HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-02-21, Page 5,THU FEBRUARY , 21sl ' 1952• im :.Th:eatre . ING IAM• Two.- Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15.. TONIGHT,THURSDAY "LORNA DOONE"' Friday, Saturday, Feb. 22, 2.3' SALLY FORREST,'u . . LIONEL BARRYMORE in -- NNERLINE ::'IVIAT.INEE :SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday" FEBR ARY 25, 26, 27 . . THREE ,PAYS ' CLIFTON WEBB, JOANNE • DRV .in MR. BEL:VEDIRE.. .'RINGS • THE • BELL Thursday, Friday, Saturday February 28, 29, , •March 1 , '"ACROSS „THE W .• IDE MISSOURI"' .RTCEIVE. DEKALB; AWARDS AT LONDON BANQUET ' ' Clark Zinn, .:Bill..Cu]ibert and ii;ussell Irvin were , in . London on • SaturdaY ,attending the DeKalb Corn annual. banquet, 'at which. awards were. made -far high . acre age yields last, summer. Bill 'Cul- bertiwas .first in Huron with a. yield of'99 bushels.' Russell'' Irvin was:. second . with . "83 bushels.: Clark Zinn is a district dealer. for DeKalb. • wineu`rrontu rNimi o lmoap.rv+awiskrairome..rramiroruio.iorr4o.r,r rola...,. ' 1 • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L JCI NOW, ON' , R10 PURPLE GROVE • Mrs. Burton Collins has return- ed from Kincardine Hospital and is. at 'present with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patterson. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Gawley & family, Mr. and Mrs, Din McCosh and family, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Barnes and daughter, Mr,- Calvin Robertson spent Friday evening. at the home of Mr. and Mrs Al- lan Colling. •' A progreS4sive euchre party was held in the Purple Grove school on Friday evening, 'Prize. winners were Helen • Nicholson and Har- e •T �' Y hompson. The Purple" Grove'Farm labrum met at- the home of Mr. -and Mrs: George 'S. Emerson.` last Monday 'r'i'ght. The subject fordiscussion was marketing boards. and how they could be• improved. The re- mainder' of the ;evening was...spent in games._ Mrs. Frank- Dore 'and Nancy visited With ..her sister in : Kin- cardine, recently. • .Last Wednesday evening a 600 PAGE I.VI WHITECHURCH (• .. ...: Mr, Milan Moore and his moth- , er,• Mrs. Thomas Moore, attended, the funeral of their cousin, Miss Finlayson at. Lochalsh 'last Fri- day. Mrs. Mac Ross and daughter 01ivie spent Thursday evening be- More at the, home •of Mr, Gordon Finlayson,, Lochalsh. • • Mrs.- Marshall of -Toronto is vis. iting at the home of her daughter, Rev: and Mrs. Currie,' Mrs. H. B.; ' Tichborne:• of God erich spent a few days ,last. week ' with her. mother, Mrs. Kennedy. Mr. To or i m M risori, who has been in Westminster. Hospital, at London or some time is home Ibut"returns•' to London 'in 'two ._. i weeks for further treatinent. They .Presbyterian _Church was .' well filled last Friday for ..the memorial service for. our late be- • 1 loved King . 1 r A. neighborly , ibee was 'held last Saturday when a: number of the villagers gathered and : fixed, the loot on the chopping mill for Mr, clock dinner Was by Miss Bell. Margaret Robertson to : some, of her .relatives. Mr. ' o'Wm: Peddle'. is. still ' in the hospital. He was, struck by a:car United Church . W. A. - -Thee February-ineet•ing-of-Group- `III was held' Thursday, February '14th in the church •basement' with a large' attendance. ;Mrs. ,Hall was in . the chair, and conducted the opening exercises .and,:the busi- ness ushness ,of the meeting: Mrs. `Vernon Hunter ,then took charge of the interesting program.„ After devot- I over a week ago and.•is suffering mostly froth shock, as no bones .were broken. _ Mr. Frank • Coulter whohas been seriously' i11. for 'some' time is slowly ..improving. • Presents 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 21., 22, 23 A great . percenta e o �' g f the :proceeds of ,ttilie Thursday and I Friday shows will be turned overt the Lucknow Frsh .and Ga.ine Protective Association n to hetp, rtfur ther .and enlar ge its aims. Entertain yourself and family and , help Mother . Nature., Along with the regular feature there will lbe colored I pictures of fishing.and ,other , wonders ; of nature. - lst ‘ Show starts .at 7.00 p.m. , 2nd Show. starts: at 00 pan.' I 4 Here is Your Chance nce� to helppreserve our natural -Paradise, - Y , al paradise, The. feature. attraction M -G ,M's C4olossal picture -a•;=, with: VAN ,JOHNSON. SATURDAY MATINEE AT .2.15 P.M:• ! Monday, :Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb. 25, ' 26, 27 Thefunniest picture ever made, say the critics.. RED , SKELTON in ; Excuse My D i txchnficolor.� -. Many will .be sorry to hear. Mrs. Maurice Hodgins C.Murray, a former resident of . Mr. : and. Mrs.. Don McCosh,, Jviary_'and Dick of? Purple. Grove the village, -is in Wingliam Has visited Sunday. with .Mrs.W,; f// Colwell•P: The .Y,P.A met aft the ho ee KINLOUGH of Jean and •Fred. ,Quest • with a • good- attendance. Following the Tonal exercises Mrs. Hall & Mrs. Jones contributed a pleasing duet.' A very interesting ,address on. 'Newfoundl'and ;was given. by Mrs. G: Montgomery. Miss Hazel -Web- ster 'gave ' a reading on. "Citizen- ,ship" and; Mrs: J: Alin contrib •u,ted a piano solo. The Queen and mizpahbenediction concluded the. •meeting..after:: which a contest was' conducted by Mrs. R•. Rob-. ertson A,;very bountiful.pot pot luck supper -was served. by the ,com= •mittee. in charge: Feeds, Fertilizer Phone 71 Groceries Phone • '27 PRING FERTILIZER Early Orders Mean Better Delivery„ Service. • • HAVE. YOU PLACED YOURS:' THE. BEST IN'.COAL NUT, STOVE. or: 'ALBERTA.. PHONE :YOUR ORDERS)., FEEDS and CONCENTRATES Complet1ine' on .hand Wall times.' OEM. HAMMER, MILLS --Ask the man who owns -one. • • o + Lucknow r � IOperative" ' . I ' ., , 1 BUY ,CO-OP QUALITY .• PRODUCTS 1 v�.r ,.•.rr ar.rlrir......oin ,.i..'ir o nr_a u..►4,...<r .4 c! Other relatives here, •. The Sr: Women's Auxiliary met on `Tiuiisday afternoon at the. home. of Misses. Edna and May Boyle with a gond. attendance. Mrs: 'Tom Hodgins presided and the :hymn "The . Love 'ofChrist Constraineth Us" opened' the meeting after which Mrs Maurice Hodgins read ' the- scripture. Two s- �bse rued in '1 ace _ �wa a. ' • . minutes' silence memory of our late.King ing George VI and' all joined in the national anthem.' Prayers. followed. Min- •utes were then read of the Prev-; ious : Meerting. 'and the roll call` answered , by a ' scr ipture verse containing the word, "Covenant". Plans were, .thein made .for the. World. Day of: Prayer,. Friday, February 29th. Mrs:. Jack 'Hewitt sang two -appropriate solos and all other members took part with readings :• and 'missionary articclesl from the .Living ''Messag e- Mrs. Janke, closed the meeting with: the Litany and .refreshments were' served by the hostesses.. The` March . meeting. will 'be at the - home of. Mrs. Wm, ,Wall. Mr.' and Mrs: M: J•ohnstoneL-of Listowel ,visitedr`ecently with her parents, ; Mr. and ;Mrs. H. A. Graham. ., . • - , Mr. .. Delbert Hedley 'who has 'been v-isi-ting; ;with his.grand- motherr,•Mr-s:-J. 'W�olvwell-and. . went. on Sunday to Goderich' to visit. is sist•er.. February .29th, will be'. the World Day , of. Prayer. The 4ervice..•for. this -community will be . held in/ the Presbyterian Church , at 2.30 pm. All ladies of the. W.MB:. and, W.A. and all others ..in the' vicinity are 'urged' t� attend. Never': was there a time when prayer was More needed: Come out, take ,,part in this 'ser vice, All. are ' Miss,. Kay. Gibson spent the week -end with Mr. & Mrs.. Frank • urrie; •Huron: ,..�....- - • Mr. end Mrs. Lovell..McGuire of Wingham .visited with Mr. H. Bell . and' other •relatives here.. Mr. anti MIs. W. Lapp and family of Wingham spent Friday' with Mr. and Mrs .Harold Percy. Mr. and Mrs..,. Geo... •Cuyler and. family of IVtillat'tfn were recent visitors vial} Mr. and' Mrs; 'Bert ' N icholsori: : •' , i Mrs. Allan Coiling & son John. D spent the week -end in The vill- We are pleased to see Mr. Wan.. Cdx•._aut� again afteer".his., recent. Illness. . • ' ' • . W. and yrs. B. Corson of Lon-, don, Mrs. W. J. McLean and -Mrs. .B, 'E. NtcLean of Kincardine Iris- .' ited Saturday , evening with and Mrs. it A. 'Graham. • Mr. and , Mrs: Wm. Cox visit • .ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, opening` hyrnn: and prayer, Mrs. 'Frank • Maulden read • the scrip tures : The roll call was: answered by. a Valentine verse: • Mr. &. Mrs: Morley •Bushell invited all to .conducted. I by Mrs.; Bushell and Jack MacDonald. • Erlma Percy • had 'charge, of the oke'pot..Fol.- lowing., the .benediction refresh;: • mehts were served: ' rCongrAtulations to Mr & Mrs. Bert 'Nicholson' on the gift of a'. baby boy on', Monday in Kincar- dine Hospital• • Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Earl Tyack, Mr.. • and .Mrs. Lorne Bell' and Jimmy of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.- How - 'aid McGuire of Olivet visited oly their home for; the . next- meeting Sunday, with Mr. H. Bell ' and ' on Sunday, ' February: 24th; An other relatives here. • article on Valentine was read by Mr.': Ralph Haidennby: of Mot- MTS., ol- Mrs Perry Hodgins and iani ,steinscentsaent the w ek- end with,his. fred McFarlan. Marion Percy :parents, Mr: and Mrs. W. E H.a1 gave a reading ..• Contests. were denby. • 1 • •.1 tw c r, 1., • • •. 1, se 1c Hatche Canadian Approved) Is Now ; • .:: IN OPERATION HIGH TIME TO ORDER EARLY• HHcKS Make 'Profitable Birds Get Ready For Spring With S-CHALMERS MACHINER .ediateiL -- Save Money and ;'Disappointment by Ordering Now, NEW TRACTORS IN ALL SIZES Hay Balers, •Roto ' Balers• .All Crop .Harvesters '' ,FLEURY-BLSSELL •PACKERS. attd DISCS FOR ,YOUR.. SOWS' and. SMALL PIGS Use:Sow and Pig Chow Complete or, your Own grain • r and Seim • and Pig= 'Concentrate.-. ._.. . See Us 'About A HOG., FINANCE CONTRACT AT NO, COST TO' YOU HACKETT...sSt >hucKNow, (NTARI0' 1 AVAI•IABLE SOON: • 1: Rhode Island -Reds . Newv=-Hamps—x-" Bar -r -ed Rock -4 • Barred Rock x W; Leghorn • R I,R. 3t. Barred Rock All Fh eks-Government--1nspected Illood-Tested and Banded. . • DON'T DELAY --Order: Now! ' ►r,►oioimsmot a,ir4m.rim+r Yrm.rrrii.i)Emtd oratmrNru oa 6m*ci ir�rrEnr.r. 1 1.0.1100.0ts. DON'T DtLAY --ORDER 'NOW TO:Assure Delivery And Avoid Posiible ALL. SIZES OF 'MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTORS BREAKDOWNS ARE CCITLY! Prevent Busy -Season Breakdowns by having your Machinery overhauled now and worn` 'parts replaced. • NOW'S THE TIME TO MAKE THOSE REPAIRS. • ILSON 'PHONE, 70 -ba, LiityIENOW • • 4,