiant�- ight=wweks chic-ks-•should. ,1 . 1. 1 1 r 1 be••fed the "National•fr;ash-mix way",on a tasty, all -mash Mixture contairiing • a 'high percentage of protein' and essential minerals and vitamins. • , See Your NATIONAL Denier' today— ' Look for the bright Orange and •Black Sign: • WILLIA�1P'1 STONE SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL° : ,ONTARIO - • rtso-s. Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL Weli-Curedr Properly -Blended FERTILIZER 1' 4 0 f